Make the right choice 1. London is the… of Great Britain 2. Buckingham Palace is… of Britain’s...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Make the right choice 1. London is the… of Great Britain 2. Buckingham Palace is… of Britain’s...

Make the right choice

1. London is the… of Great Britain

2. Buckingham Palace is… of Britain’s Monarch

3. Buckingham Palace is

a) capital ✔

b) centre ✖

c) part ✖

d) island ✖

a) a museum ✖

b) a home ✔

c) a monument ✖

d) an art gallery

a) higher than longer

b) longer than higher

c) as long as high

d) not so long as high

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4. Whitehall is

5. More than… live in London

a) a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament✔

b) a white palace near Trafalgar Square✖

c) a big hall in the centre of London✖

d) the palace where the Queen lives in summer

a) 1 mln ✖

b) 9 mln

c) 3 mln ✖

d) 17 mln ✖

6. Sir Christopher Wren built

7.Westminster is a… centre of London

8. The oldest part of London is

a) the Tower of London

b) Westminster Abbey

c) Buckingham Palace

d) St Paul’s Cathedral

a) cultural ✖

b) political

c) business ✖

d) industrial

a) the Westmister

b) the West End

c) the East End

d) the City✔

9. Buckingham Palace is

10. Big Ben is

a) a palace where the Queen lives only in summer

b) a place where the British Parliament works

c) a residence of Queen Elizabeth II✔

d) a big hall in the centre of London

a) a tall tower on the banks of the river Thames

b) a big clock on the tower of the Houses of Parliament

c) a big clock on the White Tower✖

d) a monument in the centre of London✖