Making Sense of Internet Marketing CODESM

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Learn what works for others & get ideas for your business. Do you know that the internet can help your business grow but you don’t know where to start? Do you feel that you need to spend too much time or money to get results? See this seminar to find out: • The myths and realities of internet marketing • How successful business use the internet to get more customers •What you can do right now to attract and retain more paying customers •How to avoid wasting time and money doing things that don’t work For more visit:

Transcript of Making Sense of Internet Marketing CODESM

  • 1.Making Sense of Internet Marketing Presented by: Oriol Zertuche July 30th, 2014

2. Who we are. 3. Who we are. 4. Inbound Marketing 5. 2. Inbound Marketing Instead of buying ads, buying email lists, or cold calling, inbound marketing focuses on creating content that pulls people toward your website where they can learn more about what you sell on their own accord. 6. Why Inbound? Because consumers buy differently today than they did 10 years ago. 7. Think about it. PRE-INTERNET. Buyer: Relatively uninformed. Buyer Journey: Linear. Marketing Playbook: Interrupt (cold calls and tv & radio advertising). TODAY. Buyer: Well-informed. Buyer Journey: Fluid and random. Starts with Google. Marketing Playbook: Thought leadership through content creation. 8. Cluttered Media Landscape In 1920, there was 1 radio station. In 2011, there were 14,700. In 1946, America had 12 broadcasting TV stations. In 2011, there were over 1,700. In 1998 (over 15 years ago!), the average consumer saw or heard 1 million marketing messages almost 3,000 per day. In 2014, there are 1,500 stories competing to show up in your personal Facebook News Feed at any given moment. 9. Interruption has stopped working A History of Deceptive Advertising: Consumers are accustomed to false claims and deceit in advertising, so even when clever ads are seen by consumers, theyre thought to be dishonest. According to the 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer, 63% of consumers need to hear company claims 3-5x before theyll actually believe them! 10. Think about it. Interruption. False claims. Over-promising. Under-delivering. Increased regulation. Brand egocentrism. Exploitation. Lawsuits. This changed everything. } 11. Technology Empowered Consumers gained access to tools and information that enabled them to dodge interruptive brand messages and instead seek out information when theyre ready. Netflix Dish Hopper iTunes Adblock + 12. Permission By aligning the content you publish with your customers interests, you can earn permission to market to prospects that you can convert into leads, close into customers, and delight to the point they come promoters of your brand. 13. Summary Building trust, not skepticism among your prospects. Being loved, not ignored by your customers. Outsmarting, not outspending your competitors. 14. Summary Selling through education. 15. Brand Online 16. Your Brand Online Building trust from your prospects, begins with your brand. The Internet has level out the playing field for businesses. The content delivery method is as important as the content itself. 17. First Impressions Matter Who would you do business with? 18. Brand Persona Establish a Solid Brand Identity - Separates you from competitors - Critical to successfully shaping your brands personality. Know Your Audience - Know who youll be talking to - Who you want to be talking to and the likely reasons - Why consumers choose to follow your brand. Dont Be Afraid to Take Risks - Test different strategies before you identify a winning persona. 19. Brand Persona Examples Allstate maintained a more serious tone on their Facebook brand page, but created a separate page for their popular Mayhem character which is more dark and humorous to match the characters persona. Target has clearly distinguished itself from competitors Walmart and Kmart on social media by not focusing solely on deals and low prices but instead incorporating style, design and lifestyle into content and a more hip, trendy language to align with their offline brand image. 20. Consistency Many customers can perceive a different messaging and positioning then intended through your brand. Assign specific qualities to everything that has your name on it and stick to it. 21. Consistency 22. Social Media 23. Why it matters? According to Forrester Research, 50% of people age 18-23 used social as their primary discovery engine last year. Google is constantly tweaking its search algorithm, making it extremely difficult for businesses to keep up. More than ever, social can help businesses achieve their goals. 24. Why it matters? Social Media Examiners 2013 Report finds 89% of marketers surveyed claimed increased social media marketing increased exposure and site traffic. 