Maintaining Strong Cache Consistency for the Domain Name System

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Transcript of Maintaining Strong Cache Consistency for the Domain Name System


Maintaining Strong Cache Consistency for theDomain Name System

Xin Chen, Haining Wang,Member, IEEE,Shansi Ren,Student Member, IEEE,and Xiaodong Zhang,SeniorMember, IEEE

Abstract— Effective caching in the Domain Name System(DNS) is critical to its performance and scalability. Existing DNSonly supports weak cache consistency by using the Time-To-Live(TTL) mechanism, which functions reasonably well in normalsituations. However, maintaining strong cache consistency in DNSas an indispensable exceptional handling mechanism has becomemore and more demanding for three important objectives: (1)toquickly respond and handle exceptions, such as sudden and dra-matic Internet failures caused by natural and human disasters,(2) to adapt increasingly frequent changes of IP addresses due tothe introduction of dynamic DNS techniques for various stationedand mobile devices on the Internet, and (3) to provide fine-graincontrols for content delivery services to timely balance serverload distributions. With agile adaptation to various exceptionalInternet dynamics, strong DNS cache consistency improves theavailability and reliability of Internet services. In this paper, wefirst conduct extensive Internet measurements to quantitativelycharacterize DNS dynamics; then we propose a proactive DNScache update protocol, calledDNScup, running as middlewarein DNS nameservers, to provide strong cache consistency forDNS. The core of DNScup is an optimal lease scheme, calleddynamic lease, to keep track of the local DNS nameservers. Wecompare dynamic lease with other existing lease schemes throughtheoretical analysis and trace-driven simulations. Basedon theDNS Dynamic Update protocol, we build a DNScup prototypewith minor modifications to the current DNS implementation.Our system prototype demonstrates the effectiveness of DNScupand its easy and incremental deployment on the Internet.

Keywords— Domain Name System, Cache Consistency,Middleware, Lease.


The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed databasethat provides a directory service to translate domain namesto IP addresses [22], [23]. DNS consists of a hierarchyof nameservers, with thirteen root nameservers at the top.For such a hierarchical system, caching is critical to itsperformance and scalability. To determine the IP addressof a domain name, the DNS resolver residing at a clientsends a recursive query to its local DNS nameserver. If novalid cached mapping exists, the local DNS nameserver willresolve the query by iteratively communicating with a rootnameserver, a Top-Level Domain (TLD) nameserver, and aseries of authoritative DNS nameservers. All the replied DNS

X. Chen is with, IAC/Search and Media, Edison, NJ 08837. E-mail:

H. Wang is with the Department of Computer Science, College of theWilliam and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187. E-mail:

S. Ren and X. Zhang are with the Department of Computer Science andEngineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. E-mail:{sren,zhang}

messages including referrals and answers are cached at thelocal DNS nameserver, so that subsequent queries for thesame domain name will be answered directly from the cache.Therefore, DNS caching significantly reduces the workload ofroot and TLD nameservers, lookup latencies and DNS trafficover the Internet.

With the deployment of caches, cache consistency has be-come a serious concern. Strong cache consistency is defined asthe model in which no stale copy of a modified original will bereturned to clients, while weak cache consistency is the modelin which a stale copy might be returned to clients. Currently,DNS only supports weak cache consistency by using theTime-To-Live (TTL) mechanism. The TTL field of each DNSresource record indicates how long it may be cached. Themajority of TTLs of DNS resource records range from onehour to one day [17]. While most of the domain-name-to-IP-address (DN2IP) mappings are infrequently changed, thecurrent approach to coping with an expected mapping changeis cumbersome. Among numerous DNS related Request ForComments (RFCs), only RFC 1034 [22] briefly describes howto handle an expected mapping change: “if a change can beanticipated, the TTL can be reduced prior to the change tominimize inconsistency during the change, and then increasedback to its former value following the change”; but the RFCdoes not specify how much and in what magnitude the TTLvalue should be reduced. The propagation of the mappingchange may take much longer than expected. This pathologyis further aggravated by some local DNS nameservers that donot follow the TTL expiration rule and violate it by a largeamount of time [24].

Therefore, without strong cache consistency among DNSnameservers, it is cumbersome to invalidate the out-of-datecache entries. The inefficient and pathological DNS cacheupdate due to weak consistency quite often causes servicedisruption. More importantly, three recently-emerged reasonsin practice cast serious doubt on the efficacy of weak DNScache consistency provided by the TTL mechanism.

• There are many unpredictable mapping changes due toemergency situations, such as terror attacks or naturaldisasters, in which the loss or failure of network re-sources (servers, links and routers) is inevitable [15] andwe have to immediately re-direct the affected Internetservices to alternative or backup sites. Maintaining DNScache consistency is critical under such an exceptionalcircumstance, since people do need service availability atthe crucial moment.

• The dynamic DNS technique, which provides prompt IP


mapping for a server at home or a mobile host using atemporary IP assigned by Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol (DHCP), makes the association between a do-main name and its corresponding IP address much lessstable.

• The TTL-based DNS redirection service provided byContent Distributed Networks (CDNs) only supports acoarse-grained load-balance, and is unable to supportquick reaction to network failures or flash crowds withoutsacrificing the scalability and performance of DNS [24].

Thus,cache inconsistency poses a serious threat to the avail-ability of Internet services. This is simply because during thecache inconsistency period, the clients served with out-of-dateDN2IP mappings cannot reach the appropriate Internet serversor end-hosts. Once it happens, the clients have no idea ofwhat is the cause of service unavailability: is it due to servershutdown, network failure, or something else? An aggressivelysmall TTL (on the order of seconds) can lower the chance ofcache inconsistency, but at the expense of significant increaseof the DNS traffic, name resolution latency, and the workloadof domain nameservers [32], which seriously degrades thescalability and performance of DNS.

In this paper, we propose a proactive DNS cache updateprotocol, calledDNScup, working as middleware to maintainstrong cache consistency among DNS nameservers and im-prove the responsiveness of DNS-based service redirection.The core of DNScup uses a dynamic lease technique to keeptrack of the local DNS nameservers whose clients are tightlycoupled with an Internet server1. Upon a DN2IP mappingchange of the corresponding Internet server, its authoritativeDNS nameserver proactively notifies these local DNS name-servers still holding valid leases. While the notification mes-sages are carried by UDP, dynamic lease also minimizes stor-age overhead and communication overhead, making DNScup alightweight and scalable solution. Based on client query rates(or service importance to their clients), it is the local DNSnameservers themselves that decide on whether or not applyingfor leases (or renewal) for an Internet service. On the otherside, the authoritative DNS nameserver grants and maintainsthe leases for the DNS resource records of the Internet service.The duration of a lease is dependent on the DN2IP mappingchange frequency of the specific DNS resource record.

