Management Information systems MIS200XXX Team Project ......Team Project report by: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX...

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Transcript of Management Information systems MIS200XXX Team Project ......Team Project report by: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX...


BSc (Hons) in Management Information Systems – UCD/Sri Lanka XXXX

Management Information systems MIS200XXX

Team Project report





Proposal for HRM Information System to

Hotel Nilani Ratnapura

(Words: 5100)

Lecturer: Mr. XXXXX

Submission Date: XXXXXXXXX

A Project report submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements of the subject

Management Information System conducted by the




The project is taken on to plan, design and develop a Human Resource Management system,

named “E-HRMS” for Hotel Nilani Ratnapura. Nilani hotel offers the highest of modern

facilities blended with a magical touch of antiquity.

To advance a software system application that supports specific to the Human Resource

Automation in an intranet to a company there by allowing the in traction of all the staffs relating

to that organization. This software system is considering the manual HR system of hotel.

Existing system is avoiding Data System Errors and File Corruption and it is Always

Accessible. Managing employees in a manual system and Manual Payroll System are main

weakness of existing system.

This Auto made system facilitates sensible interaction between the staff and HR

administration. the web pages concerning an employee are created dynamically supported the

user ID and password and links are provided to web pages containing information like

employee general details. HRMS also has the facility of viewing a detailed report regarding

the worker.



With immense please we are presenting “Human Resource Management” project report as part

the curriculum of ‘Management Information systems’. We wish to thank all the people who

gave us unending support.

We express their profound thanks to our MIS lecturer, Mr. Sanath Wickramasinghe, Project

guide and all those who have indirectly guided and helped us the preparation of this project.

We also like to extend their graduated to chairmen and staff of Hotel Nilani Ratnapura, and

also Lecturers and Colleagues of NSBM, who provide moral support, conductive work

environment and the much needed inspiration to conduct the project in time and special thanks

to their parents who are integrated part of the project.

Thank you!

H M Chamali U Herath

K D Dulmi Apeksha

M D Nadee Pintho



❖ Chapter 01

• INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………7-13

Introduction of Hotel Nilani

Organization Chart of Nilani Hotel

Project Description Constraints of Proposed System

Overview Structure of E-HRMS

Aims of Project

Objectives of project

❖ Chapter 02


Introduction of HRMS

HRMS Structure of Hotel

Big of picture HRM of Hotel Nilani

Manpower Summary of Hotel Nilani

Modules of HRMS

Attendance Management

payroll Management

Leave Management

Employee Information management

❖ Chapter 03

Literature Review of project…………………………………………………………18-21

Introduction & Development Methodology

Development Methodology

Comparative Study on Development Methodology

Waterfall Method

Management information systems of project

Management information systems of project


❖ Chapter 04

REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS……………………………………………..22-27


Requirements Gathering

Use cases


Main Users of the System

Issues with Current System

❖ Chapter 05


❖ Chapter 06


❖ Chapter 07




Introduction of Hotel

The Nilani Hotel, founded in Rathnapura, Sri Lanka in 2008, is owned by

Mr……………………... This hotel combines all hospitality services available in star class

hotel. This hotel offers the very best of modern facilities blended with a magical touch of

antiquity. This is a small luxury eco-friendly resort, just an 2 hours and a half away from the

city of Colombo to cater the ultimate desires of the guests within the frame work of hospitality.

It prides Itself in giving friendly service and delicious food. Nilani Hotel with its theme “Place

for Banqueting” caters to a wide range of occasions; may it be a wedding, anyone desired

moment of happiness, a business conference, a cozy cocktail party or an intimate family get

together with close relations and friends. Whatever the occasion Nilani Hotel will give a wide

range of facilities to suit the occasion with a diverse mix of fine cooking and a friendly service

geared to meet the guests needs in every manner, in a lavish contemporary edifice. Any client

can choose from stylish modern architecture or traditional chalets, and chalets provide relaxing

and luxurious surroundings that will make their holiday a memorable one. This hotel consists

Air –conditioned luxury chalet with bedroom and sitting area, telephone, TV/DVD, Radio, mini

bar, attached bathroom and private veranda overlooking the infinity pool. Natural showers in

Suites will get the guest closer to the nature. Adjoining rubber estate and lush greenery

environment is especially a very good place for all nature lovers.

