Making Sense Of Social Media

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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A brief overview of some social media along with some efficiency tips.

Transcript of Making Sense Of Social Media


Are You “Digging” When You Should Be “Tweeting”?

Thomas F. Dock, CVJManaging Editor, Veterinary News


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A surge of new technologies and social media innovations is altering the media landscape as well as advertising.

Traditional Media (Radio, TV, Print) are having a hard time evolving.

They must (and will) learn the NEW Media strategies to stay relevant! Change-o-phobia will spell failure.

The same is true for business, practice, organizations, non-profits etc.

Convergence is everywhere. It is easier than ever to reach a large audience,

but harder than ever to really connect with it!

These changes are affecting the way people behave.

Traditional Advertising is in steep decline. Newspapers/Magazines – DOWN 15- 18.7%

Television/Radio – DOWN 10.1 – 11.7%%

NEW Media Advertising growing rapidly.Smart Phones = UP 19%

Internet = UP 9.2%

Only 42% of Americans consider a television a “necessity. (Down from

64% in 2006)

62% consider a landline phone necessary (47% consider cell phones a


There are more cell phones than landlines!

Old media is…Mass Marketing

Passive PublishingBoring Broadcast

All Out Adverti$ingYellow Pages

Agency DrivenExpensiveLow ROI

New Media Landscape.

More video was uploaded to You Tube in the last TWO MONTHS, than if all the networks had been airing new content non-stop since

1948!!The three “major” networks score 10 Million

unique visitors every month (together)! (Just in this week…network news down

739,000 viewers for 2009-2010 season (comp. to 2008-2009)

My Space, You Tube and Facebook score

250 Million uniques every month!

None of these sites existed 6 years ago!

Social Media is…

A change in the basic framework of the Internet Move from static information to dynamic

interactions. Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 A higher level of user participation, user

generated content and discussions An opportunity for you to get your message in

front of millions of interested individuals But, you can also deliver this message to a very

targeted audience Quickly becoming a necessity for YOUR


Social Media is……..Very simply……. Communications!

It is a process… not an event!

We often focus on the sites. Don’t get distracted by these….They are just tools, they will come and go!

The key lies in the skills of communications. These skills have not changed.

People do business with people they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST! (Be transparent or they’ll see right through you!)

Social media is more touch than tech! Anyone can learn the tools.

Social Media is……..Building relationships – on big networks

Connecting with highly connected people!

About having conversations – either about you or with you, or about your “Brand”.

It is Marketing and Public Awareness / Relations

It is word of mouth marketing…on steroids!

Same goal as with Advertising: The key is to turn on-line relationships into

OFF-lines ones! In your exam room.

Social media…

Continues to grow According to Pew Research Center, social

networking among Internet users grew: To 42% in users age 50+ (doubled) By 88% in users 50-64, by 100% in users 65+ By 27% in users 30-49 (61% of age group) By 13% in users 18-29 (86% of age group)

Facebook alone added 5 million US users in August 2010. About 44% of total US population is on Facebook.

In July 2010, US users viewed an average of 14.7 HOURS of video online!

Lots of experts say “Use Social Media”…

When you think of social media, do you think of this?

Facebook in Real Life

Common concerns/complaints about social media

No time Don’t understand it/too confusing/too

many sites “ROI” is not good/no “trackability” “Negative” comments, employee

accountability, patient confidentiality, legal concerns

Today’s goals

Understand the various types of social media and how each might relate to you and your hospital –address those concerns!

Find ways to make efficient use of your time and avoid being sucked into social media time traps

Determine how to use social media to: Promote Listen Resolve Interact Increase awareness

Social Media Tools:There are WAY TOO Many. Already we are seeing some fade away and sites emerge that combine and multiple post. (the convergence of convergence)



Stop The


Don’t focus on the tools…focus on the social skills needed. What’s the best social media book?

Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936)

Although it’s difficult to track return on investment (ROI), there is definitely a “risk of inactivity” (ROI).

