Luther Park 715-656-7244 †  · DEC 4 Glad Tidings Advent Dinner FEB 18-21 or FEB 19-21...

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Transcript of Luther Park 715-656-7244 †  · DEC 4 Glad Tidings Advent Dinner FEB 18-21 or FEB 19-21...

From The Point

Vol. 26, No. 2 A Newsletter for Campers and Friends of Luther Park Fall/Winter 2015-2016

Non-Profi tOrganizationU.S. Postage

PAIDTwin Cities, MN

Permit #514


Luther Park Camping and Retreat Center 30376 Lakes Drive • Danbury WI 54830

715-656-7244 • www.lutherpark.comLuther Park


Tangible & Intangible Gifts p.2

Quilt Auction & Bikeathon ..p.3

2016 Summer Camp Information ........................p.6

Peer Ministry Grant ...........p.6

Refl ections from Northern Ireland ...............................p.7

Retreat Information ...........p.8

Groundbreaking for the Bethel Family and Adult Retreat Center set for 2016!

As I recently helped clear brush for the long-anticipated Bethel Family and Adult Retreat Center, I reflected on my mother’s “Life Lesson” to her five sons, which Pastor Craig Lewis (of Messiah Lutheran in Minneapolis) believed was based on the scripture above. Although my mother’s life ended tragically in a car crash nearly 13 years ago, she always said, “everything will work out and no matter how challenging an event or situ-ation may be, find the positive element and learn a lesson for the future”. This was a good lesson, as in my work life, (along with personal life); living in a continual improvement mode is certainly my goal (although it is common for all of us to occasionally stray from continual improvement). Luther Park has been in a continual improvement realm for its entire existence, which is now in its 57th year since being founded in 1958. In part

A MessageFrom thePresident

David P. ShirleyDEC 4 Glad Tidings Advent DinnerFEB 18-21 or FEB 19-21Scrapbooking & Stamping WKND IMARCH 13 Annual Meeting at Nativity Lutheran Church 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.APRIL 16 Ole & Lena Event Richfield LutheranAPR 28-MAY 1 or APR 29-MAY 1Scrapbooking & Stamping WKND IIJUNE 4-5 Bike-a-thon IJUNE 5-18 Summer Staff TrainingJUNE 19 Summer Camp StartsJULY 15-16 Bike-a-thon IIJULY 16 Open HouseOCT 1 Quilt Auction at Mount Calvary


Complete event information is available online at:

or call 715-656-7244

Artist rendering of the Bethel Family and Adult Retreat Center

Groundbreaking for the long awaited Bethel Family and Adult Retreat Center will take place in 2016. The retreat center is named after Bethel Lutheran Church, whose members provided over $200,000 for the project. While closing the doors of their church, their generous gift was given as a symbol of the parishioners’ desire to open new doors representing Bethel’s long-time ministry. Individuals and families are invited to name other spaces in memory or honor of loved ones or faith mentors.

Naming and Memorial Opportunities in the Bethel Family and Adult Retreat Center

The naming and memorial opportunities include: ■ Retreat Center Wing .............................$200,000 ■ Worship/Gathering Space .......................$40,000 ■ Guest Rooms/Private Baths ....................$25,000 ■ Two Welcome Lounges/Fireplaces .........$15,000 ■ Reception Area .......................................$15,000Gifts of all sizes are welcomed. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Executive Director Joel Legred at 612-987-6628 or

due to life lesson generated challenges, though mostly through Christ’s inspira-tional ministry, Luther Park continues working to improve the experience for campers, retreaters, visitors and staff.

Most of the Echoes readers have not heard the story of my mother’s life les-son. However, many have read (or even heard) of my passion to complete the Bethel Family and Adult Retreat Center, with a vision of better serving Luther Park’s member congregations and visi-tors. With significant financial commit-ments in place to build Phase One of the Retreat Center, the Luther Park Board will monitor groundbreaking for the Retreat Center, which will take place in 2016. In the spirit of Romans 8:28, Luther Park will move forward with the Retreat Center with a good percentage of the construction cost already being com-mitted before breaking ground.

