
Post on 03-Apr-2016

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450 years ago, on April 23, 1564, was born in Stamford, England, William Shakespeare, writer, poet and playwright who shaped the modern man. It may seem an exaggeration, but it is not. This is the thesis that the literary critic Harold Bloom argues. For him, are what we are today thanks to such works as "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet", "3rd Ricardo", "Dreams of a Summer Night," "The Tempest," "King Lear," "Macbeth" and other parts 31 and 154 sonnets of the English bard. Joo Cezar de Castro Rocha, professor of literature at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, explains that this influence mainly of scenes that expose the consciousness of the characters comes. However, the impact of Shakespeare is not just in the abstract. "It became a kind of universal language, to which we all use though often do not know to identify the origin of the expressions employed. A Shakespearean language helped shape the vision of the world and to express feelings in different languages. Accordingly, the Shakespearean work is a kind of laboratory of the human condition, "he says. ? Such influence was probably only possible because Shakespeare lived in a time when the world began to break with the medieval, completely focused on God's thought, and went to put the man, with all its own complexity, in the center of the issues. The writer then found a large internal universe to explore in each of their characters.

Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda naci en Parral, el 12 de julio de 1904, como Ricardo Elicer Neftal Reyes Basoalto. l era el hijo de Jos del Carmen Reyes Morales, obrero ferroviario, y Rosa Basoalto Opazo, maestra de escuela primaria, murieron cuando Neruda era slo un mes de edad. Cuando era adolescente adopt el seudnimo de PabloNeruda (inspirado por el escritor checo Jan Neruda), que utilizara durante toda su vida, convirtindose en su nombre legal despus de cambio de nombre de accin civil.1 En 1906 su padre se traslad a Temuco, donde se cas con Trinidad Candia Marverde, el poeta menciona en varios textos, como "Confieso que he vivido" y "Memorial de Isla Negra", como el nombre de mamadre. Estudi en el Liceo Los hombres de esta ciudad y all public sus primeros poemas en el diario regional La Maana. En 1919 gan el tercer lugar en los Juegos Florales de Maule con el poema Noche Ideal. En 1921 se estableci en Londres y estudi pedagoga en francs en la Universidad de Chile, obteniendo el primer premio de la fiesta de la primavera con el poema "El Partido Song", publicado posteriormente.


Anne Frank and her family, who were hiding in a warehouse in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Besides Frank, another family and a Jewish man were found by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps. Anne and her family were hidden for two years and received help from Christian friends, bringing them food and supplies. While hiding, Anne Frank wrote a diary, which later became a world-famous book, translated into several languages.

MafaldaDizem que todos os professores de portugus gostam de colocar o quadrinho desta personagem em suas provas. Eu sou formada em Letras, ser que por isso, a minha vontade de escrever sobre ela?! Bom, pessoas, brincadeiras a parte, vim escrever sobre esta que, por mais que j esteja prestes a completar 50 anos de idade, se mantm cada vez mais atual, dada s circunstncias! Difcil saber de quem estou falando?! Bem-vindo, ento, a comemorar meio sculo da existncia de Mafalda! Est menininha irreverente, carismtica e super inteligente e que, com certeza, conquista vrias pessoas, com suas tiradas de um humor sarcstico e rebuscado.

Augusto dos anjosAugusto de Carvalho Rodrigues dos Anjos was born in Mill Pau d'Arco, Paraba, on 20 April 1884 learned from his father, bachelor, the first letters. Did his secondary education at the Lyce Paraiba, already being given as sickly and nervous testimonies of the time. A family of owners of mills, assists in the early years of the twentieth century, the decay of the old landowning structure, replaced by large plants. In 1903, she entered the Faculty of Law of Recife, graduating in 1907 Ali had contact with the paper "The Scientific Poetry," by Professor Martins Junior. Graduated in law, not advocated; lived to teach Portuguese. He married, on July 4, 1910, to Esther Fialho. This year, as a result of disagreement with the governor is removed from office as teacher of the Lyceum of Paraiba. Moved to Rio de Janeiro and is dedicated to teaching. He taught geography at the Normal School, then Institute of Education, and the National Gymnasium, after Colgio Pedro II, unable to be effected as a teacher. In 1911, their first child dies prematurely. In late 1913 he moved to Leopoldina MG, where he assumed the direction of the school group and continued to give private lessons. His only book, "I," was published in 1912 Appeared in transition moment, just before the turn of modernist 1922, is well representative of the syncretic spirit that prevailed at the time, by some aspects Parnassianism and Symbolist by others. Virtually ignored at first, either by the public or by critics, this book sings the degeneracy of the flesh and the limits of human just reached new releases thanks to the efforts of Orris Smith (1884-1964), friend and biographer of the author.

2014 World Cup for BrazilPositiveNegative

- The cost benefit of building some stadiums may not be positive. That's because in some parts of Brazil (mainly central-west and north), may be underutilized stadiums after the World Cup.

- Public money used in the World Cup could be applied in areas where Brazil is lacking, for example, health and education. These high spending a sporting event that lasts a few days dissatisfaction generates large portion of society.

- Given the substantial financial resources used mainly in the construction of stadiums, is opening more possibilities for corruption.

Strengths of the 2014 World Cup for Brazil? - Because it is of great national event expression, Brazil becomes more known by people in various places of the world. Thus, Brazilian culture may be widely publicized in the international sphere.

- The World Cup attracts large number of tourists to the country, generating profits for companies (mainly hotels and tourism) and jobs for Brazilians.

- The requirements of FIFA for this event, makes the country invests in infrastructure (mainly urban mobility) in coming to the stadiums where the games will be held areas. - Improvements in parks, hotels and various types of facilities used by tourists. After the event, the trend is that these improvements may be