Make a plan Basic “WTF” plan (I promise it doesn’t mean what

you think it means!) “WTFBFL” plan


Website, Twitter, Facebook Key point: Your website is your “home”.

Every other site is simple a “vacation spot” or even a “cocktail party”. You won’t live on these other sites, but you will

visit and you want to send people to your “home”.

Website Keys

Cost? $1,000 to $500,000….. DO NOT make a cheap one Good professional site with high functionality

– 5K to 20K Best image and marketing tool you’ll

have Potential and current clients will visit your

site before visiting you Current clients will take pride in your site and

refer others Many today will not visit a business

without FIRST visiting their web site!!

Beautiful & Simple Image and Impression FUNCTIONALITY Flash rotator

Map & hoursServicesVirtual tourStaff Photos!AppointmentsRx refills

Library Few LinksTestimonialsLogosEmergenciesBoarding & GroomingWeb camsAfter care instructions


Today sites are built with a three tiered construction framework:1. Visual2. Database3. Function

Allows designers to change one area and not affect the other areas.

Find web designer that will allow you to make changes to content. (CMS)



InFront: Based in Colorado Springs. They host our Veterinary News Network site and forum community.

VetNetwork: New Hampshire. Owned by Dr. Mark Feltz, veterinarian. They host the site for the American Society of Veterinary Journalists (

VetMatrix: San Diego. Network of chiropractor and veterinarian websites.

Final note on websites

Remember…this is your HOME. Proof-read and triple check all content for spelling

errors, bad grammar and mistakes. Keep the pages fresh, especially the home page.

Don’t let months go by without updating the home page. i.e. Pet food recall information still on some veterinary

websites! Per VetLearn…54% of practices updates their site a

few times a year or NEVER!! Your website welcomes and encourages

people to call your hospital for their pet care needs!

Example Welcome Video

Colorado Horse Rescue

Littleton Equine Clinic


A micro-blogging site, originally designed for people to answer the question: What are you doing? In 140 characters or less!

Now, functions more as a real time search for trending topics and news as well as a connection platform for sharing informative links.

Many people don’t “get” Twitter or even find it annoying.

80% of Twitter accounts are inactive 94% of accounts have < 100 followers 5% of users = 75% of all activity The Twitter “core” is very committed. These people use it as a “Lifecast” to a community they feel connected with. 55% of all users use an API rather than (application program interface)

Tweet DeckHootSuiteUber-Twitter

People are asking … Is Twitter For Real? – OR a Fad?

Twitter is News

Traditional media and journalists are quickly discovering the value of Twitter Short tweets “teasing” a breaking story or upcoming

news item can lead to increased web traffic/viewers Remember the plane in the Hudson? 31% of Americans use the Internet as a daily news

source (up > 100% since 2002). Twitter has about 145 million users

BUT…it has 910 million unique visitors monthly People are coming to Twitter to find information, read

tweets and consume content. They are also coming to vent, complain and,

occasionally, praise services and companies.

So, why even consider Twitter?

Twitter (and other social media sites) represent a leveling of the playing field when it comes to interactions with companies Emails and phone calls can be ignored Social media gives upset clients a place to vent

beyond normal social interactions. Some customers may just search for “XYZ Animal

Hospital fails” and add to the conversation…others will actively make it a personal mission to embarrass you.

Mobile devices allow complaints to happen when the clients are still in your parking lot!

Twitter can turn into $$

One person on Twitter turned witticisms from his dad into a book and now a CBS sitcom “Bleep My Dad Says”

Some Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t focus solely on promotions and marketing of your business.

Make people want to follow you because you provide Good information Relevant links A unique or expert perspective/opinion

Use tweets to send people back to your website/blog But, don’t do this exclusively. Use other links

to share information or interesting stories.

RTs? #? @replies?

What do all of these crazy things mean? RT = “re-tweet”. These are a great way to

“show some love” to someone by sending their message along to your followers.

