Make india corruption free

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Make india corruption free



Zero tolerance towards corruption

• Make stringent laws for corruption• Minimum punishment should be get dismissed

from job • Cancelling Ration Cards, passport, no pension,

no provident fund will be distributed for them and if any caste quota or scholarship for there children’s, just scrap that too

• No more government jobs for their children’s

and maximum punishment, up to death sentences, if their corruption yield to a innocence’s death or country’s security issue.

▪ We should strongly implement the Whistle Blowers Protection Act to protect the whistle blowers so more people raise there voice against  corruption or wilful misuse of power by the public servants – Recently the whistleblower who disclosed CBI chief Ranjit Sinha's

visitors' log book to senior lawyer Prashant Bhushan does not have any legal cover or protection from harassment despite a strong whistleblower protection law in the country. 

▪ Right to Information (RTI) is an effective tool to tackle corruption. We need to make Stringent law and its proper implementation to protect RTI activists

Whistleblower protection Act 2011 and RTI act

Role of Media

▪ Media plays a crucial role in making India corruption free just like by doing there investigation and sting operations. There should be a law that no action will be taken against media if they do the sting operation.

▪ General public should do the same and help media to bring out the hidden scams in govt. as well as in private sector. Govt. should provide proper protection to them

• Select only the educated and right candidate for the government job, instead of taking non-qualified persons through caste quota and political recommendations

• Any politician who is involved or charged with any type of criminal or corruption case, should not be allowed to participate in election

• Minimizing public interaction with government officials and make e-governance mandatory in all government department.

• The record of every single penny of tax payers spent by govt. should be uploaded in online website with vouchers so any one can look at it

• Minimizing Red Tapism and bureaucracy

• Focus on increase of plastic money such as ATM cards and Credit card. Make it mandatory that any payment which is equal or more than Rs.10000 only be paid by online payment or via ATM or debit cards,Credit card or by cheque.

• Make PAN card mandatory for every transection which is more than Rs25000

• More scheme like PRADHANMANTRI JAN DHAN YOUJNA should created and implemented so subsidy's can be credited directly(no middle men) to the beneficiary’s account

Change in Salary Structure

• The salary of an officer in India is fixed he gets an increment or bonus only after 5-6 years. but every year the price of commodities are increasing if he wishes to a family tour abroad he is not able to do so with his fixed salary, so he takes bribes

• Let us take an example over here Himanshu is working in the income tax department he get a salary of Rs 40,000 every month with bonus in every year he takes bribes of small amount say 10,000-15,ooo every month from his clients. This is illegal. But convincing him not to take bribe does not work as we can see what we are doing know in India.


• This is new the new salary structure of Himanshu Rs 15,000 -fixed salary every month Rs 500 for every file he passes from his table to his seniors table Rs 250 for every balance sheet he creates for his client Rs 2500 for every culprit who he catches who is not filing an income tax.

• This will initiate him to work every day he will faithfully work for the government

• This can be extended to various fields: police dept., Govt. offices , and other public dealing offices .