Management of fertility in a large farm tr

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Management of fertility in a large farm tr

  1. 1. Avishai Antman
  2. 2. - , , . . CR- conception rate % :
  3. 3. 1 dry DIM
  4. 4. ( )
  5. 5. ,
  6. 6. 7 : 2- : : 588 639 -8%
  7. 7. - Conception Rate 1- : : 60% 1 : 42% : 35%
  8. 8. : 5-17 3-6% 18-25 78-66% 36-60 13-16%
  9. 9.
  10. 10.
  11. 11.
  12. 12. = >20%
  13. 13. - conception rate 2000-2014
  14. 14. ( ) 40-45 days between breedings
  15. 15. -
  16. 16. CR% :
  17. 17. R% :
  18. 18. -
  19. 19. !