LP2: Communication Skills

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Transcript of LP2: Communication Skills

Portfolio of Evidence: Contact Centre and Business Process Outsourcing Support NQF 3: SAQA ID 93997 - US 119467

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Contact Centre and Business Process Outsourcing Support NQF 3- CC3 – POE 8 - US 119467 Issue 3 – 01-01-2021

LP2: Communication Skills


Formative Assessment

Class Activities

During and after the initial training the learner will be required to complete a number of activities. These activities will be both individual and group activities (class activities formative activities). The activities are numbered and are to be included in the learner’s portfolio of evidence. These activities will measure the progress of the learner through the programme. For authenticity reasons these activities must be handwritten.

Class Activity 1: Learning resources, strategies and materials

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:

119467.1 119467.2 119467.3

119467 EEK1

1. List the learning resources at your disposal in your workplace under the following headings:

a) Communication resources

b) Human resources

c) Financial resources

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d) Physical resources

e) Technological resources

f) Information resources

2. Explain how you can use the knowledge of subject matter experts and your peers to enhance your learning in the workplace.

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3. Explain in what way a qualification can impact your future career and education opportunities.

4. Identify and list the criteria that you will apply to determine whether a website is reliable:

5. Summarise the following passage in no more than 60 words and supply an appropriate title:

Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That's equivalent to two football fields. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year, that adds up to 31 million hectares - more than the

land area of Poland. This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environment; scientists estimate, for example, that

137 species of plant, insect or animal become extinct every day due to logging. In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clearcut, 142 species of salmon have already become

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extinct, and the habitats of grizzly bears, wolves and many other

creatures are threatened. Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the government and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it.

6. Try to memorise the facts in this passage and retell them to your partner.

A group member must sign to verify that your work meets the following criteria:

The learner has correctly Yes No

Summarised the passage

Retold the facts

Name of member



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7. Draw a mind map of the passage you summarised in no 5:

8. Devise a memory aid to help you remember the main facts of the passage:

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9. A group member must sign to verify that your work meets the following criteria:

The learner has correctly Yes No

Drawn a mind map

Retold the main points of the passage

Devised a memory aid

Name of member



10. Draw up 10 test questions based on the passage below. You must have at least one question starting with each of the following words: Who, what, where, when, why, how.

Much of Canada's forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world's wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper.

If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of

producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp.

Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre, which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food,

and rope. For centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries, because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide

trading network would not have been feasible without hemp. Nowadays, ships' cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but

scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using

hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada's


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11. Ask your partner to answer the questions you drew up.

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12. A group member must sign to verify that your work meets the following criteria:

The learner has correctly Yes No

Drawn up ten questions in writing

Asked the questions verbally

Name of member



13. Skimread the complete passage and then answer the questions that follow. You have 2 minutes:

Pulp Friction

Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That's equivalent to two football fields. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year, that adds up to 31 million hectares - more than the

land area of Poland. This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environment; scientists estimate, for example, that

137 species of plant, insect or animal become extinct every day due to logging. In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clear cut, 142 species of salmon have already become

extinct, and the habitats of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes

for the government and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it.

Much of Canada's forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada

supplies 34% of the world's wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of

producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp.

Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre, which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food,

and rope. For centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries, because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on

sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading network would not have been feasible without hemp. Nowadays,

ships' cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According to its

proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the

large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada's forests.

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However, there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries of the

world. This plant, so useful for fibre, rope, oil, fuel and textiles, is a species of cannabis, related to the plant from which marijuana is produced. In the late 1930s, a movement to ban the drug marijuana

began to gather force, resulting in the eventual banning of the cultivation not only of the plant used to produce the drug, but also of the

commercial fibre-producing hemp plant. Although both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp in large quantities on their own land, any American growing the plant today would soon find himself

in prison -- despite the fact that marijuana cannot be produced from the hemp plant, since it contains almost no THC (the active ingredient in the

drug). In recent years, two major movements for legalisation have been

gathering strength. One group of activists believes that ALL cannabis should be legal - both the hemp plant and the marijuana plant - and that

