~~:m~ Independent Boord of Inquiry · Independent Boord of Inquiry PCb ..,.,.,,32203 "''' """""...

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Transcript of ~~:m~ Independent Boord of Inquiry · Independent Boord of Inquiry PCb ..,.,.,,32203 "''' """""...

~~:m~ Independent Boord of Inquiry

PCb 32203 ..,.,.,,­"''' """"""" ...,~= f'I'Q">e {Oill d()3.J25¢(7 fa>c rol11 dl)3.1366



I. li!TRODUCtIOJ!;._ •.••.•.•..••.•.••.•...•..•.••. __ ..• l


1. ".. South Atric.n POlio. (SAP) ..•..•.....•. • •... • •.. 1 - •

~. ttl. south African Detenc. roree. (51L1Jr'j .••••••••••••• 4 - 5


• ATI'ACKi OK INplYIDUAI4; •• ____ ................ 7 - a


1. Train Att.acQ •• _ •••••• • •• • •• • • _ .•• _._ • •• • • ••••••••• 8 - 10

2 . ".. xa.t bnd •••. . ••.••• . •• • .••.•. _,_ .•.• • .•••.••• 10 - 11

l. ".. Colliolton.l C-i .. ion .•••• .. ••. . .•...••.....•• . ll - 12

4. 'l1l. oav.yt.on Inqu.at ••..••••...••. .. • •••••.....••. 12 _ 1]

5 . een.ral .•••••..•••••...•••••• . .••. . .•••••......••••.... 12

VI. tLUAL..;,

Ttl. TruIIt Fee ""a .. cno ...... .. .. . ...... . .. . . .. ...... . . 14 • 2. 'rb. ""pb...-lo Inqu .. t . ....... . .... . ..... . .............. 15


1. ANC.nd PAC cl •• "-........ .. .......................... 1'

2. Ciaksi. • . .•. • • •... •••••••. . •.••• .. ••••.•• . .••••••. 17 - 20

VIII. COIICWSIOII' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20

- , -


TMo .o.t iaport&nt dev.l~t in the field of int'or.al

rapr ... ion tni. _nth v •• the abort ot the COIIi •• lon ot

Inquiry into pUblic viohnoo and intu.ldation .... ded by Itr

Juett ... Goldstona. Legal t ..... atta",Ung the c-i •• ion are

optbiatic about the long tano .ttect it could have on

political .... 101.....,.. ".. _rd "Ul '"' .... rJting .. ary cl ... dy

with ~ c-iadon and intor.atlon 9.th • ...." "ill bot.

continou.ly foravarded to itA otficara.

On the ........r.ttv. aida, the.r. ...... indicat!.,... that _rs ot

the South ~rl"lc:an Poll ... {SAP} an. atill OI*nting with •

~total o_laught" pbil...apby . on.. I:1nding. ot the Davayton

Inque.t IncHcau that thano 1. atill ... ch vork to 1M done on

polla. trdnlnq "pM:ially a. regards u..lr attitude to

township resident..


• 1. lb. Sooth AtriCAn poliO

The Appelah Division h •• raIIarv*'- j\ldq_t in the appeal

aqalnat .... t.nce brouqht by (or..r ....:urlty poll.,. SerlJeant

61.ond Mota.ela.

~1!::~:~."'S'fr ii"' : S'g~ ·a·l'1":sI~ ... ",g.:I"''' ~ :I ~ .. ... I .. < .. .. ~ .. I "'~"":~~!Q~ 2'~il'" .... ::r., ........... I. "' ... ... ... "I ... .iI[i. ::1'8" = .. , ...... : ~:: .... lI:"' .. g. £ ~ i ~ i 8 g c ~: § 2 i i ~ .. g

5 & i i ~ Ii g : i ~ :! ~ ~ i I : cc:"'· .... .,"'!!i I e!t'::r~:;~ .;"'Ii,,,,,!!,, ,,)!:,...'C" ::;c~'l"'i~:' ~ii~~g'8~ ... Q " ... .. 1I.::r" .. ... ... ...... g-< =-g<'" '''".-0 ~ii=~.;S'~.6 ~~gs::~iI

.... o .. i! ........ f1'[ .. .... &... s: .... .. If) ....

