MADISON Saccuj»loxx Xtetm ea. a.11 ItallreedL*.

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Transcript of MADISON Saccuj»loxx Xtetm ea. a.11 ItallreedL*.




On MONDAY. MAY 18, and for one week only, they will give away a free ticket to the CIROUS with every purchase of $5.00 in cash for anything in their store ex­cept Groceries. Just 100 to be given away. Be sure and get one. Remember

-E»M0RSE & MUNR0. 9-


TKUMS.OF SUBSCRIPTION. By 1 yt*ar $6.00 B» mail, 6 month* 8-00 By mail, I months 1-60 Daily, by carrier, per week 15


(uruifhicrf information tonrf rniua advantage auil resources of city uf Mudi^on and ol th*» «Ute at itrsre entitling 11 to the patronage of ad-7ertl»er» ui every claee.

.1. P. STAHL, Proprietor.

State Superintendent Crane has is­sued a proclamation to county superin­tendents calling upon them to secure the observance of Memerial day by the county schools and the raising of the flag that day over every school in the state if |j>opsible; also to report to him the number of children taking part in the observance. Supt. Daugherty of this couuty has forestalled all * the re-quiremehts of this order by one of his own issued to the teachers at this coun­ty a week ago.

Egan Exp rent-", 14: "Madison has an election con tent based upon the allega­tion that Normal school students are not voters. The plaiutitfs have a hard point to prove."

The Express is t>tT on it;; statement of the case. Madison has no such contest. The more thau probability is that the students are all voters at home.

The State Bankers' association meets at Yankton next Wednesday.

Sioux Falls Press, l.">: There isn't much question that the people of South Dakota will this fall adopt the proposed constitutional amendment changing the plan of management of public institu­tions. Any change would quite likely be an improvement—at least it couldn't make things any more quarrelsome.

As now tigured out by the political tjoroscof e of the state democratic con­vention to be held at -Aberdeen on ihe 21st; Judge Carland of Sioux Falls will head the delegation to Chicago which Will stand G to 2 for "sound" money.

covered with advestislng, on the side­walk from the grain palace to the Mil­waukee depot—nearly half a mile, Some may wonder what our valued po­lice were doing to permit such a thing, but the old police are still on and Mr. Sabm is a druggist and the druggists always escape. Still, there was no wall paper on the sid walk from the Sher­man house to Ben Ward's restaurant, so it would appear the police may have been on duty at their old stand.

Did you ever think how readily the blood is poisoned by constipation? Bad blood means bad health and premature oid age. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills, overcome obstin­ate constipation. FKANK SMITH.

Don't Tobacco Npit or Mmoke Your I,ir« An ay

is the truthful, startling title of*a book about No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaran­teed tobacco habit cure that braces lip nicontinized nerves, eliminates the nico­tine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run ro physicial or financial risk, as No-To-Bac is sold by Frank Smith under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicasro.

One swallow doe* not make Spring, but one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure brings relief. FRANK SMITH.


.il minis near (.{-us r->ir im::i and injured

Brookings dispatch, 14: While clean­ing the outside of the windows in the second story of the Masonic temple yes­terday afternoon, Sam Stoner lost his balance and fell to tiie sidewalk, fractur­ing his skull and killing him iustantly. Stoner was recently released from the state penitentiary at Sioux Fall?, and is not known to have any friends in this vicinity.

Editor N. C. Nash of Canton has been appointed a member of the Soldiers' Home committee by Commander Drake and goes to Hot Springs with the 1. O. O. F. excursion train to-day to inspect the home.

Pioneer Press: The plan for the canonization of Mary Queen of Scots will be likely, we fear, to meet with some opposition. If the fair candidate (or sainthood could plead her own cause with priest and potentate she would doudtlees win, for John Knox is the only man on record capable of resisting her blandishments. But, in the cold light of history, without the glamour of the Stuart smle, it may be doubtful wheth-er Mary is able to score.

Pipestone Star, 14: "We are at a loss to know why it is that the laws of the state of Minnesota allow one hundred bushels of seed wheat to be exempt from execution, and on'y thirty bushels of barley. In this portion of the state but little wheat is sown, while barley is a great crop." , It was a sly scheme of the prohibi­tionists, Mr. Star. You are not octo ymir job yet. You ought to live in South Dakota awhile and learn the tricks.