the use of the drug marijuana should not be an offence. They argue that marijuana is not dangerous or addictive, and that it is used by large numbers of people who are not criminals, but productive members of

society. They also point out that marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco. The other legalisation movement is concerned only with the

hemp plant used to produce fibre; this group wants to make it legal to cultivate the plant and sell the fibre for paper and pulp production. This second group had a major triumph in 1997: Canada legalised the

farming of hemp for fibre. For the first time since 1938, hundreds of farmers are planting this crop, and soon we can expect to see pulp and

paper produced from this new

a. The main idea of paragraph 1 is:

b. The main idea of paragraph 2 is:

c. The main idea of paragraph 3 is:

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d. The main idea of paragraph 4 is:

e. The main idea of paragraph 5 is:

14. Now you have a minute to scan the passage for the following details:

a. How many species of salmon have become extinct in British Columbia?

b. How much of the world's newsprint paper is supplied by Canada?

c. What equipment on a ship was made from hemp?

d. What drug can be obtained from a relative of hemp?

e. Where was hemp farming recently legalised?

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15. How can skimming and scanning text help you to learn more effectively?

16. Explain how you keep your learning material in an orderly way and store it safely at home and in the workplace.

17. Identify the features of the following book:

Title: Sub-title: Author:

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18. List 5 technical terms used in your workplace and explain them so that a lay person can understand what you are referring to:

Technical term Explanation

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

Class Activity 2: Conduct basic research

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:


1. You are required to conduct basic research and present it to your peers.

List the research steps that you will undertake

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2. Make notes here of your findings in your research:

3. Present your research to the class. Ask 3 group members to sign to verify that you have covered the topic adequately:

Name Signature

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

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Class Activity 3: Function in a team and the occupational context of learning

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:

119467.5 119467.6

119467 EEK2

1. List the opportunities you have for group learning in your workplace:

2. List the advantages and disadvantages of group learning in your view:

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3. Describe 3 issues that have arisen in your own workplace where you have had to negotiate with your team members / colleagues / managers / customers. Describe how each was resolved (or not):

4. Based on your experience, formulate 3 rules for effective negotiation:

5. Explain how you reach consensus in your team when you have to make decisions:

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6. Which words best describe your occupational environment (workplace)? Tick all the answers that apply:

Workplace/ occupational focus:



Financial services


Type of organisation:


Parastatal (para = beside)/ semi- government

Heavy industry

Light industry

Large organisation

Small business

7. Discuss how the learning conditions and learning environment in your workplace influence your ability to study and learn:

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8. Describe how you overcome the negative aspects of your working environment and working conditions when it comes to studying and learning:

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

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Individually complete the following:


The purpose of reflection is for you to consider what you have learnt and how you will use it in the future. Answer the following questions as honestly as you can:

1. After the training programme, I can now (tick):

Access and use suitable learning resources

Use learning strategies

Manage occupational learning programme materials

Conduct basic research, analyse and present findings

Function in a team

Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning

2. How would you apply what you have learnt during this skills programme in the workplace?

3. What was the most significant thing you have learnt in this programme?

4. What do you think you still need to learn more about? (Action Plan)

5. What did you enjoy most about the training?

6. If there was something about the training that you could change, what would it be?

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Facilitator Observation Checklist

The facilitator needs to provide feedback on the participation of each learner in the class:


The purpose of the facilitator observation checklist is to provide the learner with feedback about his/her participation during the formative class activities and also to highlight the observed strengths and perceived weaknesses that the learner displayed during the workshop and/or learning programme.

The facilitator is required to complete the Facilitator Observation checklist for each learner in his/her Learner Workbook. The learner needs to sign-off the document to confirm that he/she has received the observation feedback.

Learner Name Facilitator Name Date

Class Activity Group /

Individual Completed

Participation Comments on perceived strengths and weaknesses of the learner

1. Access and use suitable learning resources, strategies and materials

2. Conduct basic research, analyse and present findings

3. Function in a team and the occupational context of learning

4. Use learning strategies

5. Manage occupational learning programme materials

6. Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning

7. Reflection Individual

Has the learner sufficiently demonstrated application of the following CCFO’s during the facilitated session?