Our faith that things will “all work out” is based on scripture AND the belief that people seeing physical progress on build-ing the Retreat Center will further moti-vate those who love God and the Christ-based mission at Luther Park to finally “get er done”, one phase at a time. Please look at the plans for the Bethel Family and Adult Retreat Center, share in this vision, and pray for the efforts to fund and build the manifestation of continual improvement.

On behalf of the Luther Park Board of Directors, thank you once again for your support and prayers for Luther Park’s Christ-based ministry.

In Christ,

David Paul ShirleyPresident on Behalf of Luther Park

“It will all work out”“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


Luther Park ECHOES From the Pointis published by the Luther Park Corporation, a non-profi t organization affi liated with congregations

of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and other Lutheran congregations, to share the news and ministry of Luther Park Camping and Retreat Center with campers and friends of Luther Park.

The camp is located at 30376 Lakes Drive, Danbury, WI 54830.

Editor /Writer /Designer/Photographer: Janet Nelson/Tom Nelson (

Pictures, information and opinions are welcomed and encouraged. Call or send to:Luther Park 30376 Lakes Dr., Danbury, WI 84830, Phone: 612-987-6628.

YEAR-ROUND STAFF MEMBERS Joleen Clendening, Kitchen Staff Joel Legred, Executive Director Rhonda Demar, Kitchen Staff Anna Treague, Associate Director Joseph Larrivy, Program & Retreat Director


Eric and Marlene Zaraza

The Son’s Reflection“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us.” Ephesians 5:1-2

Luther Park may be a small camp, but our reach is wide thanks to those that God brings into contact with this very special place. One thing that I have learned over the past 20 years that I have been a part of this blessed ministry is that the seeds that God plants in the hearts of youth, adults, campers, retreaters, donors, guests and friends will blossom and grow and one will bump into those blossoms when you least expect it. This has happened to me over and over and that is one of the reasons that Luther Park is such a special place for many others and me. Many of you know that I am in school to become a nurse. Through that schooling, I have had the opportunity to come in contact with a seed that God placed in a heart that has flourished and blessed many.

At the start of my second semester I was greeted with new nursing instructors for the classes that I would be taking. One of them surprised me and said that she had gone to Luther Park on Lake 26 when she was a youth. Wow, how cool was that? As Kirsten and I talked about both our experiences at such a wonderful place, I was blessed to see her remember her experiences and to share in that connection.

Kirsten’s experiences at Luther Park were spread over an 8-year period. She shared with me, “My relationship with God, Jesus and nature were nurtured in ways that I hadn’t conceived possible. The golden rule was heavily encouraged and I brought those life lessons that I learned at Luther Park into my life and career as a nurse.” It is easy to see her faith lived out in her work as a nurse and a nursing instructor.

God gave us Jesus, to show us God’s perfect love. In 2016 we will be learning more about “The Jesus Way.” Join us; join those who have experienced “The Jesus Way” here in the past and all those who will experience “The Jesus Way” in the present and future.

Anna TreagueAssociate Director

A MessageFrom theAssociateDirector

Anna Treague

www.lutherpark.comWrite: 30376 Lakes DriveDanbury, WI 54830-9508

Phone: 715.656.7244Fax: 715.656.3013

The Art Caple Scholarship Fund at Luther Park Bible CampA scholarship fund has been established by Art Caple’s friends at Bethany Lutheran, 3901 36th Ave. So., Minneapolis in honor of his kindness and ongoing witness to God’s love in word and actions. Art was surprised by this acknowledgement on Sunday, July 19 at Bethany Lutheran.

Art was so honored by this scholarship fund. He says that Luther Park has a special place in his heart and a scholarship fund in his name is quite an honor. Art has been going up to Luther Park for many years on retreats, work weekends, and youth mission trips. Many adults have had positive life-changing experi-ences at bible camps and credit those experiences for encouraging them on their faith journey. This scholar-ship fund will help make this camp experience pos-sible to all of our youth.

Congratulations Art!

Fireplace Improvements in the Log House!Thanks to generous donors, Pastor John and Brenda Rogers, the Log House fire-place will be fitted with an insert, which will be much more energy efficient (the heat will go into the room instead of up the chimney).

