
Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Madonna


1984 Borderline

Borderline is a performative and narrative music video. Some of the scenes are in black and white and some are in colour. This is to show when she is being herself (colour) and not being herself (black and white). The message of the video is to stay true to yourself. Madonna is also dressed in an urban style which was fashionable in the time and she is portraying herself as a rebel. At this point in time Madonna was typical of pop singers in the time and didn’t have a particular brand.

1989 Like a prayer https://

Like a prayer is a narrative music video. It was controversial and was created to give Madonna attention. She portrays herself as being a saviour and has started to create a brand for herself as the video is unique. At this stage Madonna was trying to be more of an individual.

1990 Vogue https://

Madonna is dressed as Marilyn Monroe in this video, she also lists iconic people in the video, almost suggesting that she is one of them. The video is also in black and white, making it look sophisticated, showing that she has matured.

1995 Human nature-

In this video Madonna is shown in a box, suggesting she is trapped. The choreography has the dancers pulling Madonna about showing that she is controlled. Barthes theory of binary oppositions is used in the video as it is in black and white which suggests Madonna has turned to the bad side. This video shows Madonna rebelling from the conventions of society and her struggle with fame.

1998 Ray of light-https:// In 1998, as technology evolved, so did

music videos. For example, Madonna used new techniques such as a time lapse and green screen in this video. She has gone from a rebellious look to the opposite in this casual video. It is also less personal as it is about her daughter and not her. In this stage, Madonna is expressing her newfound happiness in her life with her daughter.

2005 Hung up- https://

In this video it is as if Madonna is trying to prove something as she has surrounded herself in youth as if to say ‘I've still got it’. She is also still creating a brand for herself even though she has bee in the music industry for so long.