Macaron Cloths FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Width: 9 · Designed by Universal Yarn Design Team ......

Post on 22-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Macaron Cloths FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Width: 9 · Designed by Universal Yarn Design Team ......

Macaron Cloths Designed by Universal Yarn Design Team FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Width: 9” Height: 9” MATERIALS Fibra Natura Cottonwood (100% organic cotton; 50g/115 yds)

• 41101 Kara (A) – 1 ball

• 41102 Emma (B) – 1 ball

• 41106 Vivian (C) – 1 ball

• 41124 Anka (D) – 1 ball

• 41122 Stephanie (E) – 1 ball

• 41109 Cindy (F) – 1 ball Needles: US Size 6 (4 mm) 24” circular (or longer) or size needed to obtain gauge Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker GAUGE 20 sts x 28 rows = 4” in any of the lace patterns Save time, check your gauge.

PATTERN NOTES It is so tempting to knit wearable items – either for ourselves or for those we love. But, isn’t it just as tempting make something beautiful for your home – something small, functional, and perfect for daily use? Well, we have the ideal solution. Made from organic cotton, the colorful Macaron Cloths will make your everyday skincare routine feel like a spa retreat. These square washcloths act as a lace sampler, featuring different stitch patterns on each cloth. Plus, the color combinations are endless. Each cloth is worked flat and finished with a tidy I-Cord edging and loop for hanging. I-Cord Bind-Off: Cast on 3 sts to first st on left ndl using knitted cast-on. * K2, k2tog tbl (1 st bound-off), slip these 3 sts back to left ndl; rep from * until all sts have been bound-off. I-Cord: * K3, slip these 3 sts back to left ndl; rep from *. STITCH GUIDE Long St: insert ndl in corresponding st 4 rows below next st on ndl and k1, drop unworked st above from left ndl letting sts unravel down to worked st. Lace A (multiple of 8 sts + 5) Row 1 (WS): K5, * yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo, k5; rep from * to end. Row 2 (RS): Purl. Rows 3-5: Cont in rev St st. Row 6: * P6, Long St, p1; rep from * to last 5 sts, p5. Row 7: K1, * yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo, k5; rep from * to last 4 sts, yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo, k1. Rows 8-11: Work in rev St st. Row 12: P2, Long St, p1, * p6, Long St, p1; rep from * to last st, p1. Rep Rows 1-12 for patt. Lace B (multiple of 3 sts + 1) Row 1 (RS): K1, * yo, k2tog, k1; rep from * to end.

Row 2 (WS): Purl. Row 3: K1, * k2tog, yo, k1; rep from * to end. Row 4: Purl. Rep Rows 1-4 for patt. Lace C (multiple of 6 sts + 9) Row 1 (RS): K4, * yo, ssk, k4; rep from * to last 5 sts, yo, ssk, k3. WS Rows 2-8: Purl. Row 3: K2, k2tog, yo, * k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo; rep from * to last 5 sts, k1, yo, ssk, k2. Row 5: K1, k2tog, yo, * k3, yo, sl 2-k1-p2sso, yo; rep from * to last 6 sts, k3, yo, ssk, k1. Row 7: K2, * k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1; rep from * to last st, k1. Rep Rows 1-8 for patt. Lace D (multiple of 10 sts + 8) Row 1 (RS): * [K1 tbl] 3 times, p1, k2tog, yo, k1 tbl, yo, ssk, p1; rep from * to last 8 sts, [k1 tbl] 3 times, p1, k2tog, yo, [k1 tbl] 2 times. Row 2 (WS): [P1 tbl] 2 times, p1, p1 tbl, k1, [p1 tbl] 3 times, * k1, [p1 tbl, p1] 2 times, p1 tbl, k1, [p1 tbl] 3 times; rep from 8 to end. Row 3: * [K1 tbl] 3 times, p1, ssk, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k2tog, p1; rep from * to last 8 sts, [k1 tbl] 3 times, p1, k2tog, yo, [k1 tbl] 2 times. Row 4: [P1 tbl] 2 times, p1, p1 tbl, k1, [p1 tbl] 3 times, * k1, [p1 tbl, p1] 2 times, p1 tbl, k1, [p1 tbl] 3 times; rep from 8 to end. Rows 5-6: Rep Rows 3-4. Row 7: [K1 tbl] 2 times, yo, ssk, p1, * [k1 tbl] 3 times, p1, k2tog, yo, k1 tbl, yo, ssk, p1; rep from * to last 3 sts, [k1 tbl] 3 times. Row 8: [P1 tbl] 3 times, * k1, [p1 tbl, p1] 2 times, p1 tbl, k1, [p1 tbl] 3 times; rep from * to last 5 sts, k1, p1 tbl, p1, [p1 tbl] 2 times. Row 9: [K1 tbl] 2 times, yo, k2tog, p1, * [k1 tbl] 3 times, p1, ssk, yo, k1 tbl, yo, k2tog, p1; rep from * to last 3 sts, [k1 tbl] 3 times. Row 10: [P1 tbl] 3 times, * k1, [p1 tbl, p1] 2 times, p1 tbl, k1, [p1 tbl] 3 times; rep from * to last 5 sts, k1, p1 tbl, p1, [p1 tbl] 2 times. Rows 11-12: Rep Rows 9 & 10. Rep Rows 1-12 for patt.

