LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/11_November/11-27-1889.pdf · and litr...

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Transcript of LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/11_November/11-27-1889.pdf · and litr...

  • LOWELL JOURNAL. One Doliar a Year. Office in Train's Opera House Block. Three Cents Pe r Copy

    V O L U . M K X X V . L O W K L L . M I C H I G A N . W E D X K S D A Y , N O V K M B K H 2 7 . 1 8 8 0 .

    N U . M I J K K 21.

    W.13HIN010N NEWS.

    A. D a l l y Rooorvl o f H ^ t p o n l n f f s a t t h f l N a t i o n a l O a p l t a L

    f U f o r f U t m t i ^ ^ t d i f f r n r r a r t w i t a u - .

    M w f ' T . A F V m O -OlU.r Not . , of lulreiL

    C A P I T A L MRirS.

    TVAimixoTiix, NOT. T h o m u Ci ty UeDowt l l , of Ki'Dtucky, hm boon ap-pointed Collector of in te rna l Uorcnue for t h e HfTraUi Kentuoliy -ad it 's magicHl. I t gives reiirf u t out*. Price CO cents.

    A L L M A Y V O T E .

    Kaw V 'o j tms l tuBr i f i u r sn t . -d ' in I )trsa>tlaa Rr|iub|la.

    B i o HE JAXI:IIUI, NOT. 3 3 . - 1 h a I V o -

    TUionsl OOTI-rnmciit baa isnued a de-cree rs tabl inhing u p i v e n a l suffrage throughout tho republic. T h e abil-i ty U> resd end write Is made a qusl l f lcat ion of Toters. 'ITie Pro-vlslonsl OoTornmont h a i promised to respect the pensions conceded the poor by Kmpemr lora Pedro. T h e llraxlllsn na ry , under rommand of llaron Cosuba snd Viscount Mararuya. has recognized tho change of g u v e r n m e n t TH'' P a r " " hns sworn alk' triaoce to tho republic. Viscount Ouro Tn-tu, chief of the deposed Impoilal Ministry, has l e f t llraxll. (icncral t ranqui l i ty prevails. The Ilepubllcan flag Is t h e old nalioiuil colors with tho a'ldltlon of twontr-ono s tars represunt ing the dllTorent States of the new United States of l l r s i l l . It Is lascribed with the wvrds "Order and Progress.

    R i o IIK J A X R I O A NOV. 3 5 . I t h a s b o o n

    determined to Ciill an ear ly seimlun of tho Nat ional C.mjrem. T h e r e Is no serious opposition to tho now Uovern-u e n t l l shla and Marsnhua art- the only plaors from which report < of blood-shed have been reetlvod. Ijle n-ports s ta te t h a t s ix p-.-rtons w^ro kil led In Aghta and se te ra l were wctioied. A dissolution of tho provlnclsl assemblies will p rob jb ly take place at a n early day.

    JIKKSK, N o v . 3 6 . S w l u n t l a n d h a s f o r -

    mally n c o g n l i e d the new UepuUlcatf Uovernmcnt In Uracil.

    K I L L E D H I S C H I L D R E N .

    The Awfal Itrrd of a New York l^ t tor-i 'nrrlar While * tajr.

    N r . w Y U B K . NOV. 3 3 . J a m e s J . S m i t h ,

    a lettor-C!rrlor, shot and kil led his 3-| ruar ld child, Kllxabrth. and fatal ly wounded bis l l-months-old child In bis rooms a t No. u3I l^ast N i n t h a t ree l Fri-day, and s l ight ly wtranded himself In an a t t empt to eomail t aulold". bmlth 'a wife l e f t him a short t ime ago, t ak ing the two children and near ly all the fn rn l tu re away. It Is supposed t h a t Smith stole the chi ldren hack from hla wife and took them to bin rooms to kill them, l i e is a eonsumptlvo and acts as If crazed by illnes and trouble, l ie re-fused to make any s t a t e m e n t when ar-rested, and was locked up. The rt main-l a g child has since dl'-d.

    G A V E U P T H E I T U A N O S .

    T i e Cblpprw.t IndUn. to Iteretve from s s . i IO.COO to eo.t.aoa.oou.