Pastor John and Brenda have donated $3,000 for the insert upgrade in honor of their parents. Pastor John has had a long history with Luther Park and the camp’s ministry in many ways has blessed the entire family. Luther Park has also been a blessing to the congregations Pastor John has served. Thanks you Pastor John and Brenda!

The Lodge also has a fireplace upstairs and downstairs, which could also use these inserts. This would be a great improvement for these as well. The benefits would be the same as in the Log House. If you are giving a gift to Luther Park in honor or memory of a loved one, consider donating to this to help with the cost of the inserts. The cost is $3,000 per insert.

Donor makes challenge for New Roof on the Lodge!Lets make this happen!Next spring, volunteers will be hard at work renovating the Lodge roof. An anonymous donor has pledged to match the first $5,000 toward the $15,000 cost of install-ing a steel roof on the Lodge. This type of roof would last many more years than a traditional shingle roof. Let us know if you can help us get the match and finish the project. Thank you!

Tangible and Intangible GiftsAre Precious to Luther Park!Luther Park is so very thankful for the many gifts it receives throughout the year. Gifts of cash and stock, gifts of life insurance, gifts from IRAs, gifts of time and talents, and gifts like used vehicles, golf carts, and canoes are a huge blessing to camp.

Many years ago our Board of Directors made a decision to keep the camp open year-round. It’s one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Family camps, couple’s retreats, confirmation weekends, and choir, scrapbooking, golf, and fishing retreats keep our staff busy year-round. People are growing spiritually—winter, spring, sum-mer, and fall!

Luther Park has a policy that no one is turned away from attending camp just because of financial limitations. Scholarship money raised by the Quilt Auction, the Ole and Lena Dinner, Bikeathons and gifts from individual and churches help to defray the cost of attending Luther Park.

Each year, Luther Park receives legacy gifts that donors make possible through their will or estate plans. You also can provide a legacy gift through a life insurance policy or a will bequest. If you have already completed your will, a codicil can be added at a nominal charge.

You can donate on-line at or mail your gift to Luther Park, 30376 Lakes Drive, Danbury, WI 54830l. If you would like to provide a gift of stock, please call 1-800-847-4836. Our account number is 961-7814, and our DTC number is 0226.

For additional information, please contact Joel Legred at 612-987-6628 or email

Do You Have A Car You Can Donate?Donating a vehicle is easy to do, and

you can receive a significant tax savings.

If you are interested in learning more call

Joel Legred at 612-987-6628 or email:

Fall/Winter 2015-2016


On Saturday, October 3, the 25th Luther Park Quilt Auction was held at Mount Calvary in Excelsior. Thanks to the wonderful contributions of quilters from Luther Park’s corporate congregations, their friends and families, a beautiful array of quilts and wall hangings were displayed for the bidders. After a delicious lunch provided by Mount Calvary’s Women, the bidding began! We were again fortunate to have the talented Sarah Jean Knox as the auctioneer. As usual, she led the bidding with enthusiasm and kept the bids moving.

There were a record number of attendees, bidders, and dollars raised at this 25th auction. Over $13,000 was raised for camp scholarships, including a $700 match from the Carver-Hennepin Chapter of Thrivent.

The dedication and creativity of the quilters throughout the years has been the core to the success of these quilt auctions, which have raised thousands of dollars for camp scholarships. Thank you to all who participated in this year’s quilt auction: quilters, crafters, kitchen workers, those who set up and took down, planners, organizers, attendees, purchasers and more. Without you, this would not happen!

Next years auction will be Saturday, October 1st at Mount Calvary. We will be looking for quality double, queen and king size quilts as well as wall hangings and baby quilts. If you are interested in getting involved as a quilter or volunteer, contact Joel Legred at or 612.987.6628.

Bikers pedaled their way to Luther Park this summer to raise money for camperships. The bikers that participated in the first bikeathon included David Shirley, Matt Xiong, Matt Settergren, (Messiah Lutheran), Donald Bergquist (Family of Christ), Gerald Gallati (Nativity), and Linda Sandell. Pat Shirley and Tom Gustafson (Messiah) were the sag wagon drivers.