Mission statement

“To increase the lives of our clients by creating and enabling unsurpassed holiday and leisure


Vision statement

“To convert the premiere provider and facilitator of leisure & holiday experiences in the Sri




Organization Chart of Nilani Hotel


Project Description

This is a simple web-based system that manages payroll, attendance, leave

management and employees personal data. The system will ensure effective utilization and

most development of hr, generate and maintain human resource records and allow proper

interaction and timely access to accurate data to people who require the information. To

advance a software application that supports explicit to the Human Resource Automation in an

intranet to a company there by allowing the in traction of all the staffs relating to that

organization. this method is considering the manual hr system of hotel. allow a for the design

of an application specification to the human resource that maintain the intranet computerization

of the hr software application., which contains the data associated with the worker of hotel.

Constraints of Proposed System

Completion of this project, the product will be proposing to Hotel

Nilani. The present-day manual system will be discarded, and all primary HR functions will

be automated. This software program contains comprehensive advantages in administration

and addresses all of the inn compliance reporting needs; time-off and absence tracking and

powerful import and export functions. The system will provide quick access to information,

and multi- level security options will control who can access or view information. Searching

employee data will be very easy and it will save a lot of time. All data are stored in a centralized

database and redundancy of data will not occur in this system.

“E-HRMS” is web-based application software program that can manage employee

information by automating the core human resource functions which is essentially based on

employee information, advantages and payroll processes. It has features of employee

administration that extend effectivity and productivity of human resource department and will

decrease the time consumption taken between processes by timely generating the vital reports

and statistics. In addition to this, the system will reduce redundant data and error scope by easily

creating correct reporting. “E-HRMS” contains an intuitive user interface that affords quick

access to information. Sophisticated, multi-level safety options control the getting access to or

viewing of information saved in the system. A centralized database contains all the present and

historic information about the active and non-active employees of the organization.

Furthermore, “E-HRMS” will expand convenient retention of facts by presenting a excessive

level of services to the employees. Altogether, the system will minimize routine administration

and promote a paperless environment.


Overview Structure of E-HRMS

Central Modules of the System

▪ Attendance Management

▪ Payroll Management

▪ Leave Management

▪ Access Control

▪ Employee Information Management

Key Users of the System

▪ Staff

▪ HR Staff

▪ HR admin

▪ Head of Organization

▪ System Administrator



Use case Diagram


Aims of Project

The aim of this project is to produce and design a web-based application that

allows the client to streamline their human resource tasks and manage their workers in a very

more effective and efficient way. The system can ensure effective utilization and most

development of human resources, generate and maintain human resources records, and allow

proper interaction and timely access to correct information to those who need the information.

Objectives of project

▪ To manage worker information by automating core hr, benefits, and payroll processes

for enhanced efficiency and productivity

▪ To reduce the time consumption taken between processes by timely generating the

required reports and statistics

▪ To increase retention by providing a high level of service to staff.

▪ To reduce redundant knowledge, and error scope by simply creating accurate reporting

and analysis.

▪ To secure worker information.

Scope of project

“E-HRM” is a human resource management system that automates payroll,

attendance management; employees leave management, employee data management and

access management. The system is managed by different user levels like hr workers, HR

admin, Admin and head of organization. A centralized database contains all the current and

historic data about the active and non-active staff of the organization. This HRMS is a single

source for flawless employee administration, registration, analysis, employee life-cycle

management, and everyone other crucial employee related data. This HRMS doesn't include

modules such as appraisal form management and online recruitment.