@ reply = this helps draw attention to your Tweet from a specific person. Not private

DM = direct message, you both need to follow each other for this to work. Private message

# = hashtag. A way to search for specific information, often used in conferences (#CVMA2010)

Twitter applications

Most twitter users utilize a twitter application rather than the main Twitter site. TweetDeck HootSuite Uber- Twitter

Allows greater functionality (auto-shortening of links, posting pictures, etc) than Twitter site.

Use Twitter Lists to help organize people you follow for easier review.

Will this be you?


Without a doubt, Facebook(FB) has become a major force in the way people interact on a daily basis.

With more than 500 million members, FB is literally its own country (and it would be the fourth largest on earth!)

Thankfully, there are ways that your business can interact and benefit from this social site.

Facebook Pages

Facebook has created a whole section of pages for community events, business, charities, etc.

Formerly called “Fan Pages” Gives businesses an opportunity to promote

themselves to a potentially unlimited number of people at no cost (other than time).

Provides increased interaction with clients and potential clients.

Facebook Pages

Uses Direct clients back to your website:

“Dr. B has a great article on Feline Leukemia at”

“Pick up your boarding reservation form at: Start discussions/educational opportunities

Discussions tab Videos

Provide hours, directions, phone numbers, etc

But, there’s more…

Consider these uses too: Photos – post pictures of patients, grooming

clients, boarding visitors, etc Be mindful of patient confidentiality. Simply ask owners at check in (or check out) if

it’s ok to post on your Facebook page. Notate confirmation in medical record.

Reviews – do you like a new pet product or food? Let your clients (and clients to be) know about it!

Events – Open House, special spay/neuter day, etc

Staff birthdays, anniversaries, etc

Keys to a successful page

Be dynamic! Update regularly (2-3 times per week,

minimum) Avoid single focus

Use links to interesting pet stories, informative articles and humorous anecdotes

Marketing is ok, but should be subtle Allow interaction, get staff members

involved. Don’t be the only “administrator” of the site

Tips for adding updates/info to your page

Utilize staff for ideas Consider Veterinary News Network

( as a source for information Google Alerts, AVMA SmartBrief, local

association alerts (from Cami Cacciatore) Follow other pages (associations, other

hospitals, specialty groups, shelters, etc) Help these groups out by “tagging” them when

you share a link/posting. “@Evans East Animal Hospital”

Pet Blogs

Creating the Page

Administrator(s) Can change settings, remove posts, and

generally manage the page You will need a Facebook account

Upon initial set up, set page as “unpublished” until several status updates can be added. Publishing is an easy one step process that

can be done at any time. Administrators who post will be identified

as “ABC Veterinary Hospital”.

Change setting for published status

Add administrators

Watching the Page

You can control who posts and what they post on your page. Wall settings can be adjusted to allow anyone

to post anything all the way down to no postings allowed other than by administrators.

Posts can be removed by hovering to the upper right of the post and clicking the Remove button.

Edit wall settings

Vanity URLs

Before you spend time and effort marketing your FB business page, create an easy-to-remember vanity URL.

Once your page has 25 “likes”, you can navigate to and select a new URL that will be easy to promote and remember.

Advanced features

Some companies have taken their pages to the extreme Ford Victoria’s Secret Coca Cola

Actual fan created page and taken over by Coca Cola Facebook offers “Insights” to administrators

of pages. Helps you monitor traffic on your page Research says average FB fan provides a value of

$136.38 to that brand 10 participations per year, 1 recommendation.

Side Note

Community Pages? These are pages created automatically by

Facebook that you do not have control over. These pages are often identified easily

because they don’t have your logo/hospital picture, etc.

Per Facebook: Community pages are collection of shared knowledge on the “topic”. These are not official and often, people are

unaware of them. Monitor through searching.

Helpful efficiency tips

As mentioned before, this does take time and it may not be the best use of YOUR time Assign a practice manager, technician or other

team member to help. Utilize applications that share information

between social sites TweetDeck Use judiciously. Don’t overwhelm your

followers/fans/friends with TOO much!!

Other sources of info…

Customized video blogs Welcome videos Story resources

Next hour….