Lace E (multiple of 9 sts + 2) Row 1 (RS): K1, * k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2; rep from * to last st, k1. WS Rows 2-12: Purl. Row 3: K1, * k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1; rep from * to last st, k1. Row 5: Rep Row 1. Row 7: K1, * k1, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k1; rep from * to last st, k1. Row 9: K1, * k2, yo, ssk, k1 k2tog, yo, k2; rep from * to last st, k1. Row 11: Rep Row 7. Rep Rows 1-12 for patt.

CLOTH A With A, cast on 39 sts. Knit 6 rows in garter st. Establish Pattern Set-up row (RS): K5, pm, purl to last 5 sts, pm, k5. Row 1 (WS): K5, sl m, work Row 1 of Lace A to m, sl m, k5. Row 2: K5, sl m, work Row 2 of Lace A to m, sl m, k5. Cont as est’d through Row 12 of patt, then rep Rows 1-12, 3 more times. Next row (WS): Knit to end, removing markers. Knit 6 rows in garter st. Bind off all sts.

CLOTH B With B, cast on 38 sts. Knit 6 rows in garter st. Establish Pattern Row 1 (RS): K5, pm, work Row 1 of Lace B to last 5 sts, pm, k5. Row 2 (WS): K5, sl m, work Row 2 of Lace B to m, sl m, k5. Cont as est’d through Row 4 of patt, then rep Rows 1-4, 11 more times. Next row (RS): Knit to end, removing markers. Knit 5 more rows in garter st. Bind off all sts.

CLOTH C With C, cast on 37 sts. Knit 6 rows in garter st. Row 1 (RS): K5, pm, work Row 1 of Lace C to last 5 sts, pm, k5. Row 2 (WS): K5, sl m, work Row 2 of Lace C to m, sl m, k5. Cont as est’d through Row 8 of patt, then rep Rows 1-8, 5 more times. Next row (RS): Knit to end, removing markers. Knit 5 more rows in garter st. Bind off all sts.

CLOTH D With D, cast on 38 sts. Knit 6 rows in garter st. Row 1 (RS): K5, pm, work Row 1 of Lace D to last 5 sts, pm, k5.

Row 2 (WS): K5, sl m, work Row 2 of Lace D to m, sl m, k5. Cont as est’d through Row 12 of patt, then rep Rows 1-12, 3 more times. Next row (RS): Knit to end, removing markers. Knit 5 more rows in garter st. Bind off all sts.

CLOTH E With D, cast on 39 sts. Knit 6 rows in garter st. Row 1 (RS): K5, pm, work Row 1 of Lace E to last 5 sts, pm, k5. Row 2 (WS): K5, sl m, work Row 2 of Lace E to m, sl m, k5. Cont as est’d through Row 12 of patt, then rep Rows 1-12, 3 more times. Next row (RS): Knit to end, removing markers. Knit 5 more rows in garter st. Bind off all sts. FINISHING (all Cloths) Weave in ends and block. Edging Beg at top left corner, with F, pick up (do not pick up and knit, just pick up) 1 st for each garter st ridge along the side of cloth. Work I-Cord Bind-Off over these sts, work 1 row of I-Cord without joining (corner turned). Pick up 1 st for each cast-on st along lower edge of cloth. Work I-Cord Bind-Off over these sts, work 1 row of I-Cord without joining (corner turned). Pick up 1 st for each garter st ridge along the other side of cloth.

Work I-Cord Bind-Off over these sts, work 1 row of I-Cord without joining (corner turned). Pick up and knit 1 st for each bind-off st along upper edge of cloth. Work I-Cord Bind-Off over these sts. Work 12 rows of I-Cord without joining for Hanging Loop. Bind off rem 3 I-Cord sts. Sew end of Hanging Loop to same corner. Abbreviations cont continue est’d established garter st knit every row k knit k2tog knit 2 stitches together (1 st

dec'd) m marker ndl needle p purl patt pattern pm place marker

psso pass slipped stitch(es) over rep repeat rev St reverse Stockinette stitch (purl

on RS rows, knit on WS rows; in the rnd, purl every rnd)

RS right side sl slip ssk slip next 2 sts individually

knitwise, slip them back to left needle in this position, knit them together through the back loops (1 st dec'd)

st(s) stitch(es) tbl through the back loop(s) WS wrong side yo yarn over