Software and Hardware Requirements of the System

“E-HRM” will run on cloud or on a local server. The system is developed using open-

source technology such as hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) and MySQL. To run this HRMS, the

host needs PHP version 5.2.4 or greater, and MySQL version 5.0 or greater. Although, Apache

or Nginx is the most robust and best server for running “E-HRM” the software can run on any

server that supports PHP and MySQL. “E-HRM’ ’is operating system independent, and can


run perfectly on Windows, Macintosh, Linux or Sun Solaris because the software runs similar

to a website, user will be able to interact with html interface or with the help of any web

browser like Firefox, Google Chrome or safari. The system can even be interacted from

computers which maybe tablet computer or a mobile phone that supports networking and has

a web browser.

If a user wants to log on to the system, user should open the web browser and type the URL of

the application. User will be able to interact with through HTML interface, input {data| input

file| computer file} and retrieve data from system through the net browser. The speed of the

system depends on the hardware or hosted type. If the system is hosted on local server, then it'll

be very fast and multiples of users can use the system concurrently without any difficulties

Hardware Requirements

Processor Pentium IV

Min RAM 512 MB

Min Disk Space 160GB

Software Requirements

Operating System Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Sun Solaris, Android, IOS,


Web Browser Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Android, Donfin,



Introduction of HRMS

HRM is that the method of managing people in organizations in a structured and

thorough manner. This covers the fields of staffing (hiring people), retention of people, pay and

perks setting and management, performance management, modification management and

taking care of exits from the company to round off the activities. With the increasing result of

globalization and technology, numerous functions of human resource management systems

became central in managing hotel effectively. Hence, organizations should treat information as

any other resource or asset. For information to exhibit quality, it should be organized, managed

and disseminated in an efficient manner.

Human Resource management systems support activities like identifying potential workers,

maintaining records of existing staff. hr systems facilitate senior management to identify the

workforce requirements in order to meet the organization’s long term business plans and

strategic goals. Middle management uses human resources systems to monitor and analyse the

recruitment, allocation and compensation of workers. Operational management uses hr systems

to track the recruitment and placement of the workers. HRMS also can support numerous HR

practices like manpower planning, staffing, compensation programs, wage forecasts, pay

budgets and labour or employee relations.

HRMS Structure of Hotel





Big of picture HRM of Hotel Nilani

Manpower Summary of Hotel Nilani

SI No Category Strength

1 Executive & staff 15

2 Department workmen 50

3 Contractual workmen 10

4 Total 75


Modules of HRMS

“E-HRMS” consist of five totally different users; employees, HR Staff, HR Admin,

Admin and Head of Organization. The software system includes major five modules; Payroll

Management, Attendance Management, Leave Management, worker information and Access


• Attendance Management

[Sequence Diagram store employee attendance]

Attendance management module is one of the necessary modules in this system. based on

attending data the system can generate the employee salary. once user’s check-in through the

fingerprint machine then the check in time, date and worker id will be stored in MySQL

database. Each worker will view his/her attendance data. once a worker needs to change his/her

attendance data then he/she has to create a request in the system. hr workers attendance data

will only be amended after the request from a worker.

• Payroll Management

[Sequence Diagram Create Allowance in payroll Management]


HR head will add completely different type of allowance to the system and assign it to a specific

employee. When calculating salary, the system can get the total allowance and work hour of the

worker from the attendance module. This will generate the monthly wage. Head of hr will add

and delete the allowance from system.

• Leave Management

[Sequence Diagram Withdraw Leave]

In this HRMS, Head of hr will add leave to the system. The system can maintain all the leave in

separate information table. When a worker wants a leave, he/she will request for the leave through

the system. Once worker requests for leave, the leave is confirmed with an approval of the top of

organization. Instead of approving the leave, Head of hr or Head of organization will amend or

reject the leave. Worker will see the status of the leave through employee interface. Once a leave

is approved then the worker will take the leave chit.

• Access Control

Access control enables to make totally different access area and different access right. system

administrator will assign any role to the user and withdraw the right from user at any time.

• Employee Information management

The main objective of this operate is managing worker data. In this function the organization

will be split in to departments. hr head will create departments and assign employees and

department head will identify the performance of the departments with the help on attendance



Literature Review of Project

Introduction & Development Methodology

This document could be a review of several the relevant and up to date academic work

on the importance of HRMS to organizations, varieties of methodologies for developing of

software, and on programming methods.

