Manage Men Tun Control Systems Final 10

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Manage Men Tun Control Systems Final 10

  • 8/8/2019 Manage Men Tun Control Systems Final 10


    Emergent Management Control


    Demystifying the recent trends of

    management uncontrol system

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    Lets simplify


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    Group of elements, working together, in an

    integrated, interdependent and co-

    ordinated manner so as to achievesynergy

    No longer so disorganized

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    Measurement of performance against

    predetermined goals

    Identification of deviations from these goals Initiating course corrective actions to rectify


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    Amplify and aggregate human effort

    Tayloristic model The hierarchy

    To reduce transaction costs Cascading Accountability

    Responsibility for control and coordination

    should be located one level above where thework is actually performed

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    Gary Hamels Hierarchy of Human CapabilityGary Hamels Hierarchy of Human Capability

    curious case


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    The Old Vs The New

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    Sphere of Business Stake Holder


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    Non Market Alternatives Vs Markets



    Historical data

    Past and future are


    Hard to incorporate

    recent new information Identifying experts can

    be difficult

    Prediction Markets

    No need for data

    No assumption on pastand future


    incorporate new

    information Real Time

    Monetary incentive

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    Resource Allocation

    What can we learn from the financial markets? Markets are effcient mostly.

    The price of the financial assets reflects all publicly availableinformation about the fundamental value of the assets ( with no

    insider information) Intuitively designed for information aggregation and prediction

    Payoffs of the traded item is associated with outcomes of futureevents.

    Difficult to manipulate the markets

    Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowds Will sales value exceed `15,00,000 in October?

    Will (Should) Microsoft and Yahoo merge?

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    Prediction Markets

    A prediction market is a financial market that

    is designed for information aggregation and


    Payoffs of the traded item is associated with

    outcomes of future events.

    Turn an uncertain event of interest into a random

    variable Create a financial contract, payoff = value of the

    random variable

    Open a market in the financial contract and attract

    traders to wa er and s eculate

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    Founded in 1953 by Antionio Curt Semler

    Recession came to Brasil in the early 80s.

    Ricardo Semlar joined the company at age 19 Fire two-thirds of the top management, many

    of whom were his father's friends.

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    Pre requisites of a Management

    Control System


    Clear- cut organizational structure

    Top management involvement Employee motivation

    Effective communication

    Supporting Accounting and InformationSystems

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    Teams of employees working on a project come upwith their own plans, with a control system for thatgroup.

    Every six months, Semco shuts down and starts up all

    over again. Through a rigorous budgeting andplanning process, every businesses must justify itscontinued existence.

    If this business didn't exist today would it belaunched? If it is closed down, would importantcustomers be alienated? If the answers are no, thenthe money, resources, and talent is movedelsewhere.

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    Clear- cut organizational structure

    No organizational chartsjob titles

    personal assistants

    Employees set their own salaries

    set their own schedules

    share in the profits.

    Handle multiple job duties Come up with new procedures that saved time and


    Autonomous groups formed in the various

    businesses of the group

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    Organizational Circle




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    Top management involvement

    Great rapport with the employees and the groups

    they are in because they know every employee isequal.

    Rotate CEO every six months

    this gives equal opportunity for status gain in thecompany.

    Puts a lot of weight on leaders because then canno longer simply protect themselves with symbolsof power like closed offices or special parkingplaces.

    They have to rely exclusively on their ability togenerate respect.

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    Employee motivation

    Rather than force people to expand business

    beyond its natural limits, encourage starting new


    Give people the freedom to do what they want,

    and over the long haul their successes will

    outnumber their failures.

    At every board meeting, two seats are reserved foremployees on a first-come, first-served basis.

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    Supporting Accounting and

    Information Systems

    6 monthly budget. So however unpleasant a decision might be, it has

    to be taken soon and cant be postponed to the3rd or 4th quarter.

    Information is available to all persons and not justto the top levels.

    400 cost centers were pared down to 50.

    All financial information is publicly available.

    The company works on the 3 values of democracy,profit sharing, and information which work in acomplicated circle, each dependent on the othertwo.

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    W.L. GORE

    Founded by William Gore by 1958, after a 17yr career in DuPont

    Today it has approximately 9000 employees,

    called associates Located in 30 countries

    Annual revenue is $2.5 billion

    Four divisions: fabrics, electronics, medicaland industrial.

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    No predetermined goals.

    Every team can form their own plans but

    remain committed to it Most of their products are individual projects.

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    Top management involvement

    Free to choose anyone as CEO

    Top management have to prove themselves

    else they will be kicked out by thesubordinates

    Compensation decided by fellow subordinates

    and not by superiors

    Cant get things done just because one is

    perched higher up in the leader

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    Effective Communication

    Informal communication between employees

    Anonymous feedback of employees

    No hidden information

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    Google Inc

    Founded in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

    Want to help people find anything on web.

    This Stanford duos algorithm of ranking web pages

    caught up success.

    Search based advertising turned searches into


    Vision to evolve faster than web itself.

    Tomorrows profitability depends on todays evolvability

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    Organize Worlds Information to democratizeknowledge to change the way people learn.

    70-20-10 policy for innovation.

    Innovation is everyones responsibility

    Launch early, Launch often and launch fast

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    Clear-Cut Organizational structure

    Wafer thin hierarchy based on web centric principle:peer to peer

    Highly democratic, tightly connected, open, flat,

    nonhierarchical and decentralized. A host of nimble, independent teams which are loosely

    linked with multifaceted development approach.

    Each team rotates members with other teams with no

    dependency on manager

    When highly motivated and eminently capable people share a

    common vision, they dont need to be micromanaged

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    Effective communication

    Each newcomer is allotted a sponsor

    Lines of communication are direct- person to

    person and team to team. Information flow in all directions, unfiltered by


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    Top Management Involvement

    Breakthrough comes from questioning assumptions

    and smashing paradigms.

    Recruit truly exceptional people by a grueling

    process which takes several weeks.

    Regular discussion with Innovators to convert their

    ideas into business models.

    Experienced Managers may not be the best management innovators

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    Employee Motivation

    Just Try it culture emphasize on test and learnthan plan and execute.

    Employees empowered to change the World

    20 percent of time can be spend on own project

    Outsized rewards for outsized ideas: Founders


    More standard Deviation than industry fromaverage salary.

    Half of Google products are result of this 20 percent projects

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    Effective Communication

    A dense network of lateral communication.

    Message Oriented Middleware application.

    Snippets for weekly accomplishments.

    TGIF for meeting with Brin and Page.

    Any decision is made in reverse order: Customers,

    dozens of googlers, senior management

    Its easy to run flat organization when everyone is doing same thing,

    only thing to be communicated to this collective genius is

    entrepreneurial ship

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