Making sense of laptops, tablets, and smart phones

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Making sense of laptops, tablets, and smart phones

1. Karl HakkarainenWorcester Institute for Senior EducationMaking sense of laptops, tablets, 1 and smart phones 2. 508 829 5825 Slides: Making sense of laptops, tablets, 2and smart phones 3. Laptops, tablets, and smart phones Which one is best for you? Your questionsMaking sense of laptops, tablets, 3 and smart phones 4. Making sense of laptops, tablets, 4 and smart phones 5. Making sense of laptops, tablets, 5 and smart phones 6. If you Buy ConsiderMostly browse the web, iPad iPad Minicheck email, and watch Nexusvideos iPad 2Use Quicken or Windows laptopBootcamp or Parallels toQuickBooks (Lenovo)run Windows on a MacAre upgrading your iPhone Windows phonephone Samsung iPhone 4s iPod TouchRead e-books Kindle Paperwhite Nook Color Kindle FireWrite a lotLenovo (Window) Keyboard for your tablet Air (Mac) ChromebookEdit photos or videosLenovo (Window) Air (Mac)Making sense of laptops, tablets, 6 and smart phones 7. An upgrade is probably not worth it.If youve purchased a Windows8 system, youll be ok. Just bepatient. If youre buying a new system, consider a touch screen. Making sense of laptops, tablets, 7and smart phones 8. Making sense of laptops, tablets, 8 and smart phones 9. DeviceLaptop Tablet E-Readers