Make Your Brain Quick and Clear With These 5 Essential Oils _ Crunchy Betty

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Make Your Brain Quick and Clear With These 5 Essential Oils _ Crunchy Betty

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    Make Your Brain Quick and Clear With These 5 Essential Oils

    crunched by Crunchy Betty on April 4, 2012filed under Home Remedies

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    Before you start reading this, I want you to grab your rosemary essential oil (or a squished fresh rosemary leaf or even some cracked dried rosemary) and

    take a deep whiff. Why? Because it will help you retain all this information.

    Done? Read on.

    Have you still been working on thinking outside the box? Was Tuesday tough?

    I dont know why Im asking, because while some of you shared some extra fun ideas and I didnt have to add a single one, because you covered all ofmine for the first part of the day it was *crickets* in the comments.

    So, to help you prepare for the rest of the month and the rest of your life, young grasshoppers I want to share my very favorite way to use essential oils.Ever. Even more favorite than clearing my stuffy nose with em.

    I love to use essential oils to make my brain smarter, quicker, and clearer. If you want a little help getting your brain geared up to think outside thebox this is one heckuva place to start.


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    The best thing about using essential oils in this manner is that, if youre in an accepting mindset, youll see results immediately.

    When I say accepting mindset, I mean that you have to want to feel quicker, clearer, and more alert. At least, this is how it is for me. Whenever I try to usethem, but Ive decided that Im a big, slow lump of blah, thats what I remain. Nothing will change it.

    But if you combine the effectiveness of the essential oils with the magnanimous power of your own mindset, you get an instantaneous lift, a rapid clearing ofthe fog.

    This leaves you ready to learn more, think extra creatively, and just be an all around whip-smart conversational companion.

    5 Favorite Essential Oils for Mental Clarity

    While there arent volumes of scientific studies to back up the claims that these essential oils actually help your brain, there is hundreds of years (if not more)of traditional wisdom that confirms it.

    However! Much has been studied about one of these essential oils, especially, in terms of how it affects the brain and the results of the studies areexcellent. (Yes, of course, were talking about rosemary.)

    Here are the 5 Favorite Essential Oils for Mental Clarity:

    RosemaryBasilJuniper BerryPeppermintSage or Clary Sage

    Rosemary and clary sage will probably always be my two favorites, but Ive recently discovered juniper berry and it is a fast and quick love.

    If you want to know where to get these essential oils? Check your local natural foods store, pop over to Mountain Rose Herbs, or check out Vitacost.

    Now that you know what to use, heres how to use them.

    How to Use Your Essential Oils to Clear Your Mind

    There are several different ways in which you can harness the aromatherapeutic power of these essential oils. Im going to give my favorite three ways (whichalso happen to be the easiest ways), but Im sure you guys can think of more.

    You know, thinking outside the box and all.

    Use the Ever-So-Easy Pot and Water Method

    If youre okay with filling your entire house with the scents of these essential oils, the quickest, most inexpensive, and easiest method is simply to drop them

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    into a small pot thats filled a little way with water.

    Let the water heat up just until its steaming, and then turn down the heat and leave it on the burner for a few minutes until all the oils have evaporated into theair.

    Or, my favorite thing to do, walk around the room/house with a pot of steaming essential oil water, so it fills the air with the healthy goodness. Becareful not to drop it, though.

    Add Your Blend to a Homemade Solid Perfume

    Instead of using your homemade solid perfume as, well, a perfume, why not turn it into a mental clarity balm?

    Choose a blend of your favorite brain-boosting EOs (or just a single EO, is fine, too) and swap it for your more perfumey oils as youre making the recipe.

    Then, when you need a brain pick-me-up, just dab a small bit of the perfume on your temples or just under your nose.


    Pick Up An Inexpensive Candle Diffuser

    This is the method I use at night if Im writing in my bedroom, so I dont fill up the whole house with essential oils that might otherwise keep people awake.

    An aromatherapy candle diffuser looks like this (only yours might not be quite so dusty):

    You just drop the essential oils in the top bowl and then light a tea light underneath. The heat from the tea light evaporates the essential oils into the air aroundyou.

    Where can you buy them? Nearly anywhere that sells essential oils, including Mountain Rose Herbs (which carries gorgeous soapstone diffusers) andVitacost.

    Mind Food Essential Oil Blends

    Any of the above essential oils can be used singularly to help enhance your brain power and boost your mental clarity; however, if you want to get fancy and

    up the effectiveness, blend three of them together in a mix thats pleasing to your olfactory system or add one or two to another of your favorite essentialoil (lemon or lemongrass, too, help with your energy levels so dont forget those)!

    If you want to use them in larger quantities, as in filling your whole house with the scents, you can double or triple the blends.

