Lunar Report 1 month

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Transcript of Lunar Report 1 month

Your Reading - Missie Luewis, May 15, 1969 - 08:00 - Chelsea , United Kingdom

Lunar Report 1 month

Missie, Taurus

Born May 15, 1969 @ 08:00Chelsea , United Kingdom

Created the 28th Sep 2021

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Lunar Report 1 month*** LUNAR RETURN REPORT ***

The Lunar Return is a monthly chart calculated for the time when the Moon returns to the exactposition it was in your natal chart. This happens every twenty-eight days; there are thirteen LunarReturns in a year. These charts mark the principal events of the month for which the return wasproduced.

This report outlines possible events for that month and also gives some suggestions on how to dealwith the positive as well as negative planetary aspects.

In some cases you will find contradictions; a planet may be beneficial in a certain area, whileothers may indicate the opposite. This means that you could have two types of situations in the samemonth. For example: a lover's quarrel and a following reconciliation. To get the most out of thisreport, it will be necessary to use your own logic and intuition, fitting the descriptions outlined hereto your own particular case.

The objective of this report is to offer you a practical guide that helps you to analyze this month'sperspectives and to benefit from them using your free will. Note that the accuracy of thesecalculations depends much on how precisely your hour of birth is known.


Sun 24 Tau 16 Neptune 27 Sco 26

Moon 12 Tau 14 Pluto 22 Vir 30

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Mercury 11 Gem 46 Asc. 9 Can 17

Venus 14 Ari 41 MC 5 Pis 53

Mars 14 Sag 47 2nd cusp 25 Can 05

Jupiter 26 Vir 12 3rd cusp 12 Leo 44

Saturn 1 Tau 54 5th cusp 10 Lib 11

Uranus 0 Lib 06 6th cusp 27 Sco 43

May 15, 1969 8:00

Lunar Return for: Chelsea, England 51 N 29 0 W 10

Aspects and orbs:

Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min SemiSextile : 2 Deg 00 Min

Opposition : 6 Deg 00 Min SemiSquare : 2 Deg 00 Min

Square : 6 Deg 00 Min SesquiQuadrate: 2 Deg 00 Min

Trine : 6 Deg 00 Min Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min

Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min

LUNAR RETURN: September 24, 2021 at 13:49:54

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Lunar Return Ascendant Sagittarius :

You have a need to expand your personal growth and to attain more freedom. Your optimism,happiness and desire to conquer will increase. A month of adventure and general enthusiasm. A tripabroad is also possible.

Asc in 6th natal house:

Your occupational situation is emphasized. You may have the desire to produce more or toimprove your working conditions. Don't neglect your health this month, it would be a good time tostart a diet.

Lunar Return MC Libra :

A month of harmony and balance in your professional world. Forming an association or solving alegal litigation is possible. Romantic problems could affect your professional life. There could befights, disagreements or general tension in your home because of authoritarian or disciplinarianproblems.

MC in 5th natal house:

You are likely to become more creative through your professional activity. Social events related toyour profession are possible.

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Moon in 5th house:

This is an important month for love. You are likely to receive invitations and tend to go out morethan you usually do. If you have a stable relationship, you may have to face some scenes of jealousybecause of your magnetism and the people who fall in love with you.

There is great interest in sports, education, children, games of chance, investments or pleasures ingeneral. Luck in games of chance or speculative businesses could also be possible.

Moon Conjunct Uranus:

This influence will be in effect for several months and could produce changes in your dailyroutine. You are likely to become very restless, nervous, fidgety and unpredictable. You have a greatneed for new experiences and more personal freedom.

It is a time of surprises and unexpected events. There is a possibility of meeting new people,taking a sudden trip, or a change or break in your romantic life. You are strongly attracted to theforbidden and scandal or hard criticism in your family is possible.

Moon Opposition Venus:

During this month you will eagerly search for pleasure and harmony. This could lead to animbalance in your emotional as well as your economical sphere. Moderate your expenses to avoidunnecessary debts. There is a tendency to act on a whim. Problems in your romantic life are possible.

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Jealousy and possessiveness could occur, or you may get involved in the wrong kind of relationshipsthat could subject you to gossip or public scandals.

