Lysosomes, weapons or shield in gentamicin-induced apoptosis? · Lysosomes, weapons or shield in...

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Transcript of Lysosomes, weapons or shield in gentamicin-induced apoptosis? · Lysosomes, weapons or shield in...

Lysosomes, weapons or shield in gentamicin-induced


Hélène Servais


Thèse présentée en vue de l’obtention du titre de Docteur en Sciences Pharmaceutiques

Promoteur : Professeur M-P. Mingeot-Leclercq

Co-Promoteur : Professeur P.M . Tulkens

Membres Extérieurs du Jury : Professeur M. De Broe

Professeur A . Ortiz

Membres du Jury : Profeseur O. Devuyst

Professeur O. Feron

Professeur E. Hermans

Professeur J-C. Renauld

« Le système général des sciences et des arts est une espèce de labyrinthe, de

chemin tortueux, où l'esprit s'engage sans trop connaître la route qu'il doit tenir. »

Jean le Rond d'Alembert

Au terme de cette aventure, je voudrais remercier toutes les personnes sans qui ce travail n’aurait pu être mené à bien.

Tout d’abord, j’aimerais remercier mon promoteur, le Professeur Marie-Paule Mingeot-Leclercq de m’avoir donné la chance de vivre cette expérience enrichissante et d’avoir été toujours disponible. Je la remercie également pour son dynamisme et son soutien, mais aussi pour m’avoir ouverte à d’autres approches telles que la biophysique. Je tiens également à remercier le Professeur Tulkens, co-promoteur de cette thèse, pour son soutien, son optimisme et sa passion pour la science. Ses connaissances tant scientifiques que culturelles motivent une certaine ouverture d’esprit. Même si mon « caractère ardennais » à certains moments a pris le dessus, toutes ses remarques m’ont toujours permis d’aller plus loin et de rendre cette expérience enrichissante. Un merci aussi tout particulier à Françoise, pour sa grande disponibilité, son soutien et sa gentillesse.

Je voudrais également exprimer mes remerciements aux membres du Jury, les Professeurs Marc De Broe, Olivier Devuyst, Olivier Feron, Emmanuel Hermans, Alberto Ortiz, et Jean-Christophe Renauld qui ont pris beaucoup de leur temps précieux pour juger ce travail. Merci aussi au Professeur Véronique Préat d’avoir accepté d’être la présidente de ce jury mais aussi de nous avoir permis les expériences d’électroporation qui ont apporté beaucoup à ce travail.

Je tiens également à remercier toutes les collaborations qui nous ont aidé à la réalisation de ce travail, le Dr.Pierre Jacquemin pour la synthèse du MSDH qui a donné un coup de fouet à nos recherches. Merci aussi au Dr P. Van der Smissen pour les études de microscopie confocale, pour sa disponibilité et son dynamisme. Merci aussi au Dr Jossin, pour son aide précieuse en biologie moléculaire et pour les nombreuses discussions scientifiques et autres ! Merci aussi aux Professeurs Feron, Goffinet et Renauld pour leur aide à la réalisation des westerns blot.

Ces 5 années n’auraient certainement pas été aussi enrichissantes sans les nombreux échanges humains et en 5 ans on a la chance de rencontrer du monde…!!

Merci à toi Nancy, pour l’ambiance agréable, ton travail rigoureux et ton sens de l’humour mais aussi d’avoir veillé au « bien-être » de Maximilien pendant ces 9 mois d’attente. Un tout grand merci aussi à Francine, même si notre première rencontre fût en coup de vent , le « drillage » a été parfait…merci pour ton aide à la réalisation des études par microscopie électronique, par fractionnement et merci aussi pour tous les bons conseils et tuyaux !! Je tiens également à remercier Marie-Claire pour sa patience et sa persévérance de la culture des LLC-PK1 (…) mais aussi pour sa gentillesse. Mes sincères remerciements vont aussi à Olga, merci pour ta présence, ton dévouement à nous permettre de travailler dans de bonnes conditions et ton attention aux autres. Martial, merci aussi à toi pour tes coups de mains, ta sagesse et ton optimisme. Mes remerciements vont aussi à Marianne Breugelmans, pour beaucoup de choses…

Je tiens aussi à remercier tous les étudiants qui ont bien agrémenté ce parcours, une recherche est toujours plus riche d’échange et de partage d’idées ! Ce fut pour moi une expérience très agréable ! Merci à toi Emilie, pour ta détermination et ta sagesse, Gaetan pour ton humeur, ton optimisme et ton soutien, Gauthier pour ton dynamisme et ton ouverture aux autres (mais aussi le Kikijoukoidon…). Merci aussi à toi Nuno, pour ton sens de l’humour à toute épreuve !

Merci à Hugues et Stéphane, pour votre soutien, le partage d’idées souvent précieux ainsi que la résolution des problèmes informatiques ou statistiques. Merci aussi à Dorian alias « Baby kill », pour son humeur et ses nombreuses blagues…Merci aussi à tous les « olds and news FACMistes », ce fut une expérience humaine très riche d’univers très différents : Chantal Dax, Claire Lepers, Elham Zarrinpashneh, Els Ampe, Eric Viaene, Evelina Colacino, Jean-Michel Michot, Nariné Baririan, Laetitia Avrain, Lena Kottis, Marie Heremans, Maritza Patterson-Barcia-Macay, Nancy Caceres,

Nathalie Bles, Nathalie Fa, Thierry Happaerts, Sandrine Lemaire, Sébastien Sauvage, Sébastien Van de Velde, Violetta Raverdy en espérant n’oublier personne !

J’ai eu aussi la chance de partager un bureau avec beaucoup de personnes différentes dont certaines sont devenues des amies : Merci à toi Dona pour tous les moments partagés, les bons mais aussi les plus diffciles, ton sens de l’humour et ta joie de vivre m’ont beaucoup soutenue. Merci aussi à toi, Cristina, pour ton soleil Espagnol, ta grande sagesse, et le partage des grands moments de notre vie… Merci aussi à vous deux Aurélie et Isabelle pour votre écoute et votre enthousiasme. Un merci aussi particulier à Narcisa, pour sa grande aide pour la réalisation des RT-PCR compétitice mais aussi pour tout le reste, ton soutien mais aussi les grands moments « SOS mamans »….

Merci aussi à tous les non FACMistes qui ont égayé ce parcours, Edith, Marie-Astrid Vinciane, Yves …

Ce fut 5 années d’enthousiasme, de joies, de surprises mais aussi de doutes, d’angoisses, de démotivation…et je tiens à remercier sincèrement tou(te)s mes ami(e)s pour leur présence, leur écoute : Anne, merci pour ta patience et ton réconfort, Diane merci à toi pour ton soutien, tes encoragements et ta disponibilité. Merci aussi à toi Sara, pour ton positivisme à toute épreuve ! Mais je tiens aussi à remercier Marie-Pierre, depuis de très longues années tu as toujours été là à mes côtés! Merci milles fois ! Merci aussi à Manu, Jean-Mi et Kathleen, Ben et François.

Ce travail ne serait rien sans le soutien de ma famille. Je tiens à remercier de tout cœur mes parents. Merci à vous deux, pour votre soutien, de m’avoir permis d’entreprendre ces études et de poursuivre dans la voie de la recherche. Même si ce parcours n’a pas toujours été facile, il m’a certainement permis de « grandir » et de découvrir beaucoup d’horizons bien différents!!

Merci aussi aussi à tous les « petits et grands Servais » : Guillaume et Stéphanie, Hugo et Charlotte ; Thomas, Elodie et Clément mais aussi Alex ! La famille est une richesse inestimable !

La vie a fait que j’ai rencontré un homme formidable, à qui je dois beaucoup ! Merci à toi Laurent, de m’avoir toujours soutenue, encouragée, réconfortée, remise en place quand cela était nécessaire…ton amour m’a permis de prendre petit à petit confiance en moi ! Merci vraiment de m’avoir permis de me réaliser en tant que femme active, mère et épouse !

Merci aussi à mes deux rayons de soleil, Maximilien et Louis….


AIF: Apoptosis inducing factor ANT: Adenine nucleotide translocase Apaf: Apoptotic protease activating factor ARC: Apoptosis regulator with a CARD domain BH: Bcl-2 homology CAD: Caspase activated DNAse CARD: Caspase activation recruitment domain CK: Creatine kinase CyD: Cyclophilin D DED: Death effector domain DISC: Death inducing signalling complex EDP-I: Energy-dependent phase I EDP-II: Energy-dependent phase II EGF: Epidermal growth factor FADD: Fas Associated Death Domain FLIP: FLICE-inhibitory protein Hsp: Heat shock protein HGF: Hepatocyte growth factor HK: Hexokinase IAP: Inhibitor of apoptosis protein IGF-1: Insulin-like growth factor 1 JNK: c-jun N-terminal kinase LDH: Lactate deshydrogenase MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase NFκB: Nuclear factor binding to the Igκ promoter in B cells PARP: Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase PDI: Protein disulfide isomerase PI3K: Phosphatidyl-inositol-3 kinase PKC: Protein kinase C PTP: Permeability transition pore ROS: reactive oxygen species SIMP: Soluble intermembrane mitochondrial protein SODD: Silencer of death domain TNF: Tumor necrosis factor TRAIL: TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand TRADD: TNF receptor associated protein with a death domain UPP: Ubiquitin proteasome pathway UPR: Unfolded protein response VDAC: Voltage-dependent anion channel


CHAPITRE I: INTRODUCTION :___________________________________________________ 11

1. AMINOGLYCOSIDES ANTIBIOTICS: __________________________________________________ 12 1.1. CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES ________________________________________ 13 1.2. ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF THE AMINOGLYCOSIDES__________________________________ 17 1.2.1. Uptake of aminoglycosides ______________________________________________________ 17 1.2.2. Mechanism of action ___________________________________________________________ 18 1.3. TOXICITY INDUCED BY AMINOGLYCOSIDES ___________________________________________ 23 2. AMINOGLYCOSIDS NEPHROTOXICITY _______________________________________________ 25 2.1. EPIDEMIOLOGY :________________________________________________________________ 25 2.2. CLINICAL FEATURES _____________________________________________________________ 25 2.3. RISK FACTORS OF AMINOGLYCOSIDE NEPHROTOXICITY _________________________________ 26 2.3.1. Patient-related factors:__________________________________________________________ 26 2.3.2. Drug-related-factors ___________________________________________________________ 28 2.4. HANDLING OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES BY THE KIDNEY _____________________________________ 30 2.4.1. Mechanism of cortical uptake: ___________________________________________________ 31 2.4.2. Intracellular handling : _________________________________________________________ 31 2.4.3. Mechanisms of toxicity _________________________________________________________ 32 2.5. MEANS OF PROTECTION:__________________________________________________________ 37 2.5.1. Clinical approaches: ___________________________________________________________ 38 2.5.2. Experimental approaches: _______________________________________________________ 41 2.6. CONCLUDING REMARKS __________________________________________________________ 44 3. CELL DEATH: APOPTOSIS _________________________________________________________ 45 3.1. KEY COMPONENT OF THE APOPTOTIC SIGNALLING _____________________________________ 46 3.1.1. Caspases ____________________________________________________________________ 46 3.1.2. Proteins of the Bcl-2 family _____________________________________________________ 48 3.2. MOLECULAR PATHWAY LEADING TO APOPTOSIS _______________________________________ 55 3.2.1. Receptor-mediated (extrinsic) pathway_____________________________________________ 55 3.2.2. Organelle-mediated (intrinsic) pathway ____________________________________________ 57 4. APOPTOSIS IN THE KIDNEY ________________________________________________________ 72 4.1. APOPTOSIS DURING KIDNEY DEVELOPMENT __________________________________________ 72 4.2. APOPTOSIS INDUCED BY NEPHROTOXIC AGENTS _______________________________________ 74 4.3. STRATEGIES TO DECREASE CELL DEATH-INDUCED BY NEPHROTOXIC AGENTS ________________ 80 4.3.1. Decreasing drug accumulation in the kidney ________________________________________ 81 4.3.2. Regulating the molecular pathways and pro- or anti-apoptotic factors_____________________ 81 4.3.3. Stimulating the survival pathway and regulating the cell cycle __________________________ 84


4.3.4. Gene therapy _________________________________________________________________ 86



INDUCED APOPTOSIS. ___________________________________________________________ 95


MITOCHONDRIA ___________________________________________________________________ 96 2. INVOLVEMENTS OF CATHEPSINS B AND D IN GENTAMICIN-INDUCED APOPTOSIS?___________ 111 2.1. INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________________ 111 2.2. RESULTS _____________________________________________________________________ 113 2.2.1. Protective effect of pepstatin A but not leupeptin ____________________________________ 113 2.2.2. Cathepsin D was not found released from the lysosomes to the cytosolic compartment ______ 115 2.3. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS ________________________________________________________ 116 2.4. CONCLUSION: _________________________________________________________________ 117 2.5. DISCUSSION: __________________________________________________________________ 117 3. GENTAMICIN CAUSES APOPTOSIS AT LOW CONCENTRATIONS IN RENAL LLC-PK CELLS



__________________________________________________ 120


1. MAIN FINDINGS OF THIS WORK ____________________________________________________ 132 2. MAIN ISSUES ARISING FROM OUR OBSERVATIONS_____________________________________ 135 2.1. ARE LLC-PK1 CELLS AN APPROPRIATE CELLULAR MODEL? _____________________________ 135 2.2. COULD LYSOSOMAL DESTABILIZATION BE RESPONSIBLE OF GENTAMICIN DELIVERY INTO THE


INDUCED APOPTOSIS? ______________________________________________________________ 139 2.4. WHAT IS THE RELEVANCE OF THE AMOUNT DEFINED BY ELECTROPORATION AS “APOPTOGENIC”

WITH IN VITRO OBSERVATIONS IN LLC-PK1 CELLS? ______________________________________ 141 2.5. HOW CYTOSOLIC GENTAMICIN CAN INDUCE CELL DEATH? ______________________________ 143 2.5.1. Gentamicin acts on its primary target: 18S rRNA (the eukaryotic homologue of the 16S rRNA):143 2.5.2. Gentamicin could act by altering the 26S proteasome. ________________________________ 149 2.5.3. Gentamicin could directly disturb mitochondria_____________________________________ 151 2.6. WHAT ABOUT THE EVOLUTION OF OUR COMPREHENSION OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES NEPHROTOXICITY?152


CHAPITRE V: PERSPECTIVES ___________________________________________________ 159


INDUCTION. ______________________________________________________________________ 161 1.2.1. Production of misfolded protein and inhibition of protein synthesis by gentamicin. _________ 161 1.2.2. Importance of the inhibition of the proteasome in gentamicin-induced apoptosis:___________ 162 1.2.3. Importance of mitochondrial targeting of gentamicin in the induction of apoptosis. _________ 163 2. LONG TERM PERSPECTIVES: ______________________________________________________ 164

CHAPITRE VI: REFERENCES ____________________________________________________ 167




When drugs create « Disorder »

What about the aminoglycosides.

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Following the discovery of the first antibiotic penicillin, active against Gram-

positive bacteria, Waksman isolated in 1946 the first anti-tuberculosis drug,

streptomycin (Waksman SA and Schatz AI, 1946). This compound gave rise to

a new class of antibacterial substances called aminoglycosides. With interesting

antibacterial properties, aminoglycosides completed the antibacterial drug

arsenal thanks to their activity against Gram-negative bacteria.

Aminoglycosides are naturally derived antimicrobial substances. Streptomycin

was produced by a Streptomyces griseus organism (Waksman SA and Schatz

AI, 1946), together with its closely related derivative dihydrostreptomycin, they

have been widely used from the late 40's through the mid 60's to treat

Gram negative infections and tuberculosis. Emergence of resistance and the

desire to enlarge the spectrum towards "difficult to treat bacteria" such as

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, led to the development and introduction of

kanamycins (represented mostly by kanamycin A and tobramycin, and, in some

countries, by dibekacin), sisomicin, and gentamicin. Gentamicin is a

fermentation product isolated from actinomycete Micromonospora purpurea

(Weinstein M.J. et al., 1963) and consists in a mixture of three major

components referred to as gentamicin C1, C1a, and C2. These were extensively

used up to the mid 80's. Further development of resistance to these naturally-

occurring molecules eventually triggered the design of semi-synthetic

derivatives (amikacin [from kanamycin A], netilmicin [from sisomicin], isepamicin

[gentamicin B], and arbekacin [from dibekacin] that were made to resist to

bacterial inactivating enzymes responsible for this resistance (Mingeot-Leclercq

et al., 1999). All along these developments, ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity

remained, however, of concern to clinicians, and resulted in a marked limitation

in the use of these otherwise potent and life-saving antibiotics. The industry

largely if not entirely quitted this field of research from the late 80's until the late

90s. During this period, research on aminoglycosides (mainly conducted by

university groups) was principally aimed at deciphering the mechanism

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underlying toxicity but also at reducing their toxicity which was the so far only

means of protecting patients.

However, from the late 90s until now, critical advances have been made about

the mechanism of action and in particular at understanding of the exact

interaction of aminoglycosides with their target: the 16S ribosomal RNA A-site.

Consequently, these numerous discoveries have revived the race to the

development of new aminoglycosides. Indeed, various research groups from

the academy (Haddad et al., 2002; Russell et al., 2003) or from the Industry

(Fridman et al., 2003; Ding et al., 2001; Ding et al., 2003) (Yao et al., 2004;

Vourloumis et al., 2002; Simonsen et al., 2002; Vourloumis et al., 2003;

Simonsen et al., 2003; Barluenga et al., 2004) have published new antimicrobial

decoding-site ligands based on aminoglycosides derivates and mimetics that

were, in part, designed using structural information of the bacterial RNA target.

If Industries have now a well-validated target for the development of new

aminoglycosides, the exact mechanisms by which these molecules are toxic

remain elusive, and nevertheless certainly of critical importance for the

development of new compounds. In this context, the demonstration that

aminoglycosides are able to induce renal proximal tubular cell death by

apoptosis in vivo but also in vitro by the use of doses relevant to clinical

situations, have brought new perspectives (El Mouedden et al., 2000b; El

Mouedden et al., 2000b). However, some questions remained unresolved

Which is the exact mechanism by which aminoglycosides induce apoptosis? As

aminoglycosides are mainly localized insides the lysosomes of the renal

proximal tubular cells, are they able to induce death by altering lysosomal

functions? Or are they toxic by having access to other cellular constituents?

1.1. Chemical structure of aminoglycosides

Aminoglycoside antibiotics are polar, cationic molecules at physiologic pH, this

particularity is critical not only for their antibacterial activity but also for their

toxicity. Both of these points will be developed later.

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All aminoglycosides have an essential six-membered ring with amino-group

substituents called aminocyclitol ring (represented in figure 1 by the central

ring). This ring is linked with two or more amino-containing or non-amino-

containing sugars. For the majority of clinically useful compounds, the

aminocyclitol is 2-deoxystreptamine ring, and it can be disubstituted in position

4 and 5 (as it is the case for paromomycin and neomycin) or in position 4 and 6

(as it is the case for gentamicin or amikacin) (see figure 1). The accepted

nomenclature usually used (decribed by Nagabushushan (Nagabhushan TL et

al., 1982) refers to ring I as the primed ring and corresponds to the aminosugar

at position 4 of the deoxystreptamine ring. Ring II is unprimed and corresponds

to the central aminocyclitol, while ring III is referred to as the doubly primed ring

and has the substituent in position 5 or 6 of the deoxystreptamine ring. Ring IV

(triply primed numbering) correspond to any additional ring attached to ring III

(see figure 1). It has also to be mentioned that other atipycal aminoglycosides

(according to the above description) have been used in clinical settings: these

are streptomycin (possesses a streptidine central ring) and spectinomycin

(which consists of three fused ring).

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Figure 1: Structures of typical aminoglycosides containing a 2-deoxystreptamine central ring.

From (Mingeot-Leclercq and Tulkens, 1999)

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Gentamicin, one of the most used aminoglycosides in clinical practice,

possesse a central aminocyclitol ring which is 2-deoxystreptamine (Ring II,

figure 2). This ring is substituted at position 4 and 6 with two sugars by

glycosidic bond (Rings I and III, figure 2). Gentamicin is not a single compound

but a mixture of three major components, gentamicin C1, C1a and C2. They differ

in the degree of methylation in the 2-amino-hexoses (purpurosamine or ring I)

ring. Gentamicin C1a lacks the methyl group in 6 position of ring I, while

gentamicin C1 and C2 have this methyl group in 6 position. Gentamicin C1 is

also N-methylated in this position, while C1a and C2 have free amines instead

(see figure 2: the different constituents of the three major compounds of

gentamicin are specified in the table below).

Gentamicin has a molecular weight of 464 daltons and its overall pKa value is

about 8.4, individual pKa values of the amino groups range from 5.5 to 9 (Claes

P.J. et al., 1977) and is positively charged in acidic environment as it is the case

inside the lysosomes, their major site of localisation (pH around 5.4) (Ohkuma

and Poole, 1978).

Figure 2: Structure of gentamicin. Commercial gentamicin used for this study is a mixture of gentamicin C1,

C1a, and C2 compounds in the following proportion 30%, 20% and 50% respectively (Geomycine® Shering-


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The amino-groups, positively charged at physiological pH, are not only

responsible for their uptake by the bacteria but also for their mechanism of

action. How can these agents be taken up by bacteria and how are their able to

act inside the bacteria?

1.2. Antibacterial activity of the aminoglycosides

1.2.1. Uptake of aminoglycosides

The penetration of aminoglycosides inside bacteria is divided into three

consecutives steps.

The first step involves an electrostatical, rapid and energy-independent binding

of positively charged substituents of aminoglycosides to negatively charged

moieties of lipopolysaccharides, polar heads of acidic phospholipids, and

anionic outer membrane proteins in gram negative bacteria and to negatively-

charged phospholipids and teichoic acid in gram-positive microorganisms

(Laurent et al., 1990; Taber et al., 1987). In gram negative bacteria, their

binding displaces the Ca++ and Mg++ that normally link adjacent

lipopolysaccharide molecules (Hancock, 1984); (Peterson et al., 1985), resulting

in a rearrangement of these molecules and the formation of transient hole in the

cell wall leading to cell permability (Martin and Beveridge, 1986). This binding

results in the accumulation of aminoglycosides inside the periplasmic space

(Humbert and Altendorf, 1989).

After ionic binding, the uptake can be divided into two phases named EDP-I, a

slow phase and EDP-II, a subsequent rapid phase consisting of the fixation of

aminoglycoside to the 30S subunit ribosome (Bryan and Kwan, 1983; Taber et

al., 1987; Hancock and Bellido, 1992; Hancock, 1981a; Hancock, 1981b). Both

EDP-I and EDP-II phases are energy-dependent. Uptake of aminoglycoside

during phase I require a threshold transmembrane potential generated by a

membrane-bound respiratory chain. That is why microorganisms with deficient

electron transport system, such as anaerobes, are intrinsically resistant to

aminoglycosides. It is though that during phase I, only a small quantity of

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antibiotic cross the cytoplasmic membrane (Bryan and Van Den Elzen, 1977;

Damper and Epstein, 1981). The binding of incoming antibiotic to the ribosome

results in misreading of mRNA and production of misfolded proteins. Some of

these proteins are incorporated in the cytoplasmic membrane, contributing to

the loss of membrane integrity. This in turn triggers a cascade of events called

EDP-II. During this phase, additional amounts of aminoglycoside are

transported and they accumulate rapidly in the cytoplasm.

1.2.2. Mechanism of action

Aminoglycosides belong to the family of antibiotics acting by impairing the protein synthesis (Davies et al., 1965; Davies and Davis, 1968), with

tetracyclines, macrolides, streptogramins, chloramphenicol and oxazolidinones.

Most aminoglycosides and tetracyclines impair protein synthesis by interaction

with the 16S small ribosome subunit (precursor of the functional 30S particle)

whereas the other cited antibiotics interact with the 32S (precursor of the

functional 50S particle) large ribosomal subunit.

The high resolution crystal structures of the 30S ribosomal particle free or

bound with antibiotics (in particular with paromomycin) (Carter et al., 2000) and

with various tRNA-mRNA analogues have offered the ultimate illustration of

aminoglycosides mechanism of action (Wimberly et al., 2000; Ogle et al., 2001;

Ogle et al., 2002). Inside the 30S particle, paromomycin has only one specific

binding site, the A-site (see figure 3).

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Figure 3: Crystal structure of the 30S particle. View of the 50S-facing side, with the 16S rRNA in grey and the

proteins in red. The A-Site is located at the foot of helix 44. The box on the right shows the A-Site structure

according to the E. coli numbering. From (Vicens and Westhof, 2003a).

This site is located at the foot of helix 44, the longest helix of the 30S particle on

the face that contacts the 50S particle. In the absence of any aminoglycoside,

the A-site is formed by three Watson-Crick G=C pairs, one U.U pair, and an

internal loop made of three adenines (1408, 1492 and 1493 according E. coli

numbering) in which A1492 and A1493 fold back within helix. When

paromomycin is complexed with this 30S particle, it binds to the deep groove of

the A-site by inserting ring I inside the helix, this puckered ring stacks against

G1491 and forms two direct hydrogen bonds to A1408. The main effect of this

insertion is to force adenine 1492 and 1493 to bulge out from the helix (see

figure 4). But what is the physiological consequence of this bulging out of both


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Figure 4: Superimposition (based on the sugar-phosphate backbone atoms) of the A-site free (grey) and bound

to paromomycin (gold) inside the 30S particle. From (Vicens and Westhof, 2003a).

During decoding step of protein synthesis, the A-site changes its conformation

from an off conformation (wich can be found in two states: the first one where

A1492 and A1493 are folded in the shallow groove of the A-site and the second

one where only one of these adenines is found inside the A-site (Shandrick et

al., 2004; Abelian et al., 2004); (Francois et al., 2005) to an on conformation

(A1492 and A1493 fully bulge out from the A-site) (Ogle et al., 2002; Wimberly

et al., 2000; Ogle et al., 2001). This conformational change is necessary to

allow A1492 and A1493 to specifically interact with the first two of the three

base pairs formed by the cognate codon-anticodon interaction (Ogle 2001 897).

It also provokes the transition of the ribosome from an open to closed form that

is stabilized by contacts involving the cognate tRNA and the ribosome (Ogle et

al., 2002; Ogle et al., 2003). Aminoglycosides lock the A-site in the open conformation and by doing so they also pay for a part of the energetic cost

associated with the tRNA-dependent ribosome closure (Ogle et al., 2002; Ogle

et al., 2003). As the consequence, the ribosome has lost its ability to discriminate cognate versus non-cognate tRNA-mRNA associations (Ogle

et al., 2003; Ogle et al., 2001)).