~'·Ii ~l!i :!~J~l. " x.:.. .... s:'" ::1:1 oil I ~ ....... ..... .. .. r .. • § .. : ::r S:.. n i .,..... i

I! .z ". cr .. ~ ..... "o.il< Ii .. n to < X ... .. I.,..... .. to ..., ........ ...... .. ....... !."'. 11'< ..... '" >fa 'lOP, ••• (1 ~o ." ... • i"' In.. If) 'I .. C ... ... " 11'. "'''10 ."':1'::1 .... ........ .. ... .. .. 2 " c .. to e <.. ... ~ .. .. .. g "'"'i ""' [' . .. Do .... '" 0: ... 1>0 ..... Po "-<,,.... iI": i~· ... :"F:t~ '<·i:"'~ ~§; .. s: ;.,2 ~!.,s:e.s: i" ::r .... 10 :ril." :I" !1":~: ~!' ~ .. !'in is. ... .. ~ .. .. ....

'" & i ~

• •

(1661/11/'1 p.l~"A .~A)·M.l~ ,0 A~.l~.A .PTftM •

~T" p." p." ." 'P''''' ....,T .... 6u".,~q pu •• 6u,~_ .no.z .... u

,0 ~no .6uJ:.,~. 6'JTpvq ... ~., ...... ~q~_ .~,~u •• ~ • ~.<n peA.lleq .M '~q~_ .~ q.6J~ •• AlI:l o~ pe~"~l~"'go eq

6ulP"_P ., eq 'Pl"" l.unqP~ 'tSIoUlH • ~ .... op ~ pe~.

~nq 'nod""l 6ul~"'lIf~""'l .~ "" .... ~o ~......:>Op fNT~"""'T~OUl

.~ u... ~.A 1CU p.1{ ." ~~ pe.Jel0 ." p.t~G4R _AlA

.~ <nl" _lA.:lqul U. UI ·_1~.6el1. eon 11. pelueP •• " "lfIX

· •• 1~1"1=. uol'm .p.~~ q"T~T6e1 uo buTAd. ul peAIOAll:l

~ou ..... eNS .<n ·.U01~.61~ •• """ l,"",If~'" ul ~.l ••• ~

... ..-..l:O'Ul pe ... "'110<1 .~ ~.n"" ~.~ peW •• M 'uol~""o,uT

~T" ~ peTtddn. oqA .ldoed AJT~U-.pT o~ ~ltod "'11od

~ou .... ~1 ~.~ pe~~. ·~.11_ utteo'I ".,p.6,.I1I ·....,.,..ed •• "od.

".""0 pu-. .. ., '6uTnuT~uoo 111~. a;o:.A •• Tde .011od

~noqlO ",ol~.f>eU. "-..no l"'. _~ ~u, "'01~.6T~ •• AUT ~"<n

PT.. 'O.llf.AIt)[._ ·.(:zq-.z:>eS 1.~"'e!) YSIIllM ·.""A u ......

~.Rd .~ ~o, Ad. "'11od ••• ~"OA p." ." ~"I{l -.uol~.6el1.

buTAOnOJ H ,,_...oM uo qo, .1" ..,..., pepued." ••• A

• "."n.-....q (~'1so;:1) .... olua epe~ ur.:>l~''1 ~nos '0 ••• .l6u~

.~ •• poe ........ 0.1 .... " OqA 'nlfIX 11.""eM • ('t'SWIlMJ r.:>T.lJ't'

,,~nos ,0 • .l."~OA 1.~.W JO uolua l0tu0l~.N ~ JO ~uePT •• .ld '""'"

- , -

- . -Five ot the a1even .".pended police .... attached to tIM nov

,Usbanded Welvardie.n4 Unnae Unit in carl.tonville ha .... been

pravi.lo .... 1.1y char<;Jed witl! attaapted .Ilrder. '!'be rive "ill

alao hce charg .. ot auault "ith Int..,t to do qrievou.

bodily har. a. _11 a. charge. of coa.on ••• "ult. Th ...

chat'q •• 8>:'1 •• out of an Inv .. tiqation by the Board'.