This literature review shows that for the development of “E-HRMS”, waterfall is the most

applicable development methodology, and Model read Controller is that the preferable

software system pattern for programming the system. It also shows that PHP is the ideal tool

for developing this web-based HRMS.

Development Methodology

System development methodology could be a framework that's used to

structure, plan and control the process of developing an information system. a large type of

such frameworks has evolved over the years, every with its own recognized strengths and

weaknesses, and one system development methodology isn't essentially appropriate for use by

all comes. A software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) binds to the necessary stages that are

necessary for our like designing, analysis, design and implementation. Several SDLC models

in use include waterfall, TPS etc. We considered most commonly known and used models;

Waterfall. A comparative study is conducted on these models before choosing the most

appropriate model for the development of this HRMS

Comparative Study on Development Methodology

• Waterfall Model

Waterfall model is the sequential development model where its needs should be created clear

and distinct before moving on to the next phase of design. Testing is carried out once the code

has been absolutely developed and each work-product or activity is completed before moving

on to next. every phase of development proceeds so as without any overlapping and the tasks

are scheduled to be completed in a very specific period of time. The waterfall model is a

sequential style method. This model is often used in software development processes, within

which improvement is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the stages

of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, production/implementation



and maintenance. Testing of the software system is carried out only if the code has been totally


Each work-product or activity is completed before moving on to next. every phase of

development proceeds so as without any overlapping and the tasks are scheduled to be

completed in a specific period of time.

[Waterfall model]

• Pros

Requirement is evident before development starts. Every phase is completed in specified

period of time then it moves to next phase. As its linear model, it’s easy to implement. The

quantity of resources needed to implement this model are negligible. For each phase, correct

documentation is followed for the standard of the development

• Cons

The problems with one phase are never solved fully during that phase and in fact several issues

regarding a specific phase arise after the phase is signed off, this lead to badly structured

system. If client need the necessity to be modified, it'll not implemented within the current

development process. In spite of the cons, the various pros of this model make sure that it

remains one of the most in style models used in the field of software system development.


Why Waterfall Method was Chosen for this Project

Being a linear model, waterfall methodology is simple to implement as amount of resources

needed to implement this model are minimal. This method is chosen when the requirements

are clear. Each section of waterfall model is completed in specified amount of time, before

moving to a new phase. Based on these reviews, for the event of “E-HRMS”, the event team

Chose waterfall methodology, as this methodology pointed out to be the most preferable

methodology when time may be a constraint of the project. This system was also chosen,

because the requirements of the system are well-known and very clear to us.

Management information systems of project

In today's Hotel Nilan human resource is considered as one of the key resources of their

organizations. The transaction processing layer of MIS in human resource perform deals with

routine activities like attendance recording and payroll calculations. The operational level

activities also include maintaining the worker records that is employed as a basis for strategic

layers. With the growing importance of human resource management and increasing size of

the organizations, maintenance of worker related information and generating acceptable

reports are the crucial aspects of hotel.

▪ Serve middle management of hotel

▪ Provide reports on hotel’s current performance, based on data from TPS

Decision support systems

Decision support systems (DSS) have attained considerable success in many areas of hotel

activity. The type of semi-structured drawback where DSS is successful oftentimes involves

the management or configuration of vehicles or machines. while DSS has been used for human

resource issues such as personnel scheduling, there are fewer DSS applications in the area of

personnel placement. This paper describes a DSS to assist within the matching of the skills of

the potential workers with the requirements of the employer.

(DSS) is the space of data Systems discipline that's targeted on supporting and rising

managerial deciding. decision support system facilitate call manufacturers to grasp the

problems underlying the situations and to create decisions where the activities or outcomes

don't seem to be initially clear or only a part of the knowledge is available in advance. the use

of DSS is an interactive method. The answers to the queries are not ends in themselves but

raise different questions in consideration that require to run through the decision network.

decision Support Systems will facilitate decision makers in such situation by providing the

knowledge and structure required to create a rational decision. the decision support system


creates a quantitative model of the case then process information to indicate the impact of the

variables under consideration on the outcomes. DSS helps the decision maker to get of the

questions concerning conditions under which an outcome may happen if the value of a variable

modification. Decision Support Systems are used by mid-level management to support the

solution of issues that need judgment by the problem solver. Executive data Systems allow

executives to see where a problem or chance exists.

