Major Paper #2

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Transcript of Major Paper #2

  • 7/28/2019 Major Paper #2


    Nigel Morrison

    Professor Emily Haines

    English 131A4

    5 March 2013

    The Modern Application of Myth

    In a modern society consumed by technology and science, myth has become, for the most

    part, obsolete. A Myth involves a message that is explained or justified through a story with

    supernatural elements and occurrences that may captivate the reader. Through a digression of

    history and a movement towards the future, society today has shown that the topics of myth have

    become outdated and unrealistic. There exists a line between the logical applications of science

    and the abstract morals of myth. Modern day society lives on the scientific side of this line, not

    realizing that myth and science are two separate entities. The two concepts co-exist, but the

    concept of myth is less emphasized in modern day society because of the overwhelming

    advances in recent technology.

    Society is rational. People tend to operate on a day-to-day basis making very calculated

    decisions and pointed actions. This specificity and analytic lifestyle is spurred by the ever-

    increasing prominence of science and technology. The calculated nature of science makes

    physical sense. Thus many problems that can be solved using science are clear-cut and easy to

    traverse. However, navigating through a less uniform situation, such as a human-human

    relationship, requires more innovation and emotion to be positively cultivated. Science fails to

    assist its user in the emotional undertaking of a relationship. Emotion is not rational. Emotions

    and feelings are very subjective in that they are not congruous between different people in

    society. The emotions that one person might have will not necessarily mirror the emotions of

    Comment [NM1]: You could probaa different word here instead of a phrasebecause it makes your sentence a little h

    to read.

  • 7/28/2019 Major Paper #2


    another. Modern culture is immersed in technology, surrounded by cell phones, Internet, math,

    and computer programs. The abundance of technological opportunities has caused society to lose

    sight of the value in lasting characteristics. Mythology is the medium that presents these abstract

    values. Myths contain character traits that are passed down through generations to different

    groups. These traits are valuable to the prosperity and social health of a given culture, as myth

    commonly utilizes stories to justify a belief or explain a way of life that the culture associates

    with. In this way, myth is essential to understanding the humanistic dynamics of a society that

    places others before themselves or the advancement of technology.

    While myth may demonstrate the abstract qualities of human interaction, science is

    defined as the rational, systematic identification of problems or events that occur in the natural

    world. Whether one is seeking an education or financing a home, each problem that arises can be

    solved using a procedure of actions that logically progress from one instance to the next, as in a

    scientific method. The study and applications of science through the practical approach of

    physical situations is a worldly study. Many of these physical problems can be approached and

    addressed using a scientific viewpoint with a procedure that can be theoretically and

    accurately walked through before execution. For instance, a systematic approach to the

    development of a bridge involves planning the site, determining the stresses, and creating the

    structure according to the specifications of the laws of physics. Although the dynamics of

    science may change, the underlying structure and method of solving problems remains static.

    The nature of science approaches specificity and follows closely the line of universal laws, rarely

    venturing to justify the way that a society lives. Instead, science goes in the opposite direction,

    seeking to understand what it is that brings humans to the earth and focusing on the materialistic

    and microscopic elements that compose the earth.

    Comment [NM2]: I dont think this


    Comment [NM3]: This is your secodefinition of myth, which is quite differthan the one mentioned in your first

    paragraph. I would revise your first twopages to keep the definitions consistent.

    Comment [NM4]: Sounds awkwarwould consider revising this statement tmore with the general ideas in thepreceding sentences.

    Comment [NM5]: Word choice! Mprocedure or process..?

  • 7/28/2019 Major Paper #2


    While the laws of nature do not change, religion and beliefs vary widely from one culture

    to the next. Myth can be interpreted as a religion for some societies. A myth presents a value that

    is portrayed through a story. These values are intrinsic to the culture from which the myth

    originated. The values renowned in mythology are typically not scientific, as they are not

    concrete. An individual may disagree with a given value presented in a myth, but that value may

    be essential to the life of a different culture. Although many people in society today disregard

    myths largely for their unrealistic plotlines, the life lessons found in these stories can develop

    societies that are well rounded in the sense of character. The lasting attributes of honesty,

    compassion, and respect represented in mythology are what society is missing.