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Class Activity Group /

Individual Completed

Participation Comments on perceived strengths and weaknesses of the learner


Identify and solve problems: using learning programme material and learning tasks to solve problems

Identify and solve problems: using context to decode and make meaning individually and in groups in oral, reading, signed and written activities


Work effectively with others and in teams: using interactive speech/sign and roles in activities, discussions and projects

Work effectively with others and in teams: using interactive speech/signing in activities, discussion and research projects


Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively: through organisation of learning materials and evidence

Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively through using language


Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information: through application of information processing skills in study

Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information: fundamental to the process of growing language capability across language applications and fields of study

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No


Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in formal and informal learning situations

Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills: in formal and informal communications


Use science and technology effectively and critically: using electronic media for learning

Use science and technology effectively and critically: using technology to access and present texts and exploring the ethics of science and technology through studying texts from and about these fields


Reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively

Understand the world as a set of inter-related parts of a system: through using language to explore and express links, and exploring a global range of contexts and texts


Explore education and career opportunities

Contribute to the full development of oneself: by engaging with texts that stimulate awareness and development of life skills and the learning process

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Statement by the facilitator:

The learner has demonstrated sufficient knowledge and skill during class to proceed with the summative assessment (circle)

Yes No

Additional comments: (optional)

Learner Signature Facilitator Signature

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Summative Assessment “Summative Assessment is assessment for making a judgement about achievement. This is carried out when a learner is ready to be assessed at the end of a programme

of learning” (SAQA: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment Policy Document, pg 26)

Please complete the following summative assessment activities and submit as part of your Portfolio of Evidence:

Knowledge Questions

Practical Activities

Witness Testimony


The learner needs to individually complete the summative assessment activities. The summative assessment is conducted by means of a knowledge questionnaire and various integrated assessment activities. The learner needs to follow the summative assessment activity instructions to create the evidence required for the portfolio of evidence.

Note: The Critical Cross Field Outcomes are referenced in the following manner: CCFO1- Identify and solve problems in which responses demonstrate that responsible decisions

using critical and creative thinking have been made

CCFO2- Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community

CCFO3- Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively

CCFO4- Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information

CCFO5- Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of

oral and/or written presentation

CCFO6- Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the

environment and health of others

CCFO7- Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that

problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation

CCFO8- Be culturally sensitive across a range of social contexts so that all actions and decisions

made are acceptable to all stakeholders with broad cultural backgrounds

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Knowledge Questions Please answer the following knowledge questions related to the unit standard embedded knowledge and assessment criteria and place it in your portfolio of evidence. Remember to number the answers according to the question numbers, should you need to attach a document.

You have to complete this Knowledge Questionnaire individually based on the theory that you covered in your Learner Guide and the formative assessments you completed in your Learner Workbook.

Knowledge Questions Individually complete the following:

Unit Standard Reference

1. Identify and list 3 learning resources 119467.1.1


2. Identify and list 3 learning strategies 119467.2.2

119467 EEK 1


3. Identify and list 3 types of questions to obtain information 119467.2.3

119467 EEK 1

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4. Identify and list 3 types of occupational learning materials 119467.3.1


5. What is another word for technical language? 119467.3.3


6. List 3 group learning situations in the workplace 119467.5.1


7. Name 3 types of organisations 119467.6.1

119467 EEK 2


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Practical Activities

Individually complete the following activities to show your ability to integrate and apply your knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Practical Activity: Communication skills

Individually complete the following:

119467. .

