M7 master teachers workshop

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Transcript of M7 master teachers workshop

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Master Teachers’ Training Workshop SESDP/DSE/RIES/DTEJuly-August 2016Dr. Bernadette V. Gonzales, Team Leader

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Main Objective

To prepare all central master trainors (CMT) for the training of the provincial master trainors for M7

To make sure that everyone will be properly trained on the learner-centered approach as to be applied in classrooms with UbD as the lesson planning tool.

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

CMTs need to:

Fully understand the big difference between the LCA and the traditional training approach

They must be able to fully understand the agenda They must understand that they should be good facilitators of

collaborative learning and push for the adoption of UbD in classrooms They must be keen in providing comments to the demo teaching They must encourage creative thinking They must be familiar with the pre- and post-test to be used during the


ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Training Steps per Agenda

1. Pre-test2. Group learning and creativity3. Familiarity with the lesson plan

shown in the subject training manual

4. Demonstration Teaching by RIES Master Trainor --- showing how to teach based on lesson plan

5. Pairing (participant A + participant B)

6. Selection and Assignment of topics

7. Preparing Lesson Plans for Demo Teaching

8. Demo Teaching9. Critiquing and assessment10. Post-test

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

First Classroom Session

1. Welcome and introduce participants 2. Present traditional lesson planning3. Present UbD lesson planning4. Give meta cards to participants 5. Compare traditional vs. UbD lesson planning in terms of

advantages/disadvantages, strengths/weaknesses

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

The Traditional Lesson Plan


BV Gonzales
Presentation of Trainors by subject

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

UbD FormatStage 1- Desired Results

Established Goals: G

Understandings: U Students will understand that…

Essential Questions: Q

Students will know… K Students will be able to… S

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: T Other Evidence: OE

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities: L

BV Gonzales
Presentation of Trainor

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

What we typically (incorrectly) do

Identify content

Brainstorm activities & methods

Come up with an assessment

WithoutChecking for


WithoutChecking for


BV Gonzales
Presentation of Trainor

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

3 Stages of Backward Design

1. Identify desired accomplishments

2. Determine acceptable evidence

3. Plan learning experiences & instruction

Then and only then

BV Gonzales
Presnetation of Trainor

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Verbs in Revised BLOOMS

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Current MOES Piloting of UbDInform them of current MOES piloting of UbD in 5 districts, and if successful, will implement nationwide. Present Traditional Lesson Planning

Instructed to Fully Use UbD Tested for M4 ASLO in 2017 Districts

Nong, Savannakhet Taoy, Saravanh Xaichamphone, Bolikhamxay Viengxay, Huaphan Phontong, Luang Prabang

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Performance Task (Group Analysis)Notes to Master Trainors

Make sure they have meta cards and marker pens They have to divide the class into 5 groups making sure each group

must provide an answer or answers to each question Make sure they have the participants put answers to each question in

one place. Assign each group to summarize answers to each question, in this case

for Questions 1-5 and present to class.

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Essential Questions to be Used in Performance Task?1. Have they been using UbD in their classrooms? What are the results?

Was it good/bad? How should they improve?2. What are the current operational problems in using UbD in classrooms?3. Can they combine UbD and traditional lesson planning into one lesson

plan? What will they lose? What will they gain?4. What do we need to do to be able to fully use UbD in classrooms?5. Consolidate, integrate and summarize.

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Demo teaching by the CMT

Show lesson plan and explain Demo teach Get feedback and provide


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Performance Task for Master Trainors

Prepare Lesson Plan in pairs using UbD

Demo teaching Critiquing Assessment using rubrics

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SPA Conference on the 6th day Presentation of school quality improvement measures Meta Cards Sharing on What Has Been Done so Far in Adopting the

Learner-Centered Approach in Classrooms

1. Participants will be asked to fill out first meta cards on what have they done to support adoption of the learner-centered approach in classrooms

2. Participants will be asked to write on the second meta card the results of their efforts in adopting the learner-centered approach in classrooms 

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SPA Conference on the 6th day3. Processing of learnings from the Meta Card Sharing activity

3.1 Assessing what needs to be done in building capacities of teachers towards the further use of the Learner-Centered Approach in Classrooms.3.2 What will they do to make sure teachers adapt the UbD lesson plan?3.3 What measures will they install so that a school-based approach to instructional quaility improvement is installed? 3.4 Have they implemented and use the Teacher Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (TPME) Guidelines at the school, district and provincial levels?3.5 How to further build capacities of school heads/principals so they can enhance and supervise instructional delivery in their schools?  

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SPA Conference on the 6th day3.6 What are the roles and responsibilities of school principals in capacitating teachers in the use of the learner-centered approach in classrooms?  3.7 How do they enforce use of LCA in classrooms, and how do they monitor?

3.8 Do the schools have learning action cells (LACs) in their schools, which would group same subject teachers together to meet on a regular basis so they can exchange information, review teaching/learning practices and inspire each other to adopt improvements in classrooms?

3.9 How to further use the SPA time to improve instructions and ensure that the learner centered approach is used in all secondary classrooms?

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SPA Conference on the 6th day

4. Prepare an Instructional Quality Improvement Plan per PESS (to be presented during the SPA conference)

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SPA Conference on the 6th dayNotes to Facilitator1. Display and presentations of best lesson plans2. Report by Province on status of the adoption of the learner –centered

approach in classrooms 2.1 Report of Accomplishments in adapting the Learner-Centered Approach in classrooms 2.2 What are the challenges?2.3 What are the lessons learned?