    WAsnixftTox, Nov. 31.The Chli>-pow Indian Commission h a s announced the successful completion of Its labors. Assent has been obta ined f jom each and every band In Minnesota. T h o amoun t of land surrendered will aggre-ga te more than 3,000,000 acres, which lifc d u d e s some of the most valuable pine and agr icul tural land In the S ta te . T h e In-dians aro to receive 11.35 per acre for all agr icul tura l landt and >3 per l,0U0 fee t for a l l tho pine t imber upon the laud surrender d, tho h n d In th is case t o go with t h o timber. I t Is es t imated t h a t tho i n d l a m will rotelve JJVOO,. 000, whi le some es t imates plsce it a t t h e enormous flgura of *>0,0)0,000.

    I N T H E L A W S G R I P .

    a r r a a t a t l lar ler , nria., or Two Mea and a Woman Charsed with Itobblnt a DankOne of the KoapeeU an Ufflelal ol l | ie loalllatinn. JIum.K.v, Wis., Nor . 3.5. Colonel

    ](yrne. of the de tec t ive forou of t ha Uni ted Sta tes Express Company, h s s ar-rested Phelps Perr ln , ass is tant cashier of t h e Iron Exohango Nat ional l iank, a saloon-keeper and a woman of the town, al l thn the l i o v e r n m e n t

    C W. Penroae, who was commit ted fo r c o n t e m p t did ne t fllo a s t a t emen t yes-terday as wa expected. He ia at i l l In the peni ten t ia ry . The cour t ruled t h a t t h e Investigation should be closed un t i l Pcnnxio comes l a and purges himself of eon tempt.

    SAI .T L A K E C r r r , U . T . , N O T . 9 8 . I n t h e Invest igat ion being held to de-te rmine whuther alien Mormons a ro el igible for natura l iza t ion a number of witoeaees test i f ied yesterday t h a t In May, 1879, there was a big demonstra-tion In t h U ci ty In honor of tho re lease of Daniel II . Wclla from the p-mlten-t iary, where ho had been commit ted tor contempt of court In r e fus ing to an swer quest ions regard ing the endowmen t house ceremonies. T h e y testMed t h a t a procession of many t h o u u n d Mormons wont up tho main a t reo t t r a c i n g t h e American flag In the d u s t

    The prosecution t hen ofle/ed In cvl-donco a paper a e m d o n a Memberof tho Mormon church which fu l l y demon-s t rs tad the charge mado t h a t t h e church dictated and controlled temporal aflalra.

    Attornova for tho church denied t h a t polygamous marriage* w o t ^ n o w b e l n j solemnized, but when ques t ioned admit* ted no record of such mar r iages were k e p t and t h a t they hod no means of knowing If they were b e l n j solemnized or n o t

    S A L T L A K E C ITY, U . T . , NO V . 2 5 . T h o

    Mormon Inquiry was coa t inuod Satur-dsy. Principal To lmage , of She Mor-mon college, tostltkvl t h a t p u p i l s were t augh t t h a t t h e re la t ion of plnral n u r -rlago came f rom (lod; but t h a t t h e con-oonstltutlon, when p r o p ' r l y adminis-tered, does not I n t i r f o r j yv'lh any reve-lat ions of Qod. Wi tness believed t h e law against polygamy unconst i tu t ional . About one Mormon out of t h i r t y WAS a polygamist . U o b e i i t i w d thepesa iden t of the church divinely ca l led and would obey him.

    S ^ A G c T o i N T .

    Two Youn* Clrla Kilted a t m Ballway CroasUs in ClaaUuull.

    C I N C I N N A T I . NOV. 3 5 . T w o y o u n g g i r l s

    were kil led by a Chosapoake.& Ohio f re igh t engioo at the Park s tnss t cross-ing shout IO o'clock Saturday n i g h t Annie McDowai: and Mary MuUarkey, both 10 years of age, a t t empted to cross the track wltlt Anthony Kyan, aged 30. It was ds rk , and there being no watch-man a t tbo crossing they could no t see the approaching f re igh t engiue. Miss Mullarkey was Ins tan t ly k l l i t d . whi le tho McDowollgirl hnd both logs broken and sus ta ined in te rna l Injuries, d y i n g a t the hospital . Ryan escaped with a aevoro shak ing up.