..... . arch_no (... pra ... lou. r.porta).

Another _r of the unit, Ephrata r..,ta ~t •• hae been

round crbi""Uy r .. pon.d.bl. for the death of an lkageng

schoolboy, COllin lIOI'I91 IfyCIkonq. 'I'll. IC&qiatrata vb<> pr .. lded

at an inqu •• t into the boy'. d_til, Ilr Plat Kyburgb. found

that the boy had bien abot by aa.p.ta "".nat be, Nyokong. had

bean hiding und<Ir ..... of hi. teacr.ar'. bedoI. '""" _qi.trato.

could not rind _tlMr Raapeta had tl~ n.gliqantly or

intentionally but ~ed that U.a ... ttoor be nofu ..... to

the Attorney General'. oftica fo .. inv .. t19atiOll.

2. The Sooth African POtcOClj rol'Cil ISADP).

The lI_kly lulil of Mov_r 11 report..d that .0 Iacor hoat.l

<tv.llars fro- the S ..... keng Bre&II ha4 ~iv"" call up notice.

froa the local SM' ~o.

-. -The notice. ordered the .an to .. aport tor a one day training

c:."P at the 10C111 c-ndo h.~rt.r. and included a

prov!_ion to the .,t.at that tailur. to report would

conatituta an otfence in t<onu of the Doof_ Act. ACCOnHng

to SADP .pott..pe ..... n Brigadier S Kulda .. tile -_too.- ",are an

-lnvit.otion- to attend ..... lon at which the -.dvantag •• of

being • ..-r of the V •• I C ..... ndo would be explained to the

_n, with the .. lttA" objective "'1"9 to r.c ..... it a phtoon

M'UJlSA GoInerai Secretary. _ •• May.t.i .... cond..aned the ...ve,

•• ~i.lly in the light of the fact that th<O ... n live at

ltVaKadala H".tel. In the local ...... unity th.o parception ia

that INaKaclala ia u_ ••• launching plOd for attacH on

Sebokaroo;l and the aurTOUndinq tovn8blpll. xayek.i.., pointed out

that the •• parceptio ... could be increa_ by the SADF'. -.ova.

",. African Nat10m0.l COnqr ... (AJIC) call-.l on the S.\llF not to

recruit at hoatel. daecrlblnq .uch caapal~ •• highly

i= •• ponelbla and provocative in the light ot .. hUng

• teneiona .... t ..... n bOOltal d_l1a.,8 aM toItnMlp .... 14.nb. Th.

s ... or r •• pons ... a. to da.criN the .... ."t e. en -"<boini.tr,,tl ....



1. Linkl between tho Onle Docrcygn COS! ,00 Stat, Mcnei, •.

08 -.ben!, Henry hot!n and Adri •• n _rit~. h,vI co-e to

l1qht in tho united Jl;inqdo-. They -ainedn that ,,11 their

Ictiono (lee. previoul report,,) ... ono carried out on the order.

of litho .. Military Intelllqence (MIl or the Civil

co-op*rotlon SUr •• u (OCB). They 01.0 cl.l. to blVI evidence

IIhOlo/lng tiI"e the SAOI' continued to '''WI}' Rena-<> with 1t'1lS

ate.r 198', in contr,vlntlon of tho provioionl or tho N~o.atl

Accord and that tho SAO,. 'lave til. lnkatha I're""o' Plrty (U'P)

10 000 ~ '1 and a4 •••• ult rifl, • •

MlC .pOk~ .. 'penlon. c .. rl Ni,hau., .aid that tho ANC " '"

prepared to facille.t. inde-.nlty to:-o-- p,:olacution tor: the .en

10 that thly could 9ivI .vid ........ HtO'" • co .. i,.ion of

inquiry. lIien,,,. said that it v" "pac:ially i'portant that

Iny info..--ation vhieh tho .. n had about tho CCD ahauld co-.

to light.