High resolution crystal structure of oligonucleotides containing the A-site

complexed with different aminoglycoside has allowed precise identification of

the molecular binding characteristics of aminoglycosides within the A-site

of the 16S rRNA (Vicens and Westhof, 2001; Vicens and Westhof, 2002;

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Francois et al., 2005). This model has revealed some specific interactions,

involving both electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding between the

phosphate backbone of the RNA and the positively-charged amino groups of

the aminoglycoside, some of them being conserved for most aminoglycosides

and others being more specific to a given aminoglycosides. These observations

have confirmed those described by crystallography study of the entire 30S

particle for paromomycin and the previously described interactions (NMR,

biochemical, mutagenesis studies) (Fourmy et al., 1998; Purohit and Stern,

1994); (Yoshizawa et al., 1998; Vicens and Westhof, 2002).

The insertion and interactions of gentamicin C1a with decoding A-site oligonucleotides have been revealed recently by François and co-workers

(Francois et al., 2005). The interaction of gentamicin C1a with the A-site is

similar to that observed for other aminoglycosides, some of these interactions

are indeed invariant intermolecular contacts between rings I and II: Ring I forms

a pseudo-base pair with two direct H-bonds to the Watson-Crick sites of A1408.

Nitrogen of the 2-deoxystreptamine makes some H-bond: N1 to 04(U1495), N3

to N7(G1494), O2P(G1494), O1P(A1493). They are shown in red in figure 5.

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Figure 5: Description of the contacts between gentamicin C1a and the RNA fragment corresponding to the A-

site. (A) Structure adopted by gentamicin C1a molecule inside the A-site of the RNA fragment. The E. coli

numbering is used for the RNA atoms. Hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed blue lines. Conserved contacts

between gentamicin C1a and the A-site are shown in magenta.(B-F) Atomic details of the contacts involving

each base pair of the minimal A-site interacting with gentamicin C1a. From (Francois et al., 2005).

Additional interactions consist in the following and contribute to the stabilization

of the complex: the U1495.U1406 base pair is bifurcated with a H-bond

between O4 and O2P(U1406), the intramolecular H-bond between N2 and O5

linking rings II to I, O2 and N1 linking rings III to II and between O5 and O5

linking rings I and III are direct bonds. In addition, O2 makes direct bond with

O6(G1405), O4 with O2P(U1406) and finally N3 with O2P(G1405).

However, while aminoglycosides binding to the prokaryotic A-site RNA have

shown some specificity, other studies suggest that aminoglycosides binding to

the A-site is not so specific. Indeed, it has been shown (1) that structurally

diverse aminoglycosides can bind to the A-site with relatively low affinity

ranging from 0.1 to 10 µM (Wong et al., 1998) (Carter et al., 2000; Ryu and

Rando, 2001; Wang et al., 1997), (2) that aminoglycosides can also bind the

- 22 -


eukaryotic decoding region construct with approximately the same affinities

found with their prokaryotic counterpart, even though the two A-site structures

are different (Ryu and Rando, 2001), (3) that aminoglycosides can bind in a

saturable fashion to a wide-variety of RNA structures with similar µM affinities.

Indeed, aminoglycosides have been shown to bind and interfere with the

function of HIV TAR (Wang et al., 1998b) and HIV RRE (regulatory RNA

elements) (Zapp et al., 1993), the hammerhead (Stage et al., 1995) and

hepatitis delta virus (Rogers et al., 1996) ribozyme, self-splicing group-I introns

(von Ahsen and Noller, 1993; Hoch et al., 1998), bacterial RNasesP (Mikkelsen

et al., 1999), and tRNA (Kirk and Tor, 1999; Kotra et al., 2000). But how

aminoglycosides could interact with all these RNA structures? The probable

explanation for that is the particular tri-dimensional structure of all these RNA

molecules which have been shown to contain non-duplex structural elements

generally either bulges or bubbles (Cho and Rando, 1999). As aminoglycosides

are no rigid molecule, they are probably able to adapt conformationaly for their

insertion inside these particular structures, the electrostatic and hydrogen

bonding described between aminoglycosides and the A-site probably mainly

contribute to the stabilization of the complex.

In conclusions, the numerous studies conducted to characterize the molecular

interaction of aminoglycosides have opened very broad new perpectives, not

only for the design of new aminoglycosides but also for the development of a

new class of drugs, the small-molecule-RNA ligand with numerous possible

applications (Sucheck and Wong, 2000; Mayer and James, 2005; Hermann,


1.3. Toxicity induced by aminoglycosides

If the antibacterial activity of the aminoglycosides is now well established, the

limitation for such new drugs will reside also in their potential for toxicity.

Indeed, all the aminoglycosides (exception made for spectinomycin), share a

same potential for causing injury to the renal proximal convoluted tubules,

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damage to the choclea and/or vestbular apparatus and neuromuscular

blockade (Pittinger and Adamson, 1972; Swan, 1997; Brummett and Fox,

1989). As mentioned earlier the inherent toxicity of aminoglycoside is linked to

their positive charge at physiological condition (Berdy J et al., 1980). The

chochlear ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity were encountered with frequencies

reaching 62 and 50% respectively. Vestibular ototoxicity blockade is less

frequent with value of 19% and neuromuscular blockade is rather rare side

effect and occurred if injection is too rapid or if in presence of other toxic drugs.

Ototoxic hearing loss usually begins in high frequencies and is secondary to

irreversible destruction of outer hair cells in the organ of Corti, predominantly at

the basal turn of cochlea (Forge and Schacht, 2000). Aminoglycosides have

been detected in the cochlea months after the last dose administration. This

retention may account for delayed onset earing loss and prolonged

susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss, which is often observed for several

months post therapy.

There is growing evidence that aminoglycosides induced hair cell loss results

from apoptosis (Forge, 1985; Li et al., 1995; Nakagawa et al., 1998) and that

hair cell death involves the activation of initiator caspase-9 and caspase-8

followed by effector caspase-3 (Cheng et al., 2003; Cunningham et al., 2002a).

Recently, minocyclin known to inhibit mitochondrial-activation has been

demonstrated protective for hair cells in neonatal cochlear culture (Corbacella et

al., 2004). All these observations suggest a mitochondrial-pathway. Other

initiators of apoptosis have also been described, such as the generation of ROS

by the formation of iron-gentamicin complex (Priuska and Schacht, 1997),

(Priuska and Schacht, 1995; Sha and Schacht, 1999; Clerici and Yang, 1996)

but also the activation of the c-Jun Kinase pathway (Pirvola et al., 2000).

In the opposite to ototoxic reaction, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides is

reversible and kidney recovers when the administration of drug is stopped. But

what do we know about this nephrotoxicity?

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This section is a part of a book chapter in Toxicology of the Kidney (Servais H.

et al., 2005). It is presented with some important updates.

2.1. Epidemiology :

The reported incidence of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity varies from 0-50% with

most reports in the 5-25% range (Lane et al., 1977; Lerner et al., 1983; Bertino,

Jr. et al., 1993). This variability results from differences in definition of

nephrotoxicity, nature and frequency of the criteria used to assess renal

function and, perhaps most importantly, the clinical setting in which the drugs

are used. The incidence in aged patients suffering from multi-system diseases

and exposed to other potential nephrotoxins ranges as high as 35-50%,

whereas this figure may be close to 0 in young healthy volunteers (Lane et al.,

1977; Appel, 1990). In prospective randomized studies with definitions of

nephrotoxicity that reflect a substantive decrement of glomerular filtration rate in

seriously ill patients, the reported incidence of nephrotoxicity varies between 5-

10% of patient courses (Lane et al., 1977; Smith et al., 1977). In surveys of the

etiology of acute renal failure in hospitalized patients, about half of the drug-

induced cases of renal toxicity were attributable to aminoglycosides.

2.2. Clinical features

Nephrotoxicity induced by aminoglycosides manifests clinically as nonoliguric

renal failure, with a slow rise in serum creatinine and a hypoosmolar urinary

output developing after several day of treatment. The first signs of tubular

dysfunctions or alterations are the release of brush border and lysosomal

enzymes, decreased reabsorption of filtered proteins, wasting of K+, Mg2+, Ca2+

and glucose; phospholipiduria. Progression to dialysis-dependent oliguric-anuric

renal failure is unusual unless other risk factors are present (Appel, 1990). The

renal failure is generally reversible. In a few patients there has been

documented recovery of renal function despite continued administration of the

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aminoglycoside (Trollfors, 1983). Conversely, cases of fatal anuria have been

reported. Occasionally, a Fanconis syndrome (Casteels-Van Daele et al., 1980)

or a Bartters-like syndrome (Landau and Kher, 1997) has been observed.

2.3. Risk factors of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity

Based on clinical observations, there appear to be a variety of factors that

predispose to the development of renal dysfunction with aminoglycoside

therapy (Appel, 1990). It is important to distinguish between patient- and drug-

related factors since this will guide the caregiver for taking the most appropriate

course of action.

2.3.1. Patient-related factors:

A. Age:

The incidence of amikacin nephrotoxicity rises with advancing age from 7 % in

patients under age of 30 years to 25 % in patients over 75. Two main

mechanisms explain this situation. First, the number of active nephrons

decreases with age leaving the patient with less reserve upon injury to a given

number of them. Second, because of the falling renal function, dosages may

often be excessive if only based on insensitive renal function tests such as the

measurement of serum urea nitrogen or serum creatinine which rise

significantly only when a large proportion of active nephrons is damaged

(Moore et al., 1984).

B. Pre-existing renal diseases:

In patients with pre-existing renal disease, as estimated by serum creatinine

greater than 2 mg/dl, the study of Moore et al. (Moore et al., 1984) found no

increase in toxicity risk if the dose was carefully adjusted. Yet, pre-existing

renal failure clearly exposes the patient to overdosing. In addition, the kidney

from patients with pre-existing renal disease may have a decreased ability to

recover from ischemic and/or toxic insults (Manian et al., 1990; Beauchamp et

al., 1992).

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C. Female or male gender:

Female gender was identified as a risk factor in one study but not confirmed in

others (Kahlmeter and Dahlager, 1984; Moore et al., 1984). Conversely, male

gender was also reported in a retrospective analysis as a risk factor (Bertino, Jr.

et al., 1993). The matter is, therefore, unsettled (animal studies are of little

value in this context since most are performed with rats, and we know that male

laboratory rats tend to be spontaneously proteinuric, which in it-self may be a

risk factor).

D. Volume depletion/hypotension:

Depletion of intra-vascular volume is an important risk factor for

aminoglycoside-induced nephrotoxicity whether induced by sodium depletion,

hypoalbuminemia, or diuretics, even when systemic acid-base and

electrolyte/volume status are maintained (Gamba et al., 1990). Hypokalemia

and hypomagnesemia may be both predisposing risk factors or consequences

of aminoglycoside-induced damage (Nanji and Denegri, 1984; Zaloga et al.,


E. Liver diseases:

Liver dysfunction was identified as a risk factor in the retrospective analysis of

two large clinical trials and was then validated in two additional prospective

trials (Lietman, 1988). This is particularly true of patients with biliary

obstruction, cholangitis or both rather than other causes of liver disease such as

alcoholic cirrhosis (Desai and Tsang, 1988). There is no simple explanation to

this observation.

F. Sepsis:

Because of the unique role of aminoglycosides in treating patients with difficult

gram-negative sepsis, the hemodynamic and metabolic perturbations of the

sepsis syndrome often were associated with an increase in drug-induced

nephrotoxicity. Acute or chronic endotoxemia amplifies the nephrotoxic

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potential and renal uptake of gentamicin in rats (Ngeleka et al., 1990; Auclair et

al., 1990; Tardif et al., 1990). We, however, lack of definitive studies in humans

(cases of renal failure that could be associated with the administration of

batches of endotoxin-contaminated gentamicin have, however, been observed).

The mechanism can be complex, but is thought to result from the endotoxin-

(and other bacterial toxins or virulence factors) mediated increase in the release

of oxygen intermediates in renal tubular cells. The latter may then be additive

to the membrane damage produced in the same cells by the aminoglycosides

themselves (Joly et al., 1991).

G. Fever:

Fever per se increases renal metabolic demands. When associated with shock,

ischemia and the development of foci of tissue necrosis, this enhances

aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity by accelerating the course and severity of the

toxic insult (Zager, 1988; Spiegel et al., 1990).

2.3.2. Drug-related-factors

A. Duration of the aminoglycosides therapy:

A large array of clinical data supports the notion that duration of therapy is a

critical factor for developing the clinical manifestation of aminoglycoside-

induced nephrotoxicity. The mechanism is probably that kidney (i) does not use

all of its nephrons at each time, leaving a subpopulation unaltered which can

then be recruited once the main population becomes less functional, and (ii)

that kidney proximal tubules are capable of regeneration. If regeneration is

insufficient, renal function will be affected once a sufficiently large proportion of

all available nephrons have been recruited and intoxicated, which typically may

take about 4 to 7 days.

B. Drug choice:

Much dispute has been heard in this area. In the rat model, tobramycin was

clearly found to be less toxic than gentamicin both in animals and man (Gilbert

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et al., 1978). The respective positions of amikacin and netilmicin (to limit the

discussion to the most commonly used aminoglycosides) have been subject to

many more controversies. Commercial interests have fueled these largely, but

genuine differences in scientific and practical approaches have also been

important. Thus, high dose studies, which are necessary in rats to cause overt

renal dysfunction, concluded that netilmicin was considerably safer than

gentamicin. Likewise, amikacin was also declared much less toxic. The

problem may relate to the dosages and to the criteria used. Indeed, when low,

clinically relevant doses are used, netilmicin appears as toxic as gentamicin,

whereas amikacin stands as a mild or non-toxic drug (Smith et al., 1977; Lerner

et al., 1983). The question, which has not been really answered so far, is

whether these differences are sufficient to translate into differences of clinical

toxicity, in view of the abundance of risk factors discussed above that may

make any comparison quite hazardous. As an example, one clinical study

found netilmicin less toxic than tobramycin, but the level of toxicity of tobramycin

it-self in that study was much lower than was usually reported suggesting that

risks factors had been minimized in the studied population. With respect to

amikacin, many studies used this antibiotic as a second line drug after failure

with another aminoglycoside. Amikacin, indeed, is active against many strains

resistant to gentamicin or tobramycin. In case of resistance to the former drugs,

change to amikacin will often have taken place after day 3-4 exposure to the

first drug. Amikacin-induced toxicity may have been largely contributed by the

first treatment and by the greater length of these successive treatments. In

studies where amikacin was used as first line agent, toxicity was usually very


C. Frequent dosing intervals:

Numerous clinical trials, the results of which have been bundled in an

impressive series of meta-analyses, have shown that a once-daily dosing of

aminoglycosides is as at least a safe and as efficacious as the previously

recommended method of dividing the daily dose in 2 to 3 administrations at 12

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or 8 h interval (Gilbert, 1997). This mode of treatment, which will be discussed

in details later in this chapter, does not prevent drug toxicity but may reduce the


D. Concomitant administration of drugs:

The toxicity of aminoglycosides can be enhanced by the co-administration of

other drugs and, conversely, other nephrotoxic drugs can amplify the

nephrotoxic potential of aminoglycosides. This has been clearly demonstrated

for the combinations of aminoglycosides and the glycopeptide antibiotic

vancomycin (Wood et al., 1986; Kibbler et al., 1989) or, to a lesser extent

teicoplanin (Wilson, 1998), the antifungal amphotericin B (Kibbler et al., 1989;

Gilbert D.N., 2000), the anesthetic methoxyflurane (Barr et al., 1973), the

immunsupressant cyclosporin (Whiting et al., 1982), and the anticancer drug

cisplatin (Salem et al., 1982; Jongejan et al., 1989).

2.4. Handling of aminoglycosides by the kidney

The first step to understand the physiopathology of aminoglycosides

nephrotoxicity was made in the seventies by the demonstration of accumulation

of aminoglycosides in the renal cortex (Luft and Kleit, 1974; Fabre et al., 1976).

This finding was first documented in animals, but later repeatedly confirmed in

the human kidney (Edwards et al., 1976; De Broe et al., 1984; Verpooten et al.,

1989; De Broe et al., 1991). Autoradiographic, micropuncture and

immunocytochemical studies have shown aminoglycosides are primarily taken

up and concentrated by S1/S2 proximal tubule cells (Silverblatt and Kuehn,

1979; Wedeen et al., 1983; Molitoris et al., 1993; Pastoriza-Munoz et al., 1984).

The amount of aminoglycoside taken up by the renal cortex is only a small

fraction of the total administered dose (about 2-5%) (Fabre et al., 1976), but it

must be emphasized that aminoglycosides are not metabolized by mammalian

cells. All drugs that is retained by the kidney therefore remains chemically


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2.4.1. Mechanism of cortical uptake:

Much attention had been focused on the identification of pathway(s) responsible

for uptake of aminoglycosides and the mechanism proposed remained for a

long time controversial. The drug can be taken up into the cell from both the

luminal and basolateral membrane, although binding and uptake by brush

border membrane predominate (Bennett, 1989). Nowadays, the consensus is

that megalin, an endocytic receptor expressed on the apical surface of the

proximal tubular epithelium, represents the major route of entry of

aminoglycosides through the brush border of proximal tubular cells. This has

been elegantly demonstrated with mice having genetic or functional megalin

deficiency and which do not accumulate aminoglycosides in their proximal

tubular cells and are protected against aminoglycoside-induced nephrotoxicity

(Schmitz et al., 2002).

2.4.2. Intracellular handling :

Following internalization, aminoglycosides traffic via the endocytic system and

accumulate primarily in lysosomes. Inside the lysosomes, the aminoglycosides

accumulate in very large amount (reaching concentrations that exceed 10-100

time the serum concentration). Recent information obtained both in cell cultures

(LLC-PK1 cells) and in vivo (rat kidney) indicates also that a small but

quantifiable amount of the internalized gentamicin (5-10%) traffics directly and

rapidly from the surface membrane to the Golgi apparatus in both (Molitoris,

1997; Sandoval et al., 1998; Sandoval et al., 2000; Sundin et al., 2001). This

new finding for gentamicin is consistent with the movement along the endocytic

pathway. It is also consistent with the previously known movement of the shiga

or the ricin toxins from the surface membrane to the Golgi apparatus (Sandvig

and van Deurs, 1996; Lord and Roberts, 1998; Johannes and Goud, 1998).

Recently, it has been shown this small proportion of gentamicin can also

accesses the endoplasmic reticulum through a retrograde transport to be further

released insides the cytosol where it has been shown associated with the

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mitochondria and nucleus (Sandoval and Molitoris, 2004). However, because

aminglycosides are polar, most of the drug taken up into proximal tubular cells

(whether in lysosomes or in the Gogi apparatus) will stay for considerable time.

Half-life of the drug in this tissue which amounts to several days (Fabre et al.,

1976) as opposed to the short serum half-life (2 to 3 h) is thus mainly reflecting

cell turn-over with a small contribution of true exocytosis.

2.4.3. Mechanisms of toxicity

A major difficulty and a point of many controversies has been and still is to

ascertain which changes, among the numerous described today, are truly

responsible for toxicity. Several hypotheses have been suggested. An

intriguing aspect of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity that must be taken into

account, is that very large amount of drugs (usually 10 times the therapeutic

doses) are needed in animals in order to cause clear-cut acute tubular necrosis

and concomitant alteration of the renal function (Parker R.A., 1982; Gilbert D.N.,

2000). This is in sharp contrast with the clinical situation in which a sizeable

fraction of patients experience a loss in renal function upon treatment with

clinically-acceptable doses (Smith et al., 1980). The question is therefore to

establish which subclinical change seen in animal is responsible for toxicity, and

how it causes further development of clinical toxicity (Tulkens, 1986). Yet, the

demonstration of a sequence of events from a subclinical alteration to overt

toxicity is not necessarily a proof of cause to effect relationship. It is indeed

possible that only the more drastic changes, such as an frank decrease in

glomerular filtration (Baylis et al., 1977), or extended necrosis (Parker R.A.,

1982), both seen in animals only at high doses, really cause toxicity. Having

this caveat in mind, we will review here the various hypotheses that have

received strong experimental support over the last 20 years.

A. Lysosomal alterations.

When in lysosomes, aminoglycosides induce a marked phospholipidosis that

has been demonstrated in cell culture models (Aubert-Tulkens et al., 1979),

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experimental animals (Knauss et al., 1983; Giuliano et al., 1986; Feldman et al.,

1982; Josepovitz et al., 1985) and man (De Broe et al., 1984). This

phospholipidosis develops rapidly and involves all major phospholipids, with,

however, a predominant increase in phosphatidylinositol on a relative basis

(Feldman et al., 1982; Knauss et al., 1983). Accumulation of phospholipids

within lysosomes is responsible for the formation of the so-called « myeloid

bodies » that were described and linked to toxicity as early as in the mid and

late 70's (Kosek et al., 1974; Watanabe, 1978). Phospholipidosis induced by

aminoglycosides has been proposed to primarily result from an impaired

degradation due to the inhibition of the lysosomal phospholipases A and C and

sphingomyelinase (Aubert-Tulkens et al., 1979; Laurent et al., 1990) and to be

related to the binding of the cationic aminoglycosides to phospholipids at the

acid pH prevailing in lysosomes (Mingeot-Leclercq et al., 1988; Mingeot-

Leclercq et al., 1989). The link between lysosomal phospholipidosis and further

cell damage has, however, remained largely indirect so far (Laurent et al.,

1990). Moreover, some aminoglycosides, such as netilmicin, induce a

conspicuous phospholipidosis (Toubeau et al., 1986) without marked necrosis

and renal toxicity (Luft et al., 1976). This may, however, be related to

differences in dose-effect relationships between netilmicin and other

aminoglycosides (Hottendorf et al., 1981).

B. Mitochondrial alterations.

Besides metabolic alterations in lysosomes, aminoglycosides also induce

changes in mitochondria, namely a competitive interaction with Mg2+ resulting in

reduced mitochondrial respiration (Simmons, Jr. et al., 1980; Weinberg and

Humes, 1980; Bendirdjian J.Gillaster J. and Foucher B, 1982; Bendirdjian J. et

al., 1982) which has been considered as a cause of toxicity. For long, this

hypothesis has stumbled on the lack of evidence that aminoglycoisdes could

ever reach mitochondria before cell necrosis and post-mortem redistribution of

the drug stored in lysosomes. Yet, release of oxygen radicals species triggered

by aminoglycosides at the level of mitochondria has been proposed as a

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potentially important mechanism (Walker and Shah, 1988; Ueda et al., 1993),

and traffic of part of the cellular gentamicin to mitochondria in vivo has, now,

been evidenced (Sundin et al., 2001). This observation may have a particular

significance since polyamines are known to be able to activate mitochondria

and cause the release of cytochrome c, an important step leading to apoptosis

(Mather and Rottenberg, 2001), a mechanism of cell death that will be

discussed hereunder. Proteomic analysis following gentamicin administration

has also indicated an energy production impairment and a mitochondrial

dysfunction occurring in parallel to the onset of nephrotoxicty (Charlwood J. et

al., 2002).

C. Inhibition of protein synthesis:

Aminoglycosides act as antibiotics by inhibiting prokaryotic protein synthesis

through binding to ribosomes, blocking peptide synthesis initiation and causing

mistranslation (Davies et al., 1965; Tai and Davis, 1979; Carter et al., 2000).

Studies indicate gentamicin administered in vivo reduces renal cortical

endoplasmic reticulum protein synthesis ex vivo very rapidly (Buss and Piatt,

1985; Bennett et al., 1988). More recent data point to a major in vivo inhibitory

effect of gentamicin on protein synthesis after only 2 days antibiotic

administration (Sundin et al., 2001). The mechanism by which this occurs is

unknown, but could involve inhibition of nuclear transcription or alteration of

endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi-mediated post-translational modifications. An

intriguing hypothesis raised by the study of the influence of gentamicin on the

expression of specific proteins has also been that failure to translate high levels

of mRNA into proportionally high levels of protein would attenuate the

expression of stress response gene products, and thus diminish the possibility

of recovery in gentamicin intoxication (Dominguez et al., 1996). Recently,

gentamicin was found to significantly reduce Na(+)/glucose cotransporter

(SGLT1)-dependent glucose transport and to down-regulated mRNA and

protein levels of the SGLT1 in pig proximal tubular LLC-PK(1) cells (Takamoto

et al., 2003).

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D. Inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase:

Aminoglycosides inhibit the Na+, K+-ATPase activity in basolateral membranes

(Cronin et al., 1982; Williams et al., 1984), and the binding of the drugs to these

membranes has been correlated with toxicities (Williams et al., 1987). Inhibition

is, however, seen only when aminoglycosides are presented to the cytoplasmic

face of the membrane (Williams et al., 1984). It is not known whether this

occurs in vivo at therapeutic doses.

E. Apoptosis

The recent observation that aminoglycosides induce apoptosis in vivo at

therapeutically-relevant doses (El Mouedden et al., 2000a) has shed new lights

on the mechanisms of the early stages of nephrotoxicity. Apoptosis, also called

Programmed Cell Death, was first described in 1972 (Kerr et al., 1972) from

studies of tissue development kinetics and differentiation, but has now been

demonstrated to be a key determinant in cell response to many environmental

signals leading to cell death. It is characterized by specific features such as cell

shrinkage, increased cytoplasmic density, condensation of chromatin and

fragmentation of DNA. It can be triggered in the kidney by a very large array of

toxic agents (Davis and Ryan, 1998). In the context of aminoglycosides, rats

show a clearly detectable apoptotic reaction in proximal tubules after only 4

days of treatment, which become conspicuous after 10 days (see Figure 6 A).

This reaction is dose-dependent, and occurs in the absence of necrosis (El

Mouedden et al., 2000a). Gentamicin-induced apoptosis can be also

demonstrated on cultured renal (LLC-PK1 [see Figure 6 B], MDCK) and non-

renal (embryonic fibroblasts) cells (El Mouedden et al., 2000b).

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Figure 6: Morphological changes in rat renal cortex (A,C,D)upon treatment with gentamicin at low doses

(10mg/kg, 10 days) and in cultured LLC-PK1 renal cells (B) upon incubation with gentamicin under conditions

causing a drug accumulation similar to that observed in rat renal cortex of the animal treated as indicated in A,

C and D (approximately 10µg/g tissue) (El Mouedden 2000 229). (A) Typical image of apoptosis (shrinkage

necrosis; open arrows) in a seemingly normal proximal tubule; (B) typical image of nuclear fragmentation in a

single cell; (C) autoradiographic demonstration of thymidine incorporation in nuclei of proximal tubular cells

(arrowheads); (D) peritubular infiltration by endothelial and fibroblasts-like cells. (A, D) hematoxylin-

eosin/periodic acid Schifft staining; (B) 4’,6’-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining; (C) animals injected with 3H-

thymidine one our before sacrifice and tissue sections processed for autoradiographic detection of

radioactively-labeled structures followed by light hematoxylin-eosin counterstaining. (A, C, D: reproduced from

Laurent 1983 586) with permission; B, unpublished data from H. Servais).