While strong cache consistency may be optional for ageneric Internet service, DNScup is essential to providealways-on service availability for critical Internet servicesor some premium clients. In addition to maintaining cachecoherence among DNS nameservers, DNScup can also be usedto improve the responsiveness of DNS-based network controlas suggested in [24]. Also, we can apply the functionalityof DNScup to maintain state consistency between a DNSnameserver of a parent zone2 and the DNS nameservers ofits child zones, preventing the lame delegation problem [27].

Based on the DNS dynamic update protocol [31], we builda DNScup prototype with minimized modifications to current

1Either the clients frequently visit the Internet server or the servicesprovided by the Internet server is critical to the clients.

2Zone is a delegated authority unit that is a manageable domain name space.

DNS implementation [14], [23]. Our trace-driven simula-tion and prototype implementation demonstrate that DNScupachieves strong cache consistency of DNS and significantlyimproves its performance and scalability. Note that DNScupis backward compatible with the TTL mechanism, and canbe incrementally deployed over the Internet. Those localDNS nameservers without valid leases still rely on the TTLmechanism to maintain weak cache inconsistency.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion II surveys related work. Section III presents our DNSdynamics measurements. Section IV details the proposedDNScup mechanism. Section V evaluates the performance ofDNScup based on the trace-driven simulations. Section VIpresents the prototype implementation of DNScup. Finally,weconclude the paper in Section VII.


DNS performance at either root nameservers [6], [12] orlocal DNS nameservers and their caching effectiveness [17],[19], [36] have been studied in the past decade. Danziget al. [12] measured the DNS performance at one rootnameserver and three domain nameservers. They identifieda number of bugs in DNS implementation, and these bugsand misconfigurations produced the majority of DNS traffic.Brownleeet al. [6] gathered and analyzed DNS traffic at theF root nameserver. They found that several bugs identifiedby Danziget al. still existed in their measurements, and thewide deployment of negative caching would reduce the impactcaused by bugs and configuration errors. Observing a largenumber of abnormal DNS update messages at the top of theDNS hierarchy, Broidoet al. [5] discovered that most of themare caused by default configurations in Microsoft DHCP/DNSservers. The load distribution, availability and deploymentpatterns in local and authoritative DNS nameservers have beencharacterized in [25]. Based on a half year measurement,Pappaset al. [27] thoroughly investigated the negative impactof operational errors upon DNS robustness. Furthermore, theypresented a distributed troubleshooting tool to identify theseDNS configuration errors [26].

Jung et al. [17] measured the DNS performance at localDNS nameservers (MIT and KAIST) and evaluated the effec-tiveness of DNS caching. They conducted a detailed analysisof collected DNS traces and measured the client-perceivedDNS performance. Based on trace-driven simulations, theyfound that lowering the TTLs of typeA record to a fewhundred seconds has little adverse effect on cache hit rates;and caching ofNS records and protecting a single nameserverfrom overload are crucial to the scalability of DNS. Insteadofcollecting data at a few client locations, Listonet al. [19]compared the DNS measurements at many different sites,and investigated the degree to which they vary from site tosite. They identified the measures that are relatively consistentthroughout the study and those that are highly dependenton specific sites. Based on both laboratory tests and livemeasurements, Wesselset al. [36] found that existing DNScache implementations employ different approaches in queryload balancing at the upper levels. They suggested longerTTLs for popular sites to reduce global DNS query load.


Shaikh et al. [32] demonstrated that aggressively smallTTLs (on the order of seconds) are detrimental to DNS per-formance, resulting in the increases of name resolution latency(by two orders of magnitudes), nameserver workload, andDNS traffic. Their work further confirmed that DNS cachingplays an important role in determining client-perceived latency.Wills and Shang [38] found that only 20% of DNS requests arenot cached locally and non-cached lookups cost more than onesecond to resolve. The same authors explored the technique ofactively querying DNS caches to infer the relative popularityof Internet applications [37]. Using graphs, Cranoret al. [11]identified local and authoritative DNS nameservers from largeDNS traces, which is useful for locating the related DNScaches.

CoDNS [28] identified internal failures as a major sourceof delays in the PlanetLab testbed, and proposed a localityand proximity-aware design to resolve the problem. Theyutilized a cooperative lookup service, in which remote queriesare sent out when the local DNS nameserver experiencesproblems, to mask the failure-induced local delay. In theirdesign, they considered the importance of cache at the localDNS nameserver for providing shared information to all localclients, and avoided a design that makes the cache useless.

However, none of the previous work focuses on DNS cacheconsistency. DNS cache inconsistency may induce a loss ofservice availability, which is much more serious than per-formance degradation. By contrast, maintaining strong cacheconsistency in the Web has been well studied. Liu and Caoshowed [20] that achieving strong cache consistency withserver invalidation is a feasible approach, and its cost iscomparable to that of a heuristic approach like adaptive TTLfor maintaining weak consistency. To further reduce the costof server invalidation and its scalability, Yinet al. proposedvolume lease [41] and its extension [40], [39] for maintainingWeb cache consistency. Instead of keeping per-client state,Mikhailov and Wills [21] proposed MONARCH to providestrong cache consistency for Web objects, in which invalida-tion is driven by client requests. They evaluated MONARCHby using snapshots of collected contents. The weakness ofMONARCH is that it does not consider the dynamics of Webpage structures.

The adaptive lease algorithm has been proposed in [13] tomaintain strong cache consistency for Web contents. A Webserver computes the lease duration on-the-fly based mainlyon either the state space overhead or the control messageoverhead. However, in their analytical models, the space andmessage overhead are considered separately without gaugingthe possible tradeoffs. Thus, the performance improvementofthe adaptive lease algorithm is limited. Cohen and Kaplan [9]proposed proactive caching to refresh stale cached DNS re-source records, in order to reduce the name resolution latency.However, the client-driven pre-fetching techniques only reducethe client-perceived latency, and cannot maintain strong cacheconsistency.

Cox et al. [10] considered using the Peer-to-Peer systemto replace the hierarchical structure of DNS nameservers. Forexample, for a given Web server, we can search a distributedhash table to find its IP address, instead of resolving it by

DNS. However, compared with conventional DNS, the maindrawback of this alternative approach is the significantly-increased resolving latency due to P2P routing, although theapproach has a stronger support for fault-tolerance and load-balance.

Based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) [18], Beehive—designed for domain name system [30]—provides O(1) lookuplatency. Different from widely used passive caching, it usesproactive replication to significantly reduce the lookup latency.In order to facilitate Web object references,Semantic FreeReference(SFR) [34], which is also based on DHTs [18],has been proposed to resolve the object locations. SFR relieson the caches at different infrastructure levels to improvethe resolving latency. Note that these proposed schemes areheavily dependent on a future and wide deployment of DHTs,thus the consequent dramatic changes to the Internet directoryservice will take a large amount of time and effort to becomea reality. In contrast, DNScup is an effective enhancement tothe current DNS implementation, which can fix the problemin a timely and cost-effective manner.