Bikers that completed a second Bikeathon and arrived at Luther Park at the Open House included Tom Nelson, Ann Tranvik, Riley Unzicker (Elim), Christopher Pollock (Luther Park summer staff), Stafford Gutnecht and Linda Sandell. Sag wagon driver Ellyn Roth-Unzicker (Elim) was assisted by her sons, Rex and Leyton.

Pastor Rich Dahle-Koch and Gregg Ohman from Christ Memorial Lutheran also biked up to Luther Park with donations. Art Caple was their sag wagon driver.

Over $10,000 from these three Bikeathons was raised to help send kids to camp. Remember, Luther Park does not turn away any camper due to finances. Money from fundraisers like this help make this possible. Great job bikers!

Next years Bikeathons are set for June 4-5 and July 15-16. Contact Joel Legred if you are interested in biking on one of these or starting your own. The more the merrier!

Thank you to all involved in these Bikeathons: the riders, support vehicle drivers and the monetary contributors. You are all truly a blessing!

25th Quilt Auction a Great Success at Mount Calvary!

Pedal Power Raises Money for Camperships!

Bikeathon I Bikeathon I I

Fall/Winter 2015-2016

4 5

Fall/Winter 2015-2016







Luther ParkA Place for All Ages...

A Place for All Seasons

Mission Statement

Luther Park is a cooperative ministry of ELCA and other

Lutheran congregations serving people of all ages

through a variety of programs in an outdoor setting.

Our Mission is to provide an environment in which the

Christian faith may be strengthened and people may

grow in their personal relationship to God.

Thank you to the many volunteers and donors for making these memories happen!– Luther Park Board of Directors and Staff


Fees do NOT include transportation to and from the camp. Transportation from Twin Cities area is available for the week of July 24-29. Pickups at House of Prayer (Richfi eld) and Elim (Robbinsdale)If you need transportation for any other week, please contact Luther Park at 715-656-7244

Round Trip: $80(Non refundable)

One-way: $60(Non refundable)

Luther Park Wish List

Listed below are some of the camps current needs. Perhaps you don’t have any of these items on hand, but could give a special gift or a gift in honor or memory of someone.

To contribute toward any of these items, just make a check out to Luther Park and note your wishes and mail to: Luther Park, 30376 Lakes Drive, Danbury WI 54830-9508

URGENT NEEDS3/4 ton pickup truck & Plow1/2 ton snow plowGuitarsReliable passenger car/vanSPECIAL NEEDSBag-less VacuumsNew or gently used deck chairs and tablesSmall refrigerator (dorm style) for the First Aid station Ceiling Fans (new or gently used) for the Welcome Center bedroomsMAINTENANCEChain Saws Four-wheelerWire-Feed welderSolar lights for along pathsWork glovesWeed WhipsKITCHEN Ice packsServing bowls/trays Cake ServersBig frying pansIce makerPROGRAMPortable DVD player with screen Seed beads & pony beadsWhite boards & markers Permanent markers Craft supplies Coloring Utensils (markers, colored pencil, etc.)Bicycle HelmetsBoxes of “duraflame firestart” for starting campfiresCandle WicksFabric for curtains in cabins (16-19 yards needed per cabin) OFFICELaminating sheets for GBC Laminating machineCopy paper (white and colored) Cork board Poster BoardBulletin boards for cabinsHOUSEKEEPINGPillowsNew or gently used Sleeping BagsTwin and Queen Size sheetsFans for cabinsRubber floor mats for inside shower and dressing area

Thanks for these gifts given in 2015!Kitchen Table & ChairsGuitar19 Ole & Lena Silent Auction baskets8 Dolls for the Ole & Lena Silent AuctionShower StallMicrowaveToaster (2)Base Station, cable and battery‘99 Chrysler VanHand held radios (5)19’ Sailboat and TrailerCeiling FanTrail of Grace Crosses

Date Cabin Camp Treehouse Village Canoe Trips Sr. High Leadership

Staff TrainingJune 5-18

WEEK 1June 19-22

Grade 1-4 Snoopers(3 night Camp)

WEEK 1June 19-24

Grade 3-6Grade 7-9

Night Owl Camp*Group Registration


WEEK 2June 26-July 1

Reserved for Good Shepherd– Inver Grove Heights

WEEK 3July 5-8

Grade 1-6 Snoopers(3 night Camp)

Grade 9-12 Leadership Training Intensive

WEEK 4July 10-15

Grade 7-12Grade 3-6

All God’s CrittersGroup Registration


July 16 Annual Open House – All Ages, All Day!