L """"" o.ra .. 60 J.JIC and IrP aet.i",lat. and 1_ ... boa". _ ...

....... i ... tooct by unlInovn qun..n tIIi. y_r. Aa:ordlnv to IUa

H~. hNd or tbe tnltatha I_Utut.'s Viola ..... Study unit,

ova .. 25 IF' l •• dar. had _n ...... lnated alnce tlHo alqnlnq

ot tn. pUoc. aCCOrd. 1't>. uu..n Ri'lhta Co_i •• ion (KRe) atated

tlIat )0 ANC oftice bHor ..... a. _11 •• youth .. lid _ity

l_r8, had -.. kill-.cl .1 ..... January 1991. M!.Uat tM IFP

bl_ the AMe tor _t of the kllHnva, tba Me ... ld

qov • ..,.."t 89.-1 ...... pOnIOibl ••

2. PhYalila Mbttbl

An AIle activist and ~'nI o<'9 .... t. .... ",_hUe ~tha .....

abot and kill_ 00\ If ..... _r is 111 ~ •• Sba .... r.oturni"ll

h_ trooo .... aUy ¥bieb bad -.. ... ld to prote.t a.,ai ... t tbe

i..,odtion of ... al ... added tu: (VAT) •

3. tll.tal "X'

Ttle _Y of hiab1 Hiya, .. fo ....... ,011. vbo bad ~ntly

... turned to S_tIt Africa, .... found in the open vald ......

Sov<oto on If __ r 5. He....,. -.. ...... t _ral ti_ .In the

,,_d. 'nlrM black poll_ hav. -.. arr_tad in conntoCtion

with tha 1Wrd ....

- . -of. TOkyo lign,l.

Kr. 5_1_, a..hpenon or tluI Prtotoria, witvaterarand, Vaal

(PWV) region of the AlfC and Cor..r u-khonto .. a 8ic ... (JU)

oparatl_, narravly ..... ~ ,,_til ......... he ovartun>ed hi_ c::.r

on Nov .... " 6. a. v •• trying to •• capa fro. a group of ~n

at tluI U .. .

v. nf!!: BtU VIOLENCE

1. ruin AttoeD'

.. nit_botion. of the _r violenc., continwtd in Naveaber.

although no rabUti .. vera reported thb _nth. On Noveaber

13 tiva ~l. vera injured in a Root out Htveen people

vaiting to board • sow.to bow.:!. train and the pa.seng ......

thereon. On lfove.IM.r 11 another tooute.n people .. ere in1w:ed

on a 8_to bound train .ttar ... lnq attacked by • qroup of •

_n wielding panq •• and other .harp lnatnme.nu.

to " .. 1 with tluI apate of th ... attaclul.

-. -So far at least 80 people hav. dl.." 1n ~ •• attackll and

thera h.ae not yat bean " ainqla conviction. In lat" October

the SAP ant'lOUl>Ced that they ware unable to patrol th" trains

~ua. it vaa unaaf. tor ~ to do .0 •

IFF and the Consarvativa Party (ep) _id that if ttli. ",a.