Employee Self Service (ESS)

ESS is an easy and basic concept - it provides a software system platform that serves on the

web to act as a connection point for all of workers in hotel to access at their leisure &

convenience, access to manage their own payroll, permits to use leave requests, any changes

of address or any information and different administration issues that hotel members and staff

is altogether capable of and will typically prefer doing themselves, rather than eliminate down

administration and IT employees.


Perform and record daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business A TPS for payroll

process captures worker payment transaction information (such as a time card). System outputs

include on-line and hard-copy reports for management and worker pay checks.


of Hotel




This document is projected to provide the software requirements for Human

Resource Management System, “E-HRMS”. Founded on facts gathered from the end-users &

the customer, the service will meet the wants of the customer, Nilani Hotel, in handling its

Human Resource functions.

Requirements Gathering

Gathering requirements is a dangerous stage for all project. By gathering up front

enables superior planning, correct budget estimations, & mostly upgraded consumer

satisfaction & acceptance of the final product. Hence, a great importance was given on

gathering right requirements. Requirement gathering methods used for this project are

interviewing, use cases, & observation.


Consumer was interviewed using a set of open-ended questions, & then more probing

questions were asked that supported to uncover requirements. These interviews were planned

ahead of time. Various of the interviews were conducted face-to-face, while various interviews

were conducted over the mobile. Even though this method verified to be time consuming, it

was good for exploring several important issues of the system.

Use cases

Use cases supported to uncover behavioural & functional requirements of the systems. Use

cases upgraded the overall development procedure by enhancing understanding of

requirements early in the software development life cycle.


This method involved observing users by viewing their behaviours in the consumer’s normal

settings. Active observing technique was used as it is more effective at getting an

understanding of the current business procedure. This method supported to recognize

procedure flows, chances for development & uncover implicit requirements.



Main Users of the System


The STAFF as an actor of this system can access 12 functions of the system

which are:

▪ View department leave Schedule

▪ View Attendance

▪ View Employee Contact information

▪ Check Leave Availability

▪ Edit profile

▪ Check Request Status

▪ Check In (Fingerprint Machine)

▪ Amend Leave Request

▪ Request for Attendance Change

▪ Request For leave

▪ View Department Information

Overhead functions are common functions that can be accessed by all the staff of the

organization. These functions are named service functions

HR Staff

It is the best leading actor of this origination who will be doing all the operational tasks of the

system. The admin & Head of HR will facilitate the data & choice to finish the task of HR

staff. When staff of the HR does his/her work then all the staff can view the relevant data of

his/her. The functions of HR staff contain:

▪ Payroll process

▪ Create employee

▪ Update employee information

▪ Update attendance

▪ Assign employee to the department

▪ Withdraw leave

▪ Assign leave


▪ Assign allowance

▪ Update department information

▪ Create Special Task

▪ Assign Task to Employee

HR Admin

It is one of the major users in this system. Admin of HR can edit and update all the data except

system setting. Admin of HR will have access to all the work that Staff of Hr & other

employees do. Following functions are important functions for HR Head.

- Create Leave - Delete Leave

- Update Leave - Delete Employee

- Create Departments - Delete Department

- Update allowance - Delete allowance

- Create Designation - Create Allowance

- Delete Designation - Update Designation

System Administrator

The duties of a system administrator are wide-ranging which contain:

▪ Create new User

▪ Withdraw user role form user

▪ Delete user

▪ Update user

Head of Organization

These staffs contain organization such as handling director, manager & other director who

involve in creating decisions according the report generates form system. Following

functions are specialized for Head of Organization.