    Heres my favorite blend:

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    Crunchy Bettys Mind Food Blend

    4 drops juniper essential oil3 drops rosemary essential oil

    3 drops clary sage essential oil

    And heres a blend I found in a book I JUST bought today (Mary Lees Natural Health and Beauty):

    Mary Lees Mental Alert Blend

    6 drops eucalyptus

    2 drops peppermint5 drops basil

    And one from my favorite aromatherapy site, Aromaweb:

    Aromawebs Memory and Concentration Blend #3:

    1 drop basil

    2 drops rosemary

    2 drops cypress

    Any Outside-the-Box Ideas to Increase Mental Clarity?

    Do you have a favorite essential oil that helps you out in the brain department? Id love to hear about it!

    Or, do you have a completely different way you get your mind geared up, crystal clear, and ready to rock the intellectually creative world?

    This is the time to share!

    Please note: Due to excessive spamming on previous essential oil posts, Im implementing a policy of no personal links to your own essential

    oils sales sites. You know which brands Im talking about. No MLM, pretty please and thank you. : )

    Like 66 TweetTweet 10

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    30 Responses to Make Your Brain Quick and Clear With These 5 Essential Oils


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    Read below or add a comment...

    1. kylieonwheelsApril 5, 2012 at 2:56 am

    Gahhh, Ive got nothin! I have spent the last 2 hours harvesting lavender from a huuuuge stash I hung up to dry a couple of months ago. I smelldivine, but I am soooo relaxed and sleepy right now :)


    2. LisaLise

    April 5, 2012 at 4:20 am

    A couple of drops of rosemary in a glass of demineralized water is a great final rinse for hair (after shampooing) and a great way to refresh your

    entire scalp.

    An aside about sage essential oil Sage is incredibly powerful and is close to the hormone estrogen enough to wreak havoc if applied topically

    even in very small amounts. Therefore be VERY careful with it. You are absolutely right in recommending clary sage as this EO doesnt carry thewarnings sage EO does.



    April 5, 2012 at 4:00 pm


    I love the flavour of sage in cooking, and I have been thinking about growing some in the garden. Its also used a lot in traditional spiritual

    practise, but I havent got around to reading up about that yet. Im even more curious now.



    April 5, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    Ive read that if you throw sage into a campfire it will keep insects away, although I have yet to try this.


    3. Cathy O'Connell

    April 5, 2012 at 6:02 am

    I have no idea, so I am loving your ideas!!! Thanks for the giveaway!


    4. kat

    April 5, 2012 at 6:46 am

    I like to stand on my head to perk myself up!


    5. Deb

    April 5, 2012 at 7:06 am

    Jumping jacks. Seriously. I just do jumping jacks if Im working and start to feel sleepy/drowsy/lazy/unmotivated and it wakes me right up. Just getting

    the blood moving gives me a boost! And drinking lots and lots of ice water.

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    April 5, 2012 at 7:20 pm

    I also do jumping jacks to get my blood moving and get myself motivated. Some days I do 50 when I roll out of bed. Makes a great start to the



    6. Miranda

    April 5, 2012 at 7:10 am

    Peppermint, mostly because it helps clear my sinuses, which then cease to put pressure on my brain thus allowing me to think. Oh on the allergy relieftopic.. wash your bedding regularly, use either a good microfiber that attracts dust or a damp rag to pick up the dust rather than spread it, replace or

    clean any air filters regularly etc. If you wake up with symptoms plain old ordinary coffee (with caffiene) can help, at least with the sinus irritation, plusit makes pain meds (like aspirin) work better.


    7. Allison HausnerApril 5, 2012 at 7:51 am

    My absolute favorite is lavender and clary sage. I have one of those alarm clocks that can act as a scent diffuser, so I usually load up a cotton ball with

    equal parts of the oil and let it go to work. This is AMAZING when youre hormonal. Im pretty sure this combo has stopped me from going on a

    rampage through the local village more than once.


    8. Faith NelsonApril 5, 2012 at 8:46 am

    I have no idea, really, so Ill definitely be prowling for ideas! I will note, however, both my thanks for the no sales links policy AND a caution withEOs if youre allergic to something in the wild, so to speak, youll be even more allergic to the EO. Juniper all but killed me before we moved to anarea where it doesnt grow much. (seriously. really.) I cant use avocado oil. Be aware of your allergies, and take that into account when youre

    gathering your essential oils and carrier oils, please. =)


    9. grace.furman01

    April 5, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Do you put just the essential oils in the candle diffuser? I have always filled it with water and then added the essential oils to that. Good to know!



    April 5, 2012 at 4:03 pm

    I was always taught to put the EOs into water as well (meant to ask that too but I had lavender brain hehe). I imagine that each oil burner(diffuser) would be different, but some might get too hot for the neat oil, and that would be why youd want to drop them in a water bath.

    I like the idea of a bit of moisture in the air (very dry here in Canberra) so Ill probably continue the water method myself.