While DNS caching does not support strong consistency,the DNS Dynamic Update mechanism [31] maintains a strongconsistency between the primary master DNS nameserver ofa zone and its slave DNS nameservers within the same zone.The DNS Dynamic Update mechanism [31] and its enhancedsecure version [35] have been proposed and implementedto support dynamic addition and deletion of DNS resourcerecords within a zone, because of the widespread use ofDHCP. According to the DNS Dynamic Update protocol, oncethe primary master has processed dynamic updates, its slaveswill be automatically notified about these changes via zonetransfers. Researchers have utilized the DNS Dynamic Updateprotocol to achieve end-to-end host mobility [33]. In termsofDNS semantics, our proposed DNS cache update mechanismcan be viewed as an external extension to the DNS DynamicUpdate protocol, which makes the implementation and deploy-ment of DNScup much easier. The required modifications andadditions to the current DNS implementation are minimized.


The purpose of our DNS dynamics measurement is toanswer the question of how often a DN2IP mapping changes.In general, a mapping change may cause two different effects.If the original DN2IP mapping is one-to-one, then the changemay lead to the loss of Internet services. We classify thiskind of changes as physical changes. However, if the originalDN2IP mapping is one to many, the changes may be antic-ipated to balance the workload of a Web site as CDN does.We classify these changes as logical changes.

To examine the DN2IP mapping change behaviors, onepossible way is to usedig to contact remote nameserversdirectly without using a local cache. However, we observethat only about half of authoritative DNS nameservers allowdirect communication with remote resolvers. Therefore, wesetup a local DNS nameserver using Bind 9.2.3 [3] to generateprobing DNS queries for a collection of Web sites (more than15,000). In order to guarantee that each response comes from


an authoritative DNS nameserver, instead of the local cache,we purge our local cache every time we probe a Web site.The measurement experiments have conducted in two months.In the rest of this section, we describe the DNS resourcerecord classification and the collection of domain names. Alsowe present a technique to differentiate the domains usingCDN, in which most mapping changes are logical changes,from the domains where most mapping changes are physicalchanges. According to the affiliated Top-Level Domain (TLD)and their popularities, we further categorize the domainsinto several groups. Then, we measure the TTLs of theirDNS resource records and investigate the effect of domainpopularity upon DNS TTL behaviors. Based on the measuredTTLs, we choose the appropriate sampling resolution to detectthe DN2IP mapping changes.

A. DNS Resource Record Classification

The various mappings in the DNS name space are calledresource records. The most widely used resource recordsinclude SOA records (authority indication for a zone),NSrecords (authoritative name server reference lists for a zone),Arecords (domain name to IP address mappings),PTR records(IP address to domain name mappings),MX records (mailexchangers for a domain name), andCNAME records (aliasto canonical name mappings). A typeA record provides thestandard domain name to IP address mapping, while the othertype records likeNS, CNAME and MX records are used asreferences. Among these DNS resource records, the typeArecord is the most popular record being queried, accountingfor about 60% DNS lookups on the Internet [17].

Any type of resource records listed above may changefor various reasons. For example, the primary master DNSnameserver within a zone may increase the serial number inSOA records to keep the records of the zone’s slaves updated;NS andMX records need to be updated if any authoritative DNSnameserver or mail exchanger is renamed;A andPTR recordsneed to be changed if the domain name is either renamed ormapped to a different IP address; changes onCNAME recordshave already been utilized by CDN providers to redirect aclient request to different surrogates. Note that CDN providersand popular Web sites rotate differentA records with smallTTLs for the same domain name to balance the workload ofWeb servers.

In various DNS resource records, the inconsistency ofArecords may directly lead to service unavailability. In practice,more than one authoritative nameservers and mail exchangersserve for the same zone to improve reliability. However, theinconsistency ofNS (or MX) records may also cause seriousperformance degradation and access problems, due to lamedelegation [27]. In general, our solution is applicable to allkinds of resource records, while our DNS measurement isfocused on the dynamics ofA records.

B. Domain Name Collection and Grouping

Since Web service is one of the most popular Internetservices, our measurements are focused on the dynamics of







1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06



of D



Number of Requests


Fig. 1. The regular domain name distribution with the numberof requestsin each groups.

the mappings between Web domain names and their corre-sponding IP addresses. We collected the Web domain namesfrom the recent IRCache [4] proxy traces. All Web domainnames are classified into three categories: domains using CDNtechniques, domains using dynamic DNS techniques, and therest of collected domains. We refer them as CDN domains,Dyn domains, and regular domains, respectively. Because mostCDN domains and Dyn domains have specific text strings toindicate the names of their providers (e.g.,Akamai for CDNdomains, for Dyn domains), we can distinguishthose domains from the regular ones by the specific strings. Inour measurement experiments, we examined 23 major CDNproviders [1] and 95 major dynamic DNS providers [2].

Due to the large number of regular domains we col-lected, the regular domains are further divided into ninegroups with respect to their Top-Level Domains (TLDs). Theyare ended with .com, .edu, .net, .org, .mil,.gov, .biz, .coop, and country codes, respectively. Theregular domain name distribution with the number of requestsin each group is plotted in Figure 1. As shown in Figure1, most regular domain names fall into the following fivemajor, .net, .org, .edu, and countrydomains. Each group consists of three sub-groups:

• popular domains (with the number of requests beinglarger than or equal to 100 in our one week trace3);

• normal domains (with the number of requests being lessthan 100 but larger than or equal to 10 in one week trace);and

• unpopular domains (with the number of requests beingless than 10 in one trace).

We select 1,000 domain names from each sub-group of the fivemajor groups, except the popular one group wherewe only have 514 domain names available. Note that not alldomain names in our regular domain groups follow the strictone-to-one mapping between domain names and IP addresses.Some domain names may useCNAME to avoid the direct useof CDN/dynamic DNS providers.

3The limited client space and the hidden load factor of caching reduce thenumber of requests we have seen.













1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06


F o

f Num


of D



TTL (second)













1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06


F o

f Num


of D



TTL (second)



(a) all (b) .com

Fig. 2. TTL distributions: (a) All kinds of domain names; (b).com domain names.

C. TTL Distribution

Different domain names have different TTL values forcaching their DNS replies. The TTL distribution of all mea-sured domains is shown in Figure 2 (a). For CDN domains,the majority of TTLs have the values of 20 or 120 seconds.For Dyn domains, the majority of TTLs have the values of 30,60, or 90 seconds. For regular domains, the majority of TTLshave the values of 300, 3600, or 86400 seconds. The TTLdistribution domain names with different popularitiesis shown in Figure 2 (b). The TTL distributions for otherkinds of domains with different popularities are similar tothat of .com. We observe that the TTL of a domain nameis independent of the domain’s popularity.

The sampling resolution of detecting a DN2IP mappingchange is highly dependent upon the values of TTLs. Onone hand, our sampling resolution for a specific Web domainshould be at least as small as its TTL, in order to capture everypossible change that could cause cache inconsistency. On theother hand, to minimize the impact of probing DNS traffic, oursampling resolution should be set as large as possible. Basedon the measured TTLs’ distribution, we set different samplingresolutions to detect DN2IP mapping changes at different Websites. The sampling resolutions with respect to the range ofTTLs are listed in Table I.