    War on the Cldor Vandqn. M A S O N C I T Y , l a . N o v . a j . S h e r i f f

    Kirk, with his d e p n t l e a consWbloaand marshals, relnforood by a delegat ion of cltlxons, made a ra id on tbo cider van-d a r a h e r e Saturday n i g h t and l h e a u l t baa produced a sensat ion. Ono thousand ono hundred and o l g h t i - f a u r ga l lons ware secured, and thla is now In tho custody of the sheriff . An . aMyUaa t lon waa made by expor t chemis t s ^nd t hey find tha t It contains upwards df S par c e n t alcohol.

    TWO MKH Lrached. E L K T O X . K y . , N o v . i V J o s e p h A .

    Smith , awai t ing t r ia l h r r e for fre mur-de r of Town Marshal Wil l iams, was taken from the jail on t j a t u f l a y by a mob and hanged.

    l l tc i tuoxn, Va., y o v . 35. Robert ' UUnd, who a t tempto | l t o commit an as-saul t on Miss Annie Uee, aged 10 y e a n , was taken from tbo I 'rlnco OeorgeCour ty jai l on Sa tu rday by forty men and banged.

    Aa Orance Tra tU JAOKAOXVILLE. F l a . , N O T . J a - r - P r o o -

    t lcal ly all t h a o r a n g e - f r o w e t s qf Florida hiivo consolidated with t h e Flor ida Fru i t Exchange . T h o a r rangements were comploled Fr iday. Uut of t h e os t lmaUd crop of l.8M,UD3 or3.100.000 boxes th is year, a t least li500,003 will bo bandied through tho exchange .

    Indian Kdaratlon. N E W A I I K , N . J . , N o v . 3 3 . A t t h o

    Woman's Ind ian Nat ional Missionary convention which closed.bore yesterday a resolution f a v o r i n ; tho same educa-t ional oppar tunl t los for I n d i a n ! as for white chi ldren was approved.

    Aratast ro t*f imj-. OTTAWA, O n t , Nov. 3 3 . - 1 1 Is sa id

    t h . n the Canadian Par l i ament will be asked a t tho next session to enact laws aga ins t polygamy In order to coyer,of-fenses committed by tho ^ l o r m o p s i)f U i o N o r t h v e i t Terr lUir lu j .

    Ren n u t l - r has d'Mio n a rent jtond m t h e Teu to Rhiiry Alin-hoil-r , bu t his work will n'-t lie m m "lei P till he orders a KIMMI niii'ply of DR Bull s Cough Syn tp , the pet plea m u e d y .

    A S T R O N O E S D O B S E M E V T .

    T O L E D O . O . . J . M . T/>O8R R F D C L O V K a r o ( I r n t l e m a n : llaTlnR utade ur of you r vsl t taMr Pitp R. i i ief l r I ran m x t m m e n d It a* t h e iiest I ever used: havini t found nlnitiat en t i r e relief f rom Ufclnn It four l ime. Hoping (.liters will t ry it wi th t h e s sme sliecesa. I am j u i u a m y . t ruly . H M. PIXLEY.

    J^P- V S p p i p i t St.


    T e s t i m o n y G i v e n b y W l t n i t h e U u r d o r C o a a

    KfTerla of the Lawvera for the Defensa t e are Allbbrrleada ef the l-r iaeaan

    Tealtfy - f r o r e e d ap t of the U order Trial.

    TACTICS o r n i c n e r r x a K .

    ca iesoo Nov ffl.la LH Croala trial raeUr-aw t h a i a U u l t l v a o was t a b l e bed . I T h l i w s e to pnve that s t t h a i boor t h e U e t n a a I waa not drlaklnt to Mrmoa's saloco with

    Coiifhun aod Kunie, Mr*. Thiimaa Whalea rorroboralfd lUe turner w l t a r . a la s r e r y ro-r t r t .

    I The work thro brsan on an alibi lor Oerke. Malt Das aby. tho keeper of a aalooo at the enr

    , asr t i da rk andChlcafo avenue, wa* called an.1 ialdhe ssa gls-la ture seven vacancies havo been caused In tha t body hy deaths .

    Marriuetto is to have an ioc palaco th is inter.