    10. A BulkleyApril 5, 2012 at 11:15 am

    Grapefruit essential Oil is great For an energy boost too

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    11. Heather :) :) :)April 5, 2012 at 11:36 am

    Im open to this idea. I dont have a particular blend, but any lemon or orange essential oils always make me happier :) :) Love and hugs from theocean shores of California, Heather :)


    12. flowerladyApril 5, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    I love your diffuser! Where did you get it? Also, thanks for the allergy info, Faith, I really needed that!


    Faith NelsonApril 5, 2012 at 7:30 pm

    theres one similar to this (not exactly) at vitacost right now. =)


    13. StephanieApril 5, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    I only have rosemary and peppermint EO so far, but I have everything except the juniper growing in my yard! My basil and sage are just little sprout-

    lets so far, so it will be a while til I can use them. I love making fresh herbal infusions from the peppermint (hot or over ice). And I cant walk past anyof them without grabbing a few leaves to smell for aromatherapy on the go.


    14. Kristi Schueler

    April 5, 2012 at 4:49 pm

    I love using grapefruit EO, mostly because when Im dragging my mood is too so the citrus uplifts my spirits. I fell in love with a bath oil my husbandbought me once for aches that was a blend of juniper and wintergreen primarily, but it also had a titch of rosemary and possibly sage. It was amazing!I really should treat myself to some more so I can figure out how to blend it myself!


    15. CadelleApril 6, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Eat a mint. Drink some water. Stretch. Recall a good times up beat memory that you havent thought about in years, like the time you and your

    friends went on a two hour travel montage looking for two cups of flour to make pancakes at midnight on New Years Eve and had to finally piratesome off your friends friend. >.>; Yeah.

    I used to do all these things during the midwatch while I was in the Navy, and had to get up at reveille two hours after getting off watch. Localcommand policy allowed any bottled drink except alcohol, but no food except hard candies like mints or butterscotch. While I was at school for my

    job training, we were allowed sunflower seeds. Working something with your mouth can help keep you focused, and Ive resorted to sunflowerseeds many times since while doing schoolwork. Tastier than chewing on a pen, and less destructive!


    16. Jacquelyn

    April 6, 2012 at 9:40 am

    I like to drink water or grapefruit juice (particularly on long drives), so Im guessing grapefruit E.O. would work, too.

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    17. Lissa

    April 6, 2012 at 3:27 pm

    I actually made up some perfume oil this morning because I suspected that it was going to be a bad day (deadlines/tests/roommate drama/lesson ALLAT ONCE). It was ten drops lavender, eight drops rosemary and five drops ylang-ylang in about a teaspoon of vanilla-infused grapeseed oil. I dontknow how much I like it as a perfume, but it is officially my favoried Its Okay blend! The fact that I managed to snatch an hour in which to read

    under a tree, barefoot, in the sun helped, too. :)


    18. Singerinkitchen

    April 6, 2012 at 9:33 pm

    Lovely post. Ill take Mental Clarity for $200 please cause this tired mama sure needs it.:-)


    19. Rebecca

    April 6, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    I like mixing my own, like a grapefruit and peppermint mix (in oil or with water in a spray bottle). But, I havent yet met a mix that compares with theawesomeness of Lotus Weis Inspired Action and Pure Energy blends for this purpose. I think you are totally right about having to be in the rightframe of mind. If Im not going to get up off my butt then no EO is going to make me. I also like to burn a nice orange EO candle, or a peppermintcandle. I like to have a candle going while I do my morning yoga (combined with some work on a balance ball and free weights). My morning

    routine of tea, yoga and breakfast is necessary to get moving.


    20. Raincitykitty

    April 9, 2012 at 3:57 pm

    For my office, I got one of those ceramic ring diffusers that you put on a standard incandescent light bulb, and I put a few drops of bergamot EO in itevery morning to improve my mood. I should try the peppermint though and see if that makes me more productive!


    21. Jackie MarenickMay 5, 2012 at 10:28 pm

    My favorite for a quick mind booster is Sweet Orange EO. I actually created my own little inhaler that I carry around with me now. I took a small vial,stuffed a bit of cotton ball into it, and then dripped some Sweet Orange (with a hint of peppermint) onto the cotton ball. Now all I have to do is pop it

    open and sniff! Im surprised I dont get funny looks at work :-P


    22. Sheena

    June 7, 2012 at 9:13 am

    Love this post! Just thought Id mention Clary Sage can have a narcotic effect especially in higher doses, so it is recommended (at least by all myAromatherapy text books) to avoid it you are planning to drive or are drinking alcohol.


    23. kirabagheeraAugust 30, 2012 at 11:18 pm

    this is going to sound like an ad but recently i found a coffee that effectively gets myscattered, into focus. caribou coffee. their regular signature ground beans blend. its not very tasty. but its tremendously idea sparking.

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    24. AsitSeptember 2, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    Hi,Will diffusing the oil using heat still give us the therapeutic benefits? I am confused with so many articles suggesting that when we heat , we just get thearoma .



    1. Essential Oils and Mental Clarity | Essential Oils Advisor says:

    June 2, 2013 at 11:00 pm

    [...] Click here to see the full story [...]


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