F. Regeneration

The kidney has a large capacity to regenerate and thereby to compensate for

tubular insults. This explains why necrosis and other related processes may go

along way without being detected by functional explorations. The importance of

this fact is best demonstrated in rats in which fairly high doses (10 times the

human doses) can be given for periods as long as more than 40 days. After a

first episode of acute renal failure, related to the synchronous necrosis of a

large proportion of the proximal tubules, renal function returns to normal as up

the animals had become refractive to the toxic effects of the drug (Elliott et al.,

1982b; Elliott et al., 1982a). This "resistance" to gentamicin is a state of

persistent tubular cell injury obscured functionally by preservation of the

- 36 -


glomerular filtration rate and histologically by asynchrony of cell necrosis and

regeneration (Houghton et al., 1986). Tubular regeneration has been

extensively studied by means of 3H-thymidine incorporation and other methods,

and was shown to occur very early on during treatment even at low, clinically

significant doses [see Figure 6 C] (Laurent et al., 1983; Toubeau et al., 1986;

Laurent et al., 1988). It may therefore be speculated that all patients exposed

to aminoglycosides experience focal losses of tubular tissue (through apoptosis

or necrosis), and that the quality and extent of regeneration is what maintains

an active renal function or not during treatment. After about 10 days of

exposure to gentamicin in subtoxic doses, however, the kidney will already

show signs of mild peritubular inflammation and fibroblast proliferation (see

Figure 6 D). This will eventually lead to chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis with

progressive renal failure. Cessation of treatment is associated with microcystic

and inflammatory changes, suggesting that the renal response to tubular injury

can be dissociated from the amount of toxin in the renal cortex (Elliott et al.,

1982a; Houghton et al., 1988). Both regeneration and assessment of fibrosis

and other signs of tubulointerstitial inflammation has therefore be used as

surrogate markers in many studies evaluating and comparing aminoglycosides

at low doses ((Tulkens, 1986; Hottendorf and Gordon, 1980). The whole

process of regeneration / fibrosis induced by aminoglycosides has also been

examined within the context of the release of growth factors (Morin et al., 1992;

Leonard et al., 1994). While studies aiming at stimulating regeneration have

been disappointing, it has now been recognized that macrophages,

myofibroblasts, TGF-beta, endothelin and angilotensin II may contribute to the

development of renal fibrosis in gentamicin-treated rats (Geleilete et al., 2002).

2.5. Means of protection:

Reducing or protecting against aminoglycosides nephrotoxicity has attracted

much effort and attention over the last decade, based either on purely clinical

approaches, or on various experimental methods. The former will be discussed

- 37 -


in details because they are the only ones so far that have really allowed

decreasing aminoglycoside toxicity in patients.

2.5.1. Clinical approaches:

A. The once-daily schedule:

Up to the late 80's, aminoglycosides were commonly recommended for

administration in divided doses over the 24 h period, and typically in q8h or q12

h schedule (i.e. the total daily dose divided in 2 or 3 administrations at 8 or 12 h

interval). Kinetic and toxicodynamic studies revealed, however, that this mode

of administration resulted in an enhanced drug uptake and toxicity as compared

to a once-a-day schedule (Bennett et al., 1979; Giuliano et al., 1986). In

parallel, pharmacodynamic studies examining the antibacterial activity of

aminoglycosides in vitro (Blaser et al., 1985), in experimental infections (Gerber

et al., 1989; Leggett et al., 1990), and in patients (Moore et al., 1987) indicated

that a large serum peak concentration to MIC ratio was a key determinant in

their efficacy. Aminoglycosides are indeed typically concentration-dependant

antibiotics and have a large post-antibiotic effect (Vogelman and Craig, 1986).

This led a series of investigators to test the once-a-day schedule first in limited

clinical situations from the mid and late 80's (Powell et al., 1983; ter Braak et al.,

1990; Tulkens, 1991) to a more wide usage in the mid 90's (Prins et al., 1993;

Nicolau et al., 1995) and eventually leading to more than 300 publications to

date, and several meta-analyses (Blaser and Konig, 1995; Ferriols-Lisart and

Alos-Alminana, 1996; Munckhof et al., 1996). This schedule is now

recommended in most cases for reasons of both potentially-improved efficacy

and potentally-decreased toxicity (Gilbert, 1997; Gilbert D.N., 2000). As far as

toxicity is concerned, the bottom line of all these efforts is nephrotoxicity is

usually delayed, although not suppressed with the once-a-day schedule. This

is particularly well illustrated by the results presented in Figure 7, where one

sees that both the multiple-daily and the once-daily dosing of netilmicin will

eventually lead to a similar proportion of patients experiencing nephrotoxic


- 38 -


Figure 7: Appearance of nephrotoxic reaction in patients given netilmicin once-daily (OD) or on 12 hours or 8

hours multiple doses (MD) (ter Braak 1990 58). Nephrotoxicity was defined as an increase in serum creatinine

concentration of more than 50% over baseline. Patients (141) were predominantly elderly subjects with severe

bacterial infection and received simultaneously 2g ceftriaxone/day. Netilmicin treatment did not differ

significantly in mean daily dose per kg body weight (average 6.6 mg/day) nor duration of therapy between the

two treatment arms exept for schedule. Compared with patients receiving conventional doses, patients treated

with once-a-day dose had higher serum peak netilmicin levels and lower through levels (Reproduced with minor

modifications with permission).

Patients receiving the drug once-a-day, however, will be safer for 2 to 3 days

more than those treated with the conventional schedule. This is

understandable since the once-daily schedule will not abolish but only reduce

drug uptake by the kidney. Therefore, treating patients for an extended period

of time will eventually cause the cortical drug level to reach in both cases the

critical treshold that results in tubular insult and ensuing functional damage.

This is the basis for the current recommendations to limit aminoglycoside

treatments to a maximum of 7 days unless there is clear and defined medical

reason to the contrary. It is indeed important to note that pharmacodynamic

considerations predict that the once-a-day schedule will be at least as effective,

and even perhaps more effective than the divided dose schedule (Blaser et al.,

1985; Blaser et al., 1987; Amsden et al., 2000), so that a short course will be

effective. When all studies are considered at a fixed time point, the once-a-day

schedule appears almost never more, and often less nephrotoxic than the

divided-dose schedules [with a global risk factor calculated for 8 studies and a

total of 802 patients of 0.9 with a confidence interval of 0.63-1.31 (Verpooten et

- 39 -


al., 2003), while being as or more efficacious (Blaser and Konig, 1995) and

offering obvious practical advantages, including less necessity of monitoring

serum levels (see hereunder). A survey made in the late 90's among 500 acute

care hospitals in the US revealed that 74.7 % use the once-daily schedule or a

close variant of it (Chuck et al., 2000).

B. Individualized Pharmacokinetic Monitoring:

Individualized pharmacokinetic monitoring represents another approach that

has been largely used by clinicians and clinical pharmacists in attempt to

optimize aminoglycoside therapy as from the early uses of these drugs to

minimize toxicity (Dahlgren et al., 1975; Pancorbo et al., 1982), while ensuring

sufficient serum levels to obtain maximal therapeutic effect (Zaske et al., 1982).

This has led to intense efforts at designing the most appropriate models and

approaches to define "optimal" peak and trough levels that were considered as

gold standards and used to compare drug toxicities (Smith et al., 1980). This,

however, led sometimes to contradictory results (Pancorbo et al., 1982; Burton

et al., 1991; Bertino, Jr. et al., 1993). But it allowed to identify patients at risk

(Mullins et al., 1987; Bertino, Jr. et al., 1993), to reassess the value of accepted

"normal" therapeutic ranges (McCormack and Jewesson, 1992; Watling and

Dasta, 1993), and to minimize costs (Bertino, Jr. et al., 1994). When examined

in large patient populations, individualized pharmacokinetic monitoring

eventually demonstrated a significant negative risk factor of up to 0.42 vs

controls, together with substantial savings (Streetman et al., 2001). The

outcomes, however, remained blurred by the misconception that a high peak

was associated with toxicity, while a minimum trough level was necessary for

activity. As we have seen, the converse is true but can only be demonstrated if

comparing different schedules of administration.1 1 comparing schedules is essential, since changing the dose but not the schedule modifies simultaneously, and

to a similar direction, the Cmax, the AUC and the Cmin. These are indeed covariables with respect to the dose,

making impossible to ascribe toxicity or efficacy to one of them independently of the others by simply

manipulating the dose.

- 40 -


The introduction of the once-daily dosing largely modified the way monitoring

was made, by concentrating more on the peak levels (for efficacy), while trough

levels being often vanishingly low (at 24 h) tended to be no longer recorded

(Cronberg, 1994). Today, optimal true peak levels (i.e. extrapolated at time =

0 h) are set to around 20 mg/L for gentamicin, tobramycin, and netilmicin, and

60 mg/L for amikacin, with trough (24 h) levels lower than 1 and 3 mg/L,

respectively, for patients with normal renal function (Gilbert D.N., 2000). These

levels will be obtained in most patients, decreasing the necessity of systematic

monitoring. However, surveillance may be useful in patients at risk. A

nomogram using the 8 h serum value, as an indicator of both the potential peak

level (and thereby allowing to adjust the dose) and the elimination constant (to

detect impending renal failure) has been developed (Nicolau et al., 1995). It

seems fairly popular in the U.S. since about one third of the hospitals using the

once-daily schedule have adopted it (Chuck et al., 2000). This nomogram, as

others, may, however, not be optimal (Wallace et al., 2002). Application of the

principles of individualized pharmacokinetic monitoring to the once-daily

schedule (by adjusting the dose interval) may indeed still ensure a further

reduction of toxicity while allowing to use larger doses and therefore to

potentially increase efficacy (Bartal et al., 2003). Additional reduction of toxicity

of the once-daily schedule by selecting the most appropriate time of the day for

administration has been reported (Rougier et al., 2003) with early afternoon

appearing as optimal. The practicability of this approach needs, however, to be

critically assessed.

2.5.2. Experimental approaches:

A. Reduction of cortical uptake:

This has been attempted by complexing aminoglycosides with polyanionic

substances such as dextran sulfate (Kikuchi et al., 1991) or inositol hexasulfate

(Kojima et al., 1990), or anionic β-lactams such as piperacillin (Hayashi et al.,

1988) or moxalactam [latamoxef] (Kojima et al., 1990), fosfomycin (Fujita et al.,

1983) a, or even simply pyridoxal-5-phosphate [one coenzyme form of vitamin

- 41 -


B6] (Smetana et al., 1992). Other attempts have been directed at (i) decreasing

the electrostatic attraction of aminoglycosides and their brush border binding

sites by infusion of bicarbonate (Chiu et al., 1979) to raise urine pH and

decrease the polycationic character of aminoglycosides [the pKa of the

aminofunctions of the common aminoglycosides span from 5.5 though approx.

8), or (ii) competing with aminoglycosides by means of calcium (Humes et al.,

1984) or lysine (Malis et al., 1984). Lack of marked efficacy and/or intrinsic

toxicity have, however, prevented all these approaches to be developed in the

clinics. Stimulation of exocytosis by fleroxacin (a fluoroquinolone antibiotic) has

also been attempted (Beauchamp et al., 1997). Pasufloxacin, an experimental

fluoroquinolone, also has shown a protective effect against arbekacin-induced

nephrotoxicity, and that this was attributable to a suppression of uptake of

arbekacin in cortical renal tubules (Kizawa et al., 2003). The concomitant use

of an aminoglycoside and a fluroquinolone to prevent toxicity runs, however,

against the rules of the safe and restricted use of antibiotics.

Another approach has been developed more recently by the Industry

ReceptIcon (htpp:// They have developed megalin antagonists

(the receptor that mediates aminoglycosides uptake) and this molecule is

currently under the late preclinical phase for the reduction of aminoglycosides

nephrotoxicity. However, this approach needs certainly to be completed to

ascertain its safety since megalin mediates the reabsorption of essential

components such as vitamins, apolipoproteins or hormones.

B. Prevention of phospholipidosis:

Polyaspartic acid has been shown to protect against both morphological and

functional signs of aminoglycoside-induced nephrotoxicty in the rat (Gilbert et

al., 1989; Beauchamp et al., 1990a). Further studies showed that this

polyanionic peptide enters cells by endocytosis and reaches lysosomes where it

forms ion-pair complexes with aminoglycosides, thereby preventing them to

interact with phospholipids (Kishore et al., 1990). Interestingly enough, this

- 42 -


results in an increased cortical accumulation of gentamicin but does not alter

the pharmacokinetic parameters relevant to the therapeutic effect of

aminoglycosides (Whittem et al., 1996). Although potentially promising, the

clinical development of polyaspartic acid has been barred by proprietary

considerations and by lack of initiatives from the patent holder. Daptomycin (a

lipopeptide antibiotic active against Gram-positive organisms) also protects

against lysosomal phospholipidosis (Beauchamp et al., 1990b) and

neprotoxicity (Wood et al., 1989) in the experimental animal. As polyaspartic

acid, daptomycin binds to phospholipid bialayers. However, the contribution of

daptomycin to the membrane charge density and its effect on the lipid packing

both combine to counteract the inhibition of phospholipase activity due to

aminoglycosides (Gurnani et al., 1995), and result in an activation of

phospholipases when aminoglycosides are present (Carrier et al., 1998).

Daptomycin has been recently approved in the U.S. for clinical usage,

evaluations of its potential to reduce aminoglycoside toxicity in patients at

therapeutic doses is therefore awaited with interest.

C. Reduction of cell death and increase of cell repair:

This has been attempted with a number of compounds such as desferroxamine

(Ben Ismail et al., 1994), methimazole (Elfarra et al., 1994), vitamine E +

selenium (Ademuyiwa et al., 1990), lipoic acid (Sandhya et al., 1995), on the

one hand, and ulinastatin (Nakakuki et al., 1996) , fibroblast growth factor 2

(Leonard et al., 1994) and the heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (Sakai et

al., 1997). No clinical data, however, is available.

D. Protection against vascular and glomerular insults:

This can be obtained with calcium channel blockers (Lortholary et al., 1993), but

the intrinsic pharmacological properties of these agents has prevented any

clinical development. Trapidil, an antiplatelet and vasodilator agent may also

protect by antagonism of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vasodilatation,

- 43 -


inhibition of trombocyte aggregation, and/or NO release (Buyukafsar et al.,


2.6. Concluding remarks

Although having attracted so much attention from laboratory and clinical

researchers, the basic mechanims of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity, and

especially the biochemical events leading to cell damage and glomerular

dysfunction still remain poorly understood. However, the observation that these

antibiotics are able to induce cell death by apoptosis in vitro but also in vitro at

doses relevant to clinical situations have allowed new approaches to explain

their nephrotoxicity. As mentioned earlier, apoptosis is a type of cell death,

which is executed by specialized enzymes, the caspases, but also highly

regulated by the proteins of the Bcl-2 family. Apoptosis can be initiated by

different molecular pathways, which have been initially divided into two major

ones: the receptor-mediated (or extrinsic) pathway and the organelle-mediated

(or intrinsic) pathway. The importance of this process in gentamicin

nephrotoxicity is further supported by the observation that numerous

nephrotoxins can induce this type of cell death (Ueda et al., 2000) but also by

the observation that tubular cell death by apoptosis is probably an important

contributor to the development of acute renal failure induced by these

nephrotoxins (Ortiz et al., 2003; Ueda et al., 2000).

- 44 -



As apoptosis seemed to be a key contributor of aminoglycosides nephrotoxicty, here is an insight of this particulate phenomenon in order to

further understand how these agents, and in particular gentamicin, is able to

induce such process.

The cell death exposed to a toxic substance has been shown to result from two

major processes: apoptosis and necrosis. The pathway that is followed by the

cell is dependent on both the nature and severity of the insults, evolving from

apoptotic to necrotic form of cell death. Thus its is now recognized that the

same insult in a mild form can lead to apoptosis and when severe can lead to

necrosis (Healy et al., 1998; Ueda et al., 2000).

Apoptosis is described as an active and a genetically regulated form of cell

death, it is an evolutionary conserved physiological process used by an

organism to selectively eliminate cells that are no longer needed such as

damaged or infected cells (Wyllie et al., 1980). The term apoptosis was used in

Greek to denote a falling of as leaves from a tree (Kerr et al., 1972). This term

indeed connotes a controlled physiologic process of removing individual

components of an organism without destruction or damage to the organism.

Apoptosis is characterized by well-defined morphologic characteristics:

chromatin condensation in one or more masses in the nucleus, this event starts

along the nuclear membrane and forms a crescent or ring-like structure

(chromatin margination); this condensation is followed by the shrinkage and the

fragmentation of the nucleus into oligonucleosome-sized DNA fragments by

specialized nucleases (Wyllie et al., 1980). Other characteristics are

cytoplasmic condensation and finally cellular fragmentation into membrane-

bound fragments. These fragments are called apoptotic bodies and are taken

up by other cells and degraded in phagosomes (Kerr et al., 1972). Apoptosis

plays a crucial role during embryogenesis but also later in the maintenance of

homeostasis, the clearance of old cells, the maturation and function of the

- 45 -


immune system (Lockshin and Zakeri, 2001; Danial and Korsmeyer, 2004;

Krammer, 2000).

Necrosis has been characterized as passive, accidental cell death

characterized by a cell swelling with early loss of plasma membrane integrity,

major changes in the organelles, swelling of the nucleus with flocculation of the

chromatin. This death results from environmental perturbations with

uncontrolled release of cellular components spilling into the surrounding tissue

space evoking an inflammatory response (Kerr et al., 1972).

Numerous specific changes associated with apoptosis result from the activation

of particular enzymes, so-called caspases, which cleaves vital proteins in cell

but also activate more specific enzymes such as caspases-activated DNAse

(CAD) which is the major enzyme responsible for DNA fragmentation. If these

enzymes are key components of the apoptotic signalling, the proteins of the Bcl-2 family are also critical contributor by regulating the apoptotic process.

Among the Bcl-2 family proteins, some of them are anti-apoptotic such as Bcl-2

and Bcl-xl while others possess pro-apoptotic functions such as Bax and Bak.

3.1. Key component of the apoptotic signalling

3.1.1. Caspases

Destruction of cells during apoptosis requires the activation of caspases, which

belong to a family of Aspartate-specific Cystein proteases (Alnemri et al., 1996).

Caspases are synthetized as a single-chain of inactive zymogens, consisting of

four domains, a NH2 pro-domain of variable length, a large subunit of about

20kDa, a small subunit of about 10 kDa and a linker region connecting these

catalytic subunits. Proteolytic cleavage of the caspase precursors results in the

separation of large and small subunits with the formation of a heterotetrameric

complex (the active enzyme) consisting in two small and two large subunits

(Wolf and Green, 1999). Caspases differ in the length and sequence of their

NH2-terminal prodomain which is either short (20-30 amino acids) or long (more

than 90 amino acids).

- 46 -


Fourteen caspases have been identified so far, eleven in human (see figure 8)

three of which are involved in cytokine activation and inflammation and seven of

which have their major role in apoptosis (Riedl and Shi, 2004). Based on their

function and their structure, caspases have been divided into four groups.

Figure 8: Schematic representation of human caspase structure. Caspases are cystein proteases that all contain

a small (S) and a large (L) subunit including the active site. Grey domain between L and S subunits represents

the catalytically active cystein residue. The initiator caspases contain a pro-domain (containing DED or CARD

domain) which mediate their interaction with adaptator proteins upon apoptotic stimuli, leading to their


The initiator caspases have pro-domains that are of two types: the caspase

activation recruitment domain (CARD) found in caspase-2, -9 and -12, and the

death effector domain (DED) found in caspase-8 and -10. The effector

caspases are able to directly degrade multiple substrates including the cellular

structural and regulatory proteins leading to characteristic death by apoptosis.

Initiator caspases are also cleaved upon activation, similarly to the effector

caspases, but this cleavage seemed neither required nor sufficient for their

activation (Boatright and Salvesen, 2003). The activation of effector caspases

can not only been caused by initiator caspase but also by other non-caspase

proteases including cathepsins, calpains and granzyme (Vancompernolle et al.,

- 47 -


1998; Stoka et al., 2001)Johnson (Johnson, 2000). Caspase-1 and caspase-4

and -5 have similar structures and are predominantly involved in the maturation

of proinflammatory cytokines. At this stage, simplified apoptotic pathway can be

summarized as illustrated in figure 9.

Figure 9: Schematic representation of caspases activation and apoptosis induction.

Different types of molecular pathways can lead to activation of these caspases

and will be developed later.

3.1.2. Proteins of the Bcl-2 family

Eventhough caspases are the key initiators and executors of apoptosis, the

proteins of the Bcl-2 family certainly fulfil a major role in the orchestration of

apoptosis. Indeed, they are now recognized as key modulators of apoptosis.

Their action site was first thought to be the mitochondria (Gross et al., 1999;

Tsujimoto, 2003), however, accumulating evidences have now shown that they

- 48 -


also act in the regulation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) pathway (Nutt et al.,

2002) and more recently, their involvement in the lysosomal pathway has been

established (Kagedal et al., 2005). This family comprises proteins with cell

death inhibiting and cell death activating properties. They are characterized by

the presence of conserved sequence motifs, named Bcl-2 Homology (BH)

domains (see figure 10).

Anti-apoptotic members such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl share all the four BH

domains, BH1 to BH4. Bcl-2 homologues have also been found in some

viruses, adenovirus (E1B-19K), Epstein-Barr (BHRF), African swine (LMW5-

HL), Herpes virus (ORF16). Pro-apoptotic proteins can be divided into two

subgroups: the “multidomain” proteins such as Bax and Bak which contain

BH1, BH2 and BH3 domains and the “BH3-only” proteins among them Bid, Bim or Bik which are largely unrelated in sequence to Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic

members. BH3 domain is essential for their pro-apoptotic properties.

How exactly Bcl-2 and its anti-apoptotic homologues promote cell survival is not

clear (Cory et al., 2003), but mouse genetic studies indicate that the survival of

every cell type requires protection by at least one Bcl-2 homologue (Cory et al.,

2003; Ranger et al., 2001). The BH1-3 domains of the anti-apoptotic proteins

form a hydrophobic groove through which they can bind the BH3 domain of the

proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members (Muchmore et al., 1996; Petros et al., 2001).

Bcl-2 and homologues may function both by sequestering active BH3-only

proteins and by restricting Bax/Bak oligomerization, thereby setting an

activation barrier for the induction of apoptosis and limiting inappropriate cell


While several Bcl-2 family proteins possess ion channel activity in lipid bilayers,

only the multidomain proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bak can renders

membranes permeable to cytochrome c and larger molecule (Korsmeyer et al.,

2000; Kuwana et al., 2002). These two proteins exhibit a degree of functional

redundancy, as ablation of both bax and bak genes in mouse results in

- 49 -


apoptosis resistance whereas single bax or bak knock-outs are susceptible to

apoptosis induction. Indeed, tissues and cells deficient in both genes are

resisitant to most stimuli (Scorrano et al., 2003; Wei et al., 2001; Lindsten et al.,

2000; Knudson et al., 1995). These two proteins do not behave identically,

however, since in non-apoptotic cells Bax is mostly free in the cytosol while Bak

is constitutively localized in membrane of mitochondria and endoplasmic

reticulum (Zong et al., 2003)

- 50 -


Figure 10: Classification of the Bcl-2 family. The BH3 domain in the pro-apoptotic members is a ligand for the

hydrophobic pocket formed by the BH1-BH3 domains of the survival factors. α-5/α-6 overlap with BH1 domain

and are pore forming units based on structural homology with bacterial toxins. The C-terminal membrane

anchor is a hydrophobic, single membrane spanning amino acid 17-23 α-helix (α-9) that tail-anchors the proteins

in intracellular membrane. Figure 10 is adaptated from Borner(Borner, 2003).

- 51 -


Bax, which is one of the major pro-apoptotic proteins, was identified by co-

immunoprecipitation with Bcl-2 (Oltvai 1993 609). As described before, it

belongs to the subgroup of multidomains pro-apoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2

family proteins with BH1, BH2 and BH3 domains. The N-terminus is relatively

non-structured, and although a BH4 domain was initially not predicted by amino

acid sequence, the relative orientation of the equivalent region in Bax in respect

to the rest of the protein is identical to that in Bcl-xl. The structure of Bax

consists of nine α-helices (see figure 11).The overall fold of Bax closely

resembles that of Bcl-x (Muchmore 1996) with seven amphipathic α helices

clustered around two central, mostly hydrophobic α-helices.

Figure 11: 3-D structure of Bax. From Suzuki (Suzuki et al., 2000)

An important difference between anti-apoptotic Bcl-xl and pro-apoptotic Bax

was found in the BH3 domain. In Bax, this helix is less packed to the

hydrophobic core than in Bcl-xl. This makes it easier for the domain to rotate

around its axis to expose the residues away from hydrophobic core, making

them available for binding to the hydrophobic grooves of Bcl-2 like survival

factors (Sattler et al., 1997). This flexibility of the BH3 domain is crucial for the

pro-apoptotic activity of Bax because swapping this region from Bax to the anti-

apoptotic Bcl-2 converted Bcl-2 to a death agonist despite the presence of a

BH4 domain (Hunter and Parslow, 1996).

- 52 -


In unstimulated cells, Bax is a mainly soluble monomeric protein present in the

cytosol or loosely associated with mitochondria (Antonsson et al., 2000). In

response to apoptotic stimuli, Bax undergoes specific conformational changes

which allow its targeting and insertion to the outer membrane of the

mitochondria (Cory and Adams, 2002). Moreover, it has been also

demonstrated that Bax can be targeted to other intracellular organelles

including the ER (Germain and Shore, 2003) and lysosomes (Kagedal et al.,

2005). On the mitochondrial level, the insertion of Bax seems to trigger the

formation of homo-oligomers allowing the critical release of the proapoptotic

factors sequestred in the intermembrane space of mitochondria. Different

stimuli have been proposed to induce a conformational change of Bax and/or of

its translocation to mitochondria (figure 12): (1) BH3-only proteins Bim

(Yamaguchi et al., 2002; Marani et al., 2002), Bid (Desagher et al., 1999;

Roucou et al., 2002; Perez and White, 2000), Bad (Tafani et al., 2001), PUMA

(Liu et al., 2003) and more recently MAP-1 (Baksh et al., 2005; Tan et al.,

2005), (2) some kinases, such as JNK (Yu et al., 2003; Okuno et al., 2004) or

p38MAPK (Van Laethem et al., 2004; Ghatan et al., 2000), (3) some proteases

such as cathepsin D (Bidere et al., 2003) or the calpains (by cleaving Bax to

p18Bax) (Karlsson et al., 2004), (4) a rapid increase of the intracellular pH

(Belaud-Rotureau et al., 2000; Khaled et al., 1999) or at the contrary a

decrease in cellular pH (Ahmad et al., 2004; Xie et al., 1998), (5) an increase in

Bax-cell content (Choi and Singh, 2005; Fernandez et al., 2003; Nam et al.,

2001) or the activation of acidic sphingomyelinase (Kashkar et al., 2005) or

simply the interaction of Bax and lipids (Yethon et al., 2003).

- 53 -


Figure 12: Cellular events that have been shown to induce directly or indirectly the activation of pro-apoptotic

Bax by inducing a conformational change leading to insertion into mitochondrial membranes.

