Making a Print How to use the Enlarger. The Enlarger.

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Making a Print How to use the Enlarger. The Enlarger.

Making a Print

How to use the Enlarger

The Enlarger

1. a) After choosing the negative you want to enlarge from your test strip, wipe off the negative to remove any dirt or dust.

b) Remove the negative carrier from the enlarger and place your negative emulsion, or dull, side down in the carrier. Carefully line up the negative in the carrier.

1. 2. 3.

2. Insert a #2 filter in the appropriate place above the negative (this varies depending on the enlarger)

• 3. Turn on the enlarger to “Focus” mode, so that your negative image shines down on the easel. Adjust the height of the enlarger so that your image fills the size of your enlargement (5” x 7”) on the blank easel (don’t put the paper in their yet!)

4. Turn the aperture or lens on the enlarger to shine the brightest image, and focus your image with the focus knob.

5. Use the Grain Focuser to fine tune your focus placing it down on your easel and look through it while focusing. Your print is in perfect focus when you can see the individual grains of the film.

6. Turn off the lamp. Place a test strip on the easel in a diagonal across the easel. Set your timer at 3 second intervals and make a test strip of your print including at least 6 different increments.

7. Develop your test strip. Examine the strip and chose an exposure time with true black and where the highlights look as desired

• If the entire test strip is too dark, re-set the lens opening to a dimmer setting.

• If the entire test strip is too light, re-set the lens opening to a brighter setting, at least one click.

8. When returning to your enlarger, check that the image is still in focus, refocusing if necessary. Check also that your image still fills the appropriate spot on your easel.

8.Carefully open the easel without moving it and slide a piece of photographic paper against the stops on the easel. Close the easel SLOWLY without moving the paper.

10. Set the timer for the desired time determined by viewing the test strip and expose the paper.

These exposure settings, including the lens opening AND timer setting are true for this enlarger height. If the size of the image is changed, a new test strip is necessary.

11.When finished, pick up all materials and leave the work area ready for the next user.