Making the World a Better Place

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Classes 3a and 3b in Oriveden Keskuskoulu Finland propose ways to make the world a better place. This activity is part of Comenius Project OSFEEC 2011-2013

Transcript of Making the World a Better Place

Let’s Make the World a Better Place

Classes 3a and 3b

Primary School of Orivesi Centre


Let’s not pollute!

Let’s not pollute!

Let’s not pollute!

Don’t drive a car, ride a horse instead!

Don’t drive a car,ride a bike!

You should travel by train.

I only wish everybody had water!

I only wish everybody had water!

Let’s make sure that everybody has got water!

Let’s develop a giant who can carry water!

Let’s get rid of all robbers!

Let’s get rid of all robbers!

Friendship in all the world!

No evil people!

The rich give money to the poor.

Let’s give food!

Let’s give food!

Let’s collect money for the poor!

Let’s give money to charity!

Let’s give money to charity!

Let’s give money to charity!

Let’s give money to charity!

Don’t hunt animals!

Don’t hunt animals!

Let’s recycle to keep the world clean!

Recycle garbage!

Collect the garbage!

Collect the garbage!

Don’t throw carbage in the nature!

Let’s protect the trees!

Save nature!

Put the carbage in the carbage bin!