Lucas petrel

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Lucas petrel



The leach’s storm petrel usually stay in group. Their habitat is warm, offshore islands, coast of islands, and open oceans.


The leach’s storm petrel comes in all shapes and sizes. Their average wingspan is 8-20 inches. Also they have slim legs and webbed feet. You may not think this is a leach’s storm petrel but you can tell by the tubenose.

DIET: This picture shows a leach’s storm-petrel fishing for its favorite snack. Crustaceans, small fish, lantern fish, and goose barnacles.

Relatives: This picture shows a Wilson storm-petrel. The leach’s storm-petrel has many relatives including Wilson petrel, Ashy petrel, and last black petrel

REPRODUCTION:Leach’s storm-petrel lay one white egg each year. The chicks hatch in August and are twice the weight in September.

ENEMIES: These are two of the leach’s storm-petrel enemies. Left: gull. Right: Skuas. Both of these birds are very vicious.

PROTECTION:This picture is a leach’s storm-

petrel is being held by a human. They are getting lots of protection. From the government to less water pollution


. They think they are eating fish but its really trash.Boats have gasoline leaks and the birds can get caught in oil. They eat sick fish. If the fish die, they die from parasites.

INTERESTING FACTS:They have an average lifespan of 20 years but one was recorded to live 36 years. Also they were named after a British zoologist name William Ellford Leach.