Lyle was duped into thinking he would make thousands of dollars in a week just by selling...

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Transcript of Lyle was duped into thinking he would make thousands of dollars in a week just by selling...

Vocabra List 20


Lyle was duped into thinking he would make thousands of dollars in a week just by selling banana-flavor bubble gum to little kids.

Morgan duped his older sister into letting him go along to the mall by pretending their mother had asked him to buy something for her there.

Definition: to fool, trick or cheat someone

cantankerousSonya hoped her grandfather would be nicer and more patient after he married Patsy, but she was wrong. He was as cantankerous as ever.

All though the mayor was cantankerous, the committee members still hoped they could reach some agreement with him.

Definition: quarrelsome


Sara’s nephew was so insolent that she hated visiting her sister when he was around.

Mrs. Tucker was the first teacher to stand up to the bully’s insolent behavior.

Definition: boldly disrespectful and arrogant


“Terrell’s mom coddles him too much,” said Carolyn. “He’s such a mamma’s boy!”

“We don’t coddle our recruits!” shouted the drill sergeant. “I don’t care if you have an ingrown toenail! Get in line!”

Definition: to pamper or protect too much

reciprocateAfter Emilio threw her a party, Lindy felt she should reciprocate, so she took him out to dinner.

Alice really liked Jason. She hoped he reciprocated her feelings.

Definition: to return a favor or feeling

A Valentine by Edgar Allan Poe (published 1850)   For her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes,    Brightly expressive as the twins of Lœda,Shall find her own sweet name, that, nestling lies    . Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader.Search narrowly the lines! -- they hold a treasure    Divine -- a talisman -- an amuletThat must be worn at heart. Search well the measure --    The words -- the syllables! Do not forgetThe trivialest point, or you may lose your labor!    And yet there is in this no Gordian knotWhich one might not undo without a sabre,    If one could merely comprehend the plot.Enwritten upon the leaf where now are peering    Eyes scintillating soul, there lie perdusThree eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing    Of poets, by poets -- as the name is a poet’s, too.Its letters, although naturally lying    Like the knight Pinto -- Mendez Ferdinando --Still form a synonym for Truth. -- Cease trying!    You will not read the riddle, though you do the best you can do

verbatimMeg got an F on her research paper because the teacher discovered she had copied it verbatim from the encyclopedia.

“The speaker used my words verbatim and didn’t even give me credit!” complained Sue.

Definition: exactly word for word

diffuseThe light above the table was too bright and harsh. Monica wished she could diffuse it so her eyes wouldn’t get so tired.

As the wind gusted across the sky, the large clouds diffused and slowly moved into the horizon.

Definition: to spread out

pealA peal of laughter filled the room when the comedian made his Jaba the Hut Face.

When it turned midnight, there was a peal from the bell at St. Bernadette’s Church.

Definition: a loud sound


A football field is marked with a white chalky powder at ten-yard intervals.

“The interval between bells is too long,” sighed David as he sat through another endless biology class.

Definition: space or time between two items or events

abhorBonnie abhors spiders and faints at the sight of them.

Jim abhors broccoli and spinach. He would rather eat ice cream.

Definition: to hate or detest


Jamie’s high self-esteem is innate. She was confident even as a baby.

Since both his parents were artists, Sean has an innate talent for drawing.

Definition: having ever since birth; not learned


The dictator believed he was omnipotent – until he was overthrown.

“Around our house, my parents are omnipotent,” said Jo Lynn. “What they say goes.”

Definition: all-powerful