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Transcript of magpowerpoitn

  • 8/8/2019 magpowerpoitn


    The masthead of the cover is in

    a bolder and more stylish text

    to make it stand out from the

    rest of the cover.

    The sub-heading then notifies

    the audience what edition this

    magazine is. It is tucked into

    the C of the main title to

    make it look a little artistic,

    also it adds to the organisation

    of the magazine cover.

    The anchorage of the cover is

    very organised with most of

    the text being shifted to one

    side of the page. It organises it

    very well and fills in the dead-

    space. It is also separated into

    two separate colours to match

    the colour scheme, but it also

    separates different articles so

    its easier for the readers to

    depict them.

    The main article on the cover is

    displayed in a bigger font than

    the rest of the articles to

    increase its appeal to the

    audience more than others.

    Exclamation marks are also

    added to create excitement.

    The image on the magazine

    cover is also allocated to the

    other side of the cover to make

    room for the text to go to fill

    the dead-space and conform

    to the style of a typical

    magazine where it is organised

    with its image and text and

    isn't all over the place.

    The colour scheme of the

    magazine is only three

    colours so the magazine isnt

    too bland but not too busy.

    The colours that are used are

    red, black and white.

    Other parts of the magazine

    are of a typical standard for a

    magazine with the use of a

    price, dates of the magazines

    release and a barcode.

    A technique that has been

    used for this cover is framing

    at the bottom of the cover. It

    separates this article from the

    rest because it isnt relevant to

    the edition of the magazine

    but it does have importance

    because it is big news

    nonetheless, and some readers

    may have an interest in it.

  • 8/8/2019 magpowerpoitn


    The same font style for the

    masthead in the contents page

    has been used again, so it

    notifies the audience that this

    is the logo of the magazine. Its

    tucked away in the corner, like

    it was on the cover so it has a

    similarity of anchorage. This

    time the colour of the logo iswhite so it contrasts well with

    the black background.

    The same three colours (red,

    black and white) have been

    used again for the organisation

    of the magazine.

    An image has been added of

    smiling college students to

    uphold the mood of

    positivity that Prior college

    upholds. Due to a girl being

    on the cover, I have used a

    picture filled all with boys so

    it notifies the audience that

    it reaches out to both genderrather than being allocated

    to one.

    As part of the anchorage sub-

    headings have been used to

    separate different sections of

    the magazine. I have used

    overlapping texts in two

    different texts to make it add

    a little excitement to the


    A letter from the editor of the

    magazine has been included in

    the contents to break down

    the barrier between the

    magazine and the audience to

    make it much more casual like

    the mood of the college is.

    I have added a white rectangle

    onto the background of the

    main cover story section of the

    contents to make them stand

    out above the rest because

    they are the more important

    articles in the magazine and

    are relevant to the edition ofthis magazine issue. A different

    colour is also used for the page

    number to make them stand

    out and are easier for the

    audience to find.

    The red block at the bottom

    makes it stand out, but it also

    increases the excitement for its

    readers for the next issue

    when they havent read this

    one yet.