Moon Square Saturn:

You may feel very lonely and depressed during this month. Your social life is likely to be limitedand you could be plagued by negative thoughts and emotional frustration.

You may have to deal with painful affectionate situations such as deceptions, separations, orindifference on the part of your loved ones. The feeling of romantic failure will be very strong. It is atime to meet with karmic debts. Domestic problems with older people or those who have authorityare also possible.

Lunar Return Asc. conjunct natal Mars:

Your basic impulses to fight and defend yourself will surface. Watch your impulsive andaggressive responses, because that could generate problems or hatred because of it. There is atendency to fight, argue and to suffer burns or accidents.

Lunar Return 4th cusp conjunct natal Venus:

A month of harmony in your home. You could be concerned with the embellishment of your homeand may buy some new furnishings. Your social life is likely to be bound to your home and youprobably will entertain your friends there.

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Lunar Return 5th cusp conjunct natal Moon:

You tend to be deeply moved by the love you will receive from others. Your mood is likely tofluctuate and will depend on the happiness you find in your environment. You may become moreprotective of the people you love, especially children. You could have endless fantasies andcreativity which could indicate a very productive month, if use them in your daily activity.

Lunar Return 12th cusp conjunct natal Neptune:

You are inclined to adopt an escapist attitude toward problems that may overwhelm you. If youhave a bad habit already, it could induce you to run away from your own reality. You have to becareful with alcoholic beverages or drugs, because that will be your principal temptation. You couldbecome hypersensitive and may frighten easily. Try to stay objective and determine the differencebetween reality and imaginary.

Lunar Return Sun conjunct natal Uranus:

The authority of your father or other people tends to bring out your more rebellious andunconventional nature. You are likely to respond in an abrupt or final way.

Sun in 9th house:

You have a great desire to surpass your own limits, mentally as well as physically. On one hand,

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you may want to increase your knowledge and take up studies or intellectual activities that alwayswere of interest to you. On the other hand, you may want to take a trip abroad. During this monthyou could find many answer about life. Meditating or attending religious services would be verybeneficial.

Mercury in 10th house:

During this month you are likely to make plans to improve your status and may take upcommercial studies, courses or practical applications that will help you accomplish this.Communication with your superiors will improve. Problems related to papers, procedures,documents or written materials could take up much of your time, leaving you less time for otherimportant aspects of your work.

Venus in 11th house:

You are likely to enjoy the company of your close friends and will receive much affection fromthem. This position favors public activities such as conferences, business meetings, etc. You tend toproject a very favorable image that will reflect the same response from others. If you are notinvolved with anyone, you may begin a friendship that could turn to romance later on. Lovemanifests among your friendships at this time.

Mars in 9th house:

There could be disagreements or conflicts in your religious belief. You may want to defend andstrongly impose your beliefs on others while rejecting theirs. Regarding your family, possibledisagreements with brother-in-laws are possible.

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Be very cautious while traveling during this time, as this influence generates problems andtensions when visiting foreign countries.

Jupiter in 2nd house:

There is a possibility of earning more money and being lucky in general. You may spend morethan you earn, however, so try to moderate your expenditures.

Saturn in 2nd house:

Try to be very careful with your investments, businesses and expenses during this period. There isa tendency to suffer losses, delays in collections or difficulties in carrying out financial projects. Atime of financial insecurity during which you will learn the importance of saving and planningahead.

Uranus in 5th house:

There is a possibility of sudden and unexpected romances, although they will be fleeting.Surprises and changes in your love life are indicated. This influence also increases your creativity.

Neptune in 3rd house:

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You may find it difficult to concentrate on practical matters during this month. You tend tobecome more romantic and inspirational. Problems caused by confusion, misunderstandings or envybetween brothers and sisters, other relatives or neighbors could arise. There is a possibility of a shorttrip by boat or to places that are related to water.

Pluto in 2nd house:

A month of great changes in your economy. There could be possibilities for new means ofincome, but these will presuppose changes in your way of living. These anticipated changes alsocould produce losses or setbacks that force you to explore new strategies for your future.

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