Managing interpersonal relationship in the workplace wumi

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Transcript of Managing interpersonal relationship in the workplace wumi

Managing interpersonal relationship in the workplace



Understand:-Strategies in managing interpersonal relationship.-Special expectations and difficulties involved in workplace relationship.-Role of interpersonal relationships within the larger communication networks of organizational life.

What’s an organization?

• Organizations are groups of people but the formal use of teams as a way of organizing work.

• According to Luce, 1968: Its virtually impossible to be successful in business without being successful in groups because team communication is consistently named as a key skill for business success.

Creating relationship

Maintaining relationship

Relationship management

Creating Relationship

• Naturally, most people don’t reach out to strangers. The few who do tend to become entertainment/sales people and the rest judge themselves as “shy” because they don’t act the same way.

• Good communicators simply learn to overcome their reticence and make the connections they need to make people.

Maintaining Relationship

• 70% of workplace learning is informal meaning that when people are talking to each other at work, they are actually learning to do their jobs better.

• Friendlier workers are more effective communicators, more productive and trusted more by employers and co-workers.

Maintaining Relationship cont’d

• They are more concerned with non-verbal cues of a conversation, more I n tune with other people and thus avoid misunderstandings.

• Humphries, 1998 stated that “companies that foster a civil, respectful work environment have fewer labor problems and better customer relations.

Relationship with co-workers

• Many employers define “good communication” as an ability to get along with others and behave pleasantly in the workplace but this attribute is more of a personality trait than a communication skill.

• No matter how you feel, always learn to project a positive attribute.

Understand:• - Workplace and social assumptions are not the same. Its

important to know when to use your ‘work’ personality and when you should treat a co-worker like a ‘friend’.

Example: On a given day, you find yourself greeting a co-worker you have missed during an illness, then providing the same person with some negative feedback on some work she did for you, then positive recognition for her effort and finish the day with a formal, unsmiling goodbye as you leave the office while she has a client present. Each person needs to move across between ‘friend and co-worker role’ in order to get along in the workplace.

• Understand:

The relationship is long term.

Once you accept a career position, you have to assume you will be working with the same people on a long term.

Example. You will spend 8-10 hours in the office with your co-workers and depending on them to help you out at times.

Even if you change departments/companies, you might probably not change industries because people who work with you or for you now might be your bosses or valuable customers in the future. You simply cant afford to make enemies or ignore the longterm effects of poor interpersonal communication..

Work expectations includes:

• - Exhibit a positive attitude. People who are friendly, happy and willing to go the extra mile to get along are highly valued for those attributes.

• -Sending an action message. The real test of your action orientation comes in the way you handle your interpersonal communication.

Eg - Regardless of what you SAY you will do, people will look at what you actually DO.

-Regardless of what you SAY, people will listen to HOW you say it.

Work expectations cont’d

• -Don’t make promises you cant and wont keep especially if you are not ready to put the commitment on your agenda and keep it.

• -Call back immediately. Don’t ignore voice mails, email or phone messages/calls.

• -Provide information as promised and in a format that makes it possible for others to use it. Don’t send an email without its attachments.

Work expectations cont’d

• -Embrace change. No matter how unrealistic the boss’s idea, save your doubts, concerns or suggestions for a later discussion of its implementation.

• -Proactively communicate with others. Greet people when you come into a room. Even if you don’t feel friendly, don’t let shyness or a bad mood keep you from interacting with strangers, new colleagues, customers or the boss.

• Willingness to communicate is a developed skill, not something most people are born with. A lack of confidence should not be a signal not to communicate in a work environment, it should be a signal that you need to spend more time becoming comfortable with that particular group of people.

Work expectations cont’d

• -Don’t complain. When you are having a abd day, suffer alone. Its tempting to share the pain with everyone around you but you will just be perceived as a PAIN. Its much better to have a reputation as someone who is cheerful in spite of adversity.

• -Please and thank you go a long way in the workplace. Even when they are busy with important work, people respond to the basic niceties of social interaction and you will find them more willing to work with you if they are comfortable with the personal relationships.

• -Constructively discuss problems and concerns. Whatever issues you have with others, communicate about them in a pleasant, constructive way. Begin with the assumption that everyone is trying to get a job done and always approach each problem as an opportunity to solve it together.

Work expectations cont’d

-Also, show that you are willing to help others get their work done.

Note: Some people worry about being taken advantage of by others than they do about the welfare of the people. Most co-workers perceive this attitude as a negative one and it will virtually lose you the support of others and often your job.

-Don’t ever, ever gossip about others. Personal information aside. Don’t discuss negative aspect of another persons work unless you are part of management.

Work expectations cont’d

• -Don’t hold grudges. If you do have an issue with a co-worker, don’t dwell on it. Deal with it professionally and continue to communicate positively.

• -Always acknowledge the effort of your team members/co-workers.

• -Go out of your way to avoid listening to other peoples conversation.

• -Don’t use speaker phones if others are present without the callers permission.


• Carry out your day-to-day activity in the workplace in a pleasant manner such that you will be respected by your superiors, colleagues, and subordinates because this is a key concept in achieving and maintaining good relationship in the workplace