A cavein at t: at;ui. Mex.. kii] sevora! other*.

Alfred C. Fields, a negro, convicted of tlie murder of Mr". Randolph, was hung at Chicago.

Mexico ha.s finally !<.] lowed the ex­ample >ct by the United State* and has al><>li>ln <1 all taxes on commerce between the states.

Six persons were injured, one of them fatally, by a cyclone which passed near Mound Kidg>«, T<-x., a nation of the Missouri Pacific.

Two hundred union r*ar builders went out on strike at the Ensign Car works, Huntington. W. Ya. They demand *1 more wages on a car.

At Irwin, Pa., L-; rn n d Koch drowned himself in the reservoir of the Penn Pliit" (i'a>»s rontpany, atVr poisoning his brorh-, r-in-la1", his wife und two children.

General Fit/.huL'h Lee, the newly ap­pointed consul general to Havana, h;us arrived at Washington, and will prepare for his departure to Cuba a* rapidly us practicable.

Nightingale, the fast mare of Mr. C. J. Hamlin of Buffalo, which was in Ed (.Jeer's string of trotters at the Louis­ville track, fell dead while being jogged at a three minute clip.

Proidential appointments: John Fowler of Massachusetts to be consul of the United States at Che Foo, China; Robert Lee Jenkins of North Curoliua to l>e consul of the United States ut Palos, Greece.

The Manhattan and New York and Brooklyn conferences of the Congrega­tional churehe have united, after a separation of more than 20 years, oc­casioned by difficulties growing out of the Beecher trial.

The quintuplets born at Mayfield, Ky., April 29, to Mrs. Oscar Lyons, are all dead. The doctors think death was the result of worry caused by the enor­mous visiting crowds.

John Love, the defaulting cashier of the First National bank of Watkins, N. Y., who pleaded guilty in the United States district court, was sentenced by Judge Coxe to serve five years in Au­burn state prison.

Aberdeen Star, 13: H. H. Sabin tried ft novel schme of bdvertising on Monday sight by pasting a atrip of wall paper


In Si* Mouth* Tliey Have Canied A IXMM of •2,300,000.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 16.—William H. Daly, aged 20 years, and Alfred W. Reed, aged IS, lioth of this city, were arrested during the evening and con­fessed to the fire marshal of, setting 50 fires during the past six months, entail­ing a loss of £2,500,000. There has been a reign of terror over firebugs' work in Boston, Sonierville, Cambridge and Walt ham for mouths, and detailed con­fessions on 3D fires are given.



I.OOO People. 400 Hor»*a. 4 Railroad Train*. 8<M» Circa* Performer*, lOO Act* and Content*. S atin*»

* tHrgea, Knornton* Raring Track-—All 1'ndrr the Largnt Water-proof Tent* fiver Conatrnctetf.

The Incomparable Acrobatic Marvel* ot Two Conti­nent*. A whole Family of Acrobat*. Performing the niOHi diftletill JijD-'ilf Frfat* In full Kvenin* Co*tume.

The (Sensation of Partitan Amphi­theatres, the

3 DA COMAS Moat Expert, Danger-Deiyiug Aerialists

in the World.

NELSONS ̂ The Highe*t salaried Act Kxtent. A Forfeit of »IO.(MN> oflered by Mingling Bro* for their Equal*. Their Peer* \ever Have and Sever Mill Hxlmt.

9 LANDAUERS Peerhas, Plastic, Acrobatic POET..-, in Living Monumental Tableaux of Artistic Beauty.

~~ MONS JOSEPHTE FLUER In Terrific Hendlou? 1*1 niiire* and Peerle«» Single

and Double >on trenail* from the Top uf » 4 »loot Ladder to tht i-J round.

FRENCH FAMILY of Fancy Blcyclietn and Grotesque Roller Skat-vt». Direct from Pari*. A complete play ou « beelt


Th> Unman Top, w hirling In Mid Air *ni«pcnd-ed by the ' tq at the rate of 890 Resolution* a minute.

10 CHAMPION RIDERS. Jfike Rooney, Wm. Pe.Mott .It-rome Diehl. C'bM AD!<OD, Al Leonard, Elena Kylaod, Lizzie itoon-ey, .losie Nelson, Sallie Hiigtwci, „Marion Leslie a ut! a pcore of other great 11 OJ re men and Horte-wonieu.