D. Measurement of Mapping Changes

Each domain name in our collection is periodically resolvedto check if the mapping has been changed. Depending on thesampling resolution, the duration of a measurement experimentvaries from 1 day to 1 month. According to the samplingresolution, the Web domain names being probed in our mea-surements are divided into five classes as shown in Table I.Since all CDN and Dyn domains’ TTL values are bounded by300 seconds, they belong to either classes 1 or 2. The regulardomains of each TLD may fall in all five possible classes,because of the wide spectrum of their TTLs.

1) Dynamics of Mapping Changes:A DN2IP mappingchange is detected when the responses of two consecutiveDNS probes for the same domain name are different from eachother. We define the relative change frequency of a domainname as the ratio between the number of mapping changeswe detected and the total number of DNS probes we sent for



Class TTL (s) Resolution (s) Duration Num of Domains

1 [0,60) 20 1 day 8032 [60,300) 60 3 days 9343 [300,3600) 300 7 days 20204 [3600,86400) 3600 7 days 72175 [86400,∞) 86400 1 month 5307

that domain name. The absolute change rate is the productof relative change frequency and the reciprocal of samplingresolution. For ease of presentation, we employ relative changefrequency as the metric to study the dynamics of DN2IP map-ping changes, and simply call it change frequency in the restof this paper. Note that the sampling resolution varies amongdifferent classes. Given the same relative change frequency, thecorresponding absolute change rates under different classes aredifferent.

The change frequencies for five different classes are shownin Figures 3 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), respectively.4 Based on theDNS probing results, we identify three causes that lead to theDN2IP mapping changes: (1) a domain name is relocated to adifferent IP address; (2) the available IP addresses for a domainname are increased; and (3) the IP address of a domain namerotates around a set of IP addresses. The first cause resultsin physical changes, while the second and third causes resultin logical changes. The distributions of the changes due todifferent causes are shown in Figure 3 (f) for all five classes.

Physical Changes.As shown in Figures 3 (c), (d) and(e), the domains in classes 3, 4 and 5 rarely change theirDN2IP mappings, with about 95% domains in these classesremaining intact. Moreover, those domains that have changedtheir DN2IP mappings have very low change frequencies.For instance, in class 5, almost all changed domains havetheir change frequencies below 10%5, which means a changehappens every 10 days. On average, the change frequenciesare about 3%, 0.1%, and 0.2% for the domains in classes 3,4 and 5, respectively. This implies that the average life times

4We also monitored the mapping changes of the corresponding MX andNS records. Our results show that their change frequencies are lower thanthat of A records.

5In the 30-day measurement, 214 domains changed 1 to 3 times and only7 domains changed 4 to 19 times among 5,307 domains in class 5.







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


F o

f Cha





Change Frequency (Updates/Resolving Queries)






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


F o

f Cha





Change Frequency (Updates/Resolving Queries)






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


F o

f Cha





Change Frequency (Updates/Resolving Queries)

(a) Class 1 (b) Class 2 (c) Class 3






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


F o

f Cha





Change Frequency (Updates/Resolving Queries)






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


F o

f Cha





Change Frequency (Updates/Resolving Queries)[0,60) [60,300) [300,3600) [3600,86400) [86400,inf)







Domains Grouped by TTLs







New IPs AddedIP RotationIPs Changed

(d) Class 4 (e) Class 5 (f) Change Classifications

Fig. 3. The DN2IP mapping change for each class with different TTLs.

of DN2IP mappings are 2.5 hours, 42 days, and 500 days,respectively. However, as shown in Figure 3 (f), nearly 40%mapping changes in class 3 and the majorities of mappingchanges in classes 4 and 5 are physical changes. Any physicalchange could cause a cache inconsistency, leading to a loss ofservice availability. Considering the large number of domainnames in classes 3, 4 and 5, the probability of a physicalchange happening per minute is close to one. Therefore,maintaining strong cache consistency is essential to avoidconnection loss.

Logical Changes.The DN2IP mappings in classes 1 and2 are changed frequently. In class 1, more than 70% domainschanged their IP addresses during a one-day measurement.Most changed domains have their change frequencies around0.1.6 In class 2, only about 20% domains changed their IPaddresses during a three-day measurement, but most changeddomains have relatively high frequencies (e.g., 0.8). On av-erage, the change frequencies of classes 1 and 2 are about10% and 8%, much higher than the previous classes. Theaverage life times of DN2IP mappings are 200 seconds and750 seconds in classes 1 and 2, respectively. As shown inFigure 3 (f), such frequent changes are mainly due to IPaddress rotation (e.g., CDN’s load balancing over multiplehosts), and most of the DN2IP mapping changes are logicalones. The more detailed change frequencies of CDN and Dyndomains are illustrated in Figure 4.

As shown in Figure 4, CDN domains have very high changefrequencies: 10% with TTLs between 0 and 60 seconds;and close to 70% with TTLs between 60 and 300 seconds.Two major CDN providers dominate the domains of the tworanges: Akamai with TTL 20 seconds; and Speedera with

6442 domains changed every 200 seconds among all 803 domains in class1.

TTL 120 seconds. The domain names served by Akamaihave change frequencies around 10%, while those served bySpeedera have change frequencies close to 100%. In contrastto CDN domains, the Dyn domains have a low mappingchange frequencies: 0.4% with TTL larger than or equal to 300seconds; and close to zero with TTL less than 300 seconds.Compared with the actual change frequencies of CDN andDyn domains, the corresponding TTL values are aggressivelysmall, resulting in up to 10 and 25 times more DNS traffic thannecessary. This redundant DNS traffic would be significantlyreduced if server-initiated notification service were used.

2) Change Frequency vs. Domain Popularity:Within eachTLD domain group, we investigate the relationship betweenDN2IP mapping change frequencies and domain popularities.The measurement results domains are shown inFigure 5. The results of other TLD domains are similarto those In classes 1 and 2 (most changes arelogical changes), we observe that a more poplar domain tendsto have a higher change frequency than a less poplar one.This is because a popular Web site is prone to use CDNor dynamic DNS techniques to improve its scalability andperformance. By contrast, in classes 3, 4 and 5 (most changesare physical changes), there is no strong correlation betweenchange frequencies and domain popularities. One explanationfor this is that the the occurrence of mapping changes in theseclasses is sporadic—irregular and random—over the entiredomain space.


Basically, DNScup consists of three components, includingmapping change detection module, state-tracking module andupdate notification module. The mapping change detection


[0,60) [60,300) [300,inf)0








Domain Grouped by TTLs






CDN DomainsDyn Domains

0.000126 0.000069 0

Fig. 4. CDN and Dyn domain change frequencies withdifferent TTLs.