    Oravinson, of .Marquette, whi le hold a t hla grave under the auspices of l a k l D provisions In o small boat to tho Hendricks Club, and there were quarrymon pn Par t r idge Island recently. about 1,000 persons present.

    \V~ped Oat l v vin.

    was caught by a heavy sea and drowned. Wm. S. Calkins, o n j of i .aoslng 's

    pioneers, died rutxntly, aged sovonty-MARIOX, Ind., Nov. 35.At midn igh t jj vears.

    Saturday night tho Marlon frui t-Jar i , , , works, o w n e l by Wilson. ^ u H o u g h " r ' " 0 U ~ 1 ' M i Co., were destroyed by lie*, InvolVlSg l b e 0 . l h c r , ' h t a n J r u b b o < 1 o t i n b U

    a loss of from 515,001 to 818.01)0. Tho loss U part ial ly eovered by an insucanoe of about 513,000.

    own door-yard. The round-hous'j of the Chicago &

    Northwestern Kullroad Company a t Crys-tal Fa l l s was burn.-d the o ther n igh t and two Ipcomotlvcs wen ' destroyed.

    Alonio Sweet whllo hun t ing near Fro-

    Wedded at l.a.l. IXDIAXAPOI . IS , I n d . , N o v . 3 3 . A l e x -

    ander C. Lanier, of Nr w York, married B 0 B t | t J C , n l , w f 3 U l l T ^ b , . - n n k Mrs. Ste l la seenlng, bis old s w e i t h e a r t . Cole, another hunte r , who mistook Sweet la thla city yesterday, af ter wait ing { o r , d w , r forty years unti l she was free t o wed him.

    Coffee Ura'.ara FalL N E W Y O B K , N o v . 3 5 . S a n g e r A W e l l s ,

    There i ero th i r ty cases of d iphthe-ria .rcccn/ty at Ishpomlng, and tho schools had been ordered closed.

    Jamos Barker , of Chleago, who was' coffee dealers , of 83 Front s t r ^ t , h a v . | m p r U o n . d a t Iran MounUln for ped-SSked for an extension. Thei r llablll- d U n ( ? w U h o u t l l c o w o . W l l t ies a re pu t at 5:100,001 with only nom-inal assets.

    K. Nor. B.

    Henleneed for I. f.-. SpuixortKLD, I I I . , NOT. 35.Theo-

    phliua .Waldron, .t negro Itootlilock aged Id years , w w ad; :(l7(>d guil ty of murder Saturday and sentenced to Imprisonment In tho penl tent lnry for nlnety-nlno f years. Ho killed t ieorge Murray, a wandering plumber, on the 7th of J u l y

    .lat by atabblng him.

    Oat of liouila.e. Cntc^t iu, Nov. 35.Dan Wren, ex-

    county commissioner, completed Satur-day h is two years ' sentence for "lx>od-l lng" In the Jo l lo t pen l t in t l a ry , less three months ' deduction for good serv-Ice, a n d returned homo to his family In Chicago.

    Heavy ! Cotton. L A K E C ITV, F l a . , N o v . 3 5 . T h o w e s t

    wing of A. II. Hart ' s cotton warehouso was b u r n . d Saturday night, caus ing a loss of about 5100.003. About '..000 bftle# of cotton were e i ther destroyed ent i re ly o r badly damaged.

    A ConlldeiiGe Man Henleneed. PiTTSituittiit, Pa., Nov. 33.The no-

    torious bunco sleeror, Frauk Ahlrlch, was sentenced to seven years and n ine u o n t h s In prison Sot unlay tor swiad l lng John Loin jn out of SHOOJ.

    ( I R T I P Y I N O T O A L L ?

    The IIIRII poaltton nliBliietl nnd Ihe universal t c o ptaut e and ttppnivitl of the |ili-a>ttiii lujuid i t u i t rt-uii-ny S t r u p of Fig", HB m e n imt w l l e i i t (nXHtive known , illiihtrate t h e t n l u e n f t h e quai l -tieit on which l|it success ia U i w l ainlt tre Hluindui Hy Kratlfylng to the Cut i furnia

    S>ru | i Cuuipaiiy.