    Everyday, society is surrounded by quality time found in relationships but misses this

    value by overusing cell phones or locking up in a computer lab. Instead of forming lasting

    happiness in quality time spent with other humans, microbiological scientists develop one-sided

    relationships with the bacteria that inhabit the earth. Society has become obsessed with the future

    and caught up in the very technology that is supposed to keep humans connected. Technology is

    a positive aspect of society but seems to take the place of more valuable feelings, such as

    happiness. So me may find happiness in such material objects, but in the end, ones soul cannot

    carry a cell phone to its resting place. So, society turns to religion. Religion and myth are related

    in the sense that they both represent beliefs and values of a culture. H owever, in todays world,

    technology seems to place the concrete aspects of myth on trial for not agreeing with the laws of

    science. Most myths do not make sense and are unrealistic. The purpose of these stories is not to

    challenge science or reality, but rather to demonstrate that the value portrayed through

    supernatural events is worth taking on. Myths show that there is usefulness in taking to heart the

    message that each story contains for the good of oneself and for the good of their culture.

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    The way out of this reversal of priorities is to place more value in the myth. Mythology is

    overlooked because of its supernatural aspects. In a society where people tend to only rely on

    ideas that make logical sense, myth is pushed to the bottom to make room for more realistic,

    albeit materialistic endeavors. Myth is a form of storytelling in which the physical elements are

    to be disregarded. The important aspect of mythology is its message and the morals that it


    In the myth of the Fiery Furnace, it is three Jews belief in the divine that brings an angel

    to save them from burning in the furnace. Although science and the laws of physics have

    disproved the possibility of any such occurrence, the abstract nature of the myth is still

    approachable. Societies need not accept the concrete plot elements of a myth, but in order to gain

    a better understanding of humankind and lasting beliefs, the values presented in myths should be

    closely examined. In the instance of the Fiery Furnace, holding true to ones beliefs may not

    make them fireproof, but the spiritual reward that comes from faith is a powerful positive force.

    Hope is a strong emotion that is mercurial and difficult to grasp. The constant use of technology

    and its calculated nature encourages society to shy away from such abstract concepts as hope, but

    the beauty of hope lies in the mystery of faith.

    For the Yoruba culture, faith lies in a system. Known for its power of restoration and

    renewal, Ifa is a divine system of beliefs by which the Yoruba culture lives its life. While there is

    no one specific equation to follow for eternal life or happiness, the belief in Ifa values honesty

    and trust in daily life. Deceit is largely frowned upon, as the audience sees in the development of

    the characters and their fates. Because society has become accustomed to instant information,

    when ideas are kept secret, or at a distance, society tends to become impatient and resort to

    deceit in order to access the information or simply neglect the concept or person altogether (The

    Comment [NM6]: I feel like youvrestated this quite a bit.

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    Red Buffalo Woman 6). In this way, myth portrays the values that can be improved upon in

    order to sustain lasting relationships in ones lifetime. It has been explored that myth provides a

    strong cultural influence and creates an inner compulsion for morality and exhibits the restraints

    for conscience in Yoruba society (Olusegun 93).

    Not to be compared to the value of mythology or religion, science and technology are

    very valuable in their own respects. Doctors are making tremendous advancements in disease

    resistance and cancer treatment, and communication is extending to lengths beyond just words or

    voice. Technology has improved the lives of many, making research more efficient, and allowing

    for a wider distribution of knowledge.

    Myth portrays abstract values that are more important than the material world we

    surround ourselves in. Myth provides essential human characteristics and morals that society

    lives by. Science cannot provide these abstract values due to its specificity. This is where myth

    will outlive science. Because of their conflicting and polar nature, science and mythology should

    never be viewed as equals. Science and religion are two separate entities that both encompass

    their own ideas but also are compliments of each other. Society today is very materialistic, and

    even science portrays this notion through its specificity and focus on worldly aspects and one-

    dimensional equations. Myth tends to be the counterbalance to the specificity of science,

    bringing humans back to real life and to the important characteristics of values that distinguish

    humans from artificial intelligence. Although science and myth may be separate entities and

    seem to exist in different dimensions, the correlation between them is strong. Without the study

    of mythology, the values that society functions on would not exist.

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    Work Cited

    Ford, Clyde. "The Red Buffalo Woman." The Hero with an African Face . New York: Bantam

    Book, 1999. 132-138. Print.

    Lynch, Patricia, and Jeremy Roberts. African Mythology, A to Z. 2nd. New York: Chelsea

    House, 2004. 102-103. Web.

    Oladosu A., Olusegun. "Ethics And Judgement: A Panacea For Human Transformation In

    Yorb Multireligious Society." Asia Journal Of Theology 26.1 (2012): 88-104. Web. 27

    Jan. 2013.

    Washington, Teresa N. "Mules And Men And Messiahs: Continuity In Yoruba Divination

    Verses And African American Folktales." Journal Of American Folklore 125.497 (2012):

    263-285. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.