▪ Approving Leave

▪ Check generated reports


Issues with Current System

Table 1: Problem of Managing Employees in a Manual System

The problem

of Handling employees in a manual system

Effects Faults are made during the procedure of maintaining attendance

& doing payroll.

Less secure data.

Data redundancy.

the impact of which is Unreliable data pages.

Employee displeasure.

a successful solution Automate the attendance & payroll systems.

would be

Table 2: Problem of Manual Payroll System

The problem of Manual Payroll System

Effects Human faults cause great loss to worker & the


Time consuming.

the impact of which is Problems in payroll.

Employee displeasure.

Loss to organization.

a successful solution Automate payroll system.

would be

Table 3: Problem of Time Consumption in Generating Reports

The problem of Time Consumption in Generating Reports

Effects More time is wanted to complete otherwise simple job if the system

is automated.

the impact of which is Less productive.

a successful Solution System wants to make employee data automatically.

would be


Table 4: Problem of Inaccurate Employee Data

The problem of Incorrect Employee Data

Effects Unreliable data.

the impact of which is Distrust to employee data handled by the organization.

A successful solution Rise data safety & easy of data maintenance through

would be reliable system.

Table 5: Problem of Redundant Data

The problem of Redundant Data

Effects Unrealistic data.

the impact of which is Distrust to worker data managed by the organization

Loss of storage space.

A successful solution Implement data maintainable system.

would be

Table 6: Problem of Insecure Employee Information

The problem of Insecure Worker detail

Effects Unwillingness to provide detail to organization.

Reduction respect to organization.

the impact of which is Loss of organization professionalism.

Employee displeasure.

a successful solution would Build high security system.



Use Case Diagram

It is typically used to communicate the high-level functions of the system & the system's

scope. Use case diagrams illustrate a part of functionality provided by the system & support

growth teams imagine the functional requirements of a system.

Figure 01 Use case Diagram of “E-HRM”



Confirm that a memo of understanding, exists for detail provided to 3rd parties & that it accepts

their legal responsibility for the security of private information provided to them in accordance

with the confidentiality Action & the private information safety & electronic documents Act.

Improve electronic purging procedures within the Human Resource Management System

application according to established retention periods set out in CSC(civil. Service

commission) manuals




This project was completed as a part of 3rd year project for BSc (Hons) in Management

Information Systems module. It was undertaken to plan, design & develop a HRMS for the

Nilani Hotel.

By the completion of this, the developed software was “E-HRMS.” It is a web-based

application tailored to the requirements of Nilani Hotel. This software allows the consumer, to

streamline their HR tasks & manage their employees in a more effective & efficient mode. The

system facilitates best interaction & communication conveniences between the employees &

Human Resource administration, & has the facility of viewing a detailed report regarding the


Further Improvement

“E-HRMS” is developed by analysing the requirement of Nilani Hotel. The benefits of this

software are that this can be enhanced, modified or changed to the rising requirements of the

consumer, & it is developed using open source software.

Various of the developments that can be create to this HRMS are that it can be modified to

contain employee appraisal features that exist in several complex HRMS, so employee

appraisal features can be added to the system.

Also, employee work assigning module for the heads can be added where heads of departments

can assign task to the employees.

Future Work

▪ Educate and Train Users

Educating & training the users of the system are valuable tools to supports users create the

most effective use of the system. An extensive training program must be improving when the

system is rolled out. Also, significant training must be conducted each time the software is

promoted. By reviewing the trainings of users, it will be simple to determine if more

enhancements are possible.




“E-HRMS” is the product of 3rd year project complete as a requirement to BSc (Hons) in

Management Information Systems module. “E-HRMS” is a web-based application tailored to

the requirements of Nilani hotel.

“E-HRMS” allows the customer to streamline their HR tasks & handle their employees in a

more effective & efficient mode. The system facilitates best interaction & communication

facilities between the employees & Human Resource administration, & has the facility of

viewing a detailed report regarding the employee.

By the completion of project, the consumer was offered the solution of automated software

developed to eradicate the hassle of doing their HR functions manually. The group members

who undertook the project gained broad knowledge & experience both technically &




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