[0,60) [60,300) [300,3600) [3600,86400) [86400,inf)0





Domains Grouped by TTLs







Fig. 5. The change frequencies of .com domains withdifferent popularity and TTLs.

module is straightforward to implement, since only the au-thoritative DNS nameserver has the privilege to change a DNSresource record. There are two ways for an authoritative DNSnameserver to change a DNS resource record: one is throughmanual reconfiguration, and the other is through the DNSdynamic update command such asnsupdate.

The update notification module is in charge of propagatingupdate notifications. To reduce communication overhead andlatency, we choose UDP as the primary transport carrier forupdate propagation. TCP is used only when a firewall is seton the path from the authoritative DNS nameserver to a DNScache. Also, we employ timers, retransmissions, and acknowl-edgment mechanisms to achieve reliable communication forcache updates. When a nameserver has sent a cache updatenotification message but has not yet received the correspondingacknowledgment, it retransmits the message three times beforeaborting cache update. The timer is doubled at each expiration.

The core of DNScup is the state-tracking module, whichkeeps track of the recent visitors, i.e., the other DNS name-servers who query and cache a local resource record recently.In the rest of the section, we detail our design on this module,and then we present the whole working procedure of DNScup.

A. Design Choices

In general, there are three different approaches to main-taining strong cache consistency: adaptive TTL, polling-every-time, and invalidation. The major challenge of using TTL tomaintain cache consistency lies in the difficulty of settingan appropriate TTL value for a record. Adaptive TTL [7]adjusts the values of TTLs based on the prediction of recordlifetime, which has been applied in Web caching consistencymanagement [8]. Adaptive TTL may keep the staleness ratevery low, but it cannot provide strong cache consistency. Thepolling-every-time approach is a simple strong consistencymechanism, which validates the freshness of the cached con-tent at the arrival of every query. However, its fatal drawbacklies in the poor scalability as shown in [20], incurring manymore control messages, higher server workload and longerresponse time. The invalidation approach relies on the serverto notify the clients when an update happens, which is ef-ficient when objects are rarely updated. Because most DNS

resource records are changed at very low rates, server-driveninvalidation is an appropriate approach to maintaining strongcache consistency among DNS nameservers.

Lease [16] is a variant of server-driven invalidation mech-anism. A lease is a contract between a server and a client7.During leased period, the client is promised to receive aninvalidation notification if a leased object is changed. However,if the client does not have a lease or the lease has alreadyexpired, the client must validate a cached object upon thearrival of a query. The lease mechanism is thus a combinationof polling and invalidation approaches. A critical question inapplying a lease mechanism is how to choose the appropriatelength of a lease. A long lease increases server storage and thenumber of invalidation messages, while a short lease increasesthe number of object requests and lease renewal messages.

A lease contract becomes valid either (1) upon the arrivalof a new client request if the current lease expires, or (2)by the automatic renewal of an expired-to-be lease. Theresultant performance difference lies in the server storageoverhead and the client-perceived latency. Because most DNSresource records do not change often, minimizing consistencymaintenance cost is more important than reducing latency. Inour study, we always use the first approach to reducing serverstorage overhead.

To maintain strong cache consistency, DNScup requires theauthoritative DNS nameserver to keep track of the recentvisitors (i.e., local DNS nameservers) that access and cachea DNS resource record. Therecentin this context implies thatthe cached records should have not yet expired in these localDNS nameservers’ caches. To make the presentation easierto understand, we refer to these local DNS nameservers, i.e.,recent visitors, as DNS caches in the rest of the paper. Wedesign a dynamic lease scheme to balance DNS nameserverstorage requirements and DNS traffic between the authoritativeDNS nameserver and the DNS caches.

Before detailing the design of dynamic lease, we sketch thecache update process as follows. Once the authoritative DNSnameserver has updated a DNS resource record either man-ually or via an internal dynamic update message, it retrieves

7In the context of DNS, the client of an authoritative DNS nameserver isjust a local DNS nameserver or another authoritative DNS nameserver thatqueries the authoritative DNS nameserver







(DNS Cache)Local Nameserver


4. DNS cache update message.3. DNS dynamic update message.


Authoritative Nameserver

2. Granted Lease (with selected lease length).1. DNS query (with request rate in local nameserver).


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� � �� � �� � �� � �

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Fig. 6. DNScup update process.

the track file and gets all local DNS nameservers that havequeried this record whose leases have not yet expired (i.e.,DNS caches). The authoritative DNS nameserver then sendscache update messages to these DNS caches through UDP. Thenotified DNS caches will update their cached DNS resourcerecords and acknowledge the authoritative DNS nameserver.The cache update process is shown as steps 3 and 4 in Figure6, in which steps 1 and 2 are the process of granting a leaseto a DNS cache.

B. Lease Length Effectiveness

Lease storage overhead on the authoritative DNS name-server is represented by the probability of the nameserverholding a lease for each DNS cache. Its upper bound is 1,indicating that the nameserver always keeps a lease for aDNS cache. The communication overhead is represented bythe query rate between the nameserver and its DNS caches. Ifthe lease length is much shorter than the lifetime of a resourcerecord, most messages will be renewal requests from DNScaches and only very few invalidation and update messagesmay be observed. In the following analyses, since our practicalalgorithms always set the maximal lease length much smallerthan the resource record lifetime, the communication overheadincurred by invalidation and update messages from the servercan be ignored.

We assume that the query arrival rate from DNS caches fora DNS resource record follows a Poisson distribution with anaverage arrival rate ofλ. The rationale behind this assumptionis two-fold: (1) a DNS resolution precedes the beginning of asession communication; and (2) Floyd and Paxson [29] haveshown that the session-level (like FTP and Telnet) arrival ratestill follows a Poisson distribution, although the packet arrivalrate is non-Poisson.

Since the time interval is exponentially distributed, thetime interval between two contiguous leases is equal to theaverage interval of two contiguous queries,1

λ. Suppose that

the authoritative DNS nameserver grants a fixed-length lease,t, at the arrival of a query. The expected probability for thenameserver to maintain the lease,P , is thus

P = t/(t +1

λ). (1)

The lease renewal message rate is defined as lease renewalfrequency. Since a lease is renewed at the interval oft + 1


the lease renewal message rateM is

M =1

t + 1


. (2)

Here we assume that the arrival of queries for a DNSresource record follows a Poisson distribution. The trace-basedvalidation of this assumption is presented in Section V-A.

Theorem 1: For a given resource record with a query rateλ, the ratio between the reduction of message rate and theincrease of lease probability is a constant, which is equal toλ.

Proof: Suppose the lease length is increased fromt1 tot2. Given the query rateλ, the increase of lease probabilityon the nameserver is:

4P = t2/(t2 +1

λ) − t1/(t1 +


λ) =

λt2 − λt1(λt1 + 1)(λt2 + 1)


The reduction of message rate is:

4M = 1/(t1 +1

λ) − 1/(t2 +


λ) = λ ∗

λt2 − λt1(λt1 + 1)(λt2 + 1)


Thus, the ratio between the reduction of message rate andthe increase of lease probability is equal toλ.

