Magazine evaluation- VIBE

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Magazine evaluation- VIBE

Amy Carle

Magazine Evaluation


This magazine cover has most of the typical features as shown above. The only way you could tell what type of music the magazine is based on is to read the artist featured. The main image is of Usher, he has been photographed in a military style outfit and the camera has been positioned to look up at him so he looks almost heroic. He is a very big icon in the hip hop world and this is connoted through the photograph, many artist look up to him, just like the camera is doing. It also links with the pull quote “There is no competition” it is a very confident shot of him. The magazine is very confident that people will recognise it as the main image covers part of the masthead making it difficult to see.


Cover lines

Pull Quote

Lead Article

Main Image


Amy Carle


This contents page is very simple, with just one picture and a little writing. There are at least 4 pages of adverts before you reach it, this is a very good advertising trick as readers or even people before they buy the magazine will turn straight to the contents page to see if they would like to buy the magazine and so all of these adverts will get read. There is an obvious use of house style- all of the headings of the articles are in the same font, colour and size. It is clearly laid out and the page numbers are easy to read and again, are in the same font, colour and size. Each article has a small paragraph telling the readers what it consists of. Only one picture has been used. It is of Usher, the main artist featured in this magazine and links to the cover where he is featured also.

Amy Carle

Double page spread

This double page spread is a balance of text and picture. The columns are set out clearly, side by side. The image is a very serious yet the use of light makes him almost seductive, his face is in shadow which makes him look dangerous. The headline ‘A man on fire’ is relating to Ushers life and what he has been through in the past few years. The font used is consistent with the house style as it is the same used on the contents page. The standfirst is a brief over view of Ushers life over the past few years which the journalist has ended with a rhetorical question, comparing him with Michael Jackson. A lot of information about Usher and his life is in this article and it all links with the picture and themes used. It is quite military showing he is a ‘fighter’ in life.