trlla it VIla " .1gn that South Africa vaa e1 .... to being

ungovernable. The Democratic Party (DP) •• id that propoo"

patrolling" or the b."al ... va ....... ti.l aM the AXe called the

.... cu •• ~t.-hl.· and point..,. OIIt that it ..... tu' .Il:a

danq.roIlA tor ordinary =-uters than ar.ed police_no

Partly In r".pons. to auch critici .. Spoornet announced that

_tal d"tectonl lIQule! be _de availabl" roc "II atationa. The

police, howavar. beliava that th ••• det.ct:ors c:an be bypa •• ed

by hiding .... pon. in ...tIran •• , which 1. wh"t po"dbly

happened in the ca .. ot the lI'ov.u..r 17 attack. Th" SAP

tntrodllc-'- ""at pr_i ... to be " -.ore .freeth,. " •• po,..& when

• they stopped trat ... be.t_n atatio,,", on october ~o and in

conjunction with the SAOr aearch.d each train. A .i.iIar

operation yo. carried out on "cwe-ber 19.

- 10 -

Despite the QP90inq violence on traina .u.~ train

attac;:ka.r. AllMort 01 .. ini .... rel .. ...t on JUOOO bail. Dl .. ini

i. tacinq :) counta ot ...mer and .everal ot att.apted IlUroar

tor a train attack on the bat 1Land. Dl .. ini bad ......

arreated by co..uters c- Octobar Report). HUMSA oro}aniser

Altred Woodinqton Aid that the 10001 bail would di.couraqe

=-utere tro. takinq .1.IIilar action 1n ruture. :In an

inte rviev w1th the saturday Star ot li'oveaber 16 01..tn1

clai"'" to be an In> -...bar and .. id tbat' ha would be _tinq

with the xu central ....-Ute. to di..,.... hi. ca.e. The In>

denied the _tinq but could not contino or dany 01 .. in1'a


2. De Cut Rand.

A nuaber ot attacke took ple.,. in thia ar .. in Ifov.aber Inlt

the area haa detinitaly be<en aucb quieter than in previous

_ntha. Thi ... y be due to the pea_ contartnee vbich _a

held in Thokoza and vbieb will be dealt with intra. On

Oc::tober JO, all< p*>s/le vere shot at and wounded vb ... a qwm8n •

opened tire on a tall1 drivinq paat PIlola Park squatter CIlJOp

in Thokoza. In nearby Vo.loorua .even people Were killed and

.1x injured vban an unla\ovn nu.ber ot ~ attacked a perty

on Nov.aber 11.


- 11 -

... poII.ibla _jar b~b for pea'" in the era. .... the

holding ot an all party pea'" confa.......- .. rl), in the _nth.

The cont.r....,. v •• cbainod by Prot .. ..,,.. .lebol •• Hay_ and

A¢locate Palll Pratori_ and v •• att<tnded by all political

parti .. in the region a. _11 a. by the SAP and the SAD ... All

• reault of the contaranoe a dhputs .,.,..it~ 1_ to be. .. t

up coapriaed ot rapnoaenutiv •• t~ virtually every

politiCAl party in Tbokol&.

J. me Gol4atona CgMbaloD

The eo.ab.ion or Inquiry into the ThOGn violence began in

Pnotod. on Kovuobe.r 19 'nIa co..iadon i. beaded by Pratori_

a<!vocate Solly Slthol •• He i •••• bt_ by Lilian Baqva , an

attorney and for.ar Kanaqinq Dl~r ot Per. SA, Bob TUcltar.

Kaal>era ot the co.ai •• ion, a ... all a. the l-.gal taaaa,

i .... pected aoanee or recent bloodab.d in Thokoza on the Eaat

boo. The eo..i •• ion .. 111 concenb"ate. on three _in event-:

the attack on In ___ no On Sept..,.>: • 19\11 which lett 23

P"Opla d ... d: the ... rd.e .. or civic l_du' S .. Ntul! on

Sept..,. .. 29 1991: and u.. aut.aquant killing or another 23

people who attended NtuU'. (unenl on ~r 7 1991.

- l.l -

that they ai,.,bt not be abl. to att ..... the eo..i.-ion a. th.y

vere abort ot tunrt.. Lawy.r. tor HUaan Right. (LHR) bave

agr.ed to provide bridqing rinance to the IPP. aa.. civic

organi.atio .... and individUllle n .... ing 18<).1 repr.sentation .

