Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011

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  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


    Lucan Sarsfields

    Camogie newsletterIssue Nov

    2011 - A year to remember

    Records broken, history in the making, it was certainly a great year for Lucan Sarsfields.

    With our senior team winning the Senior B league and Championship, Inters winningleague and shield, Minors winning back to back championships in same year and juvenile

    teams winning every A championship and league, the future is very bright. Thanking the

    club The Camogie section would like to thank the executive of Lucan Sarsfields for making

    the 12th Lock available for the weekend thereby giving us the opportunity to host all juvenile

    county championships on 22nd/23rd Oct 2011. Thanks to club PRO Garry Beagan who did

    a great job organising the programme for the weekend and keeping everything on

    schedule, the volunteers who prepared pitches, manned the car parks, worked the tea

    shop and helped with the many other tasks that needed doing over the course of the two

    days to ensure Lucan Sars- fields was showcased in a positive light to the GAA communityin Dublin.


    " Moriarty Group

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  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


    U13A Championship

    Lucan 3-8 Naomh Brid 0-1

    Lucan U A camogie girls played like there was no a cloud in the sky as they comprehensively

    delivered the third leg of the juvenile camogie clea sweep on Sunday last. Delivering on the big

    day has b - come a ha mark of this young team, and true to for they rarely put a foot wrong.

    defending their status as Dublin champions against a brave and resolute Naomh Brid team.

    Lucan Team & Scorers: Nicole Fitzgibbon, Alanna Porter, Emma O Flynn, Aine Keher, Claire

    Leonard, Meabh Dowler, Julie Ke y, Orlaith Murphy ( - ). Gemma Berry, Katie Feeney, Jessica

    Condron (Capt.), Grainn Eley ( - ), Abbey O Nei , Samantha Fitzgerald ( - ), Saoirse Byrne ( - ),

    Danni Be , Kate Britton, Emily McIntyr

    Dublin U14A Championship

    Lucan Sarsfields 3-13, Oliver Plunketts 5-2 To fu y appreciate the joy of winning championships,

    a team first has to feel the pain of losing. These Lucan u girls have been forged by the

    disappointment of losing out narrowly in an A -Ireland Community Games final and a Dublin Feile

    final over the past months. Their desire to win this championship was palpable om th outset,

    scoring goals and points in the four champi- onship matches that culminated in Saturdays

    triumph. A fitting reward for a wonderful U camogie tea Lucan Sarsfields: Jenny Ryan, Sadhbh

    Byrne, Meabh Dowler, Orlaith Murphy, Gemma Berry, Amy Gorman, Jessica Condron, Ciara

    Casey ( - ), Jane Doran, Laura O Mahony ( - ), Amy Conroy ( - ), Grainne Eley ( - ), Charlotte

    Rooney ( - ), Sarah Boland ( - ), Eimear Murray ( - ), Samantha Fitzgerald, Courtney Clarke,

    Orla Carro , Niamh Murray


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  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


    Dublin U15A Championship

    Lucan Sarsfields 7- 07 Oliver Plunketts E.R 1- 04 This was an eagerly awaited and anticipated

    day. The U A, U A and U A had already, a won their respective Championship finals on the


    eekend so the pressure was on. The girls delivered in style.

    Lucan: J. Ryan, R. Leonard, A. Flynn, A. Gorman, N. Byrne, A. Clancy, C. Casey, AM

    Courtney, O. Moloney, A. O Connor, O. Beagan, N. Power, C. Devereux, L. Morrissey, A.

    Conroy, M. Ward, Aoife Greene, S. Boland and C. Rooney. U16A Championship

    Lucan 2-7 St Vincents 1 - 6 That famous proverbs If a first you do not succeed, try, try again

    could we be written for Lucans U camogie team for a er suffering a few heart- breaking defeats in

    championship finals, they fina y reached the promised land on defeating their great juv - nile

    camogie rival St. Vincents on their home pitch to claim juvenile camogies blue riband title to add

    to th league title won earlier in the month. This was a match that had thri s and spi s galore,entertainment om firs to last whistle played in a great spirit in ont of th large crowd of appreciative

    supporters om both teams. Lucan: Jenny Ryan, Shannon Clarke, Rachael Kenny, Niamh

    Byrne, Kate Whyte, Ailbhe Ryan, Annemari Courtney, Claire Rigney, Orla Beagan, Amber O

    Connor, Laura Morrissey, Ailshe Dowling, Lauren Malone, Ci- ara Sheehan, Orla Moloney, Aoife

    Flynn, Aoife Clancy,

    Niamh Power, Amy Gorman, Sinead O Keeffee.