From Theorem 1, we conclude that leases should be as-signed to caches with higher query rates to maximize themessage rate reduction. In Theorem 1, we ignore the cacheupdate messages in the calculation of the communicationoverhead and the lease length is fixed. However, we have asimilar result if both query messages and update messages areconsidered.

Theorem 2: In lease-based consistency schemes, if the re-quest rateλq and the update dateλu of each resource recordfollow the Poisson distribution, the ratio between the decreaseof message rate and the increase of lease probability is aconstant, which is equal toλq - λu.

Proof: Suppose a lease is assigned to a cache with lengtht. The change of the query rate from the cache is:


q = λq − 1/(t +1


) = λq −λq

t ∗ λq + 1= λq ∗ t/(t +




And the change of the update rate from the server is:


u = λu ∗ t/(t +1



The change of the lease probability in the server is:

4P = t/(t +1



Then, the ratio between the decrease of message rate andthe increase of lease probability is:


4P= λq − λu.

Varying lease length cannot have direct influence on theeffectiveness of dynamic lease, since it is only decided by thequery rate and the update rate. If a lease is assigned to a cachewith highestλq - λu, the cost-effectiveness is maximized.


C. Dynamic Lease Algorithms

Assuming the overhead allowance (storage or communica-tion) is pre-defined, we propose two dynamic lease algorithms:one minimizes the communication overhead given a constrainton storage budget; and the other minimizes the storage over-head, given a constraint on communication traffic. Whetheror not a lease is signed between the DNS nameserver and aDNS cache is based on the DNS cache’s query rate, while thelength of a lease is determined by the DN2IP mapping changerate at the DNS nameserver.

1) Storage-constrained Dynamic Lease:We define the stor-age overhead allowance as the maximal number of validleases that a nameserver can manage. Given the storageoverhead allowancePmax, the storage-constrained dynamiclease algorithm minimizes the message exchanges for signingand keeping the leases at the nameserver.

Suppose that a total ofn DNS resource recordsRi(i =1, ..., n), are maintained on the authoritative DNS nameserver,each with maximal lease lengthLi(i = 1, ..., n). Each recordRi is queried bym DNS cachesCj(j = 1, ..., m), with thequery rateλij . We defineMij andPi,j as the query rate andlease probability of recordRi by cacheCj . Our objectiveis to determine the appropriate lease length of every resourcerecord for each DNS cachelij , in order to minimize the overallcommunication overheadMall, the sum ofMij . The decisionshould be made under the following constraints:

• for the recordRi and DNS cacheCj , the lease lengthlijshould be within the range of0 andLi;

• the total storage consumptionPall should be less than thepredefined storage overhead allowancePmax, the sum ofPij .

Thus, the consistency maintenance problem can be defined asbelow:

minimize Mall =





Mij ,

subject to for anyRi andCij ,0 ≤ lij ≤ Li,

Pall =





Pij ≤ Pmax.

A consistency maintenance scheme that fulfills the aboveconstraint is a feasible solution. We refer this kind of opti-mization as the storage-based lease problem (SLP). Since SLPis equivalent to a Knapsack problem, it is NP-complete, but itsapproximation solution can be found by utilizing the greedyalgorithm.

If we have multiple records with different maximal leaselengths, we need to sort the4Mij

4Pij, each of which is equal to

λij based on Theorems 1 and 2, and then we grant the leaseto the DNS cache with the highest query rate. It is clear that,in order to reduce communication overhead, we should grantthe lease to the DNS cache with the highest query rate whenthe lease probability is close to the storage constraint.

If the nameserver always grants leases with their maximallengths to the DNS caches selected as above until reachingthe storage constraint, we can guarantee that the total queryrate covered by leases is maximal.

2) Communication-constrained Dynamic Lease:Similarly,given the communication overhead allowance, we can designan algorithm that minimizes the storage overhead. It is alsoaNP-completeproblem, and we employ the greedy algorithmto find the optimal solution. Different from the storage-constrained dynamic lease, at the beginning of the algorithm,all DNS caches related to each resource record are grantedwith the maximum-length leases. After that, we select the DNScache with the smallest query rate and deprive its lease. Thisselection and deprivation continue until the communicationallowance is satisfied. In this way, we can guarantee that thenumber of leases maintained by the nameserver under thecommunication constraint is minimal.

D. Working Procedure of DNScup

DNS Cache

Respone + Lease Decision




Lease Initiation

Update Propagation

Authoritative Nameserver

Updated Resource Record

Query + Query Rate

Fig. 7. DNScup Procedure

Although dynamic lease is an optimal solution in theory, it isnot easy to deploy in practice. This is because the parametersof dynamic lease such as query rates and update rates are notreadily available. For the practical deployment of dynamiclease, we design a simplified dynamic lease in DNScup.Figure 7 illustrates the working procedure of DNScup. Thereare two major communication processes in this procedure:lease initiation and update propagation. The lease initiation isprompted by a DNS cache sending a query to the authoritativeDNS nameserver. The query includes the local query rate onthe cache as well as its domain name. The authoritative DNSname server evaluates the query rate by certain metrics (e.g.,storage or communication constraint) to make a decision ongranting a lease to the DNS cache or not. If a lease is grantedto the DNS cache, the authoritative DNS nameserver recordsthe IP address of the DNS cache and the queried resourcerecord. The decision on granting lease is piggybacked to theDNS cache with the response of the query.

Lease/TTL Lease/TTL

Client Query

RC=0 RC=0


Server Response

Fig. 8. DNScup Cache Reference Counter.

The authoritative DNS nameserver initiates the update prop-agation when one of its resource records has been changed.







1 10 100 1000 10000

Mean o

f C


Cache Duration (second)

95% confidence interval







1 10 100 1000 10000

Mean o

f C


Cache Duration (second)

95% confidence interval






1 10 100 1000 10000

Mean o

f C


Cache Duration (second)

95% confidence interval

(a) Nameserver I (b) Nameserver II (c) Nameserver III

Fig. 9. The mean of CV of query interval in DNS traces.

Notification messages, containing the updated resource record,are sent to the DNS caches with valid leases. All notifiedDNS caches need to acknowledge the receipt of the updatemessage. The following two auxiliary functions are importantto DNScup.

• Monitoring Query Rate at the DNS Cache: In order tomeasure the query rate for a cached resource record, theDNS cache uses a reference counter (RC) to record thenumber of queries during a resource record’s lease (orTTL period if no lease is signed yet). After the cachedresource record expires, the DNS cache book-keeps theRC with the domain name by either writing into a specificfile or keeping it at the cache for a certain period.When the resource record is queried again, the numberof queries during previous lease will be retrieved andforwarded to the authoritative DNS nameserver. Upon thearrival of the new response from the server, the counterwill be reset. Figure 8 illustrates the usage of referencecounter.