Related EEKs CCFO1-8 ELO1,2,4

You need to show that you can:

Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes

Complete the following in your workplace:

1. Access, use and manage suitable learning resources. Complete the following tasks:

Evidence required

a. List all the learning resources available to you in your workplace. Ask your facilitator to sign and date your list to verify that s/he agrees that it is complete and accurate:

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b. Supply 2 documents (ONE MUST BE A JOB DESCRIPTION and the other ONE of the following that you can print out from intranet - guidelines; policy document; Standard Operating Procedures, etc.) that give you information you need to know about a job. Acknowledge your sources clearly. Attach the 2 documents after this page.

c. Supply a company/department organogram that gives you the information you need to know about a team’s role in the organisation. Attach the organogram after this page.

d. Show that you can use the learning resources available to you effectively by underlining or highlighting the information on the documents you supplied that specifically pertains to the specific job the applicable duties/responsibilities as of a supervisor/team leader. Ask your colleague or peer to sign off here:

Attach the document after this page.

Learner Name


Use learning resources effectively

Did the learner: Yes/No Comments

1. Underline or highlight the correct information pertaining to his/her job?

2. Acknowledge his/her sources?

Co-learner Signature

Co-learner Name

Co-learner Contact Details

2. Use learning strategies. Complete the following tasks:

Evidence required

a. Summarise information from a company document (policy/brochure/ Standard Operating Procedure) so that it is no more than a third of the original. Attach the original document as well as your rough draft and summary after this page.

To make the summary: i. On the original document underline key words and phrases that you want to

use in the summary (attach this document as evidence) ii. Now write those words and phrases on a piece of paper and join them together

into sentences (your rough draft- please attach as evidence) iii. Now write the final product iv. Write the number of words of the original, as well as the number of words of the

summary below the summary.

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b. Draw up 4 questions about the material that you have summarised that you could use as questions to test a colleague’s knowledge.

Your questions must start with the following words: i. What…..? ii. Why….? iii. When….? iv. How….?

Write your questions here:

i. What

ii. Why

iii. When

iv. How

c. Discuss your summary with a colleague or another learner in order to get a better understanding of the information in the original text. Ask your colleague or peer to sign off here:

Learner Name


Discuss contents of summary

Did the learner: Yes/No Comments

1. Explain the key points of the summary clearly?

2. Elicit additional information from you to get a clearer understanding?

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Co-learner Signature

Co-learner Name

Co-learner Contact Details

3. Manage occupational learning materials. Complete the following tasks:

Evidence required

a. Provide evidence that your occupational learning materials are organised for efficient use: When you have completed the 6 practical activities, ask a colleague or peer to sign off here:

Learner Name


Organise learning resources for efficient use Did the learner:

Yes/No Comments

1. File the supporting evidence in the correct place?

2. Number the supporting evidence correctly?

Co-learner Signature

Co-learner Name

Co-learner Contact Details

b. Provide an example (printout) of each of the following from your learning resources: Attach the examples after this page.

i. Index

ii. contents page

iii. glossary

c. Write down 4 technical terms/ workplace terminology from company documentation and write down their meanings in laymen’s terms. If you are not sure of the meaning, seek clarification. Ask your facilitator to sign and date your list to verify that s/he agrees that it is correct:

Technical term Meaning

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4. Conduct basic research and analyse and present findings. Complete the following tasks:

a. For your research, you have identified the following work-related problem that needs to be solved by finding more information (research): Your team is not meeting the target set for them and you have to determine the cause of the problem as well as make recommendations on how to solve the problem.

b. Complete the following research report and ask your facilitator to sign and date it to verify that it is accurate and authentic and that your solution complies with organisational requirements:

Title of my report:

Introduction: Description of the workplace problem I have identified

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Summary of the research that I have done:

(copies attached)

Possible solutions I have identified:

The solution that I think is best:

My reasons for choosing this solution based on the information I have gathered:

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My recommendation:

The sources I consulted (as attached):

5. Lead and function in a team. You need to prepare documentation and evidence to show that you have successfully led and functioned in a team. You need to provide the following evidence:

a. Minutes of a meeting in which you have participated.

b. Minutes of a meeting that you have chaired.

c. Ask 2 team members and your facilitator to verify that you have done the following:

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I have done the following in my


