Main Interior Design Elements

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Main Interior Design Elements

Interior design demands more than just arranging and changing the way things look in an office, home or even in an automobile. These are several elements that an artistic and enterprising interior designer should follow to make sure his/her work comes out perfectly.

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This ranges from themes, patterns, and color scheme used to create an illusion on the area being worked on. The most important interior design elements include:

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Balance: Balance is an element in design that helps the designer position items or shading to create the perfect illusion intended. Three balance styles have to be considered in interior design, asymmetrical, symmetrical and radial balance.

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Focal points: This is the greatest and most influential element in interior design. Focal points create dominant impression of the item or space being decorated. How items are placed, shaded or themed helps one determine the best focal point for the same.

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Rhythm: Rhythm can be applied differently today. It can be applied in music as sound notations and pulse. Nonetheless, rhythm in interior design simply dictates visual patterns and repetitions of the same. Transition and contrast are the key elements here that help determine the rhythm in use.

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Although the above named elements play the biggest role in design, attention to detail determines how well the presentation will be. This is the reason why interior designers should have an attention to detail to make their work handy and not easy to come by.

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