Bax can be regulated by the Bcl-2-like anti-apoptotic proteins or by interaction

with several cytoplasmic inhibitors, including Ku-70 (Sawada et al., 2003), 14-3-

3 proteins (Tsuruta et al., 2004), humanin peptide (Guo et al., 2003), and hsp70

(Stankiewicz et al., 2005), ARC (Apoptosis Regulator with a CARD domain)

(Gustafsson et al., 2004), or also following phosphorylation by AKt on its

Ser184 (Gardai et al., 2004).

- 54 -


3.2. Molecular pathway leading to apoptosis

3.2.1. Receptor-mediated (extrinsic) pathway

Death receptors belong to the TNF receptor gene superfamily which consists of

more than 20 proteins with a broad range of biological functions including

regulation of cell death and survival, differentiation or immune regulation

(Ashkenazi and Dixit, 1999; Walczak and Krammer, 2000; Ashkenazi and Dixit,

1998). Death Receptors are defined by a cytoplasmic domain of about 80

amino acids called death domain, which play a crucial role in transmitting

death signals from the cell surface to the intracellular signalling pathways. Fas

(APO-1/CD95), TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2, TNF Receptor 1 (TNFR1) are the

most studied in death signalling pathway. DR3 and DR6 have also been

involved in apoptosis signalling cascade (Fulda and Debatin, 2004).

Fas death signal has been widely studied and is as model for the description of

this pathway (see figure 13). The binding of Fas Ligand to Fas receptor triggers

its oligomerization and induce the recruitment of Fas-Associated Death Domain

protein (FADD) and pro-caspase-8 to form a complex named DISC (Death

Inducing Signaling Complex) (Kischkel et al., 1995; Boldin et al., 1996; Muzio et

al., 1996). Caspase-8 molecules are then activated and reach the cytosol where

they can activate the effector caspases. Caspase-8 has also the ability to

cleave a BH3-only protein, Bid into truncated-Bid (t-Bid) then allowing its

translocation to the mitochondria (Li et al., 1998; Luo et al., 1998).

For Fas signalling pathway, two distinct prototypic cell types have been

identified (Scaffidi et al., 1998). In type I cells, caspase-8 is activated upon

death receptor binding at the DISC in quantities sufficient to directly activate

downstream effector caspases such a caspase-3. In type II cells, however, the

amount of active caspase-8 generated at the DISC is insufficient to activate

caspase-3 but sufficient to activate Bid which in turn will activate the

mitochondrial pathway.

- 55 -


A similar cell type-dependent organization of the TRAIL signalling has been

described (Fulda et al., 2001). The signalling pathway for the TNF-related

apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) (TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 involved in

apoptosis) is similar to the signalling pathway for Fas, with the formation of the

DISC complex, the recruitment of FADD and caspase-8 and the activation of

downstream effector caspases. Beside caspase-8, caspase-10 could also be

recruited in the TRAIL DISC but its importance in apoptosis is subjected to

controversies (Kischkel et al., 2001; Sprick et al., 2002).

Figure 13: Receptor-mediated death pathway. The binding of the ligand (FasL) to its death receptor (Fas)

recruits the adaptator molecule FADD and pro-caspase-8 to form a specific complex named DISC (Death Inducing

Signalling Complex). This allows the activation of pro-caspase-8 by cleavage. Caspase-8 can activate directly the

effector caspases such as caspase-3 but this can occur indirectly by activation of the mitochondrial pathway by

the cleavage of Bid in truncated-Bid (t-Bid). T-bid triggers the release of cytochrome c and the activation of

caspase-9 which in turn activates caspase-3. Smac/Diablo and Omi/HtrA2 are released from the mitochondria

and contribute to apoptosis induction by inhibiting the IAPs, the cytosolic endogenous caspase inhibitors.

- 56 -


For TNFR1, the situation is quite different since the ligation of TNF-α (their

ligand) can activate several different signalling pathways depending on the

specific adaptator molecule recruited to the activated receptor. Binding of

TNFR1 by TNF-α results in receptor trimerization and release of the inhibitory

protein SODD from the intracellular domain of TNFR1. This in turn enables the

recruitment of the adaptor protein TRADD, which serves as a common platform

adaptor for several signalling molecules that mediate the different biological

functions of TNF-α. For the transduction of death signals, FADD couples the

TNFR1-TRADD complex and recruits caspase-8. TNFR2 has been shown to

play an important role in the regulation of apoptosis through TNFR1 [reviewed

in (Gupta, 2001)].

Signalling by death receptors can also be negatively regulated by a particular

protein, FLIP which has been found in two forms FLIPL (long form) and FLIPS

(short form). FLIP can be recruited to the DISC instead of procaspase-8, -10

resulting in the inhibition of caspase activation (Ivanov et al., 2001).

3.2.2. Organelle-mediated (intrinsic) pathway

A. Mitochondrial pathway

Numerous pro-apoptotic signal transduction and damage pathways converge

on mitochondrial membrane to induce their permeabilization. The precise

mechanisms by which the permeability of the outer mitochondrial membrane

becomes compromised during apoptosis and by which the apoptogenic factors

are released have remained controversial, although it is clear that this process

is governed by the Bcl-2 family of proteins and in some cases by caspases


Between all the Soluble Intermembrane Mitochondrial Proteins (SIMPs),

cytochrome c was the first molecule shown to be released from the

mitochondria during apoptosis. Once in the cytoplasm, cytochrome c binds with

- 57 -


apoptosis protease-activating factor-1 (Apaf-1), dATP and pro-caspase-9 to

form the apoptosome (Liu et al., 1996; Li et al., 1997; Zou et al., 1997; Cain et

al., 2000). The formation of the apoptosome leads to the activation of caspase-

9 and finally to the activation of downstream effector caspases (caspases-3, -6,

-7). This enzymatic complex appears to be regulated by XIAP, which has been

shown to bind the activated form of caspase-3 and caspase-9, blocking the

apoptosome-mediated caspase activation (Bratton et al., 2001). Smac/DIABLO

and Omi/HtrA2, two other SIMPs, antagonize cytosolic IAPs (Inhibitor of

Apoptosis Protein), whose role is to bind and inhibit cytosolic caspases

(Verhagen et al., 2000; Suzuki et al., 2001). Omi/HtrA2 has recently been

shown to induce caspase-independent cell death via its serine protease activity

by direct association with cell surface death receptor (Blink et al., 2004; Li et al.,

2002b). In addition to SIMPs that trigger or enhance caspase activation,

proteins such as AIF and endonuclease G are also released from mitochondria

and cause caspase-independent DNA fragmentation. Both AIF, endonuclease

G and caspase-activated DNase CAD, appear to work in conjunction to

complete chromatin condensation and fragmentation, where AIF seemed to be

involved in large-scale DNA fragmentation and peripheral chromatin

condensation (Susin et al., 1999; Susin et al., 2000).

Even if we know more precisely the identity of released component of the

mitochondria during apoptosis, the mechanism by which they are released is

subject to controversy and different hypotheses have been raised (see figure


The first mechanism proposed was the involvement of the PTP (Permeability Transition Pore). This pore is constituted by the VDAC (voltage-dependent

anion channel) and HK (hexokinase), both located in the outer mitochondrial

membrane, by the ANT (adenine nucleotide translocase) located in the inner

mitochondrial membrane, by the cyclophyllin D located inside the matrix and

finally by creatine kinase CK which links both VDAC and ANT proteins. Recent

studies in cyclophilin D-deficient animals have shown that this molecule is

- 58 -


important for mitochondrial permeabilization (Baines et al., 2005; Basso et al.,

2005). At the opposite, ANT seemed not to be essential for the opening of the

PTP (Kokoszka et al., 2004). Opening of this pore is thought to result in

mitochondrial swelling and rupture of the outer membrane leading to the non-

specific release of the soluble intermembrane mitochondrial proteins (SIMPs)

(Kim et al., 2003).

Figure 14: Mitochondrial activation during apoptosis leads to the release of pro-apoptotic components (also

named the SIMPs for Soluble Intermembrane Mitochondrial Proteins) and includes Smac/diablo, cytochrome c ,

AIF, endonuclease G, pro-caspases and Omi/HtrA2. The release of cytochrome c leads to the formation of a

complex including also Apaf-1, pro-caspase-9 and dATP called the apoptosome, the formation of which leads to

caspase-9 activation and further caspase-3 activation and cell death. Four hypotheses have been proposed to

explain the release of the SIMPs: (1) the release resulted from the opening of specialized pores, the

Permeability Transition Pore (PTP) composed by the the Voltage-dependent Anion Channel (VDAC), Adenine

nucleotide translocase (ANT) cyclophylin D (CyD), creatine kinase (CK) and hexokinase (HK), (2) the opening of

the PTP pores are under strict control of Bcl-2 family proteins, (3) pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins (such as

Bax and Bak) form pores after insertion in mitochondria and (4) the release of SIMPs could also result from a

change in the structure and dynamics of mitochondria through fission/fusion mechanisms.

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Secondly, a variation of this model has been proposed upon the demonstration

of an interaction between pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member and constituents of the PTP pores as it has been shown for Bax and ANT (Marzo

et al., 1998) but also Bax and VDAC (Shimizu et al., 1999).

A third hypothesis has been proposed and is based on sequence homology

with certain bacterial toxins. Indeed, members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins

such as Bax (Antonsson et al., 1997) and t-Bid (Schendel et al., 1997) seemed

to have the ability to insert into membrane and form channels. Bax and Bak

activation results in their homooligomerization within the outer membrane, with

subsequent release of SIMPs and induction of apoptosis (Eskes et al., 2000;

Wei et al., 2000). This third hypothesis is also supported by experiments

performed with artificial membranes composed of mitochondrial lipids. The

channel-forming ability of Bax has been shown to be under the regulation of t-

Bid and to induce cytochrome c release from liposomes, an activity dependent

on the mitochondrial lipid, cardiolipin (Kuwana et al., 2002).

More recently, modulators of mitochondrial structure and dynamics have

also been proposed to explain mitochondrial release of pro-apoptotic factors.

Between these modulators, Drp-1, a GTPase, seemed to play an important role.

Indeed Youle and colleagues found that Drp-1 participate in apoptotic

mitochondrial fission (Frank et al., 2001). Specifically, Drp-1 translocate from

the cytosol to the mitochondrial outer membrane at the onset of apoptosis.

Furthermore, dominant-negative Drp-1 blocks staurosporine-induced

mitochondrial fission, loss of mitochondrial potential, cytochrome c release and

cell death (Frank et al., 2001). OPA1, another GTPase involved in mitochondrial

fusion which localizes in the intermembrane space of mitochondria, has also

been shown to be involved in mitochondrial apoptosis (Griparic et al., 2004),

and its down-regulation induces mitochondrial fragmentation, cytochrome c

release and caspase activation (Olichon et al., 2003). Structure and dynamics

of mitochondria could also been under the control of Bcl-2 family proteins and

could also be related to the precedently cited hypotheses. To trigger Bax and

- 60 -


Bak homooligomerization in the outer membrane of mitochondria, tBid induces

a striking remodelling of mitochondrial structure, associated with induction of

membrane curvature and mobilization of the cytochrome c stores in cristae

(Scorrano et al., 2002).

B. Lysosomal pathway

Lysosomes are acidic membraned-bound organelles involved in the

degradation of extracellular materials internalized by endocytosis and

intracellular materials derived from within the cells by autophagy (de Duve,

1983; Hunziker and Geuze, 1996). The destruction of internalized material is

executed by the numerous lysosomal hydrolases such as cathepsins. Among

the 11 human cathespins described so far (Cathepsin B, H, L, S, F, K, C, W, X,

V and O), cathepsin B and L are ubiquitously expressed and are the most

abundant in lysosomes together with the aspartic proteases cathepsin D (Turk

et al., 2002b). The processing of the proenzymes into the catalytically active

form usually occurs within the lysosomes (Ishidoh and Kominami, 2002).

Even though lysosomes have been first described to be involved in necrosis

and autophagy, it clearly appears now that they can also mediate death by

apoptosis in several models of apoptosis. The key factor in determining the type

of cell death (necrosis versus apoptosis) mediated by lysosomal pathway

seems to be the magnitude of lysosomal permeabilization, and consequently

the amount of proteolytic enzymes released into the cytosol (Li et al., 2000;

Bursch, 2001; Turk et al., 2002a). Once in the cytosol, lysosomal enzymes can

contribute to the execution of the apoptotic program either by direct cleavage of

key cellular substrates or by acting in concert with the caspase signalling

pathway (Leist and Jaattela, 2001b; Leist and Jaattela, 2001a)(see figure 15).

The precise mechanism by which lysosomes are permeabilized is not known

even though some hypotheses have been raised. The first one involved

sphingosine. This component has been proposed to permeabilize lysosomes

by its detergent-like action (Kagedal et al., 2001b). Another possible

- 61 -


mechanism of lysosomal permeabilization involves the generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) probably generated by intralysosomal iron-catalized

oxidative process (Antunes et al., 2001; Dare et al., 2001; Persson et al., 2003).

Experimental evidence suggest that ROS-induced lysosomal permeabilization

usually precedes mitochondrial dysfunction (Roberg and Ollinger, 1998;

Guicciardi et al., 2000). Finally, some studies have suggested that short term

exposure to low concentration of H2O2 may induce lysosomal permeabilization

indirectly by the activation of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) which would cause a

progressive destabilization of the membranes of intracellular organelles,

including lysosomes and mitochondria by degradation of the membrane

phospholipids (Zhao et al., 2000). Another intriguing explanation could be the

involvement of the translocation of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins inducing permeabilization in a manner similar to what is observed on mitochondrial

level. This hypothesis have been recently confirmed by Kagedal and co-workers

(Kagedal et al., 2005) and was also supported by studies demonstrating that

the phosphorylated form of Bcl-2 blocks oxidant-induced apoptosis, at least in

part by stabilizing lysosomes (Zhao et al., 2000) (Zhao et al., 2001).

- 62 -


Figure 15: Lysosomal-mediated death pathway. Lysosomal permeabilization can result from a detergent-like

action of sphingosine, the production of ROS probably by the formation of iron-catalized oxidative process, the

activation of phospholipase A2 or following insertion of pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bax. This

permeabilization allows the release of lysosomal constituents which can activate directly or indirectly effector

caspases. The latter one is more probable since mitochondrial pathway is usually activated after lysosomal


Lysosomal permeabilization appears to be an early event in the apoptotic

cascade occurring before mitochondrial and caspases activation (Roberg et al.,

1999; Li et al., 2000; Bidere et al., 2003; Boya et al., 2003). Thus proteases

released from lysosomes seem to be able to trigger the initiation phase of

apoptosis. But how do lysosomal cathepsins promote apoptosis after

permeabilization? A first possible mechanism is a direct cleavage of caspases

(Schotte et al., 1999; Vancompernolle et al., 1998) but it seems more probable

that the activation of caspases is obtained by an indirect way such as the

cleavage of Bid into truncated-Bid (Stoka et al., 2001; Katunuma et al., 2004).

However, a growing body of evidence suggests that lysosomal proteases rather

promote apoptosis by acting on mitochondrial pathway. Indeed, the release of

- 63 -


these proteases may cause mitochondrial dysfunction directly (Zhao et al.,

2003) or indirectly by activating Bcl-2 proteins such as Bid (Stoka et al., 2001;

Cirman et al., 2004) or Bax (Bidere et al., 2003; Boya et al., 2003).

Translocation of Bax to mitochondria has been proposed to be mediated by

cathepsin D (Boya et al., 2003).

If the way by which lysosomes are permeabilized is still elusive, the involvement

of cathepsins, i.e their precise role in the apoptotic signalling, is also

controversial. One of the most controversial issues regarding their role outside

the lysosomes is their actual ability to function at neutral pH (Turk et al., 1993;

Turk et al., 1995; Turk et al., 2000). Among all cathepsins, cathepsin B and

cathespin D have been widely involved in several models of apoptosis.

Cathespin B has been found to be essential in bile-acid induced hepatocytes

apoptosis (Roberts et al., 1997; Jones et al., 1998; Faubion et al., 1999;

Canbay et al., 2003), in TNF-α-induced apoptosis of primary hepatocytes and

tumor cells (Guicciardi et al., 2000; Guicciardi et al., 2001; Foghsgaard et al.,

2001), and after brain ischemia (Yamashima et al., 1998; Tsuchiya et al., 1999).

Cathepsin D has been involved in apoptosis induced by staurosporin (Bidere et

al., 2003; Johansson et al., 2003), interferon-γ, Fas/CD95/APO-1 and TNF-α

(Deiss et al., 1996; Demoz et al., 2002), oxidative stress (Roberg and Ollinger,

1998; Roberg et al., 1999; Ollinger, 2000; Kagedal et al., 2001a), sphingosine

(Kagedal et al., 2001b) and p53 (Wu et al., 1998).

C. The Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway

The Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway (UPP) is the major extra-lysosomal

pathway responsible for intracellular protein degradation in eukaryotes. This

pathway has been shown to be involved in the regulation of critical cellular

processes such as transcription, cell cycle progression, oncogenesis, growth,

and development, selective elimination of abnormal proteins and antigen

processing (Glickman and Ciechanover, 2002), but also in apoptotic process

(Orlowski, 1999). Degradation of proteins by the UPP involves two distinct and

- 64 -


successive steps: (i) covalent attachment of multiple ubiquitin molecules to the

target protein, and (ii) degradation of the targeted protein by the 26S

proteasome. The 26S proteasome is a 2.1MDa complex composed of the 20S

core catalytic complex, which is a cylindrical stack of four seven-membered

rings, flanked on both sides by 19S regulatory complexes.

One of the first reports linking the process of ubiquitination with apoptosis

emerged from studies of intersegmental muscle programmed cell death in the

tobacco hawkmoth Manducta Sexta (Schwartz et al., 1990) where Schwartz

and colleagues observed an increase in polyubiquitin gene expression. In these

dying cells, there was increased ubiquitinating enzymes activity as well as an

increase in proteasome components and proteasomal activities (Haas et al.,

1995). However later, together with the isolation from Streptomyces of the first

proteasomal inhibitors, lactacystin which binds and inhibits several proteasomes

activities (reviewed in (Fenteany and Schreiber, 1998), controversies appeared

since addition of inhibitors were found to be able to induce apoptosis in most of

cell lines and sometimes to protect cells from apoptosis in other cell lines. The

observation that proteasome inhibitors induce apoptosis in most cells type has

particularity contributed to the development of new anti-cancer treatments.

Bortezomib represents certainly the first developed compound (Velcade®,

formerly PS-341) and is currently under the late phase of clinical development

(Jackson et al., 2005; Richardson et al., 2003; Schenkein, 2005; Blade et al.,


Many of apoptosis regulatory proteins including Bcl-2 family proteins such as

Bax (Li and Dou, 2000) or Bid (Breitschopf et al., 2000), IAP family proteins

(Yang et al., 2000; Yang and Li, 2000; MacFarlane et al., 2002; Martin, 2002)

and inhibitors of NF-κB (IκB) (Orian et al., 1995; Kovalenko et al., 2003) have

been identified as target substrates for ubiquitination and as being degraded by

the proteasome. Thus, pharmacological inhibition of the 26S proteasome

generally results in apoptotic cell death due to the dysregulation or failure in the degradation of these regulatory proteins.

- 65 -


The available evidence support that proteasomes act in the apoptotic process

upstream of both caspase activation cascade and of mitochondria (see figure

16) (Lang-Rollin et al., 2005; Henderson et al., 2005; Jana et al., 2004; Pei et

al., 2003; Jana et al., 2001; Qiu et al., 2000). Furthermore, it has been recently

demonstrated that the mitochondrial cell death suppressors carried by human

and murine cytomegalovirus confer resistance to proteasome inhibitor-induced

apoptosis (McCormick et al., 2005). Where the ubiquitin-proteasome system

may really act in the apoptotic signalling may be at the level of the BH3-only

proteins. Indeed, several recent reports now suggest that the availability of Bim,

Bid or Bik is influenced by the ongoing destruction of these proteins by the

proteasome pathway (Ley et al., 2003). This targeting of BH3-only proteins but

also other BH-3 pro-apoptotic proteins (Bax, Bak) may therefore play an

important role also in regulating the threshold of apoptosis.

Figure 16: Inhibition of the proteasome results in accumulation of some of its pro-apoptotic substrates such as

Bax. Increase in cellular Bax content create a proapoptotic environment and lead to mitochondrial activation

and then cellular death by apoptosis.

- 66 -


The inhibition of the proteasome may also contribute to the initiation of

apoptosis in several other ways than the BH3 protein (reviewed in (Zhang et al.,

2004)). Indeed, IκB, the inhibitor of NF-κB, is also degraded by the proteasome

and thus an inhibition of its degradation will results in accumulation of this

inhibitors preventing the activation of several targert of NF-κB, most of them

protecting cells from death (Bcl-2, FLIP, or IAPs) (Wang et al., 1998a). The p53

tumor suppressor is also regulated by the proteasome. Stabilization of p53 as a

consequence of DNA damage can then lead to cell cycle arrest and cell death

(Li et al., 2002a).

D. Endoplasmic reticulum

The endoplasmic reticulum is another organelle that is a source of proapoptotic

initiator signals. Main functions of the ER include protein synthesis and storage

of a rapidly mobilized pool of calcium.

Any disturbances detected in the ER trigger an evolutionary conserved

response, termed Unfolding Protein Response (UPR). The initial intent of the

UPR is to adapt to the changing environment and re-establish normal ER

function. However, when this adaptation fails because ER stress is prolonged

and/or excessive, ER-initiated pathways sound the alarm and trigger cell suicide

by apoptosis.

a. Adaptation to ER stress:

The ER stress responses of eukaryotic cells consist of three different

mechanisms: (1) translational attenuation to limit further accumulation of

misfolded protein (Harding et al., 1999); (2) transcriptional activation of genes

encoding-ER resident chaperones such as BiP/Grp78 and Grp94 (Gething and

Sambrook, 1992), enzymes such as protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) (Dorner

et al., 1992); and (3) ER-associated degradation (ERAD) which serves to

reduce the stress and thereby restore the capacity by directed misfolded

proteins in the ER back into the cytosol for their degradation by the 26S

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proteasome (Mori, 2000). The ER stress is intiniated by three type of ER

membrane proteins: ATF-6, IRE1 and PERK.

If these adaptatives responses are not sufficient to relieve cells from ER stress,

cells undergo apoptosis to destroy the ER stress-damaged cells themselves.

b. The ER stress-induced apoptotic pathways

If ER stress is important and the Unfolding Protein Response (UPR) persists,

Ire1- and ATF6-dependent expression of transcription factor CHOP (GADD153)

together with the continued activation of Ire1 initiate apoptotic signalling. CHOP

inhibits expression of some genes while enhancing others (Ubeda et al., 1996).

Activated Ire1 associates with TRAF2 and ASK1 to activate caspase-12 and

JNK (Urano et al., 2000; Yoneda et al., 2001). Caspase-12 (which can be also

activated by calpain) activates caspase-3. Caspase-12 has been described as

the specific caspase of the ER (Nakagawa et al., 2000) but also caspase-7

(Rao et al., 2001). However, the relevance of caspase-12 has been questioned

since it appears absent in most humans (Fischer et al., 2002). Another caspase

has been proposed to be an ER specific caspase and is caspase-4 (Hitomi et

al., 2004) although controversies remain about the ER-specificic caspases.

Like other pathways leading to apoptosis, the Bcl-2 family members have been

shown to be involved in the ER pathway with similar regulation ability. Some

investigations demonstrated that Bax and Bak are involved in the increase of

the ER calcium store size, and thus increasing the proapoptotic potential of ER

calcium release (Scorrano et al., 2003). Some proteins of the Bcl-2 family have

been shown to be more specific to the ER such as for the pro-apoptotic proteins

Spike (Mund et al., 2003) or Bik (Yang et al., 1995; Mathai et al., 2002), leading

to the BH3-only proteins. Bl-1 (Chae et al., 2003) and BAR (Zhang et al., 2000)

are two ER specific proteins that have been shown to interact with Bcl-2 family

proteins and inhibit apoptotic signalling.

- 68 -


Figure 17: Mechanisms of apoptosis in response to ER stress. Severe and prolonged ER stress triggers apoptosis

through induction of CHOP, activation of caspase-12 and ASK1-JNK pathway and the regulation of the ER

homeostasis by Bax/Bak. Calcium release contributes also to the activation of calpain, which in turn can

activate caspases.

Some ER perturbations can inhibit ER calcium pumps (SERCA) and activate

calcium release via the inositol 1, 4, 5 triphosphate recetor/ Ca++ channel (IP3)

with the consequence that calcium dumps into the cytosol where it can activate

apoptosis by many different ways. (1) Calcium released from the ER can be

taken up by mitochondria allowing its permeabilization and the release of the

proapoptotic components (Szabadkai and Rizzuto, 2004; Orrenius et al., 2003).

(2) Calcium release can also activate phospholipase A2 (PLA2) responsible of

the ensuing formation of arachidonic acid also able to induce mitochondrial

activation (Penzo et al., 2004). (3) Cytosolic calcium can activates calpain

proteases involved in pathological cell death (Chan and Mattson, 1999; Huang

and Wang, 2001), and whose substrates include Bax and Bid (which are

activated) (Wood et al., 1998; Wood and Newcomb, 1999) Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl

(which are inhibited) and several caspases (reviewed in (Breckenridge et al.,

2003). (4) Calcium could also activate calcium-dependent phospholipids

- 69 -


scramblases such as those responsible for the transfer of phosphatidylserine

from the inner leaflet to the outer leaflet of plasma membrane or those

responsible for the transfer of cardiolipin from the inner mitochondrial

membrane to the outer mitochondrial membrane (McMillin and Dowhan, 2002;

Kuwana et al., 2002). (5) Calmodulin activated by calcium induces the

phosphatase calcineurin whose role is to dephosphorylate Bad allowing its

binding to Bcl-xl (Wang et al., 1999). (6) Calcium could also act by activating

calcium-dependent isoform of NO synthase and (7) finally calcium has been

shown to activate Drp-1 which has been involved in Bax-mediated release of

cytochrome c by regulation of fission process (Szabadkai et al., 2004).

E. Golgi pathway

The Golgi complex plays a central role in processing and sorting of membrane

and secretory proteins cargo from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma

membrane or other post-Golgi destinations. During apoptosis, Golgi stacks

disperse and disassemble into tubulo-vesicular clusters (Sesso et al., 1999;

Lane et al., 2002; Machamer, 2003) through caspase-mediated cleavage of

Golgi structural proteins (Shorter and Warren, 2002; Walker et al., 2004). The

Golgi pool of caspase-2, localized to the cytoplasmic face of the Golgi complex

(Mancini et al., 2000) could initiate apoptosis upon stress from the secretory

pathway (Maag et al., 2005). Golgi caspase substrates include several

structural or membrane trafficking proteins of the Golgi: golgin-160 (regulator of

Golgi structure), GRASP65 (a stacking protein) and p115 (a vesicle transport

protein) (Mancini et al., 2000; Lane et al., 2002; Chiu et al., 2002), giantin (Lowe

et al., 2004) and GM130 (Chiu et al., 2002; Walker et al., 2004), the t-SNARE

syntaxin-5 (Lowe et al., 2004), the intermediate chain of dynein, and the

p150Glued subunit of dynactin (Lane et al., 2002). After some apoptotic stimuli,

caspases cleavage of Golgi structural proteins is likely to be the downstream

result of effector caspase activation allowing the packaging of Golgi remnants

into apoptotic blebs for disposal. However, recent studies have involved

cleavage of Golgi proteins in upstream apoptotic signalling events. Indeed,

- 70 -


Maag showed that the expression of non-cleavable golgin-160 prevents drug-

specific cleavage of endogenous golgin-160 due to a block in upstream

caspase activation (Maag et al., 2005).