25. Social Media is Not A bulletin board for marketing & PR messages. One-sided. All about self-promotion. A place for you to vent about your competition. Immediate. The only way to market. The answer to your prayers. 26. Social Media Is Awareness. Word-of-mouth. New people willing to consider doing business with you. Website visitors from Social Media stay TWICE as long and view 3X more pages than organic and PPC visitors. Customer satisfaction & support. Research & Insights. Engagement. A Conversation. Promotion. Audience building. 27. Social Media Myths MYTH: Social media is free. TRUTH: Most sites are free to participate, and there are a lot of free tools, but you still need to invest in advertising to drive traffic. You should also plan to invest a considerable amount of time into building your social media presenceand time=money. MYTH: Social media will give my business an immediate boost. TRUTH: For almost all businesses building a loyal following takes time. Monetizing the following takes even longer. Plan on no monetization for at least 6-12 months. MYTH: Your number of Fans and Followers matters. TRUTH: Quality, not quantity, means business. Just because you have a big number of followers doesnt mean they are engaged with the brand and interacting with it, or considering doing business with you. 28. Social Media Myths MYTH: If you build it they will come. TRUTH: Just like a website, until you promote and drive traffic to your social media, your content is a tree falling in the forest. MYTH: Social media isnt measurable. TRUTH: There are a variety of tools and methods to measure mentions, sentiment, comments, traffic and click-thrus to your website, among other metrics. MYTH: Social media killed traditional marketing. TRUTH: People still watch TV, visit websites, read email, etc. You need these media to inform your audience of your social media profiles. You need social media to support your other marketing efforts. 29. The Truth Your customers are being influenced by social media to make buying decisions, with or without your participation. Social media contentboth personal and business relatedis permanent. Social media can hurt and help. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to generate results. 30. Types of Social Media 31. Social Networking Sites Websites that allow users to build online profiles, share information and connect with people who share interests. Sites usually consist of a profile of each user, his/her social links, and a variety of other services. 32. Blogs Short for web log, a blog is an online diary a website maintained by an individual that features regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. To host or not to host your own? Host your own. 33. Microblogs Like blogs, microblogs are platforms for people to post thoughts about topics but on a much smaller scale . A microblog entry could consist of nothing but a short sentence fragment, or an image or embedded video. 34. Social Bookmarking Sites where a user can share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources . Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them. 35. Video & Photo Sharing Websites or software that allows users to share and distribute video clips and photos . Videos/photos can be associated with a channel or album by user or company name. 36. Forums An online message board or an online discussion site, where users gather to discuss subjects or topics. There can be hundreds of topics being discussed on one forum and there is usually a moderator that sets guidelines for posting. 37. Review & Opinion Sites A site where users can post product or service reviews , and share personal experiences theyve had with companies. 38. Keys to Social Media Success. 1. Content matters. Fresh and valuable content matters the most. Think Inbound. Aligning the content you publish with your customers interest, you can earn permission to market to them. 2. If you're not having a conversation youre not using social media properly. 3. Understand why people may want to talk with you. 4. Understand the culture of each social media channel. 5. It's not about you, it's about your network. 6. Participate, be responsive, be yourself. Be human. 39. Do Not 1. Be a robot. 2. Sell Sell Sell 3. Spam. 4. Insult your competition or anyone else. 5. Abandon your audience. 6. Put up a profile without content. 40. Choosing a Network Monthly Visits Average Time Spent per Month 41. Choosing a Network Male to Female Ratio Age Demographic 42. The Goal 43. Facebook 44. Facebook A central hub for brand news, users can create a fan page to share pictures, status updates and events. Offers an easy way for brands to engage with users and comment on activity or updates. 