Major world religion presentation 1

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Major world religion presentation 1




Importance of knowledge

Types of Knowledge

Explicit Knowledge

Tacit Knowledge

Value of Knowledge

Religious Knowledge

Importance of Knowledge in Religions



Knowledge is a human ability

What is knowledge?

What is the purpose of life?

What is my true nature?

What is the source and origin of this entire creation?

Importance of knowledge

Explicit knowledge

Tacit knowledge

Types of Knowledge

Explicit knowledge

Explicit knowledge can be articulated into formal language, including

grammatical statements (words and numbers),

mathematical expressions, specifications, manuals, etc

Tacit knowledge

Tacit knowledge is personal knowledge embedded in individual experience and involves intangible factors, such as personal beliefs,

perspective, and the value system

Religious Knowledge

The one "in the know" holds a certain

power over those who do not

Knowledge is Power

Value of knowledge

Importance of knowledge in religion

Some scholars said,

• "Knowledge is secret prayer."

Importance of knowledge in Islam

When you fail even after putting your best effort, keep in mind GOD must have had better plans for you hence you failed."

Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalee said

"Knowledge leads to Allah through the shortest and

easiest paths. So, whoever sets foot on Allah's path

does not swerve from it will definitely reach Allah and

Paradise through the shortest and easiest paths.”

Explanation of a Hadeeth

Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.

We need knowledge to...

Enjoin good and

forbid evil,

To fear Allah

Fight to protect the Religion of


Strive hard to

establish the Islamic Caliphate,

Mu'adh bin Jabal put it so eloquently when he said,

"Through it (knowledge), blood ties are preserved and through it Halal is Distinguished From Haram.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) says:

“One who wishes to see those who are safe from the Fire of Hell should look at the seekers of knowledge”.(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.58)

To what extent is Islam concerned with knowledge?

The Holy Qu’ran says:“Allah elevates to high positions those from amongst you who are

faithful and those who have acquired knowledge”.[Al-Mujadilah, 58:11]

With knowledge comes fear of Allah

“It is only those who have knowledge among

His slaves that fear Allâh” [Fâtir 35:28]

Allah has commanded to seek more and more knowledge

Allâh praises the scholars, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say: ‘Are those who know equal to those who know not?’)”

[al-Zumar 39:9]

Spreading knowledge

Rasool SAW ordained all his companionsand, thus, every Muslim who possessessome knowledge -- even as little as oneverse -- to disseminate what they know toothers: He said, "Convey (what you learnfrom me) even if only one verse…" (Relatedby Bukhari)

“Whoever calls people to right guidance willhave a reward like that of those who followhim, and whoever calls people tomisguidance will have a burden of sin likethat of those who follow him.” (Narrated byMuslim, 2674)

From Abu Umaamah: Rasul Allah said,

"Verily Allah and His angels, even the ant in its hole and the fish in the sea, verily (they all)

pray for he who teaches people good." -authentic, narrated by Tabraanee

Importance of knowledge in



knowledge is the subject matter of the third and the

last portion of the Vedas which is called Upanishads.

Upanishad is a combination of three words: upa, ni,

and sad. Upa means near; ni means below and

determination, and sad means, to sit down. Thus the

simple meaning of Upanishad is "near below sitting".

The purpose of the Upanishad

The purpose of the Upanishad is ajnana nasa

.which means the destruction of ignorance.

The Upanishads contain that knowledge which

can be gained be a seeker of Truth when he is

sitting at the feet of his master.

Why is it said that the student must sit at the teacher's feet?

Just as the flow of water is natural and effortless

from an upper to a lower level, sitting at the feet

of the teacher is symbolic of the student looking

up to the teacher: With this attitude the

knowledge of the teacher flows easily to him.

Deham va patayami karyam va


. "Either this body will fall down dead or I

will accomplish my goal".

Near below sitting

The other meanings of the word sadare to destroy and to lead.

. "Either this body will fall down dead or I

will accomplish my goal".

Deham va patayami karyam va


Goddess of Knowledge & Arts