In conclusion, the induction of these different pathways is dependent of the

stimulus but also probably of the cellular and tissular nature. It is thus of critical

importance before designing new targets and therapeutics to analyze the

precise role played by apoptosis in a particular cell type but also if this particular

cell type has specific regulators or pathway leading to apoptosis. The following

section resumes what is known in this context for the kidney, the different

pathways that could be induced by nephrotoxins but also some of promising

approach to reduce nephrotoxin-induced apoptosis in the kidney.

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Apoptosis plays a critical role during nephrogenesis, but also later to maintain

tissular homeostasis. As any physiological process, a decrease or an increase

of renal cell apoptosis can be associated with some pathologic conditions (such

as polycystic kidney disease, renal cancer or diabetic nephropathy) or with toxic

insults caused by drugs, metals or toxins.

4.1. Apoptosis during kidney development

As well as cell differentiation and morphogenesis, normal kidney development

involves a strict control of proliferation and apoptosis (Coles et al., 1993;

Winyard et al., 1996). There is a distinct temporal pattern of apoptotic deletion

during rat kidney development. Approximately 2.7% of cells within the

nephrogenic zone are apoptotic during the embryonic period, this percentage

declines to a basal level of 0.15% by the fourteenth postnatal day (Coles et al.,

1993). A second peak of apoptosis occurs in the medullar papilla at postnatal

days 6-7 when the percentage of apoptotic cells reached 3.2%. Peak apoptosis

in the medullar papilla correlates temporally with deletion of the thick ascending

limb cell during the formation of the ascending thin limb of the loop of Henle

(Kim et al., 1996).

Some apoptosis regulators have been shown to be crucial for kidney

development. Among these factors, Bcl-2 which has anti-apoptotic properties,

seemed to play an important role. Indeed, mice deficient in Bcl-2 (Bcl-2 -/-)

develop renal hypoplasia/cystic dysplasia. Kidneys in these mice undergo

fulminant apoptosis of the metanephric blastema during early embryogenesis

and the renal epithelial cells do not complete terminal differentiation in the

postnatal kidney (Sorenson and Sheibani, 1999; Sorenson et al., 1995;

Sorenson and Sheibani, 2002). Moreover, during nephrogenesis, apoptosis

tends to be inversely correlated with Bcl-2 expression (Chandler et al., 1994).

Its expression is high early in the embryonic kidney and its level decreases

- 72 -


significantly at later times so that its expression is normally low in the postnatal

kidney (Novack and Korsmeyer, 1994). During development, Bcl-2 is expressed

in the ureteric bud (Novak 1994 61) and in epithelial condensates of the

metanephric blastema (Chandler et al., 1994). However, Bcl-2 is not expressed

in uninduced mesenchyme (Chandler et al., 1994). During differentiation of the

renal vesicle, the epithelium of the nascent glomerulus is initially strongly

positive, but upon maturation and vascularization, staining becomes limited to

the parietal layer of the Bowmans capsule. Initially, tubules are strongly positive

for Bcl-2, but upon maturation staining significantly decreases. The collecting

duct has faint staining for Bcl-2 and renal calyces are negative (Chandler et al.,

1994). In the adult human, expression is significantly lower but detected in the

parietal epithelium of Bowmans capsule, the distal convoluted tubule, the loop

of Henle, the proximal tubules and papillary collecting ducts (Chandler et al.,

1994). At the contrary, pro-apoptotic Bax is rather widely expressed in adult

kidney (Krajewski et al., 1994).

How about caspases during renal development? Caspase-1, -2, and -3

together with another apoptosis-inducer protein Apaf-1 are expressed

constantly in the kidney of mice from E12 (early embryogenesis, 12 days of

gestation) to neonates (Hayashi and Araki, 2002). There is no difference in

expression levels of caspase members throughout this period. However,

expression of caspase-2 seems to be increased after birth, while the other

caspases do not show significant changes during kidney development. Double

straining TUNEL-Caspase-3 of the metanephros clearly shows that caspase-3

is present in apoptotic cells, suggesting that this caspase may play an important

role during renal development (Hayashi and Araki, 2002). The addition of

caspase-3 and caspase-9 respective inhibitors significantly suppressed

metanephroi growth. The inhibitor of caspase-1 did not change metanephric

growth, supporting that the mitochondrial pathway is important for kidney

development (Hayashi and Araki, 2002).

- 73 -


In conclusion, apoptosis and thus regulators of the apoptotic machinery seem to

play an important role during renal development. Thus, the predicted effect of

renal toxicant exposure in utero will depend on the cellular events during that

developmental period and whether the toxicant induces or inhibits apoptosis. An

inducer of apoptosis may kill cell populations that are required for normal

tubular functions whereas an apoptosis inhibitor may result in malformed

tubules constituted of cells with a poor differenciated phenotype.

4.2. Apoptosis induced by nephrotoxic agents

If drugs can be harmful by interfering with the normal development of the

kidney, they can also execute their toxic effect by modifying apoptosis in the

mature kidney, and this is all the more because kidney is particularly

susceptible to drugs and toxics. This particular susceptibility can be attributed in

part to its unique anatomic and physiologic features: kidney receives 25% of the

resting cardiac output, and many substances are freely filtered across the

glomerular capillary wall into the urinary space. The surface area of the renal

vasculature and tubules is very large, thus providing ample opportunity for

exposure to toxins. Many circulating compounds are also taken up by

transporters into tubule epithelial cells and secreted into the lumen. The

concentration within the kidney may be increased further by the countercurrent

exchange system that results from the unique parallel arrangement of tubules

and vasculature within the renal medulla.

Furthermore, kidney is an important site of elimination of drugs and xenobiotics,

so it contains several mechanisms for the handling and the excretion of these

compounds (see figure 18). For example, aminoglycosides are excreted mainly

by glomerular filtration and then they access the lumen of proximal tubules

where they can interact with anionic phospholipids of the brush border

membrane of proximal tubular cells. This binding allows them to access

megalin, the receptor that mediates their reabsorption. Megalin also mediates

the reabsorption of other essential components such as calcium, lipoproteins,

- 74 -


vitamin-carrier complexes and contributes to the renal clearance and uptake of

polybasic drugs such as aprotinin. After their endocytosis, aminoglycosides are

then transported from the endosomes to the lysosomes where they are

sequestered due to their polar state in an acidic environment. Their

accumulation in proximal tubular cells is responsible of their toxicity and as

mentioned earlier this has been associated to their ability to induce cell death

by apoptosis (El Mouedden et al., 2000b; El Mouedden et al., 2000a).

Figure18: Illustrations of the main localisation and cellular handling of drug and xenobiotics. From Roch-Ramel

and De Broe. (Roch-Ramel F. and M.E.De Broe, 2003).

Apoptosis has been shown to play a prominent role in the development of acute

renal failure and this observation has been validated both in animal models and

in clinical kidney diseases (Olsen et al., 1985; Shimizu and Yamanaka, 1993;

Ortiz et al., 2000; Ortiz-Arduan et al., 1996) but has been also supported by the

observation that the expression or activity of apoptosis regulators are modified

during acute renal failure in renal cultured cells and in kidney disease (reviewed

in (Ortiz et al., 2002)). In this context, numerous nephrotoxic substances from

- 75 -


very diverse origin have now been shown to be able to induce apoptosis in

different part of the kidney (see table 1): among these substances antibiotics

such as aminoglycosides or fluoroquinolones, cytostatic drugs such as cisplatin

or doxorubicin, immunosuppressors such as cyclosporins, diuretics such as the

thiazides but also the radio-contrast agents or the non-drugs such as heavy

metals (Cadmium) or toxins (Ochratoxin A). For the majority of the nephrotoxic

substances, their toxic manifestations have been associated to their ability to

induce apoptosis underlining the importance of such cell death in renal injury.

Table 1 resume drugs and toxicant inducing apoptosis in kidney or renal cells.

(from a review in preparation: How to modulate renal apoptosis induced by

nephrotoxic drugs: cellular and molecular approaches. H. Servais,a O.

Devuyst,b P.M. Tulkensa and M.-P. Mingeot-Leclercq. a)


Cisplatin Mouse proximal tubular cells Mouse collecting duct cells

(Arany et al., 2004) (Takeda et al., 1997; Vickers et al., 2004) (Takeda et al., 1998)

Doxorubicin Rat: tubular epithelial cell and distal tubule cells

(Zhang et al., 1996)

Zoledronate Human: tubular epithelial cells (Markowitz et al., 2003)

Cyclosporine Rat: tubular and interstitial cells Cultured Madin Darby Canine Kidney cells (MDCK)

(Thomas et al., 1998) (Sheikh-Hamad et al., 2001)

Rapamycin Cultured Mouse Proximal Tubular cells (MPT)

(Lieberthal et al., 2001)

Statins Cultured murine tubular cell

(Blanco-Colio et al., 2002)

Radio-contrast agents

Cultured Madin Darby Canine Kidney cells (MDCK)

(Hizoh et al., 1998) (Hizoh and Haller, 2002)

Thiazides Rat: distal convoluted tubular cells (Loffing et al., 1996)

Diclofenac Mice: proximal and distal tubular cells (Hickey et al., 2001)

Paracetamol Cultured murine proximal tubular cells (Lorz et al., 2004)

Cidofovir Human tubules Cultured human proximal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2)

(Ortiz et al., 2005)

- 76 -


Amphotericin B Cultured Proximal tubular cells from pig (LLC-PK1) Cultured Medullary Interstitial Cells (RMIC) Rat

(Varlam et al., 2001)

Ciprofloxacin Human: distal tubular cells (Dharnidharka et al., 1998)

Aminoglycosides Cultured Madin Darby Canine Kidney cells (MDCK) Rat: Proximal Tubular Cells Cultured Proximal tubular cells from pig (LLC-PK1)

(El Mouedden et al., 2000b) (El Mouedden et al., 2000a) (Servais et al., 2005)

Mercuric chloride Cultured rat proximal tubular cells (WKPT) Cultured Proximal tubular cells from pig (LLC-PK1)

(Thevenod, 2003) (Duncan-Achanzar et al., 1996)

Cadmium Cultured rat proximal tubular cells (WKPT) (Thevenod, 2003)

Oxalate Cultured Madin Darby Canine Kidney cells (MDCK

(Cao et al., 2004)

Endotoxins Mice (Fas-/-, TNFR1-/- TNFR2-/-) C3H/HeJ Mice Human tubular epithelial cells Human and Mouse: tubular cells

(Cunningham et al., 2002b) (Karpman et al., 1998)

Ochratoxin A Primary Rat Kidney cells (PRK) Cultured Cells: Opossum Kidney (OK) and Normal Rat Kidney Epithelial (NRK-52E)

(Kamp et al., 2005) (Sauvant et al., 2005)

Microcystin Rat: kidney cortex and medulla (Milutinovic et al., 2003)

Dichloroacetic acid Rat: proximal tubules (Lantum et al., 2002)

3,4 dideoxyglucosone-3ene

Cultured murine proximal tubular epithelial cells (MCT)

(Justo et al., 2005)

Table 1: Different molecules that have been shown to induce apoptosis in the kidney. (from a review in preparation:

How to modulate renal apoptosis induced by nephrotoxic drugs: cellular and molecular approaches. H. Servais,a O.

Devuyst,b P.M. Tulkensa and M.-P. Mingeot-Leclercq. a)

The way by which all these toxics and drugs can induce apoptosis is currently

widely studied. Table 2 resumes the molecular pathway(s) that have been

described for the different toxic and drugs inducing apoptosis in the kidney (the

different pathways leading to apoptosis have been described in the section 3.2

of this introduction). From a general point of view, mitochondrial pathway

seemed to be involved in numerous models of toxic-induced apoptosis whereas

more specific pathways such as endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomal

pathways are less frequent. However, these results should be analyzed with

caution since there is still an incomplete understanding of the molecular

- 77 -


regulation of apoptosis in a general point of view but also more specifically in

the kidney. Furthermore, with the progressive understanding of apoptotic

process, it appears that the diverse nephrotoxic substances induce apoptosis in

a stimulus- and probably cell-specific manner. The involvement of mitochondria

in most cases of nephrotoxins-induced apoptosis could certainly be attributed to

the fact that mitochondria seemed now to play a more central regulatory role in

apoptosis, the initiating apoptosis event seemed to be more specific to a drug

and thus initiated by very diverse pathway involving either the lysosomes, or the

endoplasmic reticulum, or the golgi or other cellular constituents. The

identification of the initiating stress induced by a given substances is of critical

importance for the development of specific and accurate therapeutic


- 78 -



Primary subcellular organites

Drugs Evidences Models References

Release of Omi from mitochondria to the cytoplasm and degradation of XIAP

Primary mouse proximal tubule cells

(Cilenti et al., 2005)

Effect of mitochondrial blockade

Renal collecting duct-derived cells (MDCK-C7)

(Schwerdt et al., 2005)

Decrease in relative ratio of Bcl-2/Bax in the outer medulla

Rat kidney (Sheikh-Hamad et al., 2004)

Release of Cytochrome c Primary cultured rabbit proximal tubules

(Baek et al., 2003)

Mitochondrial permeability transition

Murine renal proximal tubular epithelial mProx cells

(Satoh et al., 2003)

Activation of Bax Mitochondrial permeability transition Release of cytochrome c Activation of caspase 9

LLC-PK1 (Park et al., 2002)

Overexpression of MnSOD Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293)

(Davis et al., 2001)

Bad phosphorylation Activation of caspase 9

LLC-PK1 (Kaushal et al., 2001)

Translocation of endogenous Bax from the cytosolic to the membrane fractions Release of cytochrome c

Mouse collecting duct cells

(Lee et al., 2001)

Inhibition of complexes I to IV of the respiratory chain.

LLC-PK1 (Kruidering et al., 1997)


Inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase Collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential

Renal proximal tubular cells

(Kuhlmann et al., 1997)

Contrast Agents Decrease in relative ratio of Bcl-2/Bax

SHR Rats (Zhang et al., 1999)

Decrease in relative ratio of Bcl-2/Bax

Male Sprague-Dawley rats

(Lee et al., 2004)


Cyclosporin A

Translocation of Bax to the mitochondria Release of cytochrome c and Smac/Diablo Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Activation of caspase-9

Murine proximal tubular epithelial

(Justo et al., 2003)

- 79 -


Gentamicin Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Activation of caspase-9 Release of cytochrome c

LLC-PK1 (Servais et al., 2005)

G418 Release of cytochrome c Rat Kidney Cells (Jin et al., 2004)

Statins Decrease of Bcl-xL/Bax ratio Release of cytochrome c Activation of caspase 9

Murine tubular cells (Blanco-Colio et al., 2003)

Acetominophen Upregulated expression of GADD 153 Caspase-12 cleavage

MCT cells (cultured line of proximal tubular epithelial cells harvested originally from the renal cortex of SJL mice)

(Lorz et al., 2004)

Cisplatin Increased the activity of ER-iPLA(2)

Rabbit renal proximal tubule cells (RPTC)

(Cummings et al., 2004a)

Cyclosporin Induction of GADD 153 expression

Murine proximal tubular epithelial

(Justo et al., 2003)

G418 Increase in Ca2+ concentration Cleavage of m-calpain and procaspase-12

Rat kidney cells (Jin et al., 2004)

Endoplasmic reticulum

Tunicamycin Decrease of apoptosis in renal proximal tubular epithelium in GADD 153 -/- Mice

GADD 153 -/- Mice (Zinszner et al., 1998)

Gentamicin Release of acridine orange Lysosomal permeabilization

LLC-PK1 (Servais et al., 2005) Lysosomes

Iodinated contrast media (iobitridol and iohexol)

Prominent lysosomal alteration of the proximal convoluted tubular cells

Rats (Tervahartiala et al., 1997)

Table 2: Apoptotic pathways involved in drugs-induced apoptosis. (from the review in preparation: How to modulate

renal apoptosis induced by nephrotoxic drugs: cellular and molecular approaches. H. Servais,a O. Devuyst,b P.M.

Tulkensa and M.-P. Mingeot-Leclercq. a)

4.3. Strategies to decrease cell death-induced by

nephrotoxic agents

The pathogenic role of apoptosis described after administration of nephrotoxic

drugs has brought apoptosis regulators as key targets for the design of new

therapeutic strategies. Of course, all approaches for limiting apoptosis must be

applied with consideration for the multiple cell death pathways that exist and the

interconnectivity that links the different apoptotic pathways.

- 80 -


4.3.1. Decreasing drug accumulation in the kidney

Reduction of the accumulation of toxic drugs would represent one of the most

rational approaches to reduce both nephrotoxic potential and apoptosis

responses. This strategy has been largely documented in experimental studies.

However, only one type of molecules has reached the preclinical stage: they

consist of specific antagonists of megalin. Indeed, protection afforded by

reducing the uptake of aminoglycosides in the renal cells has been widely

documented in experimental models (Takamoto et al., 2005; Schmitz et al.,

2002; Watanabe et al., 2004). They have been developed by RecetIcon

Laboratories (htpp:// to reduce nephrotoxicity of

aminoglycosides. These antagonists are currently in the late stage of preclinical

trial and will soon enter in phase I.

4.3.2. Regulating the molecular pathways and pro- or anti-

apoptotic factors

A. Modulation of the protein of the Bcl-2 family:

Due to the central role of mitochondria in apoptosis, regulation of Bcl-2 family

proteins constitutes an attractive approach that is currently largely explored in

preclinical studies to modulate the cell death in different pathological conditions

such as cerebral infarct, fulminant hepatitis, brain ischemia or

ischemia/reperfusion injuries in the heart (Cao et al., 2002; Akhtar et al., 2004;

Tanaka et al., 2004; Weisleder et al., 2004). Among the molecules that can be

promising, minocycline is currently under clinical phase I (Danbury Pharmacal)

and has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of Huntighton disease. On

experimental model, this molecule has been shown to protect kidney cells from

apoptosis induced by different type of insult (Wang et al., 2004) and should

constitute a promising to reduce apoptosis in the kidney.

- 81 -


B. Modulation of ROS production

Since ROS generation might be responsible for lysosomal and mitochondrial

permeabilization (see earlier), this pathway constitutes another critical target to

modulate renal apoptosis. Among promising molecules, edaravone, a free

radical scavenger developed by Mitsubishi-Tokyo and currently under Phase

III, has been approved for the acute therapy of embolic stroke by the Japanese

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2001 (Sueishi et al., 2002; Satoh et al.,

2003; Iguchi et al., 2004). Idebenone, another molecule developed by

Mitsubishi-Tokyo is currently under phase I for the treatment of Friedreich


As scavenging of ROS has been reported to protect tubular epithelium from cell

death induced by numerous nephrotoxic compounds (Baek et al., 2003)

especially by gentamicin and cisplatin (Kuhlmann et al., 1997; Basnakian et al.,

2002; Shirwaikar et al., 2003), the protective effect of these scavengers could

be interesting to overcome nephrotoxicity.

C. Modulation of the receptor-mediated pathway

Infiltrating leukocytes such as macrophages induce renal cell apoptosis by the

release of TNF-α or Fas. One therapeutic approach to reduce such apoptosis

could be the use of neutralizing antibodies of TNF-α. Some of them are

currently under clinical development: Adalimumab (HUMIRA) from Abbott

Laboratories has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of rheumatoid

arthritis, psoriasis, ankylosis spondylitis and Crohn disease. Infliximab

(REMICADE) developed by Centocor and Shering-Plough has been approved

by the FDA to treat Crohn disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Another way to

neutralize the effect of TNF-α is by antisense oligonucleotide; it has been

proposed by Isis with its molecule ISIS104828, which has been approved by the

FDA for the treatment rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and Crohn disease. These

molecules could represent interesting tool since the inhibition of death receptor

signalling (Kelly et al., 2004; Ramesh and Reeves, 2004) or the genetic deletion

- 82 -


or inhibition of TNF-alpha or TNFR2 receptors (Falk et al., 2005) have been

shown to be promising approach to reduce apoptosis induced by nephrotoxic


D. Modulation of caspase-dependent process

The approach of direct caspase inhibition have been extensively explored

(Shiozaki and Shi, 2004; Lavrik et al., 2005). Among the promising drugs, we

find MX-1013 (developped by Maxim Pharmaceuticals, Inc), a dipeptidyl pan-

caspase inhibitor (z-VD-fmk) characterized by a high cell permeability and

specificity. This inhibitor has been shown to protect cells from a variety of

apoptotic insults and to be active in a number of animal models of apoptosis

(Yang et al., 2003). MX 1122, (2,4dichloro-cbz-VD-fmk), a parent compound of

MX-1013, yielded also attracting results in preclinical studies (Cai et al., 2004).

Yet, an inhibitor of caspase-3 and 7, developed by IDUN Pharmaceuticals, Inc

(IDN-8050), has been described to reduce tubular apoptosis in autosomal

dominant polycystic kidney disease in short-term studies (Tao et al., 2005).

Taken together, these studies suggest that drugs blocking caspase activity may

be able to halt or reduce renal apoptosis (Daemen et al., 2002; Cummings et

al., 2004b). However, although caspase inhibitors tested in preclinical stages

have given promising results, they should be analyzed with caution. Indeed,

most of these studies have been driven by the often erroneous belief that

caspase would generally dictate the point of no-return of cell death. In the

context, cells often do not die by apoptosis but succumb to a delayed cell death

(Chipuk and Green, 2005; Kroemer and Martin, 2005) that can have an

apoptosis-like morphology (with peripheral chromatin condensation yet without

karyorrexhis) (Susin et al., 2000) or manifest as autophagic cell death (with

accumulation of autophagic vacuoles) (Yu et al., 2004) or necrotic death (with

swelling of cytoplasmic organelles and plasma membrane) (Hirsch et al., 1997).

This has been observed in apoptosis-induced by cyclopsorin A and

acetaminophen where the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk have been shown

to prevent apoptosis in both model but fail to maintain cell viability in the long

- 83 -


term (Ortiz et al., 1998). Moreover, a proof-of-principle experiment illustrating

that the conditional or tissue specific knock-out of one or several caspases

genes can confere true cytoprotection is still elusive.

E. Modulation of serine protease Omi/HtrA2

Omi/HtrA2 is localized in the mitochondria and is released upon mitochondria

activation. Its role is to antagonize the XIAP, the later one inhibits processed

caspase-9 and processed caspase-3 and -7 with low nanomolar affinity

(Takahashi et al., 1998; Shi, 2002). The Omi/HtrA2-specific inhibitor, ucf-101

inhibits the nephrotoxic, apoptotic effect of cisplatin in mice (Cilenti et al., 2005).

This inhibitor is currently at preclinical stage and its efficacy in reducing infarct

size after myocardial ischemia in mice has also been demonstrated (Liu et al.,


4.3.3. Stimulating the survival pathway and regulating the

cell cycle

A. Administration of factors that stimulate the

intracellular survival pathway

The cell microenvironment usually contains multiple survival and lethal factors.

The potential for interaction between these factors varies in a stimulus- and cell-

specific manner. The unravelling of the complex growth factors/cytokines

network in kidney (Imai and Isaka, 2002; Ramesh and Reeves, 2004) may lead

to novel strategies to prevent apoptosis induced by nephrotoxic drugs. Several

studies reported that the absence of survival factors predisposes renal tubular

epithelial cells to death induced by lethal cytokines and nephrotoxic drugs (Ortiz

et al., 2000). Moreover, nephropathies like immunoglobulin A one, decrease

endothelial growth factor synthesis in relation to apoptosis (Coppo and Amore,

2004). The major survival factors for tubular epithelial cells are EGF, IGF-1

(insulin-like growth factor 1), and HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) (Ortiz et al.,


- 84 -


The growth factors inhibit apoptosis by downregulating proapoptotic pathways

and stimulating survival promoting pathways such as that involving

phosphoinositide 3-hydroxykinase (PI3K) and the protein kinase Akt (Gibson et

al., 1999; Okubo et al., 1998).

a. EGF (epidermal growth factor)

EGF is a renotrophic growth factor constitutively expressed in the distal

convoluted tubules and in the thick ascending limb of Henle (Jung et al., 2005).

It is involved in recovery from renal injury and protection from apoptotic cell

death induced by TRAIL, a member of the death receptor ligand family or

unilateral ureteral obstruction in neonatal rats (Gibson et al., 2002; Kiley et al.,

2003). Exogeneous EGF also accelerates renal tubular cell regeneration after

ischemia (Humes et al., 1989) or exposure to nephrotoxic drugs or toxics like

mercuric chloride (Coimbra et al., 1990). The mechanism underlying these

salutary effects is largely unknown but signalling pathways converging at Bad

phosphorylation could be key factors as demonstrated for growth factor-

mediated attenuation of stress-induced apoptosis in vitro and in vivo (Kiley et

al., 2003).

b. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1)

Administration of IGF-1 in murine renal ischaemia/reperfusion injury has

comparable effects on apoptosis as caspase inhibition (Daemen et al., 1999).

Furthermore, IGF-1 inhibit apoptosis induced by amphotericin B (Varlam et al.,

2001) and cidofovir (Justo et al., 2005) and improve outcome in obstructive

nephropathy (Chevalier et al., 2000). In vivo, antiapoptotic signalling by IGF-1 is

mediated by the PI 3-kinase pathway (Daemen et al., 1999) probably

converging at Bad phosphorylation (Kiley et al., 2003).

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c. HGF (hepatocyte growth factor)

HGF, has also been reported to protect and salvage from renal ischemic injury

(Ernst et al., 2001) as a renotropic and antifibrotic factor. In vitro and in vivo

studies have shown the beneficial effect of administration of HGF on preventing

apoptosis in renal tubule cells induced by cisplatin and mercury chloride (Liu et

al., 1998) but also by cidofovir (Justo et al., 2005). Moreover, electroporation-

mediated HGF gene transfer ameliorated cyclosporine nephrotoxicity, probably

by enhancing the phosphorylation of Akt and Bcl-2 (Mizui et al., 2004).

B. Cell cycle regulation

Cell cycle arrest at G1/S or G2/M phase in coordination with enhanced DNA

repair may contribute to decrease of apoptosis. So, sodium arsenite, has

beneficial effects on cisplatininduced acute renal failure, by increasing

expression of p27, PCNA, and GADD 153 and downregulating expression of

cyclin B1 and cyclin D1 (Zhou et al., 2004). In addition the kinase inhibitors p21

and roscovitine, a pharmacological inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases,

protected from cisplatin-induced cell death even this protection is not merely

dependent on cell cycle inhibition (Price et al., 2004). Yet, inhibiting CDK2

activity decreased apoptosis in growth factor-deprived mesangial cells

(Hiromura et al., 1999).