    INDIASOPOLIS. IND. I have been Im-provltiK r-tpMly alnce I conimencetl Ltk-Ing lite Rati Clover .Cure and d ie t r ' u l ly ivcoiniiieiid j o u r rt-tnedles Pt nil ttfllict-cd wi th Dtapv| i i t ianr liidig-iion.

    W . 9 . IjHilii, l u d . Ave

    n tu t i n ao d m o d u

    7 i t t 10 O a

    i at a a is t M 5 a 75 it) o i w

    T H E M A R K E T S .

    NEW YI L I V E S T O C K - N a t i v e s


    rLouf t ' -uood io Palenta.

    W H E A T N o . * R e d (F. o. b.L.

    c o B N - N a i witiu-O A T S - N A * Wat te B Y E - W e s t e r n PORKMOM L A R D - h i e a n C H E E R E W O O L - D e m c a t l c

    C i l t ' L A N O . D E E V E 8 B h l p p l u g 8 e r s . .

    C i w a Stock ' R< I'oodirs . _ . llatelien'Blevrs 3 01 44 4 IT) I n f e r i o r C a t t l e I .HI FT - ' 5

    H O O H - L i v e - U v o J l o , C . u l c e . . 3 (U I I S IS BIIBEP a in a 5 at U O T T E U - C r e a i n i - r y S ^ FT

    OO>d to Choice D a i r y IJ TO I J EOG8fre'h SKiO a UNOOM CORN

    BOU-WorUIng H u r l Inferlir

    P O T A T O E S - ( p e r bu .L . . . P O R K - M e s i I . A H D Steam

    O U R - SI W i n t e r I Itaken,' Htralghta . . .

    O R A I N - W h e a l . NO I Cakh. Corn, No. * Data . No. 2 CA b __ R y e . NB. t Cash V F I not |in>rurvaunii'lenl uxerrlae,andsll.whv H ij-iu it'lUlItilui

    ' V Li^ii'lTBlrfrR*

    niltm, oaeslxittle ol nake yoaaOeeganU |Huu-itua iiirrKus; | l l r r . r r fMIl l.irijro. n u u n u a J l t m u u

    Ilu art Ih- aiuwut a ill pinke your blood Itoule. Try Ri juu t'11. v^fefantinirn^i

    ii>l yoarfleah h . i^ l

    i ^ T s n T T i n n n f l s n a i l rxtu In. night, nnn 1, ahnnld nar tou will iloap walll L K S f l h '*'1 feel belter fi-ritl k Uta bed MsdlCal Wrftk p M

    Kml'J J-ecut stamp* |o A. P. OknwAV A Cc, 1 ton, i l a u . sad recults a eoiij, free.

    D e t r o i t . C ' d H a y e D i l i i l w i i i k c e

    l t . V I I . W A V


    In off pel Oclutm- 0. UN.

    C H A S . L A - W V E R , rnnrnivTua or

    NATIONAL HOTEL; Netr rt.,0. H 51. Dr| ',

    Kint 1 U Board ant lln

    Ltvrrv Mild feed Ht-

    in. at Iteaaowale Rates

    lite In Cetu eellon-

    Leave, A. M

    Ionia. 3:10

    Lowell, 6 30

    PASSESOF.in RAIN'S WEST No.9, .S' .!, .Vol. No3. .No 1 Jilted Am. a m |. m p in. n-^n.

    i;t7 1 H 1JK)7 Irfi

    U ltapld . C I) U fO 4; 10 10:11) 4 30 I'A^ENUKR TK.M.N'3 EAST

    Leave, Sol , N.)., .N'...S. S0..O No.'!. Mixed a. m. a. m. p. 111. p. m, a m.

    O.Rapid a. b:30 U.JJ J U iU 33 11:13 p. in.

    Lowell, 7:iJ 1 :33 4.1 :t:3 1:^

    T o I n v n l t d o n d W o u n c t e i l

    S O L D I E R S I l i te untleriticned nt the request of many

    Inntli t l Soldit-rx, hits t|iiallflc>l nnd been udnniletl to pruct ics

    tn the

    Interior Department, aril all Hie Imrenus thereuf and ts now

    R e a d v l o P r o s e c u t e C l a i m s , for lliOM.-1lint nm\ la-entitled to PEN-

    S l u N and BOUNTY.