• Granting Leases in the Authoritative DNS Nameserver:Using dynamic lease, DNScup sets a threshold on cachequery rate to determine whether or not the DNS name-server should grant a lease for a DNS cache. The dynamiclease algorithm can be either evoked periodically torecompute the threshold or kept running to adjust it on-the-fly. In both designs, a query rate monitor maintainsthe statistics of all related cache query rates as the inputfor the dynamic lease algorithm. An initial value is setas the threshold, which is adjusted later according to themonitored query rates.


In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of dynamiclease of DNScup via trace-driven simulation. Our DNS traceswere collected in an academic environment, where threelocal DNS nameservers provide DNS services for about twothousand client machines. The one-week trace collection isfrom July 2, 2003 to July 9, 2003. Based on the DNS traces,we simulate a scenario in which a number of clients are usingthree local DNS nameservers. The local DNS nameserversdecide whether or not granting a lease for one cached resourcerecord based on its query rate.

Considering the client caching effect on query intervals, weassume that clients cache each resource record for 15 minutes,

since this is the default setting in Mozilla. The query ratefor each domain name is computed by analyzing the first-daytraces. For three categories of domain names (regular, CDNand Dyn domains), we set different maximal lease length basedon their DN2IP mapping change rates. The maximal length fora regular domain is set to six days, while those for DNS andDyn domains are set to 200 and 6,000 seconds, respectively.

A. Poisson Distribution Validation

The DNS query behavior is related to the Web requestaccess pattern. As most Web browsers cache DNS responses,the time interval between two continuous queries for onedomain name likely follows the Poisson distribution. We usethe mean of Coefficient of Variation (CV) to study the queryinterval distribution in our DNS traces. Figure 9 shows thedynamics of the mean of CV with respect to the cache durationat the client side. With the increase of the client cache duration,as the mean of CV is closer to 1, the time intervals are morelikely to follow a Poisson distribution. It is also noticeable thatthe 95% confidence interval of the mean is very small in allcases.

B. Experimental Results

We introduce two relative system metrics to evaluate thelease algorithms: storage percentage and query rate percentage.The storage percentage is defined as the ratio between thenumber of leases granted to querying DNS caches and themaximal number of leases that an authoritative DNS name-server could grant. There are two extreme cases: (1) if theauthoritative DNS nameserver grants a lease to each queryand all its resource records have valid leases all the time, thestorage percentage is 100%; and (2) if no lease is grantedto any query, the storage percentage is 0. The query ratepercentage is defined as the ratio between the query rate issuedfrom a DNS cache and the maximal query rate that the DNScache could generate. If no lease is granted, the lease algorithmdegrades to the polling scheme and generates the maximalquery rate. Thus, the query rate percentage becomes 100%under this extreme scenario.

We compare the proposed dynamic lease scheme with thesimple fixed-length lease scheme, which grants the samelength lease to every incoming query, and the three adaptivelease schemes [13], including random-space-based adaptive




10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM



10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM



10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM

(a) Nameserver I (b) Nameserver II (c) Nameserver III

Fig. 10. Storage requirements for given query rates.







0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM







0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM







0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM

(a) Nameserver I (b) Nameserver II (c) Nameserver III

Fig. 11. Query rates for given storage requirements.





0 2 4 6 8 10




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM



60 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM

(a) Once Per Day (b) 10 Times Per Day (c) 20 Times Per Day

Fig. 12. Storage requirements for given query rates with different change rates.





0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM




0.001 0.01 0.1 1




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM



0.001 0.01 0.1 1




te P





Storage Percentage

Dynamic LeaseFixed LeaseAdaptive-RSAdaptive-PSAdaptive-PM

(a) Once Per Day (b) 10 Times Per Day (c) 20 Times Per Day

Fig. 13. Query rates for given storage requirements with different change rates.


lease (Adaptive-RS), popularity-space-based adaptive lease(Adaptive-PS) and popularity-message-based adaptive lease(Adaptive-PM). Adaptive-RS equally assigns lease by ran-domly selecting caches; Adaptive-PS takes the DNS recordpopularities into consideration, and tune the selection proba-bility of a record proportional to its popularity; Adaptive-PMadjusts the lease length proportionally to the correspondingDNS record popularity. Our simulation results clearly showthat the performance of dynamic lease is superior to those ofthe Adaptive-RS and the fixed-length lease, and also is betterthan those of Adaptive-PS and Adaptive-PM when the storagepercentage is small. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the simulationresults of regular domains based on the traces at three differentDNS nameservers. Note that the X-axis in Figure 11 is inlogarithmic scale. For CDN and Dyn domains, we have similarresults. Due to space limit, we do not present them here. In ourtrace-driven experiments, the storage percentage is bounded at60%, since in pratice only a portion of resource records havevalid leases at a time.

Dynamic lease is effective in reducing storage overhead.As shown in Figure 10 (a), under the query rate percentageof 20%, the storage percentage of dynamic lease is 19%while the storage percentages are 58%, 47%, 28%, and 21%for Adaptive-RS, Fixed lease, Adaptive-PM, and Adaptive-PS,respectively. At the same time, dynamic lease is also effectivein reducing communication overhead. As shown in Figure11 (a), under the storage percentage of 0.5%, the query ratepercentage of dynamic lease is 77% while for Fixed leases,Adaptive-RS, Adaptive-PS, and Adaptive-PM, they are 100%,99%, 91%, and 90%, respectively.

In another set of experiments, we evaluate the performanceof different lease schemes under the given DNS record changerate at the server-side. No lease will be granted to a cacheif its query rate is lower than the change rate of a DNSrecord. We only present the results based on the DNS tracescollected at nameserver I, since we have similar results atother nameservers. Figure 12 shows the storage requirementsof lease schemes under the three different record changerates: once per day, 10 times per day, and 20 times per day,respectively. Figure 13 shows the corresponding query ratereductions. The dynamic lease is better than other schemes inmost cases. The differences become more obvious with theincrease of the change rates. Since the server-side notificationmessages increase the query rate, two schemes, the fixed leaseand Adaptive-PM, have higher query rates if short lease lengthis used. It is noticeable that the fixed lease and Adaptive-PMare slightly better when their storage requirements are closeto the maximal value, as shown in Figures 12(b) and (c).

In our experiments, due to the limitation of the trace length(seven days), the maximal length for regular domains isrelatively small. Since regular domains seldom change theirDN2IP mappings, we may use a much higher lease length togain a better performance. Note that the lease selection in ourexperiment is done off-line based on the trace analyses, andthe lease length remains constant. In reality, a DNS cache maymonitor the rates of cached records in the incoming queries.When it detects a significant change in query rates, the DNScache will notify the authoritative DNS nameserver to re-

negotiate the current leases.


We have built our DNScup prototype on top of BIND9.2.3. In this section, we first present the extension on theDNS message format to support DNScup mechanism. Then,we describe the structure of the DNScup prototype. Finally,we discuss the security issue related to DNScup. Note thatDNScup only keeps cached resource records with valid leasesupdated, and the rest of the cached resource records still relyon the TTL mechanism to refresh themselves.