A Revelation in trained nbitna) »eneatton«.

3 Herds tl Educ jted Elt/ihailt Simultaneously appearing In three separate rin>?», inciudinc th® only herd of


Nitalle's Pic Circw Performing the mo»t diftlcult and Lau^Habl*

feats and climbing Udders elevated 40feet in Air.

Stupendous Revival of the

Ancient Rcmai Hippodrone A vclorious picture of Rome under thp Caesars, reproducing, with startling realism, the sports, Gladiatorial displays and thrilling races ot the Roman Maximus, together with the racing (ilorlt s of tne modern turf.

Million Dollar Manageiie The most complete Zoological Collection on earth. Only giant glratfe in America. Monster Blood-Exuding Hippopotamus, an d hundreds of other rare wild beasts exhibited in soperbljr earved and fold illuminated cages.

Superb Spectacular Festival of Olympus. A c»:w ai d Entrancing Dlvertisement. A Reproduction of the Pomp and Glory of old Greece. Presented upon a ec.ale of Magnitude Never Before Attempted, and grandly Inaugurating the most

Respondent Circus Display ever seen in this or any other conntiy.

Together \\ It h Hundreds ol oth c New, Sturtl'.ug and I mqne Features, all presented with the same completeness and on the sume scale of magnificence a« during the


Every Morning at 10o'clock, in Matchless Array and Prismatic Splendor.

Gold-Glittering, All New, Free Street Parade! The ldhgest, richest, most gorgeoss pageant evet witnessed, representing the magnificent effect and impressive truthfulness, a GRAND TRIUMPHANT V \RCH OF NATIONS, with its immense

chariots, open dens of wild DeMts, marching herds of ponderoas elephants, camels, dromedaries, hundreds of plumed horses, richly costumed charioteers, dazzling tableau cart Tally-hos and hnglish Ttarts, great military bandfc and moving cathedral chimes and organs, the whole passing in kaleidoscopic ylew under the lrridescent sheen of a thousand shimmering banners.



£peeia.l Saccuj»loxx Xtetm ea. a.11 ItallreedL*.

MADISON DPesltlvaljr EadilTsit ixx


W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Distrlrt C'onveatisn,

The fifth district W. C. T. U. oon-vention will be held at Artesian next Wednesday aud Thuruday, May 20-21. The Madison union is entitled to (our delegation.

Prohibition by Law. Bishop P. R. Millspaugh, the Ikew

bibliup of Kansas left Minnesota several tnontbs ago as strong an exponent of the high license system as was found in that state, but he is fully converted to prohi­bition. He said in an interview:

"When I went to Kansus I felt there was no better way of handling the liquor traflic than by the high license system, but 1 am now quite as well satisfied that I was mistaken. I have changed my opiuiou of the prohihition law since T

have seen its workings, and I regard it as very desirable. It is especially so from my own spiritual standpoint. For instance, Topeka is a city of 50,000 in­habitants, so that it is quite a town. You can walk the whole length of Kansas avenue, the principal sstreet of the city, and not see a single saloon on either side. What is the effect of "this? The young men are not tempted to go into the g;lded halls where sweet music and allurements are held open to them. There are no temptations for the yonng and there is nothing to lead the man who does not drink habitually to take a drink, just for the sake of being sociable*

''I tind it easier to do missionary work in Topeka than I found it in Minne­apolis or in Omaha. The young men whom we approach are mote inclined to listen, and as mere attendants, in pro­portion to the population: This means something as it is to be credited largely to the effect of temperance legislation.

"The largest wholesale grooerin Kans­as is a prohibitionist, but himself notja teetotaler. He gives it his judgment as a business man that there is 25 per cent more trade done by the grooery, dry goods and hardware trades in than there was before prohibition was established.

"There is no probability that Kansas will ever go back upon the prohibition doctrine. There is no talk, even, about resubmission, and the people are per­fectly satisfied with the law. I do not mean to say that liquor isi not used in K&naas. The drug stores sell liquor, and it you are willing to take aq oftth

that you need the liquor, you can get it. Or you can send uown to Kansas City and have it sent up marked maple syrap, or something else, and there is no one to interfere. But the saloon as an institu­tion of early Kansas, is gone, and it will be a long time before the people would tolerate the saloon in their midst."—The Lever.


One minute is the standard time, and One Minute Cough Cure is the standard preparation for every form of cough or cold. It is the only harmless remedy produces immediate results.



Socmafn! K«|>«*rliii«*nti« With itofiitffen Kays on liKM-ulMtcd AtiiuialH.

COLUMBIA, M<>., May 16.—The experi­ments that have been going oil at the state university electrical laboratory,-testing the effect of Roentgen rays upon diphtheria bacilli, all confirm the theory that the rernis may be destroyed by the rays. The la«t experiment was made with live guinea pigs, the first of the kind ever made in this country. Two guinea pigs were inoculated with a cul­ture of diphtheria. One of the pigs was exposed to the Roentgen ray> fur four hours. After 72 hours this pig showed no signs of diphtheria and is just as lively as before, whereas the pig which was not exposed to the rays died within 28 hours after the injection, and the post mortem showed his death was due to the injection of diphtheria.

Fooled the Train Robtwrs. HCTTCINOTOK, W. V., May 111.—A

crowd of armed men assembled at a watering tank near Nolan, on the Nor­folk and W**stem road at midnight to rob the Northbound express train. The train crew were notified by wire and passed the tank at a high rate of speed. The robbers attempted to stop the train with red lights.

Admit the Half Sisters. DULUTH, May ltf.—The status of half

sisters of Master Masons regarding eli­gibility to the Order of the Enstern Star was settled by the grand chapter. It was voted to admit them to member­ship.

Cholera at Marseilles. LONDON, May 16.—A special dispatch

from Marseilles says several deaths from cholera have occurred there. On Fri­day last it appears then* were three cases, of which two resulted fatally. On Monday last it is also said there were five fresh cases of cholera and three deaths from that disease.

Fitzsimmons and Malier have met

fought and parted. AYe meet our

competitors and give 'em "fitz"

just now in the way of


There is always a leade# among Bicycle Stores. You

know if gou come here for a wheel you will get value

for your money. We are the Leaders and carry two


Fowler and winion. Repairing done as it should be done.


Dag lTp Mexican Dollars. SIMPKOX, Tex., May 16.—Rev. Rhodes,

living several miles east of here, while plowing his field, unearthed 80,000 Mex­ican dollars It seems the money was buried in leather satchels and they were almost rotten. Mr. Rhodes bought the place two years ago. For several years there has been digging in that TOinity by unknown parties at night.

Oil Burning Furlounljr.

BRADFORD, Pa., May 16.—During a severe electrical storm at Big Ford, in this county, lightning struck an iron tank containing 530,000 barrels of crude petroleum of the Tidewater Pipe com­pany. It is now burning furiously and lighting up the country for miles around.

Me 8eed Investigation. WASHINGTON, May 16. — Chairman

Wadsworth of the house committee on agriculture was asked as to the proba­bility of the committee acting on the resolution censuring Secretary Morton for his action in rejecting the bid of the Northrup-Braslin-Goodwin company for supplying seeds to the government. He paid that it would be difficult to get a quorum of the committee together, and for that reason no aeiiee would be taken at this session.

Hultau t>:tr* A Machination.

LONDON, Mav 16.—A dispatch to The Daily News fruni Berlin Kiys that the Constantinople corres]xmdeut of The Vossiche Zeitung reports that the sul­tan's fears of assassination have led to wholesale arrests of Armenians, who are barbarously tortured to force con­fessions from them.

Rhodes Most Leave AMm. LONDON, May 16.—A Berlin dispatch

to The Standard says: The Neuste Nachrichten reports that President Kruger telegraphs to Colonial Secretary Chamberlain that the commuted sen­tences of the reform prisoners will not be decided until Cecil Rhodes leaves Africa.

Vew York Democratic Convention.

NEW YORK, May 14.—Ihe Democratic state committee selected Saratoga as the place and June 14, as the date for hold­ing the state couvtution to elect dele­gates at large to the national convention at Chicago.

Derrick Blown Down. , CHICAGO, May 16.—During a nfiprt

but violent storm a derrick on the drainage canal at Sag bridge, a few miles from this city, was blown \ down and ten men injured, three of whom may die. ,
