Lunchables Update Pamphlet2.0

Post on 04-Nov-2015

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My pitch book for new Lunchables redesign

Transcript of Lunchables Update Pamphlet2.0

  • LunchablesS T Y L E G U I D E


  • Table of Contents

    Redesign Plan

    Style Guide

    Package Design

    Photo Comparison


  • Redesign Product Lunchables

    Target AudienceChildren and Young Adults aged 5 to 30

    Brief HistoryLunchables have been in the market since 1988 and have used the same packaging design since then. The purpose of the Lunchable was to save time for moms who had to pack lunches for their kids. The target audience has always been elementary to junior high aged kids, but my redesign will be targeted towards adults 18-34, and will help them save even more time.

    The PlanLunchables packaging is designed so that the person eating it makes the cracker sandwich themselves, The new design will eliminate this process. The packaging will be can shaped, and the cracker sandwiches will be separated. The idea is that you will be able to slide the crackers out. Also the product itself will change from low quality meat/cheese/crackers to a higher quality.

  • Style GuideColors

    YellowCMYK: 2 6 87 0RGB: 246 226 78HEX: f6e24ePantone: 114 C

    BlueCMYK: 100 79 16 3RGB: 45 77 137HEX: 2d4d89Pantone: 7686 C

    Fonts: PackagingHarry ThinArialArial BoldThe Lunchable logo and lunch description will use the Harry Thin font, it will also be used in advertisements. Other text such as ingredients or nutritional facts will use Arial and Arial Bold.

    CMYK: 5 15 97 0RGB:244 207 27 HEX: F4CF1BPantone: 115 C

  • Style GuideLogo

    The colored logo should be used whenever possible. The black and white version should only be used absolutely necessary (BW copies, fax, etc.). On packagin the size of the logo should be (W) 0.8353 in by (H) 3.2009 in. In documents sized at 8.5x11 the logo should be (W) 6.0569 in by (H) 1.7315 in.

  • Package Design

  • Photo Comparison

  • Magazine Ad