4.3.4. Gene therapy

2-D gel-based proteomics and microarray analysis of animal disease models or

of animal drug nephropathy models (cisplatin; (Huang et al., 2001)) are

powerful approaches for understanding the gene expression programs that

underline drug induced apoptosis or pathologies related to apoptosis. So, 2-D

gel-based proteomics have been used to characterize the nephrotoxicant,

gentamicin (Charlwood J. et al., 2002), cyclosporine (Aicher et al., 1998) or

cisplatin (Huang et al., 2001; Bandara et al., 2003). Changes in gene

expression in the kidney of rats treated with cisplatin (Amin et al., 2004; Vickers

- 86 -


et al., 2004; Thompson et al., 2004) or rats treated with gentamicin (Amin et al.,

2004; Kramer et al., 2004) have also been determined by microarray analysis.

Studies in renal tubular epithelial cells have demonstrated the feasibility and

effectivity of gene transfer strategies to promote the expression of Bcl-2 or

BclxL and prevent tubular epithelium apoptosis (Takeda et al., 1997; Ortiz et al.,

2000). Gene therapies in renal disease reported to date are described in Imai

and Isaka (Imai and Isaka, 2002). In particular, genes encoding the NaCl

cotransporter (NCC) of the distal convoluted tubule or the Na-K-2Cl

cotransporter (NKCC2) of the tick ascending limb could be promising target for

treatment of Gitelman or Bartter syndromes respectively (Miyamura et al., 2003;

Sabath et al., 2004). The major challenge for physiologists of the beginning

post-genomic era, however, is to determine the functions of all genes related to

the control of apoptosis and cell division under different pathophysiological

conditions (Soutourina et al., 2005).

In conclusion, the intracellular components of the apoptosis cascade are now

being unravelled to reveal a wide array of cellular factors and complex

pathways converging in programmed cell death. As we gain better insights into

the molecular mechanisms behind this cascade, better strategies will be

developped for controlling the cell-death responses. The challenges remain to

prevent cross-talk between different pathways, to control the cell-specificity, and

to define the optimal time frame for therapeutic intervention. Special

consideration should be given to take advantage of the presence of specific

transporters in renal cells and to operate an appropriate patient selection.

Resolution of all these challenges might allow incorporating promising

preclinical findings into actual therapeutic practice.

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- 88 -


Chapitre II: Aim of the study and elements that

have led to this work

- 89 -


Since their discovery in 1940s, aminoglycosides have been widely used for the

eradication of infectious agents and they currently still constitute important

agents used to treat severe infections. Even if they are now well-known agents,

the mechanisms responsible for their nephrotoxicity have long remained

unexplained. Indeed, as described in the first part of this manuscript, numerous

alterations were associated with nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides, most of

them observed in proximal tubular cells of the kidney but none of them was

unambiguously related to toxicity. Between these alterations, the major ones

occurred in the apical and basolateral membranes, the lysosomes

(development of a phospholipidosis) and various other subcellular components.

First approaches to identify the mechanisms underlying nephrotoxicity had often

to use large amounts of the drug administered to animals (usually ten-times the

therapeutic ones) in order to observe clear-cut acute tubular necrosis and

concomitant kidney dysfunction. The observations by El Mouedden and co-

workers that administration to rats of low dosage of aminoglycosides more

relevant to clinical situations (gentamicin, amikacin, netilmicin and isepamicin)

are able to induce a particular form of cell death, named apoptosis has allowed

pieces of puzzle to begin to fall into place (El Mouedden et al., 2000a).

Indeed, El Mouedden and co-workers observed in vivo that gentamicin induced

in proximal tubules a marked apoptotic reaction wich (1) was detectable after 4

days of treatment and was most conspicuous after 10 days, (2) was dose-

dependent, (3) occurred in the absence of necrosis and (4) was nonlinearily

correlated with proliferative response (tubular and peritubular cells).

Comparative studies revealed a parallelism among extends of phospholipidosis,

apoptosis and proliferative response for three of the aminoglycosides used

(gentamicin >> amikacin ≅ isepamicin). By contrast, they observe that netilmicin

induced a marked phospholipidosis but a moderate apoptotis and proliferative

response (El Mouedden et al., 2000a). Their observations have been

reproduced in vitro on cellular model using renal cell lines (LLC-PK1 and MDCK

- 90 -


cells) and non-renal cell line (embryonic fibroblasts) (El Mouedden et al., 2000b)

where apoptosis developed almost linearily, with time (1 to 4 days) and drug

concentration (0.5 to 3mM). The addition of pan-caspases inhibitor, z-VAD-fmk

or the overexpression Bcl-2 have been shown to prevent apoptosis arguing for

a caspase-and mitochondria-dependent pathway leading to death by apoptosis.

Based on all the new elements that could explain the nephrotoxicity of

aminoglycosides, our objective was the identification of the molecular pathway leading to apoptotic cell death induced by gentamicin.

In the beginning of our study, we also knew that gentamicin (the more

apoptogenic and nephrotoxic compounds used by El Mouedden)(El Mouedden

et al., 2000b) accumulates mainly in the S1 and S2 part of proximal tubules in

the kidney (Molitoris et al., 1993; Wedeen et al., 1983; Silverblatt and Kuehn,

1979) and that it enters proximal tubular cells by a processus that should be

receptor-mediated through megalin binding (Moestrup et al., 1995) and

probably associated to binding of aminoglycosides to anionic phospholipids

(Sastrasinh et al., 1982; Schacht, 1979). After its up-take, gentamicin resides

mainly inside the lysosomes, where it is entrapped due to the acidic

environment that is responsible for its protonation. Inside these organites,

gentamicin induces some lysosomal alterations such as phospholipidosis (see

figure 19 for resume).

- 91 -


Figure 19: Schematic representations of important elements that have lead to our study

In addition, when we have started our studies, apoptosis was shown to be

induced in two principal ways: (1) the receptor-mediated pathways and (2) the

mitochondrial pathways, both of which converging in the final activation of

specialized enzymes: the caspases. In the late1990s, researchers began to

suspect the involvement of other intracellular organites in the apoptotic

cascades and in particular the lysosomes. The involvement of lysosomes has

been first described by Brunk and co-worker in 1997, where they have shown

that cultured human fibroblasts subjected to photo-oxidation presented

lysosomal membrane destabilization (Brunk et al., 1997) and further apoptosis.

- 92 -


Later, the involvement of the lysosomes by their destabilization was confirmed

for different death inducers such as MSDH (a lysosomotropic detergent, (Li et

al., 2000)) or by cholesterol oxidation products (Yuan et al., 2000). Based on

these observations, it has been further demonstrated that leakage of the

lysosomal constituents to the cytoplasm can lead to apoptosis. As gentamicin is

primarily accumulated inside these organites, the first part of our work was

aimed to question if (1) lysosmes are destabilized in presence of gentamicin

and if it is the case, (2) if this event occurred before mitochondrial activation,

caspases activation and DNA fragmentation.

On the second part of our work we have analyzed if cathepsins are involved in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis and in particular cathepsins B and D, which are

the most relevant in this context. This has been tested by the addition of

respective inhibitor of each of these cathepsins and by the evaluation of the

percentage of apoptotic nuclei observed in these conditions. Finally, we have

measured if cathepsin D is released from destabilized lysosomes by

fractionation studies and the measure of cathepsin D activity in each fraction

(nuclear, granular and supernatant fractions).

In the last part of this work, we have tested if gentamicin can induce apoptosis

once having access to the cytosolic compartment as it could be the case after

its release from permeabilized lysosomes. To evaluate this possibility, we have

taken advantages of the electroporation technique, which allow the delivery of

normally impermeant compounds into the cytosol of cell. Gentamicin could

indeed activate apoptotic pathway(s) outside the lysosomes by interacting

directly or indirectly with stress sensors, pro-apoptotic proteins or mitochondria.

- 93 -


- 94 -


Chapitre III: Results: Lysosomes, weapons or

shield in gentamicin-induced apoptosis.

- 95 -




Based on the previous observations (1) made by El Mouedden showing that

gentamicin is able to induce apoptosis in conditions mimicking clinical situation

on renal cell line, LLC-PK1 probably by activation of the mitochondrial pathway

and the caspases and based on other observations (2) that gentamicin is

localized mainly inside the lysosomes; our first objective was to analyze (1) if

lysosomes are involved in gentamicin-induced apoptosis in LLC-PK1 cells by

assessing lysosomal stability, (2) if mitochondria are activated by measuring the

mitochondrial potential, the cytochrome c release and the activation of caspase-

9. Finally, all these events were replaced from a sequential point of view in

relation to caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation. Figure 20 illustrates

the questions analyzed in the first part of this work and being elements of our

first paper (Servais et al., 2005). As gentamicin seemed to be able to

destabilize lysosomes, we have tested this possibility on biophysical model

(liposomes mimicking lysosomal membrane and others mimicking the inner and

outer mitochondrial membrane).

- 96 -


Figure 20: Schematic representations of questions raised in the fisrt part of our work.

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2.1. Introduction

In the precedent chapter, we show that in LLC-PK1 exposed to gentamicin (1 to

3 mM), lysosomes are the first organelles to be found altered. Indeed, after 2

hours of contact with the drug, lysosomal membranes are destabilized has

shown by the relocation of acridine orange. Mitochondrial changes have only

been detected after 10 hours of incubation by the observation of a decrease of

mitochondrial membrane potential, this was assessed by JC-1. This

mitochondrial event is accompanied at 12 hours by the release of cytochrome c

(detected by western blot analysis of the different fractions, nuclear, granules

and supernatant) and the activation of caspase-9 (detected by western blot on

whole lysates). The final activation of caspase-3 (assessed by specific substrate

Ac-DEVD-AFC) and the DNA fragmentation (detected by fluorescence

microscopy using DAPI as dye) were both only detected after 24 hours. All

these events are resumed in figure 21.

- 111 -


Figure 21: Schematic representation of all apoptotic alterations observed in a proximal tubular cell exposed to

gentamicin (1 to 3 mM)

Thus in our observations, lysosomes seemed to be involved before the

activation of the mitochondrial pathway. Between all the candidates that can link

lysosomal to mitochondrial events, cathepsins have been shown to be

important actors, and in particular cathepsins B and D. To assess their

involvement in gentamicin-induced apoptosis in LLC-PK1 cells (1) we tested if

their respective inhibitors, leupeptin and pepstatin A, can protect cells from

apoptosis (apoptotic cells were quantified by fluorecence microscopy using

DAPI dye as described in Servais 2005) (figures 22 and 23), and then (2) we

have analyzed if cathepsin D can be released from the lysosomes to the

cytosolic compartment to be able to induce apoptosis (this was assayed by

fractionation and cathepsin D was assessed by the modified Barrett method)

(figure 24).

- 112 -


2.2. Results

2.2.1. Protective effect of pepstatin A but not leupeptin

Leupeptin, a cystein proteases inhibitor is known to inhibit cathepsin B. LLC-

PK1 cells were pre-incubated for 16 hours with leupeptin to ensure its capture

by cells before the addition of gentamicin. After pre-incubation, fresh medium

was added in presence or absence of gentamicin, alone or in combination with

fresh solution of leupeptin. As no protection was observed by the addition of 25

or 50 µM of leupeptin in treated cells with gentamicin 2 mM for 32 hours and no

differences were noted between control or treated cells with leupeptin 25 - 50

µM alone, we have used a higher concentration of leupeptin of 100 µM. The

results are illustrated on figure 22 and show that leupeptin 100 µM is able to

induce by it-self apoptosis in LLC-PK1 cells after 24 and 48 hours of incubation.

The addition of gentamicin and leupeptin in LLC-PK1 cells demonstrate an

additive apoptogenic effect.

24 480




20controlleupeptin 100µMGm 2mMGm 2mM + leup 100 µM











Time (hours)



ic c





Figure 22: LLC-PK1 cells were pre-incubated for 16 hours with leupeptin A 100 µM, and freshly prepared

medium containing or not gentamicin 2mM and /or leupeptin 100 µM were added for further incubation 24 or 48

hours. Apoptotic cells were determined by fluorescence microscopy using DAPI dye. Values are means ± standard

deviations (n=3 in each group). Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA test (Tukey-Kramer multiple

comparisons test).

- 113 -


LLC-PK1 cells were also incubated with another inhibitor, pepstatin A known to

inhibit cathepsin D (but also pepsin and renin) and used in the same time-frame

than leupeptin (pre-incubation of 16 hours follow by incubation with fresh

solutions). Different concentrations of pepstatin (50-100-150) were analyzed

and no protection was observed with concentration of 50 µM. The addition of

100 and 150 µM of pepstatin A demonstrated protection from gentamicin-

induced apoptosis so we have used further 100 µM of pepstatin A. Results

obtained are illustrated in figure 23 and show that pepstatin A 100 µM induces

by it-self a very low increase of apoptosis after 24 hours which was not

observed after 48 hours of incubation. The addition of this inhibitor in LLC-PK1

cells treated with gentamicin results in the reduction of the number of apoptotic

cells and this was observed after 24 hours of incubation but also after 48 hours.

However, this reduction can not reach control values.

24 480




20controlPepstatin A 100µMGm 2mMGm 2mM + Pepst A 100 µM*












Time (hours)



ic c





Figure 23: LLC-PK1 cells were pre-incubated with pepstatin A 100 µM for 16 hours, and freshly prepared

medium containing or not gentamicin 2mM and/or pepstatin A 100 µM were added for further incubation (24 or

48 hours). Apoptotic cells were determined by fluorescence microscopy using DAPI dye. Values are means ±

standard deviations (n=3 in each group). Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA test (Tukey-Kramer

multiple comparisons test).

- 114 -


2.2.2. Cathepsin D was not found released from the

lysosomes to the cytosolic compartment

In conclusion of these observations, cathepsin D could play a role in the apoptotic cascade induced by gentamicin but cathepsin B seems not to be involved. Thus, as relocation of cathepsins from the lysosomes to the

cytosolic compartment is usually associated with lysosomal permeabilization,

we checked that if cathepsin D can be released in gentamicin-induced

apoptosis. This has been assessed by fractionation of LLC-PK1 cells treated or

not with gentamicin (2 mM) and by measuring the cathepsin D activity (see

additional materials) in each fraction (nuclear, granular and supernatant,

fractions obtained as described in Servais (Servais et al., 2005). Surprisingly,

we were not able to detect any release of cathepsin D since the distribution of

cathepsin D activity is similar between control and treated cells with gentamicin

2 mM cells. This was observed after 4 hours but also after 12 hours of

incubation (figure 24) whereas we have previously described a destabilization

of lysosomes significant from 2 hours of contact with the drug (Servais et al.,

2005). Our results were validated by the use of known lysosomal destabilizing

agent the MSDH (O-methyl-serine dodecylamine hydrochloride) which allow us

to detect a different redistribution of cathepsin D but these results should be


- 115 -


Nuclear Granular supernatant0


Control-4hGm 2mM-4hControl-12hGm 2mM-12h




in D




Figure 24: Cathepsin D activity measured as using hemoglobbin as substrate in the different fraction of LLC-PK1

cells untreated or treated with 2mM of gentamicin. Values are means ± standard deviations (n=3 in each


2.3. Additional materials

The number of apoptotic cells was quantified by fluorescence microscopy using

DAPI dye as described previously (Servais et al., 2005) and fractionation was

performed according techniques described previously (Servais et al., 2005;

Tulkens et al., 1974).

Cathespin D activity:

Cathepsin D activity was determined as described by Barrett (Barrett A.J. and

Kirschke H., 1977) by using haemoglobin as substrate of cathepsin D with some

minor modifications. Briefly, lysates from each fraction (nuclear, granular and

supernatant fractions) were mixed with TRITON X-100 2% (0.2% final

concentration), with sodium formate buffer 1M pH 3.5 (final concentration 0.277

M) and with substrate haemoglobin 4% (final concentration 1.1%) and then

incubated for 3 hours at 45°C. The reaction was terminated by adding 5ml of

3% trichloracetic acid on ice and precipitates were filtered at 4°C. The amount

of peptides released was estimated by the Lowry method with minor

modifications. Filtrates were mixed with Na2CO3 2% (final concentration:1.6%)

- 116 -


NaOH 3.75 N (final concentration 0.14N), sodium/potassium Tartrate 2% (final

concentration 0.016%) and with CuSO4.5H20 1% (final concentration

0.00041%) and incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature. Folin-Ciocalteu

solution of 2N (0.083N) was added, mixtures were then incubated for 30

minutes and absorbance was then measured at 660nm. Cathepsin D activity

was expressed as the percentage of activity found in each fraction in respect to

the total activity.

2.4. Conclusion:

In conclusions of these additional results, it seems that cathespin B is not

involved in gentamicin-induced apoptosis in LLC-PK1 cells whereas cathepsin

D could be involved. However, surprisingly, no redistribution of cathepsin D

activity has been observed in the different fractions in cells treated with

gentamicin 2 mM in comparison to control cells whereas we were able to detect

such changes with positive control, cells treated with MSDH. Thus, at this stage,

we cannot involve or exclude cathepsin D in the apoptotic pathways activated

by gentamicin in LLC-PK1 cells.

2.5. Discussion:

Between all the cathepsins, cathepsin B and D seemed to be the major ones

involved in apoptotic pathways even if their real apoptotic target(s) are not yet

defined unambiguously. Indeed, cathespin B has been shown to be involved in

bile-acid induced hepatocytes apoptosis (Roberts et al., 1997; Jones et al.,

1998; Faubion et al., 1999; Canbay et al., 2003), in TNF-α induced apoptosis of

primary hepatocytes and tumor cells (Guicciardi et al., 2000; Guicciardi et al.,

2001; Foghsgaard et al., 2001) but also after brain ischemia (Yamashima et al.,

1998; Tsuchiya et al., 1999). In our experiments, we found that inhibition of

cathepsin B by the use of leupeptin (an inhibitor of serine and cystein proteases

that has been shown to inhibit plasmin, trypsin, papain and cathepsin B (Aoyagi

et al., 1969) did not protect LLC-PK1 renal cells from gentamicin-induced

apoptosis but interestingly enough, we found that leupeptin it-self is able to

- 117 -


induce apoptosis in these cells. The apoptogenic effect of leupeptin has been

previously observed by Maeda and colleagues: indeed, they observed that

incubation of primary culture of rat hepatocytes with leupeptin induce apoptosis

(Maeda et al., 1996). But how can we explain this pro-apoptotic ability? One

possible explanation could be an apoptogenic effect resulting from the

proteasome inhibition, indeed, a leupeptin analogue, Z-Leu-Leu-Leucinal has

been shown to induce apoptosis in MOLT-4 cells and in L5178 cells by

inhibition of the proteasome (Shinohara et al., 1996) but more interestingly, it

has also been shown that leupeptin inhibits directly trypsin-like proteasomal

activity with concentration of about 50µM (Savory and Rivett, 1993).

If leupeptin could not afford protection against gentamicin-induced apoptosis,

pepstatin A (a potent inhibitor of acid proteases including pepsin, renin and

cathepsin D) seemed to protect LLC-PK1 cells from apoptosis suggesting a

possible role of cathespin D in apoptotic cascade induced by gentamicin.

Indeed, this cathepsin has been shown to be involved in different model of

apoptosis including apoptosis induced by staurosporin (Bidere et al., 2003;

Johansson et al., 2003), interferon-γ, Fas/CD95/APO-1 and TNF-α (Deiss et al.,

1996; Demoz et al., 2002), oxidative stress (Roberg and Ollinger, 1998; Roberg

et al., 1999; Ollinger, 2000; Kagedal et al., 2001a), sphingosine (Kagedal et al.,

2001b) and p53 (Wu et al., 1998). To further characterize its involvement in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis in renal cell line, we tried to analyse by

fractionation studies if cathespin D can be released from lysosomes to the

cytosolic compartment where it has been shown to induce apoptosis (Roberg et

al., 2002). Surprisingly, we were not able to find any relocation of cathepsin D

after 4 and 12 hours of incubation with gentamicn whereas MSDH, the

lysosomal detergent used as positive control allow us to detect such change as

from 1 hour of incubation. These results have not allowed us to conclude for the

involvement of cathepsin D in gentamicin-induced apoptosis. Indeed, if

lysosomes are destabilized in presence of gentamicin, other lysosomal

constituents such as gentamicin itself could be released and acts directly as

- 118 -


apoptosis inducer. To test the hypothesis that gentamicin could induce

apoptosis once in the cytosol, we have used electroporation technique to

deliver gentamicin in the cytosol, by-passing then the lysosomal sequestration

and accumulation of this antibiotic as obtained after incubation of cells.

- 119 -





Until now, we have demonstrated that in gentamicin-induced apoptosis, the first

event detected is a lysosomal destabilization (after 2 hours) followed by the

activation of mitochondria (after 10 hours) and finally the activation of caspases

in parallel to the observation of the DNA condensation and fragmentation (after

24 hours). Based on the literature demonstrating the involvement of lysosomes

and the cathepsins, we have previously postulated that cathepsins B and D

could be involved in gentamicin-induced apoptosis. By the use of leupeptin, an

inhibitor of cathepsin B, we have demonstrated that this cathepsin seemed not

involved in gentamicin-induced apoptosis. At the opposite, the addition of

pepstatin A, an inhibitor of cathepsin D is protective from gentamicin-induced

apoptosis. However, our attempts to test the release of cathepsin D which is

crucial for its apoptotic ability have not allowed us to involve or exclude it in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis. Further analysis should be made to answer

correctly to this question. However, if cathepsins can be released after

lysosomal permeabilzation, other lysosomal constituents could also be

released. In this context, gentamin appears to us to represent an attracting

candidate due to its huge lysosomal accumulation as linker of lysosomal and

mitochondrial events (see figure 25 for schematic representation). Indeed, it has

been shown that the lysosomal destabilization and release of components is not

specific for some lysosomal constituents but rather dependent of the size of the

components. Molecules that can be released have been shown to present a

molecular size inferior 70 kDa (Bidere et al., 2003).

- 120 -


Figure 25: Schematic representation of the apoptotic alterations observed in a proximal tubular cell exposed

to gentamicin (1 to 3 mM) with the hypothesis that gentamicin could constitute the link lysosomal and

mitochondrial events.

To test the possibility that gentamicin can activate apoptosis outside the

lysosomes, we take advantages of the electroporation technique, which allows

introducing some impermeant drugs inside the cell. Doing so, lysosomal event

is by-passed and gentamicin is then mainly localised inside the cytosol where

its pro-apoptotic ability can be tested.

This hypothesis has been the object of a second paper which is currently in

press in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

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- 131 -



Aminoglycosides antibiotic such as gentamicin are commonly used throughout

the world due to their low cost, high effectiveness and low rate of resistance.

They are active against a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria as well as

against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Escherichia coli

and they are primarily used to treat life-threatening infections. However their

use is severely hampered by the risk of serious side effect, although a reduction

in nephrotoxicity has been achieved by the introduction of optimized dosing

regiments. All attempts to chemically modify the drugs to prevent nephrotoxicity

have so far been unsuccessful. This is mainly due to the difficulty to dissociate

toxicity and antibacterial activity since their positive charge are responsible for

their binding to megalin (receptor protein responsible for their accumulation

inside kidney cells of the proximal tubule) but are also important for the

aminoglycosides entry into the bacteria and for their interaction with the

ribosomal complex (and hence bactericidal activity).

The discovery that these antibiotics are able to induce apoptosis at doses

corresponding to therapeutic drug levels has brought new elements for the

identification of the mechanisms responsible of the aminoglycoside

nephrotoxicity (El Mouedden et al., 2000b; El Mouedden et al., 2000a). This

should contribute to the development of new approaches whose aim is to

reduce the main side effect of the aminoglycosides.

In our study, we have demonstrated that the first apoptosis-related event

observed after exposure of LLC-PK1 cells to gentamicin is a destabilization of

the lysosomes. This has been observed after 2 hours of contact with the

antibiotic. After 8 hours, the cellular amount of cytosolic pro-apoptotic Bax

increases, probably due proteasomal dysfunction. Bax has been shown to be

an important mediator of the mitochondrial activation, which has been detected

as from 10 hours of contact with the antibiotic. This mitochondria activation has

- 132 -


been followed by the release of cytochrome c and the activation of caspase-9,

both of which have been shown after 12 hours. Finally, the activation of the

effector caspase, caspase-3, was observed in parallel to the nuclear

condensation and fragmentation. Figure 26 illustrates all the observations made

by our studies.

Based on these observations and on the literature describing the relation

between lysosomal destabilization and mitochondrial activation, we first thought

that cathepsins would certainly represent an attracting linker between

lysosomal and mitochondrial events. However, our unexpected but rather

interesting observations that only low amounts of gentamicin delivered inside

the cellular cytosol of LLC-PK1 cells by electroporation (and thus by-passing

the lysosomal sequestration) are able to induce apoptosis has challenged our

first hypothesis but also previous idea that lysosomal alterations should be

related to cell death of proximal tubular renal cells. Indeed, applying

extracellular concentration (0.03 mM or 13.9 mg/L) of about a hundred-time

inferior to those needed for incubation is sufficient to induce apoptosis. These

observations allow us to conclude that sequestration of aminoglycosides in the

lysosomes should more probably be a rather protective event by preventing

large quantities of toxic drugs to access the cytosol where they are highly

harmful. Some of the lysosomes are nevertheless destabilized resulting either

from the overload of drugs and/or lipids (Laurent et al., 1990), or from direct

permeabilization by aminoglycosides (Servais et al., 2005), or from the

interaction of aminoglycosides with chaperones that contribute to lysosomes

functions and stability (Miyazaki et al., 2004; Nylandsted et al., 2004).

- 133 -


Figure 26: Resume of the apoptosis-related events induced by gentamicin in LLC-PK1 cells.

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2.1. Are LLC-PK1 cells an appropriate cellular model?