The WTF BFL plan!!


Are You “Digging” When You Should Be “Tweeting”?

Hour Two

First hour recap

Social media is here to stay…it should be embraced and managed.

There are benefits to social media and a big “risk of inactivity” (ROI).

Make a plan WTF – Website, Twitter, Facebook


To add benefit, and work, consider adding these sites to your social media arsenal:

Blog Forums LinkedIn

Your Online Column Share your thoughts,

passion, a diary Has become extremely

popular (50 M) Julie and Julia movie based on a blog! You are the publisher, editor, copywriterThis is HUGE…no longer are you reliant on a news director, editor or producer like you are (were) in traditional media.


Gain audience, readers can comment

This participation (give and take) is the essence of Web 2.0.

Can do for fun or for a driver of business, traffic, new clients, client engagement!

Powered by Blog software (free or fee) Post regularly Usually reverse Chronological order Searchable

Word Press is most common Develop following (readers) Monitor CommentsJust as with your own newspaper column, write in a unique style, be interesting, controversial, fun and informative. Key component is to drive traffic with your hospital site! (Sociable Plugins)

Blog Basics

Of the 50 Million, 66% have not been updated in the past two months. That’s 33 Million dead ones! It is a commitment not a fad to try. It is

just like committing to writing a column in a magazine or daily paper. You must set up an “editorial calendar”

Business Blog! Humanize your business Improve client service Drive traffic Promote your profession and client

education Generate extra source of income Can develop affiliate advertising

WHY ??

Can you see yourself doing this long term? What will be the main purpose of the blog? Is this for my hobby or my profession? Do I want to put ads in the blog for extra income? Choose a good name and reserve it!

The Blog EngineWord

Make it betterVideoImagesMusic

Build A Blog…

Other blog resources/Blogs to follow,,

Commission Junction (

KCDogBlog – BSL, MSN, puppy mills, legislative

Worms and Germs blog – Dr. Scott Weese

FullyVetted – Dr. Patty Khuly


Sites run by software that allows users to ask and answer questions Specific subjects, easily searchable, very popular for specific Q&A. Highly Interactive Every possible topic available

Hobbies, news, politics, medical care, sports, travel, the list goes on.

Many social media sites have a forum for asking questions and learning more A GREAT way to jump into Social Media and Educate Pet Owners!

Forums: Used to be “Message Boards”

How forums can help you…

Join a forum that interests you Breed specific/animal specific Motorcycles Photography The list is endless!

Use your website in your signature block (if allowed by forum owners).

Find questions about pets/animals and show off your expertise. Many forums have “off topic” sections where

people might discuss pets.

Began in 2003 55 Million Users + 600K new per week Professional / Executive Huge Data Base and Search Great Research Tool Connecting gives you 3 levels of

connections Good to connect with highly connected

people Functionality like Slide Share Answers section very helpful

LinkedIn is Where the Influencers ARE!

Average Age: 42 Household Income: $122,000 Male: 64% Household Income $100k+ 53.5% Own Smartphone/PDA: 34% College Grad/Post Grad: 80.1% Business Decision Maker: 49% EVP/SVP/VP: 6.5% 24% Have a Portfolio Value of


Good Professional


Update Status Frequently

Connect, Get Recommended

Add Your Web Sites

Personalized Public Profile

Set up your profile (good photo) ROI (risk of inactivity) Get something up now and tweek later Be very complete – even back to high

school Do an update about 2X per week Think of it as merging your Rolodex

contacts Build a very professional and complete

resume Easy to use their formatting Begin to invite contacts Write and request recommendations Send personal notes – not the default

template Use Advanced Settings to find contacts

What Do I Do With A Linkedin Profile?

1) Increase Your VisibilityAdd connections (upload your contact list)

2) Improve ConnectabilityUse full executive bioUse LI link in your signature block

3) Improves your Google RankingLinkedIn is indexable Customize your URL

10 Ways To Use LinkedIn:

4) Promote your Web and Blog “My Website”, “My Company” customize Instant search engine findability!

