Maestro Cut - SCM Group cut/present… · 8 – Associate parameters to type: green icon means that...

Post on 18-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Maestro Cut - SCM Group cut/present… · 8 – Associate parameters to type: green icon means that...



Maestro Cut Software for automatic single

blade beamsaw


Maestro Cut


New console 21”

• 16/9 touch screen format


New Tablet-style interface 1/4

Maestro Cut


• Easy and intuitive “gesture”

Maestro Cut

New Tablet-style interface 2/4


• Multi-tail view (2-sided windows) for multi-tasking operation

Maestro Cut

New Tablet-style interface 3/4


• Multi-tasking example

Maestro Cut

New Tablet-style interface 4/4


Main menu

Maestro Cut


Languages and unit of measurement

• Millimeters – tenths

• Inches – thousandths

Maestro Cut


User management

• User creation with authorisation management

• Authorisation management (administrator, simple users)

• Machine parameters configuration for each user

Maestro Cut


File import for optimization

• Maestro Ottimo Cut format (choice of which parameters sending to the machine)

• Backward compatibility with Wincut programme

Maestro Cut


Production report

• Global counters on the parameters used by the machine

• Daily production data saved on the hard disk

• Text and graphic visualisation

• Daily machine events for each user

• .CSV export format for Excel data processing

Maestro Cut


Programmed maintenance

• Insert of ordinary maintenance work

• Notice on the status bar of the planned works to be executed

• Manual insertion of maintenance works

• Weekly/monthly visualisation of the planned/executed maintenance works

Maestro Cut


Manual mode 1/2

• Possibility to use manually any part of the machine

Maestro Cut


Manual mode 2/2

• Insertion of manual commands in the main screen

Maestro Cut


Semi-automatic mode 1/3

• Two different kind of work: List or Filler

• Main setting are placed in the middle of the screen

Maestro Cut


Semi-automatic mode 2/3

• List mode

Maestro Cut


Semi-automatic mode 3/3

• Filler mode

• Pieces can be inserted in a sequential way (list) or depending on the dimension (from the largest)

Maestro Cut


Automatic mode 1/4

• Execution of a programme or a list of programmes

Maestro Cut


Automatic mode 2/4

• Integrated menu for programs searching with a preview of the cutting scheme

Maestro Cut

Long click to reset a previously

suspended machining operation

Short click to add a program

or a mix of programs to the

machining list Display files as list

Display files details

Display files for preview

Sort items in alphabetical order

Sort items by creation date, from

the oldest to the most recent

Sent items by type of material


Sort items by material used


Automatic mode 3/6

• Possibility to modify some machine parameters before the programme starts

• Possibility to vary the list of the programmes to be executed

Maestro Cut

Number of total panels

Number of panels for each loading


Automatic mode 4/6

• Simple and intuitive graphic for parts handling divided on interested areas

Cutting scheme area

Parking area

Cycle area

Maestro Cut


Automatic mode 5/6

• Manual save (automatic in case of problems) of the working list

Maestro Cut

Long click to reset a previously

suspended machining operation

Short click to add a program or a mix of

programs to the machining list


Automatic mode 6/6

• Recovery of an interrupted list from the last cut with “jump-cut” option.

Restart from first cut

Move to next cut

Start from selected cut

Maestro Cut


Programmes editor 1/6

• For writing a new cutting scheme or modifying an existing one

Maestro Cut


Programmes editor 2/6

• For writing a new cutting scheme or modifying an existing one

Maestro Cut


Programmes Editor 3/6

• Different levels of programming:

P = precut

Y = incremental

X = incremental

U = incremental

V = incremental

R = trim for each cut level (RY, RX,…..)

F = term standing for associated cuts (when F is

positioned between 2 X cuts, this means the U cut

is executed on the 2nd panel)

GROOVES (C,CI, CC) – optional

SLOTS (W, WC, WR, WCR) – optional

• Max. number of lines per programme: 100

Maestro Cut

1 – Presence of internal cuts (Mortise or slots)

2 – Label presence

3 – Line Number

4 – Cutting instruction type

5 – Cut quota from previous one or from panel edge if it

is the first

6 – Number of cut repetitions

7 – Panel remainder


Programmes Editor 4/6

• Grooves - optional

Maestro Cut


Programmes Editor 5/6

• Slots - optional

Maestro Cut


Programmes Editor 6/6

• Example of programme writing:

Maestro Cut


Mix Editor

• Creation of a programme list to be worked

• Max. number of lines per list: 100

Maestro Cut


Materials stock 1/3

• The materials stock is made of 3 levels:

1. MATERIALS – define raw materials and working parameters to use in the machine

Maestro Cut

1 – Raw material name

2 – Raw material description

3 – Associate parameters to raw material: green icon means that there are parameters associated


Materials stock 2/3

• TYPE – It includes the following information: width, colour (grained when managed). Every TYPE can be

associated to one MATERIAL and its parameters. Parameters set in TYPE have priority over the

MATERIAL ones. Prices can be inserted for each TYPE.

Maestro Cut

1 – Type name

2 – Type description

3 – Type thickness

4 – Type colour

5 – Define the type grain: Not grained: no grain present

Longitudinal grain: grain along the length

Crossways grain: grain along the width

6 – Defines the material (created in the relative section) of the type

7 – Type price: used for the automatic conversion of the rejects in remainders

8 – Associate parameters to type: green icon means that there are parameters associated


Materials stock 3/3

3. FORMAT – It includes the following information: dimensions and quantity, it is possible to associate more

FORMATS for each TYPE. Parameters set in FORMAT have priority over the TYPE ones.

Format are split in:

• Standard

• Off-cuts (created manually or automatically with Maestro Cut Utility)

Maestro Cut

1 – Display table of standard formats or formats defined as remainders

2 – Format code

3 – Format description

4 – Format length

5 – Format width

6 – Quantity of format in magazine (to work with infinite quantities set – 1)

7 – Associate parameters to format: green icon means that there are parameters associated


Tools stock:

• Management of all the blades (main and scoring blade) indicating the wear parameters

Maestro Cut



• There are 2 kind of signals:

1. Alarms : machine is blocked until the problem is not solved and reset

2. Warning : special machine events are signaled and disappear once the initial

condition has been restored

Maestro Cut


Debug in/out PLC 1 2 3

Maestro Cut

1 – Column with the logic address and description of the input or output

2 – Indicates whether the input or output is ON or OFF

3 – Indicates whether the corresponding line refers to a PLC input (IN) or output (OUT)

Thank you for

your kind attention