WEEK 5July 17-22

Grade 3-6Grade 7-12

Sailing Camp on Lake Superior

Group RegistrationRequired

WEEK 6July 24-27

Grade 1-4 Snoopers(3 night Camp)

WEEK 6July 24-29

Grade 3-6 Grade 7-12

Night Owl Camp*Group Registration


WEEK 7August 2-5

Reserved for Mount Calvary

Confirmation Camp – Contact Mount Calvary.

*During Night Owl Camp, campers will experience all the fun of a traditional camping session in a whole new way. By staying up late and sleeping in each morning campers will be able to explore wonders of the natural world, its sights, creatures and sounds that often go unnoticed during the day. Night Owl campers sleep late, have breakfast around lunch-time, enjoy lunch at dinner-time, and cook out a delicious meal late in the evening. Games, night hikes, campfires, stargazing, canoeing on the river and crafts will be part of this incredible experience. Christian Education will have a fresh feeling as campers learn more about themselves, God and each other through storytelling and discussion around campfires under the stars.

The ELCA Youth and Young Adult Campaign awarded a $40,000 grant to Luther Park Camp for a partnership with Peer Ministry Leadership that would engage youth leadership in ten congregations.

The congregations participating will be developing youth leadership programs by:■ Learning how to become a Student

Leadership Producing Congregation.■ Training youth in Peer Ministry

Leadership.■ Mentoring adults.■ Connecting with the strength of other

congregations.■ Developing an Early Teen Leadership

group with support of their high school leaders.

2016 Summer Camp–“The Jesus Way”“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us.” Ephesians 5:12

Register by December 31, 2015 and SAVE $50!! Register by March 1, 2016 and SAVE $25! • Register online now!

Fee Schedule: Member *Non-member

3-Night/Snooper Camp $295 $315

Full Week $430 $450

Sr. High Leadership Intensive(Includes one free additional week)

$350 $375

Great Lakes Mission $450 $450

Lake Superior Sailing Camp $525 $525

NOTE: Camper fees shown are subsidized by gift allocations. The actual cost per week is about $600.* Non-member churches are those that are not members of

Luther Park Corporation.

Fees cover meals, lodging and all program materials, except in campground

How to Register:

Go paperless & register online at or printout, complete, sign the registration & health form and return to; Luther Park Camping and Retreat Center

30376 Lakes DriveDanbury, WI 54830

Select a program based on the grade your camper will complete in June 2016.

$200 deposit due upon registration.

Upon receipt of your registration, directions & other camp info will be emailed to you.

Final payment is due two weeks prior to arrival at camp.

Take advantage of early registration discounts

SPECIAL OFFER! Sign up for a second week (of equal or lesser value) for half price.

Check with your church about camp scholarships.

If you have questions, please contact us by phone at 715-656-7244 or email at

Register Early!Some weeks fi ll quickly.

Register by:

December 31, 2015 and Save $50!!

March 1, 2016 and Save $25!

Campground$18 per site/

per night$20 with electricity

Grant Awarded to Luther Park for Peer Ministry Leadership!Grant Awarded to Luther Park for Peer Ministry Leadership!■ Having youth use caring, welcoming

and affirming skills throughout their community.

■ Receiving direct youth ministry coach-ing from Peer Ministry Leadership.

“Youth are either leading or they are leaving!”

“Every youth needs to hear the words ‘We need you!” at least twice a year.”

Quote from Lyle Griner,Director of Peer Ministry Leadership”

There are a limited number of churches that may participate in this wonderful opportunity for their youth. Some have already agreed to be a participant in this program. If your church is interested, please contact Joel Legred at or at 612-987-6628.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the youth of our congregations and Luther Park!

Fall/Winter 2015-2016


Hello from Northern Ireland! Today it has been 90 days, 90 days since I waved Luther Park goodbye for another year. It is never an easy objective but as an international counselor I think the odds are stacked, when that plane you’re on hits the runway I realize I am home with family and friends but I also realize I am far away from home, family and friends!