Thus tar the co-i • • ion has been hearinq evid.nce tro. the

varioue investigating otticen< ot the SAP. On. ot th .. Board.· .

r ..... arch .. rs. Sally Seal.y. ha. been propo.ed a. an

independent inv •• ti,.,ator by ec.e ot the parti ••• A d.c1eion

on thi. vill co.. troa Mr Sithol •• Legal t .... at the

co_i .. e ion heve r ... rked on the .><t.nt of the co-operation

betvaen all the partie •. Happily the eo..ieeion appears to be

entirely unaarked by any kind of advereorisl epirit.

4. Tbe DAyayton Inauaat

Ju.tice B O·Donovan. th .. pr.eiding otticer at the oaveyton

inque.t. gave hi. finding on Hovaaber 26. 'the inque.t va.

hold to d e teraina who va. rtllponeible for the death ot a •

policeaan and 12 tovnehlp residents which tOllowed a cla. h

betveen tovnehip re.idents snd the SAP on )(arch 24 thi. ye.ar

( .... April Report). Subsequ.nt to the incident the Boan!'.

res earcher. have been assieting th.. legal te.. repres .. nting

th .. township re.id.nts in th.ir inv •• tigation.


- II -

ThtI Judge round that tluo pol100an. Lanoe serqaant Jan PoItnl.

van 1Iyk ..... probably ~.re4 by .iII: unld.entJ.ti..s ru<ldanta.

'nMI police t:hen r..ponoo1.s by opening fino i_ding to •

-.lall9btar-. ".. Judqa .. 101 tbat ..... il..t. ... appreciat.d. tha

tact that the polio. _n d_Iing .,ith • =la1tl .ltuatlon,

tha ~ of .. It: d.t_ had ~~. vIlic:h ....

ele.arly d ....... t.r.t.<l. by the tact that. -Ora than 250 round_ or

__ unitlon Van tir.cl.. He !"\lied that the entl" record or the

cc.a1asion be rorvard..s to the AttornllY ~ral and that

charge. or .urdar and culpable balcida be I nvutigated

aqat ... t ~.ry poli~n vbO tired Ii ... ...unition.

M_ Nation reporteE'll cia!.. to hay. _da contact with. group

or -hit _n- at Jew- ~tal vbo an prepared to till anyone

tor R4000, pr<>Vlded tluo vieti. b not an IFP ..... r . Th •••

INn clabo that .boUar -hit -.qu.ad.- oud.t in t.o.tala

thTOU<Jhout the wv .~ (" _ ".Uon a/ll/lf90j .

- 14 -


Tb-. e"ent. .urroundinq the Trust Peed "" ... cre and. the

""pb .... lo inq\MSt _r. deelt vith .t .... l..-qt.h in the

Octobar "port _ only .- de"el~nt. vUl be d .. lt vith

1. n. Tru.t rusa K .... cr.

special Consta!)l. Selby Kkbh. told the court that aftar the

_ •• acr. be .nd ri". other speci.l consta!)l •• , tour or wtI_

ara 8-o1'9.t tha aOCl.lS44, _r. told by Li .... t.nant (_

captain) van den H .. y.r (also one ot tha aCCUIHd) that thay

.hould not COM back to work until they v.no 'liven t\lrthar

buotr\lctiona .• 0 .1>Cb instructions _no 'liven to 1D<h1 •• , nor

va. be paid .qaln, so be l.tt the SAP and jolned tlwI EvaZulu

police ('P). H. added tlwIt be and Special Conata!)l.

Bhekithe&ba MakIlatini did not tau part In the attack but

that their coU .. qu_ hlld told tbuI that th.y bad att.cked a

house vith "tarrori.t. in it on the instncti ..... ot captain •

Brian M.1tchell. MakIlatini taati tied that be had baard that

Mitch.ll hlld sat tino to e &bop in the aru .hortly artsr the


Th. trilll oontinu •••

- 15 -

l. ThO IIODhUE/,lo Inqyllt.

In ovid • ...,. betore the Inque.t. eonatable Lucky Mnta.t>o

clai.ed that he va. e .e.ber ot the .ecurity police and that

he participated in a nuaber ot unaucce •• tul attacka a9ainat

Kaphueulo. Crucial dittarence. exi.t betveen hi . ver.ion. and

thoee ot .yovitne .... who survived th ••• attacu. Ttl. SAP

clai. that Knta.bo vao nover ..,r. than a .peeial con.tabl.

and that he va. diacba~ed on Deoeeber 19 1989.

Two police vitne.sea. warrant otticer Warber and Captain

Arnold Vo.loo have al.o qiven ovidenc •• werber. who had been

i.pli .... ted in the event •• urrounding- Keph ..... lo· •• urder by

Sipho Kedlale. taatitied that on the ni9ht ot the .urd.r ha

had dropped ot hie eon at •• Uitary ball. and that h. had

"yovitna •••• to prove it. Voaloo adaitted that Keph ..... lo·"

..,v .... nt. vera being- ..,nitored, that hi .. phOne vaa being

tapped and that the aecurity polic. kept a tile on hi •. The

police have handed the tile in vith a requ •• t that ita

~ content. not be .. de public. Judge HS Page viII decide wether

to 9rant the requ •• t or not.

- 16 -


Tbe ~ion haa bNJl oto.iNlte4 by t.h<I 19 day atata ot

... rqe.t>CY (SOB) in CUDi and nohte4 vor.on iN) ot ralatio ...

boot_en ttla kay phyan in u.. ~ion. Altbougb t.h<I -l'9..-.cy

ha, ~ litt_, u.. criaia ia not OV,"' .

1. ANC 1M PAC: chabol

"'ore hla baan ..... tenaion bat_n t.h<I AHC and tbI Pan

At:r1caniot COngno .. (PAC) in tho ~iem. an. ot: tho poaaiblo

reaaon. _y ba tho bet that the PAC i, .oving closer to the

ei,_i .ilitary gova.,.,...,t.

on october S, s.o..sc ,...,. reponed that the PAC hacl be.ld talu

vith flrigldia'" Gqozo and varioua chiol'a in Biabo.

Subaequantly t.h<I PAC joined Gqozo in calling em tba AlfC to

atop co-ing betv ..... tho gova~nt and. tlwo poopla ot: eiaka!.

- 17 -

1.1 State ot _rgency.

The SOl! was announced by GqO&O on SABe o n october 19 and h.

aqnuod to litt it foU .... ing a _tinq v ith ARC Pruidsnt,

lIal.on Kandela, on ifov...toer 17. n.. SO! v as apparantly

declared by GqOl<O v ithout COllIIultation vith any ot his

.tni.tars or adviaoca and no docuaantation vaa available

throughout the ticat clay. '11lu lead to 1avyeca qua.Heming

ita legality. It v .. v ia1y .......s..nad in the raqlon and South

African officia1a .. i d that it v aa ~raqrettabla· that a SOl!

vaa ..... to be ....,.. ... ry

The SOl! follov.d .. vere1 .ontha ot increaaing1y violent

reaiata.nca to tha no-illpoaltion ot the 1,UlpopuJ.ar h .... daa.n

ayatuo ot local 'Jove~t. 'l'ba SOl! .. .- to be .ilNd

s peciticaUy agdnat the Border C1vica Congresa (Booc:o) and

ita attillate •. civlca _re bann.:I durinoJ the _rgency .

The cd.is ha. v idely betiI regarded a. being betw .. n the

South Atrican 'Jove~t, working through the Ciskei eUita:<y

rulers and the ""C. south Atrica haa re.iated thi. vi_.

