Magazine distribution

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Magazine distribution

Magazine Distribution

Supermarkets Newsagents BookshopsThese places sell mass audience magazines as these distributers gain a wide range of visitors, families going food shopping, individuals calling in for a drink etc. It makes sense to sell mass audience magazines in places that have the widest range of visitors of all ages, class and personality.

Record ShopsTend to sell more niche magazines where someone would go specifically to buy this type of magazine.

Who sells music Magazines?

Panini UK is a large publishing brand that publishes magazines such as ‘Bliss’ and ‘Mizz’, these magazines are aimed at the same target audience, and are similar to the type of music magazine I am going to make. If ‘Panini’ was going to publish my magazine it would be put up for sale in shops such as ‘WHSmith’ and ‘Morrisons’ as it would have customers of the target audience age coming into these stores. It would be on the lower shelves so the young teens can access them easily to look at and buy.

In todays technologically advanced age most magazines have a website to go with it, this is a way of marketing and using media convergence.

It’s a way of digitally distributing a magazine, along with social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook, where people can talk and get involved which also catches the attention of others. So digital distribution is effective in also widening an audience.