Team member 1: comment, date and


Team member 2: comment, date and


Supervisor: comment, date and


1. Actively participated in at least 3 of the following:

i. Meetings

ii. Site/field visits

iii. Excursions

iv. Discussions

v. Activities

vi. Workshops

I have observed learner participating in:

I have observed learner participating in:

I have observed learner participating in:

2. Actively fulfilled at least 2 of the following team roles and responsibilities:

i. Turn taking

ii. Rotation of roles:

a. conducting a meeting

b. chairing a meeting

c. recording notes

d. reporting back

I have observed learner:

I have observed learner:

I have observed learner:

3. Actively managed conflict and negotiated with others. Give 2 examples:

I have observed learner managing conflict/ negotiating (please give an example):

I have observed learner managing conflict/ negotiating (please give an example):

I have observed learner managing conflict/ negotiating (please give an example):

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4. Actively participated in teamwork to reach consensus or deliver a product / service:

Describe the outcome of your teamwork and attach a signed-off document as evidence of a completed job

6. Organisational learning. Submit the following evidence:

a. Submit documentation identifying/describing a company’s sector and organisation type: (Sector/occupational focus: Services, manufacturing, financial,

educational, etc. Organisation type: Government, parastatal, heavy/light industry, large organisation, small business)

b. Submit documentation describing opportunities for career advancement in such an organisation and industry that you would qualify for as a result of your studies

Remember: Provide evidence to support your answers and show your ability to do what is required of you in this activity.

Place your evidence after this page; clearly marked for easy reference.

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Practical Activity Checklist

Please tick that you have submitted the following evidence as per the instructions above:

Learner Name


Practical Activity 1 Submitted

Yes/No Name of my document /


Access, use and manage suitable learning resources

a. List all the learning resources available to you in a workplace

b. Supply 2 documents that give you information you need to know about a job

c. Supply the company/department organogram that gives you the information you need to

know about a team’s role in the organisation.

d. Completed feedback form

Formulate and use learning strategies

a. Summarise information in one of your selected company’s documents

b. Draw up 4 questions about the material that you have summarised that you could use as questions to test a colleague’s knowledge

c. Completed feedback document

Manage occupational learning materials

a. Completed feedback document

b. Provide an example (printout) of each of the following from your learning resources: Attach the examples after this page.

a. Index

b. contents page

c. glossary

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Practical Activity 1 Submitted

Yes/No Name of my document /


c. Write down 4 technical terms/ workplace terminology from company documentation and write down their meanings in laymen’s terms

Conduct research and analyse and present findings

a. Completed research report on the form provided

Lead and function in a team

a. Minutes of a meeting in which you have participated.

b. Minutes of a meeting that you have chaired.

c. Completed feedback form (done by 2 team members and your supervisor)

Organisational learning

a. Submit documentation identifying/describing a company’s sector and organisation type

b. Submit documentation describing opportunities for career advancement in such an organisation and industry that you would qualify for as a result of your studies

Learner Signature

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Witness Testimony

In the workplace or in simulated classroom activities, you need to show your ability to integrate what you have learnt. This can be measured with the Specific Outcomes and the Critical Cross Field Outcomes of the Unit Standard.

Request your facilitator (or workplace mentor) to complete the following form to show that you are able to integrate your learning into everyday workplace application. It is necessary that the supervisor also provides a short comment on the form:

Learner Name Date

Did the Learner: Yes No

1. Access and use suitable learning resources?

2. Use learning strategies?

3. Manage occupational learning programme materials?

4. Conduct basic research, analyse and present findings?

5. Function in a team?

6. Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning?

7. Identify and solve problems in which responses demonstrate that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made?

8. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community?

9. Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively?

10. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information?

11. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation?

12. Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others?

13. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation?

14. Be culturally sensitive across a range of social contexts so that all actions and decisions made are acceptable to all stakeholders with broad cultural backgrounds?

Comments about how the learner applied the knowledge and skills in this programme:

Facilitator Name:

Facilitator Signature:

Learner Signature:

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Complete this individually in your workplace. This logbook has been included to record all the time spent on learning and preparation for the assessment and other activities related to this programme:

Time spent in class (training)

Time spent completing a task / activity should be signed off by a supervisor, mentor or witness where possible.