LLC-PK1 cell line is a porcine kidney cell line (Hull et al., 1976) possessing

characteristics of proximal tubule (such as Na+-dependent transport systems,

enzymes located in the apical membrane including alkaline phosphatase and γ-

glutamyl transpeptidase) and an electric resistance of the monolayer of 127

Ω.cm2 that is similar to that of a leaky epithelia (Rabito, 1986). This well

characterized cell line has also been widely used to analyze nephrotoxicity of

drugs and particularly to study gentamicin nephrotoxicity (Hori et al., 1984;

Kohlhepp et al., 1994; Sandoval et al., 1998; Schwertz et al., 1986) but also to

study drugs or toxins-induced apoptosis (Nagothu et al., 2005; Gennari et al.,

2004; Okuda et al., 2000; Healy et al., 1998). The ability of aminoglycosides to

induce apoptosis in renal cell line has also been characterized previously in our

lab in LLC-PK1 and MDCK (El Mouedden et al., 2000b). Based on all these

works, LLC-PK1 seems to be an appropriate model to study gentamicin-

induced apoptosis. However, as it has been shown more recently that

gentamicin is taken up by renal proximal tubular cells by megalin-mediated

endocytosis and as accumulation in cells is critical for gentamicin toxicity, does

LLC-PK1 express megalin? If we check on the literature, some authors have

described an expression of megalin in LLC-PK1 cells (Nielsen et al., 1998;

Nielsen et al., 2001), where cells have been grown on inserts (and thus

polarized) whereas others have not found megalin expression (Decorti et al.,

1999; Girton et al., 2002) if using culture conditions similar to ours (grown as

monolayers). As we have not specifically checked the expression of megalin in

our cell line, we can assume that megalin is not involved in gentamicin uptake

in our conditions of cell culture. This was also supported by our observations

that gentamicin uptake is non-saturable process and that the clearance of

gentamicin from medium (4.44µl/mg protein/24 hours) is similar to that of a

typical marker of fluid-phase endocytosis (El Mouedden et al., 2000b; Cupers et

- 135 -


al., 1994). The presence of megalin could raise different questions, about the

kinetic of gentamicin uptake but also about the availability of gentamicin in

lysosomes. For this last question, we could assume that gentamicin can be

detached from its receptor in lysosomes since recycling of the receptor occurs

rapidly in the endosomes (the acidic environment triggers release of ligand from

its receptor) and thus only few megalin could be found in lysosomes for

degradation (Gaborik and Hunyady, 2004). This was indeed supported by the

observations made by Nielsen and colleagues that have shown the presence of

megalin mainly in brush border membranes and in the endosomal compartment

of LLC-PK1 cells grown on inserts whereas only few lysosomes were labelled

for megalin (Nielsen et al., 1998). Thus, the analysis of the mechanisms by

which gentamicin induces apoptosis in cells expressing megalin (LLC-PK1 cells

grown on insert or primary culture of human proximal tubular cells) and

comparison with our observations could certainly give us additional informations

about the events underlying gentamicin nephrotoxicty and certainly more

relevance to the in vivo situations.

2.2. Could lysosomal destabilization be responsible of

gentamicin delivery into the cytosol of incubated cells?

In the first part of our work, we have demonstrated using acridine orange as

lysosomal integrity probe that these intracellular organites were rapidly

destabilized as from 2 hours of contact with gentamicin and this event was

indeed already suspected earlier (see discussion (El Mouedden et al., 2000b; El

Mouedden et al., 2000a)). Lysosomal permeabilization has been shown to be

associated with the release of some lysosomal constituents such as cathepsins,

cathepsins B and D being the major ones involved in apoptosis. The degree of

lysosomal permeabilization seemed to be an important parameter leading to

cell death (1) by apoptosis for moderate permeabilization and (2) by necrosis for

massive permeabilization. Lysosomal permeabilization associated with

apoptosis seemed to be a non-selective process, since not only cathepsins D

- 136 -


(Roberg et al., 1999) and cathepsin B (Werneburg et al., 2002) but also

lactoferrin (Katunuma et al., 2004), and different lysosomal tracers acridine

orange (Servais et al., 2005; Li et al., 2000), lucifer yellow (Ji et al., 2002),

lysotracker (Werneburg et al., 2002) and FITC-dextran < 70kDa (Bidere et al.,

2003) can be released. This process has been proposed to be rather limited by

size criteria, since FITC-dextran of molecular weight superior to 70kDa were

unable to be released from lysosomes of T lymphocytes treated with

staurosporin whereas FITC-Dextran of 10 and 40 kDa were redistributed in the

cytosol (Bidere et al., 2003). Based on these observations, the release of

gentamicin from permeabilized lysosomes is certainly a possible event since its

molecular weight is only 464 Da.

However, during our work a retrograde transport of gentamicin has also been

demonstrated on LLC-PK1 using similar doses of 1 mg/ml of gentamicin (about

2.15 mM). This transport has been shown to be rapid since gentamicin was

already associated to golgi structures after 15 min and to the endoplasmic

reticulum after 1 hour of incubation with the antibiotic labelled with Texas-Red

fluorophore (Sandoval et al., 2000; Sandoval and Molitoris, 2004). Moreover,

after 2 hours of contact with drug, cytosolic release was observed and

subsequent nuclear association after 4 hours (Sandoval et al., 2000). However,

if we analyze more thoroughly these observations, it may raise some questions.

Firstly, the probe used to labelled Golgi structure, NBD-C6-ceramide

demonstrates some limitation. Indeed, NBD-C6-ceramide can also be inserted

in other intracellular membranes (ER, nucleus or mitochondria). Moreover, this

probe has been shown to be used for a finite period of time since it is rapidly

metabolized by cells (van Meer et al., 1987) and finally its trafficking into cells

can be modified by some cellular alterations as it was shown in human skin

fibroblasts from patients with NiemannPick disease, which is characterized by

a lack of lysosomal sphingomyelinase activity, where NBD C6-ceramide

accumulates in the lysosomes. Secondly, the use of gentamicin-labelled with

Texas Red can raise the question of the impact of such structural changes on

- 137 -


its trafficking in cells? Indeed, gentamicin is a small cationic compound of a

molecular weight of 464 Da. The addition of Texas Red, which is a more

lipophilic compound of 625 Da, could indeed modify the general characteristic

of gentamicin and thus its trafficking inside the cell. Moreover, in their more

recent study, Sandoval and Molitoris were not able to detect any co-localization

with the Golgi apparatus by the use of non-fluorescent gentamicin detected by

immunolocalization obtained after amplification technique but they observed a

reticular staining pattern throughout the entire cytosol from 15 minutes and a

co-localization with ER-epitope Dolichos-phosphate mannose synthase after 60

min, cytosolic release was observed after 2 hours followed by a nuclear staining

after 4 hours. In addition, all these localizations of gentamicin could also be

observed after release from lysosomal destabilization as suggested by our work

and more direct proofs are certainly needed to identify clearly hown gentamicin

can reach the cellular cytosol. Finally, Sandoval and Molitoris have also tested

the cytosolic release of some different probes [a cationic lysine-conjugated

dextran (with a molecular weigh of 3,000 Da), a cationic lysine-conjugated

dextran (with a molecular weight 10,000 Da) and an anionic derivates dextran

(with a molecular weight of 3,000 Da)] to assess the involvement of specific

transport from ER to the final cytosolic localization of these endocytozed

compounds. Only the small cationic lysine-conjugated dextran has been shown

to reach cytosol after 2 hours. This observation is rather interesting, since small

cationic compounds have been shown to have destabilizing properties on

membrane (Hwang and Vogel, 1998), and thus it could be interesting to analyze

the lysosomal stability by using acridine orange probe.

So in conclusion, works carried out by Sandoval and Molitoris clearly

demonstrate that gentamicin can be found associated with the ER, in the

cytosol and finally localized in the nucleus and mitochondria of LLC-PK1 cells

by different morphological approaches whereas Golgi association was observed

only by one morphological approaches. They also suggest that

aminoglycosides can induce cellular alterations by reaching cytosolic

- 138 -


compartment as also demonstrated by our work. However, the way by which

they can really reach cytosol has been proposed to result from lysosomal

destabilization by our work (Servais et al., 2005) or by a retrograde transport

(Sandoval et al., 2000; Sandoval et al., 1998; Sandoval and Molitoris, 2004).

But undoubtedly, the identification of the precise cytosolic release of

aminoglycsides is certainly of critical importance to understand their


2.3. What can we conclude about the involvement of

lysosomal cathepsins in gentamicin-induced apoptosis?

In our attempts to test the involvement of cathepsins in gentamicin-induced

apoptosis, we have first analyzed if addition of cathepsin B and cathepsin D

inhibitors, leupeptin and pepstatin A respectively, could rescue cells from

gentamicin-induced apoptosis. Surprisingly, the only presence of leupeptin (100

µM) in LLC-PK1 cells was able to induce apoptosis and the presence of this

inhibitor plus gentamicin has been shown to induce an increased number of

apoptotic cells in an additive fashion. This observation that leupeptin can induce

apoptosis was already reported by others who have demonstrated that

incubation of primary culture of hepatocytes with leupeptin induced apoptosis

(Maeda et al., 1996). But how is this possible? Firstly, leupeptin is a reversible

competitive inhibitor of serine and cysteine proteases (Umezawa, 1976) and it

has also been shown to inhibit trypsin-like activities (Wilk and Orlowski, 1983;

Rivett, 1989). As the proteasome is a multicatalytic complex with trypsin-like

activities, the apoptotic ability of leupeptin could indeed be explained by its

inhibition properties toward the proteasome and it was indeed shown that

leupeptin concentration required to inhibit all the trypsin-like activity of the

proteasome is about 50µM (Savory and Rivett, 1993). Secondly, since it is now

well established that the inhibition of the proteasome often leads to apoptosis in

numerous cell lines (Drexler, 1997; Lopes et al., 1997; Qiu et al., 2000; Drexler

et al., 2000; Jana et al., 2001; Powell et al., 2005; Nam et al., 2001; Jana et al.,

- 139 -


2004), it is conceivable that leupeptin induces apoptosis in our model due to an

inhibition of the proteasome. However, even if in most situations, inhibition of

the proteasome results in apoptosis, it has also been demonstrated that, at

least in some cases, the proteasome inhibition results in protection of cells from

apoptosis (Sadoul et al., 1996).

In conclusion, since we have tested different concentrations of leupeptin up to

high concentration of 100µM, we can assume that cathespin B is not involved in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis.

What about cathepsin D? Our experiments using pepstatin A have

demonstrated that LLC-PK1 cells are protected from gentamicin-induced

apoptosis. As cathepsin D has to be located into the cytosol to be a pro-

apoptotic mediator (Roberg et al., 2002), we have further analyzed if this

protease is released from the lysosomes to the cytosol by cell fractionation.

However, any relocation of cathepsin D could be detected in gentamicin-treated

cells in comparison to control cells whereas disruption of lysosomes by

lysosomal detergent MSDH has allowed us to detect a relocation of cathepsin D

from granular fraction to the supernatant.

But how can we explain this discrepancy between pepstatin A studies and

fractionation studies? In our pepstatin A experiments, we have previously tested

different concentrations of pepstatin A ranging from 50 to 150 µM and we

observed that only concentrations of 100 and 150µM of pepstatin A affords

protection of cells from gentamicin-induced apoptosis. Such concentration has

also been used in other model of apoptosis to test the involvement of cathepsin

D (Boya et al., 2003; Kagedal et al., 2001a; Roberg et al., 1999; Isahara et al.,

1999), however some other similar studies have been conducted with lower

concentrations of the inhibitor (1µM to 50 µM) (Takuma et al., 2003; Bidere et

al., 2003; Choi et al., 2002; Kagedal et al., 2001b). In one of these studies, they

demonstrate that the addition of 1µM of pepstatin A in J774 inhibits about 80%

- 140 -


of the cathepsin D activity (Kagedal et al., 2001b). As we used high

concentration of pepstatin A, it could be possible that other cellular proteases

were also inhibited. This was supported by the fact that (1) pepstatin A is not a

specific inhibitor of cathepsin D, indeed it has been shown to inhibit acidic

proteases among them we can cite pepsin and renin (Marciniszyn 1977 199)

and by the fact that (2) non-specific inhibitors can inhibit other proteases in

classical used concentration (for exemple: z-VAD-fmk., firstly though to be

specific inhibitor of caspases have been shown also to inhibit cysteine

proteases (Schotte et al., 1999) and finally by the fact (3) that increasing

concentration of a non-specific inhibitors can allow the inhibition of a protease

non inhibited in normal conditions (Schotte et al., 1999).

In conclusion, based on our experiments, we can not involve or exclude

cathepsin D from gentamicin-induced apoptosis and further analyses are

certainly needed to answer this question.

2.4. What is the relevance of the amount defined by

electroporation as “apoptogenic” with in vitro

observations in LLC-PK1 cells?

By electroporation studies, we have determined extracellular concentration of

0.03 mM as apoptogenic drug concentration and this extracellular concentration

has given cellular drug content after 1 hour post-electroporation of 0.32 ±0.03

µg/mg protein and after 24 hours of 0.38 ±0.02 µg/mg protein. After 24 hours,

incubated cells with extracellular concentration of gentamicin of 2mM have

shown cellular drug content of 3.81 ± 0.06µg/mg protein that is to say cellular

drug content ten times superior to that found in electroporated cells. The major

difference between electroporation delivery of gentamicin and delivery obtained

by incubation is the final drug localization. Indeed, after electroporation the pool

of the drug is mainly cytosolic whereas drug localization after incubation is

mainly found in lysosomes (Sandoval et al., 1998; Sandoval et al., 2000;

- 141 -


Sandoval and Molitoris, 2004). Using gentamicin labelled with texas red,

Sandoval has widely shown that in LLC-PK1 cells incubated with 1mg/ml of

gentamicin (2.15 mM), about 80% of the drug localization is the endosomal /

lysosomal compartment. Only about 10 to 20% have been associated with

golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nucleus and cytosol. Thus, based

on this information, we can postulate that the non-lysosomal amount of

gentamicin in incubated LLC-PK1 is about 0.381 to 0.762 µg/mg protein. These

contents correspond totally to the drug cellular contents defined by

electroporation has being able to induce apoptosis in absence to necrosis (see

figure 4 in Servais et al, in press AAC). If we make similar approximation to

assess quantity of drug able to induce necrosis, we can calculate (see insert

figure 4 in Servais 2006 in press) that cells incubated with gentamicin 4 to 12

mM give an approximate drug content (after 24 hours of incubation) of about

7.4 to 21.9 µg/mg protein and a LDH release after 24 hours of about 29.1% and

58% respectively (See figure 1 in Servais (Servais et al., 2005)). In

electroporated cells, the release of LDH was observed for cells which have

achieved gentamicin content after 1 hour of 11.3 to 49.8 µg/mg protein with a

LDH release observed after 24 hours of 27.9% and 69.5% respectively. When

necrosis is analyzed as a cellular response to gentamicin exposure, we observe

that the drug cellular content in both cases (electroporated versus incubated

cells) are similar suggesting that probably the majority of gentamicin content

should be released in the cytosol.

The parameters used to electroporated gentamicin into LLC-PK1 cells (8 pulses

800V/cm 1s between each pulses) are parameters allowing the perturbation

of plasma membrane without major changes in the other intracellular organites.

Indeed, it has been shown that higher voltages (about 300 000 V/cm) for

shorter time pulses (in the range of the nanosecond) are needed to

electroporated intracellular organites (Schoenbach et al., 2001; Beebe et al.,

2003). But, if electroporation technique allows us to analyze the cellular

response to gentamicin from cytosolic localization, this technique also

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demonstrates some limitations. Electroporation of cells could make them more

fragile to gentamicin toxicity. Indeed, this greater susceptibility could result from

production of ROS that can be observed after electroporation (Bonnafous et al.,

1999) and known to be harmful for cells. This could be tested by electroporating

cells with electroporation buffer free of gentamicin and by incubating cells

further with gentamicin to compare apoptotic response in these conditions in

comparison to simply incubated cells, and this could be also tested for another

nephrotoxic drug such as cisplatin or cyclosporine A. In addition, we can not

exclude that gentamicin can also destabilize lysosomes from the cytosol, this

could be analyzed by checking lysosomal stability after electroporation by the

use of acridine orange.

2.5. How cytosolic gentamicin can induce cell death?

Different hypotheses can be postulated to explain how gentamicin induces cell

death by apoptosis. The first one referred to old suspicions that

aminoglycosides can be toxic by interactions with their first target, the 18S

rRNA (the eukaryotic counterpart of the 16S rRNA). The second one involved

the proteasome, which arouse currently an increasing interest as new target for

the development of new chemotherapeutic approaches. And finally, the third

hypothesis consists of a direct interaction of gentamicin with the mitochondria.

2.5.1. Gentamicin acts on its primary target: 18S rRNA

(the eukaryotic homologue of the 16S rRNA):

A. It is conceivable that gentamicin binds to the 18S


It was first postulated that aminoglycosides affinity to the eukaryotic 18S rRNA

binding site was very low in comparison to the bacterial 16S rRNA due to

differences observed in their rRNA sequences (Recht et al., 1999). However,

this last five years, the numerous analysis aiming to define the precise binding

of the aminoglycosides inside the bacterial 16S rRNA A-site has challenged this

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first concept. Indeed, as described in part 1.2.1 of the introduction, it appears

now clearly that aminoglycoside binding in the bacterial A-site is firstly

dependent of the insertion of this molecule inside a sort of bubble created by a

non Watson-crick base-pair of the adenines 1408 with both adenines 1492 and

1493 (see figure 27).


Figure 27: Sequences of aminoglycosides targets sites rRNA species. In every site, the two adenines 1492 and

1493 (according to the E. coli numbering) are conserved. Mutation of the adenine at position 1490 according E.

coli numbering and 1555 according H. sapiens numbering of the human mitochondrial 12S rRNA to guanine is

associated with Aminoglycosides hypersensitivity.This figure come from Vicens and Westhof (Vicens and

Westhof, 2003b)

This concept of aminoglycoside insertion in a sort of bubble created in the RNA

was indeed supported by the fact they bind to small ribosomal subunit of many

other prokaryotic and eukaryotic species presenting such structural

characteristics, but also by the demonstration that they bind to mutated human

mitochondrial 12S rRNA whereas they can not bind to the wild-type 12S rRNA

(see figure 27) (Ryu and Rando, 2001; Hamasaki and Rando, 1997; Ryu and

Rando, 2002). This mutation results in the replacement of the adenine in

position 1490 (according E. coli numbering) by a guanine restoring the Watson-

Crick link, thus reducing the size of the rRNA bubble which presents then a

similar size to that observed in the 18S rRNA (Ryu and Rando, 2002).

Moreover, this mutation of the 12S rRNA observed in certain individuals has

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been associated with aminoglycoside hypersensitivity (Hutchin and Cortopassi,

1994) since treatment these individuals with normal, low doses of

aminoglycosides, results in toxic side effects on hair cells of the inner ear that

may end in permanent hearing loss. So, based on this new view of

aminoglycoside insertion, it seems conceivable that they can interact with the

18S rRNA, if of course they have access to the ribosome. But is it possible that

aminoglycosides have access to the ribosomes?

If differences of RNA sequences between prokaryotic 16S and 18S rRNA have

been postulated to explain the dissociation between antibacterial activity and

toxicity, another argument had also been proposed which consist of a non

accessibility of the drug to the ribosomes. Indeed, the interaction of

aminoglycosides with the human ribosome was first thought to be minor and

probably insignificant since the bulk of the drug localization in kidney cells was

for a long time described to be exclusively inside the lysosomes and thus far

away from their ribosomal target (Houghton et al., 1976; Silverblatt and Kuehn,

1979; Wedeen et al., 1983; Ford et al., 1994). However, some intriguing studies

have yet demonstrated that elevated concentration of aminoglycosides can

cause mistranslation or block incorporation of amino acids by eukaryotic

ribosomes in vitro (Buss et al., 1984; Buss and Piatt, 1985; Wilhelm et al.,

1978), but moreover this was also observed in the rat renal cortex during in vivo

treatment (Buss et al., 1984; Buss and Piatt, 1985; Bennett et al., 1988). The

ability of gentamicin to inhibit protein synthesis has been more recently also

observed in rats treated for 2 days of treatment with gentamicin (40mg/ml)

(Sundin et al., 2001) but also in LLC-PK1 cells incubated with gentamicin

1mg/ml (2.15 mM) (Sandoval et al., 1998) before clear sign of nephrotoxicity

can be detected. So there nearly no doubt that gentamicin can perturb protein

synthesis in clinical conditions, the only remaining question is if gentamicin can

access to ribosome. The answer has been given by the localization studies

performed by Molitoris and Sandoval group, who have demonstrated that

indeed, using clinical relevant doses, gentamicin have been found localized in

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small quantity with the Golgi, the endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria and

nucleus (Sandoval et al., 2000; Sandoval and Molitoris, 2004) resulting from a

retrograde transport through the secretory pathway. Furthermore, our

observations, that it is the cytosolic gentamicin which induce apoptotic death

pathway have also reinforced this possibility.

So, in conclusion, what ever the origin of aminoglycosides, from a retrograde

transport as proposed by Molitoris and Sandoval group, or from a lysosomal

destabilization as proposed by our experiments or both, gentamicin can access

cytosolic compartment and thus are able to reach their first target, the

ribosomal 18S RNA A-Site.

B. But how can we now link the aminoglycosides effect

of on their rRNA target (18S rRNA) with apoptosis?

What about ER stress?

On one hand, gentamicin has been shown to perturb and finally inhibit protein

synthesis (Buss et al., 1984; Buss and Piatt, 1985; Bennett et al., 1988;

Sandoval et al., 2000; Sundin et al., 2001). The perturbation of protein

synthesis has also been shown to be induced by different toxins and

components regrouped and named the RIP, for Ribosomal Inactivating Protein,

and among these components, some of them such as verocytotoxin-1 (Barbieri

et al., 1993), ricin, modeccin, diphtheria toxin (Komatsu et al., 1998) have been

shown to induce apoptosis. However, at the present, the molecular link between

the production of abnormal protein and/or protein synthesis inhibition and

triggering of apoptotic cell death is unclear and it remains now numerous

unresolved questions.

On the other hand, considering that the ER is constantly monitoring processing

via the quality control machinery what is the response if this process is

compromised, for exemple by the accumulation of misfolded/unfolded proteins

within the ER (as induced by gentamicin action on the ribosome)? In reaction to

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these conditions, the cell trigger a specific ER stress response (Rutkowski and

Kaufman, 2004) that activates a particular ER-stress signalling pathway termed

Unfolded Protein Response (UPR). This pathway is a cellular program which is

activated by a complex signalling cascade and involves at least three different

mechanisms to re-establish homeostasis including the attenuation of protein

synthesis (Brostrom et al., 1996; Harding et al., 1999), the activation of UPR

targets gene increasing for exemple the production of chaperones such as

Grp78 (also called BiP), Grp 94 or Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI) (Gething

and Sambrook, 1992), as well as the enhancement of abnormal protein

degradation (Jeffery et al., 2000). This degradation is accomplished by a

specific system termed ERAD for ER-Associated Degradation responsible for

the unfolding and elimination of the misfolded proteins by targeting them to the

cytoplasm to be degraded by the 26S proteasome (Tsai et al., 2002; Hirsch et

al., 2004). If at some point the cell is overwhelmed with unfolded protein and is

unable to recover, the feedback mechanism facilitates a signal to the apoptotic

pathway from the ER (see introduction) (Yoneda et al., 2001; Zuppini et al.,


So if gentamicin accesses the ribosome resulting in production of misfolded

proteins, it is possible that this event will induce stress in the ER. This possibility

was indeed supported by the fact that a parent compound to gentamicin, the

G418 (a neomycin analogue, well known for its potent protein synthesis

inhibition in eukaryotes by binding the 80S ribosome (Bar-Nun et al., 1983))

have been show to induce apoptosis (Billaut-Mulot et al., 1996) which was

associated to caspase activation resulting from ER stress and cytochrome c

release (Jin et al., 2004). Moreover, the possible induction of ER stress by

gentamicin is also supported by the observations that gentamicin can binds and

inhibits the chaperone activity of calreticulin (Horibe et al., 2004). This protein

functions as a lectin-like chaperone and works as part of the ER quality control

that couples the processing of N-linked glycans with protein folding (Krause and

Michalak, 1997). Furthemore, calreticulin is not the only-chaperone that

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gentamicin can bind, the other ER protein, Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI)

has also be found to bind gentamicin (Horibe et al., 2001; Horibe et al., 2002).

Taking together all these elements, gentamicin could be a powerful ER-stressor

since it can not only produce misfolded proteins and thus induce ER stress but

it can also interfere with chaperones involved in the recovery cellular activated

after mild ER stress.

In our studies, we have also considered the involvement of ER pathway in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis. In a first approach, we have performed

preliminary morphological analyses by electronic microscopy of LLC-PK1 cells

treated with gentamicin 3 mM for 48 hours and have observed an ER dilatation

(see figure 28) which was not observed in control cells (data not shown). This

observation should be analyzed more precisely to assure that this is significant

in comparison to control and should be tested for shorter time of incubation but

also lower concentration of gentamicin.

Figure 28: Electronic micrograph showing a dilatation of the ER in LLC-PK1 cells treated 48 hours with 3 mM of


Based on these observations, we further analyzed if caspase-12, at that time

described as ER specific caspase, was activated in gentamicin-induced

apoptosis by western blot analysis and did not found any detection. This result

was now more easily interpreted since caspase-12, previously described as ER-

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specific (Nakagawa et al., 2000), was not detected in most humans (Fischer et

al., 2002). As our cellular model consist of kidney cell originating from pig it is

probable that this caspase is also absent. Caspase-4 has been proposed to be

ER-stress specific but controversies remain about this issue. Identification of the

functional homologue of caspase-12 in humans and its physiologic significance

in ER-stress induced apoptosis is an important issue yet to be addressed.

2.5.2. Gentamicin could act by altering the 26S


The hypothesis that proteasomal inhibition can be induced by gentamicin in a

direct or indirect way can be supported by our results demonstrating an

increase of ubiquitinated Bax. Indeed, the accumulation of ubiquitinated

proteins has been often associated with proteasome dysfunctions (Jana et al.,

2004; Kazi et al., 2003; Kuhn et al., 2004; Powell et al., 2005). The pro-

apoptotic Bax protein has been shown to be degraded in cells via the

proteasome pathway (Li and Dou, 2000), and it has been shown that the

addition of proteasome inhibitors in Jurkat T cells induces an increase of Bax

but also from its ubiquitinated form. This was observed before mitochondrial

release of cytochrome c into the cytosol and activation of caspase-mediated

apoptosis (Li and Dou, 2000). In the gentamicin-induced apoptosis, we observe

also an increase of ubiquitinated Bax but also of its non ubiquitinated form. This

pattern of accumulation of both form of Bax has also been observed following

incubation of cardiomyocytes with lipofuscin which induce the formation of

oxidized proteins aggregates which inhibit the proteasome (Powell et al., 2005).

The similar accumulation of both form of a protein (ubiquitinated and non-

ubiquitinated ones) seemed not to be protein specific since it is also observed

for other proteins such as p27 (Powell et al., 2005; Nakanishi et al., 2000) but

also for destabilized enhanced green fluorescent protein (d1EGFP), a model

substrate for proteasome with 1-hour half-life (Jana et al., 2004). This suggests

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that it should have a balance between both forms of proteins probably resulting

from the involvement of deubiquitinating enzymes.

But how can we explain the possible proteasome inhibition in gentamicin-

induced apoptosis? (1) As described in the precedent section, Horibe and

colleagues have recently shown that gentamicin can bind to some ER

chaperones but they also observed that it bind to another protein identified as

PSB 9 (proteasome subunit β type-9) (Horibe et al., 2004). PSB9 consists of the

precursor of the proteasome subunit β type-7 which functions to amplify

specific endopeptidase activities of the proteasome and contribute preferentially

to the hydrolysis of hydrophobic and basic substrates (Van Kaer et al., 1994).

So, we can suspect that gentamicin interfere with the proteasomal function. (2)

However, we can not exclude that the alteration of the proteasome activity is

induced by the accumulation of misfolded/unfolded proteins. Indeed, in several

pathologies associated with production of abnormal proteins such as mutant

Huntigton (Bence et al., 2001; Jana et al., 2001), the aberrant ubiquitin UBB+1

(Lam et al., 2000; Lindsten et al., 2002) have been shown to negatively affect

the UPS supporting a role of the proteasome dysfunction in these

conformational diseases. Moreover, impairement of the proteasome as a

consequence of these proteins is indeed usually followed by rapid cell death by

apoptosis (Bence et al., 2001; Lindsten et al., 2002; de Vrij et al., 2001). (3) It

has been recently demonstrated by Menendez-Benito and colleagues, which

have shown that ER stress have a general inhibitory effect on the proteasome

(Menendez-Benito et al., 2005) but the molecular link between both of these

events are not known. (4) And finally, generation ROS has also be associated

with proteasome dysfunction (Ding and Keller, 2001; Okada et al., 1999). In

conclusion, both of these four hypotheses are plausible, since gentamicin has

been show (1) to bind to a precursor of the proteasome (Horibe et al., 2004), (2)

could produce abnormal proteins by interaction with the eukaryotic ribosomes

(Ryu and Rando, 2001), (3) could induce ER stress (Horibe et al., 2002; Horibe

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et al., 2004; Jin et al., 2004) and (4) produce ROS generation (van der Harst et

al., 2005; Walker et al., 1999; Guidet and Shah, 1989).

2.5.3. Gentamicin could directly disturb mitochondria

In the first part of our work, we have firstly demonstrated that mitochondrial

potential was disturbed (after 10 hours of contact with the drug) and later that

cytochrome c was released and caspase-9 activated after 12 hours of

incubation with 2 mM of gentamicin. Thus, mitochondria are involved in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis. In addition, we have analyzed the destabilization

ability of gentamicin on liposomes of composition mimicking lysosomal

membrane, inner- and outer-membrane of mitochondria. Our results showed

that gentamicin destabilized all type of liposomes with decreasing rapidity,

suggesting that gentamicin could activate mitochondria by a direct interaction.

This hypothesis was supported also by the work of Mather and Rottenberg,

which have analyzed the effect of three aminoglycosides, neomycin, gentamicin

and streptomycin on the release of cytochrome c from isolated mitochondria

and if this release relies upon Permeability Transition Pore (PTP) opening. The

release of cytochrome c from mitochondria by aminoglycosides was inhibited by

cyclosporine (an inhibitor of the PTP pores) to various extents, depending on

the antibiotic used. Streptomycin-induced cytochrome c release was almost

completely inhibited by cyclosporine, gentamicin-induced cytochrome c release

was partially inhibited while neomycin-induced cytochrome c release was only

slighty inhibited (Mather and Rottenberg, 2001). These results suggested that

aminoglycosides can induce the release of cytochrome c by directly

destabilizing the outer membrane but also by inducing PTP opening. The ability

of molecules that contain clusters of positive charges (as it is the case for

aminoglycosides) to disturb membrane has indeed been demonstrated for

several cytotoxic peptides produced by insects, bacteria and other organisms

(Hwang and Vogel, 1998) and some of these compounds have also been able

to induce cytochrome c release and subsequent apoptosis (Ellerby et al., 1999;

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Stefanelli et al., 1999). More interestingly, pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2

family and in particular Bax carries a cluster of positively charged residues in its

membrane-insertion domain and this protein has also been shown to destabilize

not only liposomes (Kuwana et al., 2002) but also the cellular mitochondria by

its insertion in this organelle (Antonsson et al., 1997) and/or by interaction with

the PTP (Marzo et al., 1998; Shimizu et al., 1999).

The action of gentamicin on mitochondria is also suspected to be responsible

for the shift of cell response to gentamicin from an apoptotic one to a necrotic

one. Indeed, it has been proposed that the induction of mitochondrial

permeabilization in a small fraction of mitochondria could activate the apoptotic

process, whereas induction of mitochondrial permeabilization in a large portion

of mitochondria could cause bioenergetic collapse and thus ATP depletion,

leading to necrosis. In the case of gentamicin, this could explain the change of

response observed in LLC-PK1 cells treated with increasing concentration.

From 1 to 3 mM, gentamicin induces apoptosis whereas higher concentrations

(4 to 12 mM) induce necrosis. This change of cellular response towards

gentamicin insult has also been observed in electroporated cells suggesting

that reaching a certain cellular concentration, the insult to cell is too high. This

change of response could be attributed to more massive lysosomal

destabilization with the release of high amount of gentamicin.

2.6. What about the evolution of our comprehension of

aminoglycosides nephrotoxicity?

As mentioned earlier, aminoglycosides are clinical important antibiotics due to

their efficacy towards severe and often life-threatening infections caused by

Gram negative bacteria. However, their use is often limited by their toxic

potential in the kidney and in the inner ear. Even if nephrotoxicity of the

aminoglycosides has been widely studied these last decades, the exact

mechanism underlying their toxicity was not clearly identified. Numerous

alterations have indeed been associated to aminoglycosides, and some of them

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arousing controversies. The critical advances made this last ten years on the

aminoglycosides domain may certainly allow the pieces of the puzzle to fall into

place. In this section, we will illustrate which is the evolution of our

understanding of the aminoglycosides nephrotoxicity.

1980-1999: Lysosomal phospholipidosis is a key event in aminoglycosides nephrotoxicity.

Figure 29: Proposed sequence of pathological events occuring in kidney proximal tubular cells after

administration of aminoglycosides at low doses. Note that the relationship between phospholipidosis and

necrosis is not proven.Phospholipidosis had been attributed to the lysosomal phospholipase and

sphingomyelinases inhibition (see insert) (Laurent et al., 1982; Hostetler and Hall, 1982). The pump reflects the

fact that the endocytic uptake of aminoglycosides in lysosomes results in a considerable (100-1000 fold)

accumulation of these drugs over serum ultrafiltrate concentration, and also that this uptake is dose-saturable.

The different levels of containers indicate that the “downstream” phenomenon starts only when the process

occurring “upstream” reaches a critical threshold level. In rats treated with low, therapeutic doses of

aminoglycosides, focal tubular necrosis is compensated for by repair, and no kidney dysfunction is observed. A

major reason for the greater risk of humans, especially old patients, than of animals may be that the

regenerating capabilities are lower or impaired. This illustration has been adaptated from Laurent and Tulkens

(1987). (Laurent and Tulkens, 1987) Insert has been adapted from Mingeot-Leclercq (Mingeot-Leclercq M.P. et

al., 1991).

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The proposed toxic mechanism of aminoglycosides at that moment included: (1)

the uptake of these antibiotics by proximal tubular cells, where they were first

sequestered within the lysosomes and (2) the development of a lysosomal

phospholipidosis, which had been rapidly associated with cell necrosis and

various alterations to subcellular structure and function. Phospholipidosis had

been shown to be attributed to the inhibition of lysosomal phospholipases and

sphingomyelinases (Laurent et al., 1982). Tubular necrosis is often

accompanied by (and probably triggers) tubular regeneration and peritubular

proliferation. The means whereby such tubular alterations eventually caused a

decline in glomerular filtration and hypo-osmotic polyuria had not been

established. Various in vitro and acellular models had been designed to assess

and screen for the nephrotoxic potential of aminoglycosides; of these, method

based on the analysis of aminoglycosides-phospholipid interactions appeared

to be the more meaningful since interaction between aminoglycosides and

membranes and/or enzymes associated to membranes had been often pointed

out. Aminoglycosides indeed neutralize negatively charged liposomes

(Alexander et al., 1979; Chung et al., 1985), they displace calcium from

negatively charged phospholipids monolayers and perturb their surface tension

(Au et al., 1986), but also the phospholipidosis has been explained by the

interaction of aminoglycosides with acidic phospholipids necessary to

phospholipase activity (Mingeot-Leclercq et al., 1990a; Mingeot-Leclercq et al.,


- 154 -


1999-2000: Apoptosis is a key event in aminoglycosides nephrotoxicity.

Figure 30: Ultrastructural alterations induced in proximal tubular cells during aminoglycosides treatment. (A)

Control. Changes detected early on and at low doses (B) consist mainly of the enlargement of the lysosomes,

whoch most likely occurs by fusion of pre-existing structures and which is caused by the progressive deposition

of polar lipids which adopt a concentric lamellar disposition (myelin-like structures, most commonly referred to

as myeloid bodies); the other subcellular structure are usually well preserved. Later changes or changes

observed at high doses (C) include the apparent rupture of lysosomes (with the release of myeloid bodies in the

cytosol), extensive mitochondrial swellingand damage, dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum cisternae,

shedding of theapical brush-border villi, pericellular membrane discontinuities, and the occurrence of apoptotic

nuclei. These alterations do not necesseraly coexist in all cells. This figure originated from Mingeot and Tulkens

(Mingeot-Leclercq and Tulkens, 1999).

The observations that aminoglycosides were able to induce apoptosis, in vivo

and in vitro at doses relevant to clinical situations, had shed new lights on the

early aspects of their toxic mechanisms (El Mouedden et al., 2000b; El

Mouedden et al., 2000a). Apoptosis had been shown not only to be associated

with nephrotoxicity (gentamicin the most nephrotoxic compound studies by El

Mouedden and colleagues had demonstrated to be the greater inducer of

apoptosis) but also to be function of the time of exposure and of the drug

concentrations. In addition, apoptosis-induced by these antibiotics had been

correlated with the cellular drug content. However, phospholipidosis was not

found unambiguously correlated to apoptosis.

- 155 -


2006: Cytosolic gentamicin is responsible for the induction of apoptosis involving the mitochondrial pathway and the activation of caspases. The sequestration of gentamicin in lysosomes could, to some extent, protect cells from apoptotic and necrotic cell death.

Figure 31: Apoptosis-related changes observed in renal cells. The induction of apoptosisoccurs when gentamicin

reaches the cytosol either after its release from the destabilized lysosomes as proposed by our work (Servais et

al., 2005) and/or by a retrograde transport as proposed by Molitoris group (Sandoval and Molitoris, 2004). The

sequestration of the aminoglycosides inside the lysosomes, could rather, in some extent protect cell from

apoptogenic gentamicin. Apotosis induced by gentamicin involved the mitochondrial pathway and Bax and the

activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3. The way by which cytosolic gentamicin induces mitochondrial and caspase

activation is not known but it could involved (1) an alteration of protein synthesis, (2) an ER-stress, (3) the

inhibition of the proteasome or finally a direct interaction of gentamicin with mitochondria. Both of these

events have been shown to activate apoptosis.

- 156 -


The observation that cytosolic gentamicin can induce apoptosis at only low

concentration has brought new elements to explain how this antibiotic induce

cell death and thus nephrotoxicity. Surprinsingly, this also challenged our first

thinking that aminoglycoside-induced cell death should be linked to lysosomal

alterations and defining lysosomes as weapons. However, the lysosomes could

be rather a protection system against harmful aminoglycosides and thus

defining them rather as the cell shield.

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- 158 -



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1.1. Importance of the lysosomal destabilization

Our observations that cytosolic gentamicin induces apoptosis has challenged

our first hypothesis involving lysosomal pathway in gentamicin-induced

apoptosis. However, we can not exclude that this event can contribute to the

cell death by apoptosis and some question remained unresolved. In this

context, it should be interesting to identify which is the mechanism responsible

for the lysosomal destabilization, but also to analyze precisely in gentamicin-

treated cells which are the components released from destabilized lysosomes

and if they contribute to cell death.

To explain the lysosomal destabilization, different hypotheses have been

proposed and this could result from: (1) ROS generation due to the formation of

a very oxidant Fe(II)-gentamicin complex (Priuska and Schacht, 1997), (2) the

direct interaction of the drug with the lipids (Servais et al., 2005), (3) the

interaction of the drug with the chaperones hsp73 involved in lysosomal

functions and stability (Miyazaki et al., 2004; Nylandsted et al., 2004) or finally

(4) the overload of these organites by the drug and/or phospholipids

accumulation (Kishore et al., 1990).

The lysosomal constituents released from permeabilized lysosomes could be

the cathepsins, indeed our experiments have not allowed us to conclude if they

are or not released and involved in gentamicin-induced apoptosis, so further

experiments are needed to answer this question. But besides the cathepsins,

other constituents could also be released such as lactoferrin (Katunuma et al.,

2004) since lysosomal permeabilization seemed not to be specific to one

lysosomal constituent but rather dependent of its size (inferior to 70kDa, Bidere


In this context, another challenging question is the definition of the exact origin

of the cytosolic gentamicin. This could indeed results from the lysosomal

- 160 -


destabilization (Servais et al., 2005) but also from a retrograde transport

through the secretory pathway (Sandoval and Molitoris, 2004). As the delivery

of gentamicin in the cytosol is the critical event in the induction of apotosis, it is

certainly of great importance to know how gentamicin can reach this

localization. However, as both of these pathways are linked to the endocytosis

of gentamicin, this is probably a challenging issue.

1.2. Identification of the cytosolic target of gentamicin

responsible for apoptosis induction.

1.2.1. Production of misfolded protein and inhibition of

protein synthesis by gentamicin.

A. Importance of the interaction between

aminoglycosides and the 18S rRNA

The recent observations that aminoglycosides can also bind to the eukaryotic

ribosome (Ryu and Rando, 2001) but also the observations that low amount of

gentamicin can be localized inside the cellular cytosol (Sandoval and Molitoris,

2004) and able to induce apoptosis (Servais 2006, Antimicrobial Agents and

Chemotherapy, in press) suggest that aminoglycoside toxicity could be

associated with the activity of these antibiotics on the ribosomes. In this context,

it could be very interesting to analyze if protein synthesis is observed before

apoptosis completion in cells treated with gentamicin, and to test if the different

aminoglycosides have different ability to disturb protein synthesis in renal cells

and if this occurs in relation to their nephrotoxicity.

As increasing number of compounds inhibiting protein synthesis have been

show to induce apoptosis (Williams et al., 1997; Shifrin and Anderson, 1999;

Shaw et al., 2005) it could be very interesting to compare the mechanism by

which they are able to induce apoptosis. Indeed, a specific pathway could be

initiated after protein synthesis inhibition involving some specialized cellular

stress sensors.

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B. Importance of the ER stress in gentamicin-induced


Several studies have yet suggested that ER stress can be induced by

gentamicin. Indeed, Horibe and colleagues have demonstrated that gentamicin

can binds and inhibit the chaperone activity of two proteins involved in the ER

quality control: calreticulin (Horibe et al., 2004) and protein disulfide isomerase

(PDI) (Horibe et al., 2001; Horibe et al., 2002). This hypothesis is further

supported by the observation that G418, a neomycin analogue, is able to

induce apoptosis involving an ER stress pathway (Jin et al., 2004).In addition,

the fact that gentamicin can be found in the cytosol and thus able to interact

with the ribosome, inducing then the production of misfolded proteins reinforced

this hypothesis since misfolded or unfolded proteins is a well-defined inducer of

ER stress. In view to all these arguments, the ER stress-pathway leading to

apoptosis is a certainly important hypothesis to be checked.

As the ER pathway of apoptosis is now more detailed, its involvement in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis could be tested by the measure of the

involvement of induced proteins such as CHOP (GADD 153).

1.2.2. Importance of the inhibition of the proteasome in

gentamicin-induced apoptosis:

Our experiments involving Bax and ubiquitinated Bax suggests that the

proteasome could be inhibited in gentamicin treated cells. However, we have no

direct demonstration of this phenomenon and it could be thus of importance to

check if this occurs in our model of apoptosis. This can be tested by the use of

specific substrate of the proteasome determining the different activity of this

complex: the trypsin, chymotrypsin, and post-glutamyl peptidyl hydrolytic-like

activities (Jana et al., 2004).

As discussed in the precedent chapter, different hypotheses have been raised

to explain the proteasome dysfunction: it could result (1) from a direct

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interaction of gentamicin with the precursor PSB9 (Horibe et al., 2004), (2) from

the production by gentamicin of misfolded proteins overwhelming the

proteasome capacity to eliminate these abnormal proteins, (3) from an

activation of an ER-Proteasomal pathways (Menendez-Benito et al., 2005) or

finally from (4) ROS generation (Ding and Keller, 2001; Okada et al., 1999).

As ER stress have been recently associated with proteasomal dysfunction, it

could be interesting to test if this is observed in gentamicin-induced apoptosis

or at the opposite, if the inhibition of the proteasome result from a direct action

of gentamicin with the proteasome.

1.2.3. Importance of mitochondrial targeting of gentamicin

in the induction of apoptosis.

In our first work, we have demonstrated that gentamicin induced an activation of

the mitochondria accompanied by the release of cytochrome c and activation of

caspase-9 (Servais et al., 2005). As mitochondria seemed to be the central

organelle that decide if cell will die or not by apoptosis, its involvement in

gentamicin is certainly of great importance. This has been indeed supported by

the observations of El Mouedden and colleagues showing that the

overexpression of Bcl-2 protects cells from apoptosis induced by gentamicin (El

Mouedden et al., 2000b). However, at this stage, we do not know which signal

is responsible for mitochondrial pathway activation: different possibilities have

been proposed such as the activation of Bax (Servais 2006) but also a direct

interaction of gentamicin (Servais et al., 2005; Mather and Rottenberg, 2001).

In conclusion, the identification of the cytosolic target of aminoglycosides would

certainly help to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying

aminoglycosides-induced apoptosis and the characterization of new

approaches to reduce their nephrotoxicity.

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The research on aminoglycosides activity and nephrotoxicity has been

abundant this last decade. In particular, the identification of the binding site and

the type of interaction of the aminoglycosides with its ribosomal target, the A-

site has revived the race towards the development of new aminoglycosides. Yet

different university groups or industries has obtained patent for some new

aminoglycosides (ISIS PHARM.: US6541456 (2003), ISIS PHARM.:

US6759523 (2004), OPTIMER PHARM.: US20040058880 (2004), THE

SCRIPPS RES.INST.: WO0180863 (2001) or have published promising new

molecules and approaches (Ding et al., 2001; Ding et al., 2003; Yao et al.,

2004; Vourloumis et al., 2002; Simonsen et al., 2002; Simonsen et al., 2003;

Barluenga et al., 2004; Fridman et al., 2003; Chou et al., 2004).

So, in view of all these new compounds, the identification of the exact events

leading to toxicity is of crucial importance. Based on all the studies concerning

the aminoglycosides nephrotoxicity, we can postulate now that their

nephrotoxicity depends on (1) their capture by the kidney cells, (2) by their

ability to induce apoptosis and (3) their ability to reach cellular cytosol.

(1) The mechanism by which aminoglycosides are reabsorbed by kidney

cells is now well established and occurs by receptor-mediated

endocytosis through megalin binding. Indeed, mice with genetic or

functional deficiency of megalin have been shown to be unable to capture

aminoglycosides in the proximal tubular cells but moreover they were

protected towards aminoglycosides nephrotoxicity (Schmitz et al., 2002).

The electrostatical interaction of aminoglycosides with the negatively-

charged phospholipids of the brush border is also an important event in

the aminoglycosides accumulation in proximal tubular cells. This event

was indeed yet suggested to be crucial for nephrotoxicity in the late

1980s by Williams and colleagues which had observed a correlation

between the renal membrane binding and nephrotoxicity of

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aminoglycosides (Williams et al., 1987). This capture of aminoglycosides

and analogues could be yet easily tested by the measure of their capture

in kidney cells.

(2) In 2000, El Mouedden has brought a new important element contributing

in the development of nephrotoxicity by the demonstration that these

antibiotics induced cell death by apoptosis (El Mouedden et al., 2000b; El

Mouedden et al., 2000a). They have indeed associated nephrotoxicity

with apoptosis. In this context, to be able to develop appropriate tests

assessing their pro-apoptotic ability, it is certainly critical to know exactly

how they induce apoptosis and which is the inducing event. In addition,

by our experiments of electroporation, we have demonstrated that it is the

cytosolic drug which induces apoptosis and that only few amounts of

drugs is sufficient to do this. This electroporation approach could be

another manner to evaluate the intrinsic potential of new molecules to

induce apoptosis requiring only low amounts of drugs.

(3) Finally, the identification of the pathway(s) by which aminoglycosides

reach the cytosolic compartment is also of crucial importance since it is

from this localization that they induce cell death. Are they differences in

the lysosomal destabilization between the different aminoglycosides or

are they able to traffic differently through the retrograde secretory

pathway are unresolved but important questions. Thus, this third element

involving cytosolic access of the aminoglycosides should certainly be

taken into account for an appropriate evaluation of the aminoglycosides


So in conclusion, it seems now important to validate such tests (binding to

megalin and accumulation in cells, apoptosis-induction, and accessibility to the

cytosol) with the existing molecules in order to be able to assess appropriately

the nephrotoxicity of the new aminoglycosides. Indeed, even if a reduction of

toxic side effects have been obtained by ameliorating drug administration

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regimen (Once-daily schedule) and by monitoring drug levels, the

aminoglycoside toxicity remains a limiting factor to their clinical use. In addition,

the monitoring is time-consuming and cost effective in an era where drug use

optimization is a real objective.

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La gentamicine est un antibiotique de la classe des aminoglycosides, ils sont utilisés en milieu

hospitalier pour traiter des infections sévères causées par des bactéries Gram-négatif, cependant leur

utilisation est limitée de par la néphrotoxicité quils induisent. Ces antibiotiques sont effet éliminés par

filtration glomérulaire et réabsorbés par endocytose recepteur-médiée par les cellules du tube

contourné proximal du rein. Ils saccumulent ensuite de manière importante au sein des lysosomes de

ces cellules. La démonstration que ces antibiotiques sont capables dinduire une perte cellulaire par

apoptose et cela à des doses correspondantes aux doses cliniques a permis de nouvelles perspectives

quant à lidentification des mécanismes responsables de leur toxicité.

Lorsque des cellules rénales, LLC-PK1 (Lilly Laboratory Cell Pig Kidney type 1) sont incubées en

présence de gentamicine (1 à 3 mM, de 0 à 72 heures), lapoptose se développe en fonction du temps

et de la concentration extracellulaire en gentamicine. La première altération détectée est une

destabilisation des lysosomes dès 2 heures de contact avec la gentamicine, suivie par laugmentation

dune protéine cytosolique, Bax connue pour induire lactivation des mitochondries, celle-ci (mesurée

par la chute de potentiel de membrane mitochondrial) est en effet observée dès 10 heures de contact.

Les mitochondries activées permettent ensuite le relargage de cytochrome c après 12 heures de

contact avec lantibiotique, responsable de lactivation de la caspase-9 observée après 12 heures. Cette

caspase initiatrice va ensuite activée la caspase-3 (caspase exécutrice et responsable de la plupart des

modifications observées lors de lapoptose des cellules) dont lactivité est détectée après 24 heures en

parallèle à la fragmentation nucléaire, caractéristique morphologique des cellules apoptotiques.

La fragilisation des lysosomes engendre un relargage dans le cytosol de composantes pro-

apoptotiques, telles les cathepsines B et D mais aussi probablement de la gentamicine elle-même.

Limplication de la gentamicine a été étudiée en electroporant les cellules LLC-PK1 afin de délivrer la

gentamicine directement dans le cytosol. En effet, dans ces conditions la localisation cellulaire de la

gentamicine est majoritairement cytosolique contrairement à sa localisation après incubation qui elle

est majoritairement lysosomiale. Lélectroporation de quantité très faible en gentamicine (environs 100

fois inférieure à celles requises après incubation) induit de lapoptose alors que lélectroporation des

doses plus importantes (correspondantes à celles requises pour induire de lapoptose dans les cellules

incubées) induit une nécrose massive des cellules LLC-PK1. Linduction de lapoptose est également

accompagnée dune augmentation de la protéine pro-apoptotique Bax, résultant probablement de

linhibition de sa dégradation par le protéasome.

Par ces démonstrations et contrairement à ce que lon pensait initialement, il semble que les lysosomes

jouent plutôt un rôle protecteur en séquestrant des quantités importantes daminoglycosides et cest

probablement uniquement après leur relocalisation dans le cytosol quils sont capables dinduire de

lapoptose par activation de la voie mitochondriale.

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Gentamicin (GEN) belongs to the aminoglycoside antibiotics group. Aminoglycosides are used in

hospitals to treat severe infections caused mainly by Gram negative bacteria. However, even if

important efforts have been made to reduce their nephrotoxicity these three last decades, it remains of

concern to clinicians and it has resulted in a marked limitation in the use of these otherwise potent and

life-saving antibiotics. Aminoglycosides are eliminated by glomerular filtration and reabsorbed by the

proximal tubular epithelial cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Once capture by megalin receptor,

they are finally accumulated inside the lysosomes. The demonstration that these antibiotics are able to

induce cell death by apoptosis in conditions mimicking clinical situations has brought new important

elements for the identification of the mechanism underlying aminoglycosides nephrotoxicty.

The incubation of LLC-PK1 cells (pig renal proximal cell line) with gentamicin 1 to 3 mM for 0 to 72

hours resulted in induction of apoptosis which is time- and drug concentration-dependent. The first

alteration observed in LLC-PK1 incubated with GEN is a lysosomal destabilization significant as from 2

hours of contact with the drug, followed by an increase of the cytosolic pro-apoptotic Bax protein

(significant after 8 hours), known to activate mitochondrial pathway which was detected in GEN-induced

apoptosis after 10 hours of incubation. The activation of the mitochondrial pathway allowed the release

of cytochrome c, which has been observed after 12 hours in parallel to caspase-9 activation. Finally,

caspase-3 was activated after 24 hours and in the same time, nuclear fragmentation (a morphological

characteristic of apoptotic cell) was also detected.

The lysosomal destabilization could allow the release of lysosomal constituents able to induce apoptotic

signalling such as cathepsins but also such as gentamicin itself. The involvement of gentamicin in

apoptotic signalling induction from cytosolic compartment has been tested by taking advantages of the

electroporation technique (delivery into the cytosol of impermeant drugs). This delivery of gentamicin

inside the cell allows us to by-pass the lysosomal accumulation. The electroporation of low amount of

gentamicin was sufficient to induces apoptosis (about 10-100 times inferior to those needed for

incubated cells) whereas electroporation of higher doses of GEN (similar to those needed to induce

apoptosis after incubation) induced a massive necrotic cell death of LLC-PK1. Electroporation of

apoptogenic concentration of gentamicin has also been associated to an increase of Bax protein,

resulting from a decrease of its degradation by the proteasome as suggested by the observation of an

increase in ubiquitinated-Bax.

By those observations and at the opposite of our first though, lysosomes seems to be to be rather

protective by sequestering high amount of toxic GEN, and it is only once released in the cytosol that

they are able to induce proximal tubular epithelial cell death by apoptosis.

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