I remember arriving at the Minneapolis Airport striving for an adventure, which would stretch me and build me up for the person God wanted me to be…let’s just say I underestimated what God would do. On my arrival, I was greeted by a couple, Tom and Janet Nelson. Twenty-four hours after “taking the mick” (A Northern Ireland phrase for winding up and having good fun-btw smash burger was awesome!) Luther Park staff and strangers at the time stopped what they were doing and came over and gave me the completely greatest welcome! I got my heavy “rucksack” (as in backpack for you Americans) and this guy called Phil offered to carry it down for me to my new home away from home. Tom and Janet, Anna, Phil, Ben, Pete, Marcia, Craig, and Leah are just some of the people I call

Reflections from Northern IrelandChristopher Pollock is an International Counselor from Northern Ireland. This was his second summer here at Luther Park. Below is an excerpt from an article he sent for the Echoes. You can read his article in its entirety on Luther Park’s web page at Thank you, Christopher, for this!


family—that is what Luther Park does—create family. People are so vital to our life journey.

Luther Park is a spectacular place, amaz-ing scenery over the lake, the outdoor wilderness, the trails that wind on into the forest, and the lodge—but people make Luther Park!

I may leave Luther Park, but Luther Park will never leave me – it is what keeps drawing each of us back year after year!

See you later fam! Chris Pollock

Luther Park was blessed with beautiful weather as supporters gathered for the Open House on July 18. Early arrivals enjoyed coffee and rolls as they chatted with old friends camp staff while waiting for the outdoor worship service to begin.

As more guests arrived, everyone gathered for worship in the beautiful outdoors. A service of praise, songs, skits, and communion was led by the Luther Park staff and Pastor Scott Stai. Pastor Stai and his wife Tia were on the year round staff of Luther Park in the 1990’s. Their son Matt was on staff this past summer.

Outstanding Christian Service Award recipients, Katrin Betker and Shirley BergslienThis summer, Luther Park is excited

to offer a week-long sailing adventure on Lake Superior. During the week of July 17-22, 2016, campers will have the opportunity to learn and use many essential sailing skills including: Safety, Communications, and Navigation as well as the physics involved in sailing. The trip will be based out of Madeline Island and will also include time hiking, swimming, and camping. Luther Park would like to thank John Pearson and Brenda Grensch for donating their time and offering to have campers and staff aboard their 37-foot sailboat, Audentia. This will surely be a week to remember. For more information call Joel Legred at 612-987-6628 or email:

Lake SuperiorSailing Camp


Summer Open House Celebrates “A Love That Never Ends”

At the conclusion of this inspiring outdoor service, special awards and recognitions were presented. Katrin Betker and Shirley Bergslien, Mount Calvary both received the Outstanding Christian Service Award and Sharon Miller was honored for 25 years of service for producing the Echoes newsletter.

Guests were then treated to an amazing lunch, provided by cooks Rhonda DeMars and Arlene Miller. They are awesome!

Camp tours (including the Prayer Labyrinth Garden, and the Trail of Grace crosses) pontoon boat rides, paddleboat, canoes, swimming, and shopping at the canteen are some of the activi-ties the open house guests enjoyed.

Mark your calendars for the 2016 Open House on July 16! Hope to see you there!

Fall/Winter 2015-2016

Luther Park is a great place for a variety of retreats. All types of groups

are invited - youth, men, women, quilters, confirmands and families

to name a few-to head up to the North Woods for a relaxing/exciting

weekend. Mid-week retreats are also welcome for a reduced rate and

retreat planning assistance is available.

“Our fall weekend retreat at Luther Park was so relaxing! It was full of laughter,

friendship, autumn walks, and great food! A wonderful place to get away for

a weekend!”

