Post on 03-Oct-2021

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Transcript of MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA Manajemen Talenta

TUGAS PERKULIAHAN - Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

Nama : Eric Tanudjaja

NIM : 1420204032

Program study : Magister Manajemen S2 Reguler B2 Non-Konsentrasi

Dosen : Nina Nurani, Dr., S.H., M.Si., Cphcm


Manajemen Talenta

TUGAS PERKULIAHAN - Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia


Manajemen Talenta – Talent Management

Talent Management background :

Businesses are continuously looking for methods togain a competitive advantage. In a competitivemarket, the steps a firm takes to set itself apartfrom the competition are critical. But, whether it'sthrough the development of inventive new goodsor the creation of lead-generating marketingstrategies, all businesses require one thing tosucceed: a competent workforce.

Employees are a company's most valuable resource. However,attracting, developing, and retaining the proper person for theposition is growing more difficult. Modern workers must adaptto a constantly changing environment. The conventional work-life model is slowly becoming obsolete as new industries,government policies, and remote working possibilities emerge.

There's no denying that a robust personnel managementstrategy is required to keep and nurture your company's mostvaluable asset.

TUGAS PERKULIAHAN - Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia


Manajemen Talenta – Talent Management

Talent Management background :

According to a 2016 survey of worldwide CEOs conductedby the Conference Board, about a third of senior executivesthink that recruiting talent is their “most critical managerialchallenge.” There are several reasons for this, the mostimportant of which is a scarcity of excellent talent. Thisimplies that businesses are in direct competition with oneanother for the greatest talent available - a talent war.

Companies have grown more targeted in their recruitment,focusing on personnel with specific skill sets and ensuringthat those hired can contribute long-term value. Many ofthe positions in the technology sector are for e-commerceplatforms, start-ups, or divisions that are set to go digital –either conventional industries trying to upgrade theirtechnology or enterprises shifting further into digital areas.

As Indonesia offers momentum for digital andtechnology enterprises, the e-commerce sector, whichhas seen continuous significant growth over theprevious three to four years, notably as unicorns,dominates the talent scene. Furthermore, thoughforeign investment decreased last year, we expectappropriate levels of activity in 2021, particularly fromOverseas enterprises growing or entering Indonesia.

TUGAS PERKULIAHAN - Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia


Manajemen Talenta – Talent Management

Talent Management 2021 :

1. Focus on futures , saw action on gender and wealth gaps and a multi-stakeholdermodel on the agenda. While progress on stakeholder capitalism paused during 2020,COVID-19 actually thrust stakeholder empathy (particularly of employees) forward.US employers stepped up to protect pay during business closures, support caregiversand provide sick leave. In contrast to the 2008 global financial crisis, organizationshave placed the criticality of people and their well-being firmly in the spotlight duringthis downturn.

2. Race to reskill, highlighted that reskilling would be both this decade’s biggestopportunity and its greatest challenge. Companies that understood the skillsets oftheir people were able to rapidly redeploy them to critical areas of the business.Those that can deliver skills at scale will outpace competitors and start to build thelearning organization vital to staying ahead

TUGAS PERKULIAHAN - Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia


Manajemen Talenta – Talent Management

Talent Management 2021 :

3. Sense with science showcased the progress that organizations have made inharnessing the power of data and outlined HR’s role in upholding ethical practices onAI and analytics. Yet data privacy and security took a backseat in 2020 as companiesrushed to develop digital capabilities such as contact tracing and digital HR. Withgreater health and workplace surveillance an accepted reality for many, how data onemployees is collected, used and secured will require much more attention in 2021.

4. Energize the experience outlined the need to inspire people with an energizing andempathetic employee experience (EX). Delivering on flexible working at scaledominates today’s EX conversation. Staying ahead will require taking an even broaderview: redefining the employee value proposition fit for today’s needs and tomorrow’sgenerations — upending what “being at work” means even as work and workarrangements remain in flux.

TUGAS PERKULIAHAN - Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia


Manajemen Talenta – Talent Management

Talent Management Summary :

Time will tell. While 2021 will see companies transition from a “return to normal” phase to a “reinvention” phase, seeingthat journey as a long-term endeavor will require relinquishing the crisis mindset. Doing so will make the year ahead oneof sustainability and productive recovery. As organizations start to define a new shape of work,10 we see them exploringdifferent avenues for reinvention, each with its own challenges and opportunities. Key shifts have emerged from theglobal pandemic, which are influencing reinvention plans.

With perceptions changing about what’s important, consumers, employeesand employers value different things than before, which will drive a rethinkof the benefits and talent value proposition that can inspire. Organizationswill place a premium on flexibility in business and work models to remain inbusiness and thrive. And a new climate of responsibility for investors andemployers means transforming business practices for sustainability,characterized by responsible investment, empathetic leadership and theequitable treatment of people

