Ma Ma Messages › calendarandnews › ... · concerned about infection or prevention strategies,...

Post on 27-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Ma Ma Messages › calendarandnews › ... · concerned about infection or prevention strategies,...

Hello Parents and Caregivers

Principals Diary 31.04.2020 – Pilton SS visit - Postponed

02.04.2020 – Principal’s meeting Gatton SS - Cancelled

From the Principal

As I write this newsletter, we are in very uncharted waters as we all respond to the growing COVID-19

pandemic. We are fortunate to live in the area we do, that has not had the exposure to the virus as

larger centres. At present, we are excited that schools are continuing to be open and provide safe

learning environments for our students however, as we are all aware, this may change in the coming

weeks. As the possibility of school closures approach, I wish to thank parents/carers in advance for

the awesome work you may be doing supporting your child/ren to continue their learning. As a

school, we will be here to provide the content and suggested learning activities, but it will be the time,

focus and connection you can commit with your child, that will create the magic - real teaching! A

couple of my favourite quotes about education to hopefully inspire and excite you, as your role of

parent expands to the very special profession of teacher. Welcome aboard.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

A good reminder to focus on active learning.

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with

diligence.” ― Abigail Adams Talent and luck might happen to you by chance, but learning is a skill

and practice that anyone can accomplish with diligence.

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. This applies to learning as well. The

process of learning is more important than the often intangible result or ‘end goal’.

I hope that everyone received the letter I sent on Tuesday afternoon responding to the COVID-19

challenges and ongoing changes required as we try to continue to deliver to our students the very

best education whilst keeping their health first and foremost. I will attach the letter to this newsletter

for parents who did not receive it.

Ma Ma Messages

Issue 05

25th March 2020

As outlined in the letter, schools remain open for the time being and lessons are continuing as planned. It is

however parents decision to send their child to school or keep them at home. The department has outlined that

parents who do decide to keep their children at home will not be required to present a medical certificate as it

is a preventative measure. It is important that children’s learning continues as much as it can while at home.

To support this the department has some online resources for learning at home. Links to these resources are in

the attached letter. As well as this I will have learning packs for the rest of the term ready to go out to homes

this afternoon. Families can re-borrow books from the library once books in the pack have been returned.

The following events have been cancelled until further notice:

Weekly Parades: There will be no weekly parades until further notice.

P&C meeting postponed

Parent teacher interviews will be postponed

Inter school sport – Kanga cricket Cross Country –Cancelled

Behaviour Rewards day postponed

ANZAC Day Parade: There will be no whole school ANZAC Parade or community March this year.

In the next few weeks we will use email as the main form of whole school communication. If you have not

provided the school with your email address could you please do so. If you do not have access to a computer or

email please let the school know and we will make alternative arrangements.

Students’ Emotional Wellbeing

Looking after our students’ emotional health in these uncertain times is just as important. I have attached an

information sheet which has provided some suggestions for how you can support your child if they have

questions. As a school, we will attempt to keep parents informed as best as possible over the next few weeks.

As everyone is aware, it is a time of constant change and I appreciate there are lots of questions. I have

included below some information and links to websites that parents may find useful.

1. For Young Children (Infants)

Queensland Centre for Infant and Perinatal Mental Health has a ‘Birdie and the Big Sickness’ book on

their website. A lovely resource for supporting younger children.

2. Printable Resources

From Fear to Hope Workbook

o Contains a series of six drawing prompts - each with its own purpose and helpful notes for


o Includes a breathing exercise for children and tips for parents.

o You will need to checkout through the online store, however this is a free resource and does not

require any credit card information

Social Stories for children

- Carol Grey: My Story about Pandemics and the Coronavirus

- The Autism Educator: what is the coronavirus? Attached

- Mind Heart Kids: My name is coronavirus – Attached

- How to wash your hands (for children). - Attached

A comic exploring the new coronavirus - The website link includes a short 3-minute audio clip that

explains (to children and youth) what the virus is and preventative measures we can take to stay

healthy. Print and fold comic for teens.

World Health Organisation Helping Children Cope Printable infographic: Helping children cope with

stress during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Coronavirus Social Story - An infographic developed by an autism educator to help alleviate fears and

anxiety children may be experiencing at this time.

Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)

How to talk to your children about coronavirus – ABC


Cora's mum Denise said her daughter cried for about four or five days because she had been discussing it with

her classmates and was anxious about her grandparents as well as her own health.

Worried about your child getting coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know – The Conversation


The best way to avoid COVID-19 infection (and infection with any other respiratory virus) is by washing your

hands with soap and water, using a tissue or the crook of your elbow to cover your mouth when you cough or

sneeze and by avoiding close contact with others who are unwell.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Parent/caregiver guide to helping children cope with


- Includes information on CVOID-19

- Provides suggestions on how to prepare families for the impact of the outbreak with links to

resources that have accurate and up-to date information

- Summarizes information on preventative measures to stay healthy

- Provides coping strategies to support families and children with the stress of an outbreak

- Provides strategies on how to help and support children and is broken down by age

group/developmental period

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Talking to Children about Coronavirus -

Fourteen suggestions to help parents/providers have conversations about the COVID-19 outbreak with


3. Multicultural: Translated Resources

Multicultural – Translated Resources

What is COVID -19

Look after yourself

A4 poster Look for the signs

4. AUSLAN Translated Resources

AUSLAN Birdie and the Big Sickness

Coronavirus Information in Auslan for Children

5. COVID Health/ Medical Information

Australian Government Department of Health COVID-19 Resources - The Queensland Government has

developed this (above) website that contains all the latest advice, information and updates on the

rapidly escalating Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The site includes information for the general public

concerned about infection or prevention strategies, information for businesses who are impacted, and

links for clinicians looking for the latest clinical guidelines. It’s important during this difficult time that

we share accurate information, and debunk myths or misunderstandings.

Week 5&6 – Respect/Integrity/Effort

Be a friend to have a friend

Students of the week:

Congratulations for an awesome effort!!

Week 8

Chayse- Best Effort! Great effort with your school work this term!

Last day of term Friday 3rd April

First Day term 2 Monday 20th April

Learning the art of ribbon dancing – Thank you

Mrs Platz!

A big thank-you goes out to the 20 volunteers that turned up at our school the Sunday before last to help with Clean Up

Australia Day. We had local families with their children, members of Taoist Tai Chi Lockyer District Branch, as well as

volunteers from Ropehill. After collecting and recording rubbish was done, we did a few more jobs inside the school

grounds and then enjoyed morning tea together in our famous lunch shed. Many comments were made about the

beauty of our school grounds.

A big thank-you also to the kind volunteers that helped paint the MMC Community Centre kitchen later on that same

day. Installation of the new kitchen should be completed by the end of this week.

Stay tuned for more news on this very soon!

Don’t forget to come to MA MA CREEK MARKETS this Saturday 14th March and we are expecting the “Murrumba Pipe

Band” to be playing alongside our markets, they are practising for PIPEBAND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS later this month.

We will also have a “COMMUNITY CONVERSATION CORNER” set up, where market visitors can have a chat with Lockyer

Valley Regional Council election candidates. This is an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions, voice

concerns etc.

There will be morning tea served with chocolate cake or coconut and raspberry slice or both if you cannot decide. These

goodies have been prepared by students during Project Club time at school.

If you would like to book a stall, please ring Eva on 0407 122 325, fees are $5 outside hall and $10 inside hall. All

proceeds from stall fees go directly to Ma Ma Creek Community Centre Inc to help finance maintenance and renovation


Please also keep in mind that the next hall meeting will be held next Tuesday, 17th March at 7 p.m. There are lots of

issues to be discussed and we are always looking forward to seeing new faces at the meetings.

This meeting will be followed by EXHIBITION meeting, so please come along and get involved, this year’s Ma Ma Creek

Exhibition is in its 85th year and we need a couple more helpers to make it another great success. There are so many

different jobs to be done, for example we are always looking for people to help spruce up and clean the hall in the days

leading up to Exhibition, help with setting up, putting up signs and displays and of course help in the kitchen or sell raffle

tickets on the day. Just come along and you will be able to pick a job that you are comfortable with.

We have a new Event/Entertainment team at work bringing back the famous “Ma Ma Creek Bush Dance” on the night of

Exhibition complete with “Ridgee Didge Bush Band”. Volunteering for a community event is a rewarding experience and

many friendships have been made in this way.