3. Display of all Instructional Quality Improvement Plan by PESS and presentation by selected PESS.

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM Theory (for SPA Conference)

This is for Ajarn Xayadeth to present during the SPA conference

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM TheoryTheory of Change: School-Based Quality Improvement Model to Increase student learning outcomes with the ff. elements in place

School-Based Quality

Improvement Measures

LCA using UbD

Deployment of DSPA

Use of ICT4LE

Strengthen-ing capacity

of school principals

for Instructional Leadership

Delivery of remedial classes

Strengthening quality

management structure





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BV Gonzales
Presentation of Ajarn Xayadeth starts here.

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM 1: School-based Quality Improvement Measures (SQIM)This includes: Deployment of District Pedagogical Advisor Use of ICT for Lao education (ICT4LE) Capacity building in the use of the learner-centered approach (LCA) using Understanding

by Design (UbD) as a lesson planning tool; Strengthening of quality management structure: a) establishment of schools of quality

model/cluster management and information exchange among school principals by district through monthly quality improvement meetings to be facilitated by the DSPA; b) establishment of school-/subject-based learning cells; and, c) engaging the community to support quality improvement.

Delivery of Remedial Classes; Capacitating and empowerment of school principals on instructional leadership 

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM 2: Deployment of District Pedagogical Advisor (focused on 5 districts)

5 DSPAs were deployed in 5 districts to provide ICT4LE and assist school principals and teachers in the instructional quality improvement

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM 3: Use of ICT for Lao education (ICT4LE)

DSPAs were provided laptop and small LCD They are also provided with DVDs (videos and powerpoint on the

learner-centered approach Learning channels have been set up by the MOES (please see next slide)

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Channels/Groups Main Theme Active Members


Teacher Training by ETC/RIES  

www.facebook.com/groups/TE.LAO/ Teacher Training 6,464www.facebook.com/groups/LaosLearn2013/ Assessment 65www.facebook.com/groups/SESDP.QUALITY.COUNCIL/ Task Force 40www.facebook.com/groups/Laocurriculum/ Curriculum Design 147www.facebook.com/groups/MOES.TTIs/ TTIs, Teacher Training 210https://www.facebook.com/groups/ICT.Development.TE/ Internal by DTE 53https://www.facebook.com/groups/ICT4LE.LAOS/ Internal: Strategy Dev’t Team 16www.facebook.com/groups/LaoScience.Teachers/ Science Instruction Discussions 171https://www.facebook.com/groups/Laocurriculum/ Curriculum Design 147www.facebook.com/groups/BESDP.friends/ General Educ./ Project Updates 784PAGES (for those who do not wish to “join” groups)    https://www.facebook.com/LAO.EDUC.HEALTH.DEVELOPMENT

Educ. & Health Page  

https://www.facebook.com/MOES.SPA.Laos/ Page for SPAs  http://www.facebook.com/MOES.DSE.LAOS. DSE Page 1,579 likeshttps://www.facebook.com/SESDP.Laos/ Project Page 1,318

likes OTHER LAOS channels    https://www.facebook.com/groups/educationoflaos/ General educational reform

discussions led by Civil Society35,370


By JICA Volunteer Learning management system for

MOES network by ICTCintranet

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM 4: Capacity building in the use of the learner-centered approach (LCA) using Understanding by Design (UbD) as a lesson planning tool

This explains why trainors must fully understand how to deliver outcome-based education using the learner centered approach with UbD as a lesson planning tool

The M1-M7 teacher training built capacities of teachers in shifting to the learner-centered approach from the traditional approach.

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM 5: Strengthening of quality management structure

a) establishment of schools of quality model/cluster management and information exchange among school principals by district through monthly quality improvement meetings to be facilitated by the DSPA; In this model, cluster head school where the DSPA is assigned leads efforts towards quality improvement; by setting up monthly learning meetings with all school principals within the district.b) establishment of school-/subject-based learning cells; and, The school principals should set up learning cells by subject. Learning cells are composed of all subject teachers in the school, who will have to meet every month to exchange ideas, insights and observations on how to improve classroom instructions. Part of the activity is a scheduled classroom observation where a specific teacher is observed during actual teaching and is given positive re-enforcement on how to further improve her lessons.c) engaging the community to support quality improvement.The communities are engage to fund quality improvement activities like sponsoring educational tours of teacher to nearby schools, rewarding teachers with highest TPME rating, and other such activities.

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM 6: Delivery of Remedial Classes

Students who fail to meet minimum competency requirements of 5/10 must be identified

Along with at least 3 of their competent classmates, a remedial class will be conducted for them by the teacher

Remedial classes are conducted by repeating the day’s or week’s lessons and providing them exercises or drills, so they can fully understand the lesson and catch up with their classmates. The teacher must think of practical learning opportunities to make sure students learn and are able to perform tasks assigned by the teacher.

The teacher may decide to deliver the remedial class her/himself by repeating the lesson and providing specific learning opportunities for students to learn from and be able to catch up with their lessons; or,

Organize peer-to-peer learning opportunities where a student is able to exchange knowledge with another student; under the teacher’s supervision.

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

SQIM 7: Capacitating and empowerment of school principals on instructional leadership

The school principal must take a lead role in pursuing improvement in instructional delivery

He or She must learn the learner-centered approach by heart and be able to work with his/er teachers on the improvement of teaching

S/he must conduct classroom observation and provide constructive and inspiring comments to teachers

S/he must establish learning cells by subject and monitor exchanges of information and guidance on how to improve classroom performance of teachers

S/he must monitor and enforce the use of the Learner-Centered Approach in classrooms

S/he must require the preparation of UbD lesson plans and provide good advice for improvement and delivery of lessons.

BV Gonzales
Presentation of Ajarn Xayadeth ends here

ADB Grant 0257 SESDP Laos

Thank You!!!SESDP