A. Message Formats

In the header of DNS messages, a 1-bit fieldQR is used tospecify whether it is a query (0) or a response (1). A 4-bitfield OPCODE is used to specify the type of the message. Incurrent implementation of BIND, only types 0, 1, 2, 4 and 5are used and the rest are reserved for future use. To supportDNScup, a new opcode 6 in the query/response headers isintroduced for lease negotiation. Each DNS query includesthe query rate originated from the local clients, and the queryrate is expressed in a new 16-bit fieldRRC (recent referencecounter) with the domain name being queried at the questionsection. The authoritative DNS nameserver usesOPCODE 6in the response header to indicate that the lease informationis included. If a lease is granted, its duration is specified in anew 16-bit fieldLLT (lease length time) at the answer section.

ID: (new)


Zone zcount: 1

Zone zname: (zone name)

Zone zclass: (zone class)

Zone ztype: T_SOA

Fig. 14. Format of aCACHE-UPDATE Message Header

In the BIND 9.2.3 implementation, a message withOPCODEof 4 is used for the internal master-slave notification. In orderto deal with the wide-area DNS cache update propagation, wedefine a new type of message calledCACHE-UPDATE. Thismessage has the same fields as those in theUPDATE messageexcept for the “op” field in the message header, which is shownin Figure 14.

B. Structure of DNScup Prototype

We have modified the prompt notification of the zonemechanism in the BIND 9.2.3 implementation. According toour design, three core components of DNScup have beenadded to BIND 9.2.3, including the detection module, thelistening module, and the notification module. The detectionmodule detects a DNS record change; the listening mod-ule monitors incoming DNS queries and updates the trackfile when necessary; and the notification module propagatesDNSCACHE-UPDATEmessages. The normal DNS operations


DNS database

dynamic update

notification module

check changes

named modulesunchanged

inform updates

fetch servers list


normal DNS queries

dynamic update queries

normal DNS queries

fetch results



DNScup Structure

normal DNS responses


detection module listening module

update cachecheck updates

messageCACHE−UPDATE lease−track


Fig. 15. Structure of DNScup Prototype

remain intact. The interactions among all components areillustrated in Figure 15.

For DNS resource records of the authoritative DNS name-server, thenamed daemon creates a database file to keep trackof the incoming DNS queries. Each tuple in this file consistsof five fields, which are the source IP address, queried zonename, query type, query time, and lease length. When a DNSquery comes in, thenamed first decides if a lease should begranted based on the query rate carried with the query. If yes,a new tuple is added to the track file, and the correspondingresponse is sent back.

C. Secure DNScup

In our current implementation, we transmit DNS messagesin plain text for simplicity and efficiency. However, to protectDNS caches against poisoned CACHE-UPDATE messagesoriginated from a compromised DNS nameserver, we need asecure communication channel for cache update. Fortunately,DNSSEC [14] and the secure DNS Dynamic Update proto-cols [38] have been proposed. Coupled with the proposedsecure DNS mechanisms, DNScup can achieve a secure cacheupdate without much difficulty.

D. Experimental Results

DNS Cache 2

Root Server DNS Cache 1


Name Server

Name Server Name Server(slave 1) (slave 2)


Fig. 16. DNScup Implementation Testbed

We examine our prototype implementation in a testbed—ahierarchy of DNS nameservers in a LAN environment. Thetestbed is shown in Figure 16. By utilizing multiple virtualIP

addresses, we run a master authoritative DNS nameserver andits two slaves on a machine. The root nameserver and two DNScaches are mimicked at three different machines, respectively.The machines used in our experiments are 1GHz Pentium IIIswith 128MB RAM running RedHat Linux 9.1, connected by a100 Mbps Ethernet. From IRcache [4] proxy traces, we select50 most popular domain names (46 if excluding ”localhost”and three individual IP addresses). A total of 40 zones areconstructed for the 46 domain names on the authoritative DNSnameservers, with their glues recorded on the root server. Thezone file data are collected through issuing necessary queriesto the Internet.

Type DNScup (Bytes) TTL (Bytes) Increment

DNS query 40.8 36.8 10.9%DNS response 217.8 203.7 6.9%cache update 80.3 – –cache update ack 25.0 – –



The average lengths of different messages in DNScup areshown in Table II. Compared with the existing TTL-basedmechanism, the sizes of both query and response messagesare increased due to the addition of new fields. However, theyare still far below the limitation set by RFC 1035 [23]—a DNSmessage carried in UDP cannot exceed 512 bytes. Both cacheupdate and its acknowledgment messages are small, havingsizes similar to those of messages in the DNS dynamic updateprotocol [31].

In order to measure the processing overhead of DNSqueries, we set two timers in Bind 9.2.3, one right afterreceiving a query and the other right before the correspondingresponse is sent out. The two DNS caches repeat sendingqueries to the master authoritative DNS nameserver for the 46collected domain names. After each round, we flush out theircached contents so that the authoritative DNS nameserver cancontinuously receive and process the queries. Figure 17 shows


the CDF of processing times of 5,000 continuous queries withand without DNScup support, respectively. Although DNScupneeds to maintain the query rate statistics, the differenceincomputational overhead between TTL and DNScup is hardlynoticeable.







100 150 200 250 300 350


F o

f Pro




e (%


Processing Time (usec)


Fig. 17. DNS nameserver processing overhead: DNScup vs TTL


In this paper, we have proposed a DNS cache updateprotocol, calledDNScup, working as middleware to maintainstrong consistency in DNS caches. To investigate the dynamicsof DN2IP mapping changes, we have conducted a wide rangeof DNS measurements. Our major findings are summarized asfollows:

• While the physical mapping changes per Web domainname rarely happen, the probability of a physical changeper minute within a class is close to one.

• Compared with the frequencies of logical mappingchanges, the values of the corresponding TTLs are muchsmaller, resulting in a large amount of redundant DNStraffic.

• The TTL value of a Web domain name is independent onits popularity, but its logical mapping change frequencyis dependent on the popularity of the Web domain.

Based on our measurements, we conclude that maintainingstrong cache consistency is essential to prevent potentiallossesof service availability. Furthermore, with strong cache consis-tency support, CDNs and other mechanisms can provide fine-grained load-balance, quick responsiveness to network failureor flash crowd, and end-to-end mobility, without degrading thescalability and performance of DNS.

To keep track of the local DNS nameservers whoseclients need strong cache consistency for always-on Internetservices, DNScup uses dynamic lease to reduce the storageoverhead and communication overhead. Based on theDNS Dynamic Update protocol, we have built a DNScupprototype with minor modifications to the current DNSimplementation. The major components of the DNScupprototype include the detection module, the listening module,the notification module, and the lease-track file. Our trace-driven simulation and prototype implementation demonstrate

that DNScup achieves the strong cache consistency in DNSand significantly improves its availability, performance andscalability.

Acknowledgment: We thank Songkuk Kim for providingDNS traces of Department of EECS at the University ofMichigan, Phil Kearns for supporting the experimental envi-ronments, and William Bynum for his valuable comments.


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