Management of Change by Asst. Prof. Jonlen DeSa

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Management of Change by Asst. Prof. Jonlen DeSa

We live in a world that is constantly changing. Change is part of everyone’s life. It is unavoidable in the life of an organization. Change is a process of transformation. Through change, one moves forward towards

something new, leaving behind the old or past. Change is necessary for survival.


New Opportunities Chance To Experiment Create Something New Innovation Expand Into New Areas Develop New Skills And



Uncertainty Ambiguity Fear Of Unknown

Organizational change is the process by which organizations move from their present state to some desired future state to increase their effectivness.

Organizational change includes alteration of structure, people & technology.

Change agent Change agent is a person responsible for bringing about change in an organization.

While bringing about change in an organization, it is important that this change is properly managed to avoid resistance.

Nothing remains permanent in management. Change has no beginning and end. It is a continuous process. It is unavoidable, those who change survive,

those who do not perish.

Meeting the challenge of change is the primary responsibility of management.

An organization should not remain static for a long time. If it does, it becomes outdated and its survival is at stake.

Firms should change to match the needs of the changing environment.

“Change or die” is the present philosophy of business.

Organizational change has to be introduced in a systematic manner with little or no resistance.

Every business should develop its own plan for change.

This plan has to be developed by the TLM. The top management plays a very important

role in the introduction, execution and management of change


People (Employees & Customers) Technology Deficiencies in existing system Crisis


Competition Technology Influence of business

environment Political & Legal System

An open mind-Willingness to change Urgency-Recognize the inevitable need for

change. Resources Favorable Environment Leadership Internal Factors-Quality & Support of everyone

Determination of Change StrategyIt involves determination and finalization of change strategy.

Evaluation of alternatives & choosing the best.Evaluation includes scope of change, barriers to change, strategies to overcome change, consequences of change, capability for change and its desirability .The pace, change targets and focus should be determined.


Leadership Implementation

Organization(Restructuring, Spin-off, new branches)

Resource Allocation

Tactics (Measures or actions to implement change).DirectionParticipationInterventionAccommodationNetwork Actions

The first dimension is called Direct and this ensures that the overall direction and purpose of the business are thought through and articulated in an appropriate manner.

This is the most important of the dimensions as it provides the foundation for the other four.

This dimension is concerned with vision, mission and values statements for the business for these state what the business wants

to be. As aspirational statements of the future, these also provide

blueprints for the present.

The second dimension translates the vision and direction into enabling strategies and operational strategies.

By operational strategies we mean the functional plans and approaches adopted by each part of the business through which they deploy their expertise to deliver their part of the business strategy.

Enabling strategies can be defined as those organizational strategies which define and describe the fundamental operation of the enterprise in terms of people management.

This dimension includes: Communication, Resourcing, Performance Management and Rewards.

The third dimension is usually the one that is either overlooked or ignored in many organizations.

The third dimension unfortunately, does not carry a similar level of respect as the first two, but it is nevertheless, vitally important to the ongoing success of the organization.

Indeed, without this dimension the work of the strategists will probably never achieve its full potential because it will not be converted into operational practice.

This is an operational dimension and is concerned with the practical implementation of the strategies developed in the first two. This dimension comprises the business processes, policies and procedures that ensure the business strategies are implemented and the goals achieved in a consistent manner.

The fourth dimension is concerned with the actual delivery of the business strategies as defined through the preceding three dimensions.

It is this dimension that ensures that the processes and procedures are implemented in a manner that is congruent with the overall vision and values of the company.

Communicating and demonstrating the desired behaviors as encompassed within the values statements.

The fifth dimension lies above the requirements for ongoing review and monitoring processes and comes into operation when one of two preconditions apply:

When the strategy and objectives have been achieved or, more commonly, when the contingent circumstances of the organization change to such an extent that the business strategy needs to be reviewed.

There is therefore, a need to constantly scan the environment to understand the developments in the marketplace in terms of customer requirements, technological advancements, competitor actions, global economic conditions etc.

Understanding the external situation and contingent circumstances will frequently call for undertaking SWOT and PEST analysis

Strategic Management- Francis Cherunilam Management Theory & Practice- C.B.Gupta Principles of Management-Rajeesh Viswanthan Organizational Behaviour- K. Aswathappa Management- Stephen Robbins, Mary Coulter