5) Give and Ask for RecommendationsExcellent credibilityLives there forever

6) Pose Questions and Give AnswersMakes new connectionsEstablishes your expertise

10 Ways To Use LinkedIn:

7) Find or Create Groups A great way to network smaller scale E.g. local, alumni, associations (ASVJ)

8) ApplicationsBlogLink, Polls, Reading List,, My Travel, SlideShare, Events, word press, Tweets etc.

9) Use “Advance Search” Amazing ability to narrow a search of all usersThink of this as your Rolodex search tool for 55 Million People!

10 Ways To Use LinkedIn:

10) Connect, Connect, Connectbackground check, investigate a company, find local experts, servicemen, gauge health of a company, participate in specialty groups

Get out of Linkedin what you put IN!

An Amazing Resource for the Professional!

10 Ways To Use LinkedIn:

DIVE in and Learn…


Linkedin Learning Center Get Started with Linkedin ( 33 ways to use Linkedin For Business 100 Smart ways to use LinkedIn

Danger! Danger! Danger!

Five things you should never do on a social network:

1. Leave negative feedback. “It stays around for a very long time, so even if you have a change of heart, it can be very difficult to retract it.”

2. Lie. “Give a truthful account of where you’ve worked and what you’ve done. Be real. Be honest.”

3. Spam. “It’s not a push marketing strategy. Avoid drowning others in your promotional material.”

4. Gossip. “Don’t send forth news that may not be yours to share.”

5. Oversell yourself. “Stay away from arrogance or over-hyping what you do.” AND Letting someone else do this for you and pretending it is you!

Social media = influences decisions!

Many today will not visit a business without FIRST visiting their web site!!

91% say consumer reviews are the #1 aid to buying decisions

87% trust a friends recommendation overcritics review…26% of search results link to user‐generated content

Online social network users were 3 timesmore likely to trust their peers decisions overAdvertising

Advertising is losing credibility and ROI

Social media = influences decisions!

Why “EARNED” media is still SO important.

Earned media means being invited to participate in traditional media (radio, TV, print etc.) It is powerful, unbiased and expert.

As you now see, you can ‘earn’ your OWN media.

Earning an audience takes time, effort, honesty, interesting content, personality.

The good news is… that describes many veterinarians… (not all!).

Social Media Success is achieved by gaining public attention and favor - the RIGHT way.


Interestingly, this is the same “way” you gain media attention, audience, and become a traditional media success.


The Most Important ThingYou will hear all day….

If you would like to use Radio, Television, Print to teach, motivate, drive traffic, promote, publicize, and market a practice, business, personality etc. BUT have had difficulty gaining the acceptance of Traditional Media “Gate Keepers”….

YOU (alone) CAN NOW BYPASS these closed doors and…

Be the Producer, Editor, Reporter, Host, Director, Assignments Manager, Writer, Videographer, Publisher, Talent, Celebrity… AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!

What is your plan??• If you do not join the evolution, you will be very far behind, very soon.

Change OR Die

• Get over the fear (ROI)• Learn good communications skills• Learn the lingo, techniques, tools• DIVE in (just do it)• Slowly Develop

• Comfort level (generational)• Network (build “virally”) • Understanding (grows, but new tools

everyday)• Refine and grow• Expand into other SM sites

WHY do you need this?

1.Need to grow…

2.Replace lost clients…

3.Compete with new business threats…

4.Educate the Public!!

5.Others are jumping on the wagon!

Start:Join Twitter: Follow me at




Suggested people to follow:

Set up a Facebook page…

Find and “like” our Veterinary News Network and PetDocsOnCall pages

Other pages to consider: (Colorado based) University Hills Animal Hospital 29th Avenue Animal Hospital The Center for Animal Wellness Evans East Animal Hospital VRCC – Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado CVMA

Connect at LinkedIn

Find me and/or Dr. Jim Humphries at LinkedIN

Veterinary News

Please Join Us At:

American Society of Veterinary