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  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


    Player Profile - Emer KeenanEmer is captain of Lucan Sarsfields Senior B team and and also represents players on the

    clubs executive. Name : Emer Keenan Fav Sports star: Katie Taylor - what an athleteFavourite Holiday Location: Banagher, Westport or Cork!!! Favorite book: I've a book from

    when I was younger that my sister got made for me. It's a children's story, and still makes

    me smile now! Favorite movie: Shrek Favourite food: Home made lasagne Sports tip:

    Always work hard, don't expect the team mate beside you to chase after a ball or a player -

    do it yourself, because if you are not prepared to work hard why should the players around

    you. Fav moment in sport: Has to be from the 2011 Camogie Season, to pick one moment

    is tough!! But I think the final whistle of our Senior B Championship Final....que madness -

    no better way to end a fantastic season )

    Favorite songs 1 Journey - Don't Stop Believing 2 Patricia the Stripper (as sang byJMcG!!) 3 Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory

    Favourite movies 1. Waking Ned Devine 2. The Commitments 3. The Snapper


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  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


    : Senior Camogie

    2011 was the year when the great promise shown by our senior team over recent seasons

    became an exciting reality. Fielding a mix of established players and some from juvenile

    ranks, we went unbeaten in the 9-team Senior B league, then achieved a similar standard

    in Senior B champi- onship, beating 2010 champions, St Vincents' B in the final on Aug

    27th. A strong showing in the Senior A Summer Cup is also very encourag- ing for the

    future, following this most successful year ever for adult camogie in the Club, as we look

    forward to taking our place in Senior A league and championship in 2012. During 2011, 3

    of our players - Sinad O'Toole, Marie Moynihan and Alison Twomey - were very effec- tive

    representatives of the Club on the Dublin senior camogie panel. We look forward to con-

    tributing many more players to Dublin teams of the future.

    Inter A Camogie The intermediate Camogie players are hard- working ambitious skilful

    girls who love to win. In 2011 we continued our winning streak with a 3rd in a row league

    title. We were all hugely dis- appointed when we were defeated in the cham- pionship this

    season however the girls perse- vered, kept training and won the shield. This was not their

    ideal goal but an achievement in itself. A warning to all their opposition that they are going

    to come back fighting next year and bring the championship cup back to Lucan.

    Further success off the field was the introduction of 3 new little supporters. Congratulations

    to three of our players Clair Barry and Gillian Flannery who became first time mothers this

    year and to Marie McLoughlin on the birth of her second lovely son. We hope to see the

    little ones following in their mothers footsteps wear- ing the Lucan jersey soon


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  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


    Inter B Camogie

    For the first time in its 125 year span, Lucan Sarsfields has three adult camogie teams.

    This is remarkable. For our fledgling Inter Bs to have survived their first hard summer is

    momentous. We even won a match. Trinity, Raheny and Lif- fey Gaels were just far too

    good though and put us firmly but gently in our place. We look for- ward to 2012 with huge

    relish because our won- derful 1996 girls will arrive as mass reinforce- ments having been

    ineligible this year under the Children's camogie Act 2011. There's even some wild talk

    now about a fourth team. Time enough.

    Minor Camogie:

    Back to Back champi- onship titles in 2011, where Lucan beat Na

    Fi- anna in Parnell Park in a thrilling final.


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  • 7/27/2019 Lucan Sarsfields Camogie Newsletter 1 - Nov 2011


    The future is bright

    The sheer number of girls involved in Lucan camogie is staggering.

    In 2011 there were 270 juvenile camogie registrations, a further 60 six year old girls in

    camo- gie nursery and 62 registered adult players. Thats almost 400 camogie players in


    The highest numbers are at U8 to U12 where 200 of these girls are enjoying the stress-free

    Go Games environment. The huge improvement in skill in the pre-teenage years among

    Lucan girls is probably down to the Go Games ideals. When we wonder about our

    individual and collective progress, the units of measure are not in terms of leagues or

    matches won. The real- ity is much simpler and more visible. Its gauged by individual skills,

    numbers of players turning up and the happiness index. Winning and competing comes

    along later.....all in good time.

    Schools Camogie

    There are now 13 primary schools playing camogie in Lucan. The old nurseries of Scoil

    Mhuire GNS, Scoil Aine and Scoil Mhuire Woodview have been challenged in recent years

    by Archbishop Ryan, Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig, St Andrews and Lucan Educate Together.

    Another new wave has now arrived and we are being blown away by the enthusiasm of

    Gaelscoil Eiscar Riada and the three new Educate Together schools - Griffeen Valley ET,

    Lu- can East ET and Esker ET. Of course, the advent of the Adamstown schools

    Adamstown Castle ET and St Johns has completely changed the camogie landscape

    and taken us all out of our comfort zone. Suzanne Casey and her Primary Schools team

    have shown remarkable initiative in gathering them all for camogie purposes thereby

    guaranteeing the camogie pro- duction line for many years to come. Their First Class blitz

    initiative was arguably the clubs most important camogie achievement in 2011 as it

    guarantees the supply lines into the future. The day the first class blitz ceases is the day the

    Golden Years come to an end. This is the Lu- can camogie bedrock.

    The clubs overall primary school camogie blitzes for the Caroline McKeown Cup were won

    by Scoil Mhuire GNS and for the Elaine Kelly Cup by Scoil Mhuire Woodview respectively.

    Five local second level schools took part in the College blitz here in the spring and thoseschools especially St Josephs, Colaiste Cois Life and the Community College are now

    starting to really compete nationally. There are big days ahead for Lucan schools. The

    domi- nance of the Lucan girls on the club scene is now being replicated in the colleges


    So, youre hurling every day, girls. Maybe thats the secret !

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