Elim Women’s’ Weekend Retreater

Here are some upcoming programmed retreats at Luther Park:

Scrapbooking and Stamping Retreat Weekends

■ Winter Scrapbooking and Stamping Weekend I,

February 18-21 or February 19-21, 2016

■ Spring Scrapbooking and Stamping Weekend II,

April 28-May 1 or April 29-May 1, 2016

■ Fall Scrapbooking and Stamping Weekend III,

November 10-13 or November 11-13. 2016

Scrapbooking Retreat Costs

■ Thursday-Sunday Option $125.00

■ Friday-Sunday Option $95.00

To register, please complete the attached form and return it with your

$50.00 deposit to: Scrapbooking & Stamping Weekend, Anna Treague,

30376 Lakes Drive, Danbury, WI 54830

Watch for more retreats that may be added this Winter and Spring. And remember-you can choose your own times and program your own retreats. Luther Park will be happy to assist you in anyway! Just ask!Questions? Please call Retreat Host Joseph Larrivy at 715-656-7244 or

e-mail to book a retreat or to see what

opportunities Luther Park can provide for your next retreat.

Remember, Luther Park is not just for summer activities! We are open

year round. Join us for some fun, fresh ideas to jazz up those winter

blues. Bring a friend, church group, or come alone. Don’t miss out on

a great winter weekend!


Retreater(s) Name(s): ____________________________________ Age: ______ Gender: ____________

Spouse (If applicable): ____________________________________ (optional for adults)

Registering for:

☐ Winter Scrapbooking & Stamping Weekend I; Feb 18-21 or Feb 19-21, 2016 (Circle length option)

☐ Spring Scrapbooking & Stamping Weekend II; Apr 28-May 1 or Apr 29-May 1, 2016 (Circle length option)

☐ Fall Scrapbooking & Stamping Weekend III; Nov 10-13 or Nov 11-13, 2016 (Circle length option)

Congregation: __________________________ Names of preferred roommates(s): ___________________

Address: ______________________________ City: _______________ State: ____ Zip: _____________

Home Phone: ________________ Work Phone: ________________ Email: ________________________

Emergency Contact: __________________________ Emergency Phone: __________________________

Weekend Fees: Thursday option is $125 and Friday option is $95 per person

Total Price: _____________________ Please send a deposit of half the total amount when registering.

Deposit Amount: _______________

Method of Payment:

☐ Check/Money Order: Make Payable to Luther Park Camping & Retreat Center

☐ Visa ☐ Master Card ☐ Discover ☐ AMEX

Acct. # _______________________________________________________Exp _____________________

CSC #(3 or 4 digit number on card) _______ Signature _________________________________________


I understand that unless I provide separate written notice, photos taken of myself at camp may be used for

camp-approved publications such as the Luther Park Echoes. Please list ALL allergies & dietary restrictions

so we are better able to provide you with the best service possible.



Signed: ____________________________________________________ Date _____________________

• Start your tour at the Welcome Center. That name describes our philosophy: All are welcome; all are loved by God; all are children of God.

• Travel down the road a bit and find the Lodge which means “meeting place” for 40 congregations and visitors for over 56 years.

• The new Bethel Adult and Family Retreat Center will be

A MessageFrom theExecutiveDirector

Joel Legred

Announcing 2015-16 Programmed Retreats


To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change


~Winston Churchill

What’s in a name at Luther Park?“God names all the stars” (Psalm 147:4)

constructed across from the lodge. Bethel means “God is in this place”. What a true statement about our camp.

• On the hillside every cabin is named after a tree: Maple, Ash, Fir, Birch, Hickory, Pine, Oak, and Elm. Our congregations take care of the cabins. Elm Cabin for example is cared for by Elim Lutheran. Elim means “oasis by the water”. How fitting as

their camp has over 2,000 feet of lakeshore.

• Following the trail around the lake, you will arrive at Treehouse Village where each of the tree-houses is named after an animal or bird - Loon, Deer, Eagle, and Wolf. Reminds of the song “All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir”!

• Here in this place we celebrate the name above all names: Jesus Christ, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

• We invite you to come and be refreshed in this oasis where God is present and all are welcome!

In Christ’s service,

Joel Legred Executive Director

One of the ten crosses on the Trail of Grace.

Luther Park Retreat MinistryA review of future retreat events for campers, retreaters and friends of Luther Park.For more information contact Retreat Host, Joseph Larrivy at 715-656-7244; email:


Luther Park Retreat MinistryA review of future retreat events for campers, retreaters and friends of Luther Park.For more information contact Retreat Host, Joseph Larrivy at 715-656-7244; email: