Makenews Application Usage

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Makenews Application Usage

Media Makenews Application

1. What is the Main Purpose of the application?

To act as a aggregator of news items from different sources like RSS Feeds, Facebook Public Pages and

Twitter Handles / Hastags.


2. How to Login to the Application?

Please visit in the browser like chrome / firefox.

Please enter the login credentials as prompted on the page.

3. Where to find the help of the Application?

After the first successful login, the application will show a message about the “HELP” in the tour.

4. How to create categories in the application?

You will be re-directed to this page. Click on “Untitled Category 1” for creating the new category.

Enter you category name. Here the example category is “World News”


What is RSS Feed?

RSS – Rich Site Summary / Really Simple Syndication uses a family of standard web feed formats to

publish frequently updated information: blog entries, news headlines, audio, video.

An RSS document (called "feed", "web feed",[3] or "channel") includes full or summarized text, and

metadata, like publishing date and author's name.

It is denoted with the symbol

Please visit the wiki for additional information

a.) Select the RSS Feeds from the desired site. For example “The Hindu”. Search forHindu RSS Feeds.

b.) Click on the News as shown above.

It will redirect to the following page. Copy the link in the URL field and paste it in the ADD RSS URLOption of the Makenews Application.

c.) Copy and Paste the link in the ADD RSS URL input box.

d.) After successful validation, the RSS Feed is added.

e.) The Feeds will be displayed on the surf page.


a.) Click on “Add Facebook Page URL” in the respective category. Example “India News” Category.

It will show a pop-up blocker in the browser (chrome). Click on the block symbol as marked in theimage below. It will show the dialogue box as below.

b.) Click on “Always allow pop-ups”

c.) After enabling the pop-ups shown. A facebook login page is shown.

d.) Enter the valid facebook credentials.

e.) Now the Add URL is enabled and we can a public facebook page url. After successful validation ofthe url it will shown as below.

f.) The surf page will be shown as follow.


a. ) Click on “Add Twitter Handles / Hashtags”

b.) A notification is shown as below. This is for Firefox Browser.

c.) Click on Preference in the notification and click on Allow Pop-ups for adding twitter feeds.

d.) After click on on Allow Pop-Ups. A new dialog box of Twitter is shown.

e.) We need to enter valid twitter credentials for using the application.

f.) After the validation, we can enter the twitter handle or hashtag. In this case, we added @BBCNews –BBC Twitter Handle.

g.) The feeds on the surf page are shown as following.

8. Surf Page

9. Multi-Select Filter

10. Park Page