23% of of users check their account more than 5 times a day. Profiles are for People Pages are for Business Geared towards B2C 45. Page Best Practices Use logo or product photo for profile picture. Create good content before promoting your page. Post 1-2 per day. Pick your page name wisely, you cannot change it. Set profile url at /username Make it memorable, simple & easy to find. Begin: /pages/create/ 46. Page Best Practices Post engaging content regularly. Your goal is engagement (like, comment, share). Respond to questions in a timely mannerwithin hours or 1 day at most. Use contests, sweepstakes, exclusive offers and coupon codes. 47. Exercise Brainstorm your first 5 facebook page wall posts. Would you become a fan? 48. Organic Reach 905 Likes 94 people reached. Why is organic reach declining? Facebooks algorithm decides which 300 stories of around 1500 potential stories will appear in the news feed of the average user. 49. The Facebook Formula 50. Best Times to Post When are people most active on Facebook? Wednesdays @ 11am, 3pm is when Facebook is most active. The 1st fifteen minutes of each hour get the most engagement. 51. Insights Learn what works best for your audience. 52. Paid Advertising Define your goals Design your ad Choose target audience Set campaign pricing & schedule Measure results. Begin: /ads/create/ 53. Twitter 54. Twitter A microblogging service, twitter lets users send 140-character updates. Great for news and customer questions -- the fastest way to share and engage with consumers in real-time. 55. Twitter Best Practices Listen first. You can do this for awhile. Follow the leaders. Keep following. Talk to people. Respond when someone tweets you. Thank users for Retweets. ENGAGE with content that isnt all about you. Ask questions. Complete your profile! 56. Twitting Message length: 140 characters or less including spaces. Using numbers instead of spelling out is ok. Abbreviations are common. Always cite your sources. Casual, friendly tone. Provide value. Use shortened URLs (,, tinyurl). Begin: /signup 57. Anatomy of a Tweet 1. Hash Tag 2. Mention 3. Reply 4. Retweet 5. Links 58. Twitting 59. Twitting 60. Paid Advertising Once youve established your presence on Twitter, Promoted Products can help you grow followers and reach more customers. Cost-per-engagement (CPE) cost model Engagements = clicks, retweets, @replies and favoriting a tweet Brands can post a dark tweet that is not published to all of its followers, but is available for promotion. 61. Youtube 62. Youtube Second largest search engine. But is underutilized by brands and small businesses. 420 million unique visitors every month. 20 hours of new video uploaded to YouTube every minute. Google likes videos. (Great for SEO) Category leadership is ripe for the picking. 63. Youtube Channels Channel is your branded profile on YouTube. Background/colors can be customized. Pick username wisely. Tag EVERY video with related keywords. Find favorites to fill out your channel. Use YouTube Insights (in your profile) to view user stats. Complete your profile! 64. Explainer Video Increase Conversion Rates Clarify Product or Service Liven up your pitch Increased SEO Easily Sharable Showcase Brand Persona 65. Impact Case Study Musician Dave Carroll said United Airlines baggage handlers broke his $3,500 Taylor guitar. He went through the proper channels to be compensated but three employees he dealt with showed complete indifference. His fruitless negotiations with the airline lasted 9 months. So he wrote a song and recorded a video for YouTube. The YouTube video amassed 150,000 views within one day and over 8 million by March 2010. United contacted Carroll and said it would do the right thing. Attempting to put a positive spin on the PR nightmare, a United spokesman called the parody excellent and asked Carroll's permission to use the video internally for training. They also issued a public apology to him and paid him $3K. 66. Google + 67. Google + Google Plus is the social network of Google. After creation of a G+ account, you can create a page for your business which is called Google Plus for business. Facebook Etiquette Applies 68. Google Places has been replaced by Google+ Local that allows people to rate your business which results location based search results on Google, accompanied by a map of the region in query. Google + Local 69. Google Places Merged Now Google has updated that you can combine your Google Plus business page with Google Places page into one page. So that both will be listed on Google Maps and have social features. 70. Google + Page Social interaction on your Google+ Local listing is one of the major factors that determines how your listing will rank locally. So after completion of a merge, you should regularly post engaging content which will make a huge difference in how your business shows up in Google. Follow Facebooks Page Best Practices when posting. 71. Linkedin 72. Linkedin Largest B2B social networking site. Used for finding: Jobs Strategic partnerships New clients 300 million users A new user joins every second. Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are on LinkedIn. 73. Linkedin Profile Use keywords to highlight skills, accomplishments. Do not repost resume. Include professional photo no cocktails or sunglasses. Stay current. Ask for Recommendations! Use apps to connect to other social media profiles like Twitter, blog and SlideShare. 74. Linkedin Best Practices Dont try to connect with strangers. Tell them how you know them. Be transparent. Tell them why you are connecting. Dont oversell. Think mutual benefits. Contribute to Groups and Answers. Be professional. This is a different tone than Facebook. Add Company Profile. 75. Linkedin Company Profile Give a reason for people to follow you. Create interesting updates professionals care about. Encourage and showcase your products and services. Attract a Following Post Career Opportunities Use Linkedin Ads if appropriate. 76. Linkedin Groups Find your customers and business partners in Groups. Daily or weekly alerts via email that show excerpts from discussions within the group. Start and participate in discussions. Post events. Find events. Find new connections. Ask for advice. Start & Participate in Discussions. Answer questions relevant to your business and then invite them to connect. 77. Instagram, Pinterest & More... 78. Promote Your Social Media Widgets/Links on Your Website Links on Email Signature Cross link your social media profiles. Include links on email newsletter Include on traditional advertising (incentivised) 79. Working Smarter not Harder 80. Search Marketing 81. What is it? SEM is the process by which search engines are leveraged to sell products and services. SEM has 2 components Paid Search aka Pay Per Click (PPC) Organic Search aka Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 82. Paid Search 83. Paid Search Also known as pay per click (PPC), sponsored ads, paid inclusions and paid placement Google is the predominant search engine with 67% of the market. - Yahoo/Bing have a 28%market share, which gives the top 3 engines a 95% US market share. ROI is easily tracked because most of the activity occurs on the web. 84. How does Paid Search work? Auction based advertising system. - Advertisers bid against one another for ad placement on a particular keyword. Bids are placed at the keyword level and are set at the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click from the search engine results page to their site. Advertisers are only charged when an ad is clicked. Bid amounts should be set based on conversion rates and profitability. 85. Advantages Relevance: Highly targeted approach towards marketing. Your ad is displayed to only those people who are searching for products/services which you want to market. Conversion Vs. Exposure: Advertisers have to pay when a prospect clicks on their ads and there is no charge for displaying your ad on a search engine. Thus, emphasis is given on conversion and not exposure Control: Ability to measure conversions, costs per conversions, manage daily budget and measure ad performance allows more control over your marketing efforts. Simplicity: Do-it-yourself model allows small businesses to start marketing campaigns without the huge overhead cost associated with traditional marketing campaigns. 86. Getting Started Begin: adwords Begin: 87. Selecting Keywords Select keywords that are relevant to your site . Use Keyword tools to expand the list. There are 4 Keyword matching options Broad Matches any instance of a keyword in a search query. Phrase Will match only when an exact phrase is found. Exact Ads display when the query contains only the exact keyword. Negative match allows advertisers to prevent ads from displaying when certain irrelevant terms are included in the search query along with the keyword. 88. Creating Compelling Ads Keep the message short and simple. Good headlines stand out and relate to the keyword being searched. Use the description line to explain why someone should click or not click The call to action should be simple yet compelling. Weed out unwanted clicks. You get ROI from conversions. Select geographic area carefully. 89. Search Query: Online Advertising In the example above, assume the search query was online advertising Ad #1 wastes 95 characters No keyword in the headline, the word Google is repeated 3x, and its missing the call to action. Ad #2 is much better Search Query is repeated in headline, explains why, and has a strong call to action (sign up, start today). 90. Measuring Performance Track everything Use Web Analytics tools such as Google Analytics Track performance at the keyword, match type and ad version level Test and Learn Experiment with different bid levels Test alternative landing pages Run several versions of ad copy simultaneously 91. Google Analytics Set conversion Goals. 92. Track Phone Calls too. 93. Search Engine Optimization 94. Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "organic" ("natural" or "algorithmic") search results including local results. Why is it important? Typically, the higher a site's "page rank" (i.e, the earlier it comes in the search results list), the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO can also target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. 95. Search Engine Optimization 96. How is Ranking Determined? 97. URL Factors Search Engine Friendly URLs 1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol: the most popular application protocol used on the world wide web. 2. Domain name of the website. 3. Subdirectory of the file. 4. File name of the requested resource Internal Navigation - Create a Sitemap Domain Life Span 98. Using Wordpress Permalinks 99. XML Sitemap 100. Google Webmaster Tools Begin: webmasters 101. On-Page Factors Manage robots.txt Create a robots.txt file and place it in the root of your website. ( User-agent: * Disallow: ) Add a Sitemap Do not use Ajax, Flash, ActiveX Be Mobile-Friendly Title Tags, Meta tags, H1 tags. Get Google Webmaster Tools Include Keywords in Titles & Description Create internal links. Create relevant content. Check Keyword Density 102. And the list goes on... 103. Theres a got to be a better way... 104. Get Wordpress & SEO Yoast Plugin 105. Using Yoast SEO Plugin 106. Using Yoast SEO Plugin 107. Off-Site Ranking Build External Links Quality Matters Get links from Business partners, clients, vendors. External Press Releases Guest Post in Other Blogs Get on Legitimate Local Directories (YP, G+, Yelp etc) Get your links on social media. 108. Get Found Local Get Found By GoDaddy Yahoo! Localworks 109. Email Marketing 110. Getting Started Begin: Begin: constantcontact 111. First Impressions Once subscribed what do they see first? Fulfill the promise made at point of opt-in Set future expectations - Whats coming next?! Build the relationship - Content & Value Establish your authority. 112. Creating Great Content Brevity Is Key - Short Articles or Videos - How To News - Updates - Events - Product Info - Variety Follow Through - Overdeliver Offers - List Only Discounts - Unobtrusive 113. Optimize Your Follow-Ups Sufficient Content 1-2 Weeks Worth Be consistent - Same time & days On-Going 1-2 Emails Per week - Tues/Wed/ Thursday Most Popular Time of day is niche specific - Before 9Am is the Norm 114. The Goal 115. Increasing Open Rates Writing subject lines Breverity - Originality Grab attention & Arouse Curiosity Positive Emotional Response Specific & Accurate Test & Measure 116. Optimizing Deliverability Spam Filters Subject Lines Email Address From Email Reputation Domain Personalized 117. Growing your subscriber list Motivation Giveaways Exclusive Content Access Insider Information Traffic Landing Pages Popups & Exit Traffic Subscribe forms on Social Media 118. Website 119. The foundation of your marketing 120. Planning Define who your site visitors are Define the desired outcome Specifications - Key requirements - Sitemap - Wireframes 121. Choosing a CMS You are in control Easy to produce content Open Source and Scalable Collaboration Easy Social Media Integration 122. Create an impact. Remember first impressions last! 50 ms to make an impression! Establish site purpose quickly Consider using video Clearly show services Create trust - Phone number - Case study / testimonial - Personal approach team Keep up to date Demonstrate brand personality 123. Recommended Approach 124. Content & Engagement Why should your audience come to, stay on or revisit your site? The most successful marketers today tend to be part marketer and part publisher. They generate an ongoing stream of high quality content to demonstrate their expertise. Content marketing is the process of creating video, blogs, articles, ebooks, how-to-guides, reviews, social media updates, picture galleries, infographics, webinars or other forms of media about your business. 125. Technicalities Accessibility- Ensure your website is open to all Sight impaired - screen readers (508 compliance) Slow connection Different web browsers Mobile devices No flash and minimum javascript Avoid popups Ensure reliable hosting. 126. Responsive 127. Conversions 128. Conversions 129. Conversion Rate 130. How is it measured? 131. How is it measured? 132. Optimizing Conversions 133. Design to Convert Simple Navigation or no Navigation Clear descriptions and selling points Focus - Bullet point key info - Clear readable text - Explain benefits - Prominent calls to action Clear Prominent Calls to Action Keep forms simple with necessary fields 134. Pro-Active Chat Communicate in a way easiest to customers. Helps people with quick enquiries Can help improve conversion rate 135. Summary Plan your website Create credibility Engage with visitors Keep content fresh Ensure it works for all Test design changes to improve conversion rate.