Time spent applying the new knowledge and skills

The logbook should show that the learner has spent at least 50 hours in acquiring the required knowledge and skills of this programme, including tasks related to the following:

o Access and use suitable learning resources

o Use learning strategies

o Manage occupational learning programme materials

o Conduct basic research, analyse and present findings

o Function in a team

o Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning

Learner Name:

Learner ID#:

Course Title: NC: Contact Centre and Business Process Outsourcing Support NQF 3: SAQA ID 93997

Unit Standard Title: US 119467: Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes; NQF Level 3, 5 Credits

SAQA ID Number: 119467 Credits 5 Notional Hours 50 Practical Hours

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Practical / Workplace Activities Start Date

End Date

Total No of Hours

Sign Off by Facilitator / Supervisor / Manager / Mentor / Witness

Name & Surname

Relationship to Learner


Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes

50 Hours


Classroom training

Research and list relevant learning resources

Select appropriate information through the effective use of learning resources

Summarise selected information for learning purposes

List and acknowledge resources correctly

Explore and select specific techniques

Discuss with your supervisor how to apply these techniques appropriately

Ask relevant questions to your colleagues and supervisor and record their answers

Collect occupational learning materials

Organise materials for efficient use

Research and list different layouts and presentations

Demonstrate to your supervisor the effective use of layout and presentation of learning material

Research and list technical language/ terminology

Arrange an interview with a staff member with technical knowledge

Seek clarification on technical language/ terminology from the staff member where needed

Identify and list 5 different topics and scopes

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Select one and provide a written definition of the appropriate or relevant topic and scope

Plan and write a sequence of research steps appropriately

Explain to your supervisor how you will apply research techniques

Write an evaluation of the information with regards to relevance

Classify and categorise the information

Sort information by category and classification

Organise 3 different group learning situations

Use these opportunities to demonstrate active participation

Take on responsibility for certain tasks in the team and document it

Explain to your supervisor how you will apply group work conventions in learning situations

Research and learn conflict management and negotiating techniques

Any other workplace / practical activities:


Comments from Facilitator:

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Comments from Student:

FOR STUDENT This is to verify that the above work is my own / authentic. Learner Name: ___________________________Learner Student No:___________________ Learner Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________________________ FOR FACILITATOR This is to verify that the learner has completed all the above and is awaiting final assessment / moderation. File Checked:

Date Facilitator Signature Facilitator Name

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Assessment Activities Checklist The learner needs to complete all the required activities that are guided by the Specific Outcomes and Assessment criteria of the Unit Standard(s) in this skills programme:

Programme LP2: Communication Skills

Unit Standards US 119467: Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes; NQF Level 3, 5 Credits

Once you have completed all the assessment activities, request your facilitator to check that you have completed all the required activities and that they have all been placed in your Portfolio of Evidence, in the following order:

Did the learner provide the required evidence:

Reference: Comments / Feedback Yes No

Formative – Class Activities

Class Activity 1

119467.1 119467.2 119467.3

119467 EEK1 119465 EEK1

Class Activity 2 119467.4

Class Activity 3

119467.5 119467.6

119467 EEK2

Reflection 119467

Facilitator Observation Checklist


Summative - Knowledge Questions

Question 1 119467.1.1

Question 2 119467.2.2

119467 EEK 1

Question 3 119467.2.3

119467 EEK 1

Question 4 119467.3.1

Question 5 119467.3.3

Question 6 119467.5.1

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Did the learner provide the required evidence:

Reference: Comments / Feedback Yes No

Question 7 119467.6.1

119467 EEK 2

Reflection 119467

Facilitator Observation Sheet


Summative – Practical Activities

Practical Activity 1

119467. Related EEKs


As per the Practical Activity 1 Checklist:

Summative – Witness Testimony

Witness Testimony 119467

Summative – Logbook

Logbook 119467

Learner Name:

Learner Signature:


Facilitator Name:

Facilitator Signature: