Macbeth By The Simpsons. Macbeth A great warrior; Scottish general; Thane of Glamis; Fought for his...

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Macbeth By The Simpsons. Macbeth A great warrior; Scottish general; Thane of Glamis; Fought for his...

MacbethBy The Simpsons


• A great warrior;•Scottish general;•Thane of Glamis;•Fought for his country and his king;•A hero.

Lady Macbeth• Macbeth’s wife;• Strong;•Ambitious;•Domineering;•Loves her husband.

King Duncan

• King of Scotland•Trusts Macbeth•A good king.


• Macbeth’s best friend;• A Scottish general who has fought for his country and king.


• Scottish nobleman;• Suspicious of Macbeth;• A supporter of Duncan and his sons.

Malcolm• Duncan’s son;• Macbeth’s challenge.

The Witches• There are three witches;• Plot mischief against Duncan and Macbeth;• Start the ball rolling on Macbeth’s downfall.

Act 1

• The play opens with the witches;• They arrange to meet Macbeth on a wasteland.

Act 1 • Macbeth and Banquo are returning from battle victorious;• They are hailed as heroes.

Act 1 • Seemingly by accident, Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches;•The witches give three prophecies – they tell Macbeth that he will be Thane of Cawdor and then King. They tell Banquo that his children will be kings.

Act 1

• Macbeth starts thinking about killing Kind Duncan

Act 1

• The prophecies start to come true when Duncan has the old Thane of Cawdor executed for treason and awards the title to Macbeth.

Act 1• On our first meeting with Lady Macbeth we find she is ruthless when, in response to a letter from Macbeth she fears his gentle nature will not allow him to be king.

Act 1•Duncan arrives at the Macbeth castle; •Macbeth and Lady Macbeth speak about killing Duncan;• Lady Macbeth taunts Macbeth, calling him a coward;•Lady Macbeth announces her plan to kill Duncan.

Act 2

• Banquo and his son arrive at the castle;• Macbeth imagines that he sees a dagger and follows it to Duncan’s bedroom where the king lies drugged;• Macbeth murders his king.

Act 2• Macduff arrives;• The castle become aware that the king has been brutally murdered;• In an effort to cover his tracks, Macbeth murders Duncan’s guards .

Act 2• Ducan’s heirs, Malcolm and Donalbain decide to flee the country;• Macbeth is crowned king but Macduff is firmly against his new monarch.

Act 3

• Banquo begins to fear that Macbeth committed the murder;• Macbeth fears that Banquo’s sons will steal the throne;• Macbeth arranges for Banquo to be killed.

Act 3

• Once the murder is complete one of the murderers informs Macbeth at the castle. He is also told that Banquo’s son escaped;• Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost.

Act 3

• We learn that an army is being formed to fight Macbeth.

Act 4• Three more prophecies are told – Macbeth is told to beware Macduff; that no one born of a woman can harm him. He should only fear when the forest begins to move position.

Act 4

• Macbeth decides that he must kill Macduff;• Macbeth learns that he cannot kill Macduff so has his family murdered instead;• Malcolm and Macduff discuss Macbeth’s rule;• The army is growing.

Act 5

• It becomes clear that Lady Macbeth is being driven mad by guilt – she feels her hands will never again be clean;

Act 5

• Macbeth’s enemies gather close to his home;• Malcolm orders his army to camouflage themselves with branches from the forest;• Macbeth scorns their efforts.

Act 5

• A cry is heard in the distance, signalling Lady Macbeth’s death;• Macbeth notices that the forest seems to be moving closer.

Act 5 • The battle begins;• Macbeth and Macduff come face to face;• Macduff explains how he was born by caesarean reminding Macbeth of the third prophecy;• Macduff kills Macbeth and Malcolm is hailed the new king of Scotland.