- 18 -

Eabaasy ott iclal. said th.t thay ~ld intervene it .sked,

but thi. v •• clurly a reterenctl to the Ci.kai govarn.ent ••

requests tro. the AKC, church leadar. .nd others vere


'l'ha Ciakal qovarn.ant clat..d that tha SOE v a. nece.sary

bec4u.a other qroupinq. vera breakinq the N.tional haca

Accord. ~'l'tIe Cisksi 9ovarn.ant ia is c_pletely not 90inq to

sit and told its .na while its people ara being _ ... cred,

.re being d .. troyed, sra beinq intiaid.ted and are being

tr •• pled on by the ANC, ~ said cqoKO, citing a li.t ot 16

incidents ot viol_ OVar the previ<>WI two _nths. In

re..pon.e, tha MC called tile SOE ~the return in tha ci.kei to

A t_ d.y. attar the tha end ot the SOE, a .. eting ot tila

Ciskei 9ove~t, the AKC alliance, Bocoo and other

orq.ni •• tions .... held in East LOndon under tha ehairaanship

ot National Peac. Accord cbair.an, John H.11. A Bord_ l'Noc.

Co_itt .. vaa .. t up and it is hoped that this .. ill beoco.a a •

reqion.al displata rellOlution ~itt.e in ter.s ot the

Nationa l l'Noc. Accord.

- 19 -

.. id that if tb<I SA ~~t _no .. ked to intarv_ 1n tha

crbb in tb<I Cbbi It """"ld conalcs..r the requ .. t -_t

favourably - . Subeequ.nt .p~l. for lntarvention by tha AJlC

....... igno ... ed.

1 M......tMor: ~ Soutl> African Council af O!.~ (SACC)

called on Stata Preeident ", Q n .... k to lntarv.... in chk.l

1 Mov ....... : Ttl. IoMC ottic. ln Ulc. .... tha tarqat at .. h.t

appear.d to M an atta.ptad ......... attack. ,\ .. indov .... brok.n

and lnfl.-bla .pirie. pDUr.d into the bulldi"9 but nat


4 Mov"""" ci.1tai atticial., .:u:1Ydi"9 Gqozo, _t witl> the

•• tional .... c. .\coord ch.ai...-n John Hall 111 Pretoria and

• ......ittad the nIOJIion to the "'0. AOaord.

4i-= .. th. paaa1b1l1ty at ~laci ... c;qoao'. 9<"'an.ant wlth

an i nba ... t. .a.!nl.t .... tion.

- 20 -

SGutll At:rica reeponded by •• ying tMt "w.der no

circ-ua-b_." _ld e\ldl.. p~l H di ...........

U Nav""r: fte Cieni vovenmant cld . ...cI tMt 1t Md

dOCWMnbry ..,1de_ tMt • coup ..... Hing pl.rmed by •

rec.ntly unbermed orq.ni .. tion.

11 Nav..t>er: 'I'bII Cieni 9OVe~nt eqreee to lin the SOli:. In

axchange tbe MC 89rt101d to ewopand. the .... r ot: _nt. with t.bII

Cluel 90yernaent.


"quiet" IIOntll on t.bII Reet: bece ...... the n\WIber ot: people ti11ed

in political vl01._ he. been "only" about t:v.nty. ftle drGp

ln v101ence oou.ld poe.1bly boo clue to the t:.ct tbet t.bII

etructurooe a _l .. "..,. by tba Pea.ce Accord are elowly COIling

lnto OIMr.tion. An ~1. ot: thie i. the TboJi;O&. peace

oonfoar.nc:a. por tlI. accord to operata wi11 r.quira 9.nul... •

.,.,..it.ant and bard _rll: frc. all parti_. Uneubetantlated

alh9ationa by political parti_. ·adaJ.ni.u-.Uv. bungl_" by

til. SADP and excae.1ve force ot: the type uaed by tb. SAP .t