    M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

    Jon to. 'W> 11:13 4:'a) W 37 ii) Nnmhent I and Id nm dally all other trains

    dally aoiMlav eaceptrd. Nutuljcra 4 aud 3 do not run west of Urand

    Rapttia. Tlmiuah tickets lo all Principal points East

    and W r t are 00 mlo al Lowrl Siati-.n. A. O. UKYULAUKK. JOHN W l/lUt>,

    Ajtvai Lowell. TrjflU: JUII|crr. Deiroll.

    M i l t o n M . F o r r g ,

    A t t o r n e y & C o u n s e l o r o l L a w

    r r a i n ' i H a l l Block, - ,Lowell, Mich.

    I Spec l s l a t ten t ion given to Collectloni | Conveyancing, Loans and Sale

    of IU-al fclstate. .

    The Mails. OUINU WEST.

    6:18a. m.cloeed pouch for Urand Hsp ids ,

    11:43 .a 111 Way mail . 11:51 p. m.Way mail .


    70 a. m.Clotted pouch for Detroit. 13:15 p. 111.Way n t f i l . t JW p . m , W a y l i m i t .

    o o i s o SOUTH,

    6^50 a.m.Mail by carr ier lo Chandler . Cttinpliell, W. Cunipbell, Clnrks-ville, Carletuit Cettler.


    OKW n. in.Mail r c f i v e d f rom No. Irvtiig. O'Dunnell . Freeport , Lo-gan . Lkiwne. Alto.

    OOIXO XtlKTlI. 1^10 p in.5lail for lul l , tasburg,AIton,

    Unant. ( i n i t t nn . RNUII T O E .NORTH.

    11:30 n. m.Mail r w i v e d f rom above pin .vs.

    All titNtla d o r e 30 minutes Iv-'ore t ime nlaitt- I-IHIMI.

    I'oet Ullliv o|ien frtini 7 it. lit. to 7:30 0. ttt.. at:till I tine.

    Ltimber Yard.

    F R A N K C. ALGER. A t t o r n o . r n t L n w -

    CoIIections Given I'lompt Attention


    - I OtTKI.LvMICH L'niun ItliM fc.

    C I T Y

    ' B U S L I N E , F 0 R E M A M 4 T A L B O T , PROP'S.

    Order* for Pa>*etuc>-m or Rifrsse I ' f l al Train's HoU-l, Dav1 11 jime t r the Rus Darn wUl

    rvcelve prompt attenllon.

    A T J . E . L E E ' S M E A T M A R K E T On the Itnilir,-, Mill nlunuahle. J E . L E E , - Lowell , Mich.


    L U M B E R , L A T H & S H I N G L E S .

    Yard at rear of Train's Hotel,

    Lowell. Mich.

    S a t i s f a c t o r y T e a s a n d C o f f e e s

    are tkoae tbat

    S U I T T H E P U R C H A S E R .

    The Verdict of the Fatnilr at Ihe

    B R E A K F A S T O R T E A T A B L E

    rasardlns those souls and whence they come Is a moat Important one.

    W h e r e d i d v o u q e t t h a t

    Tea or Coffee? Our axpericoce with Teas and Coffees

    Ilea us lo

    Guarantee Satisfaction,

    or ther mar he returned and moner refunded.


    Please favor us wi th j o u r or J e w .

    Y O V R S V E R Y R E S r Y ,

    A. FISHER & CO.



    E L Y S C A T A P W K

    Cream Balm Clean.at tlio

    Nnaal PaaaaRaa, Al|.t}a Prflu ami

    ItiOatnin tlliin

    HEAlSlhe SORES.

    llcali>rr the Hem* wo (ttvale II AMI- iMiitiiuily tBinl%kee. ."J with .ft.jr nit-lfin tmrHiMinr. h.r.iii |i,tni. b.v. th.enm-t a t u a a a t t l t K T >1 ihrir IHWM, \ \A H I M I . I | R

    r t l ' i t . mom- uom tl"' i" i> n-k. I ayildint an4 IUIIMIK ..t tlher -th.m nm w. a ml tnat. rail.ai* In Hlt . i . KOIB. 1W mi.i.ut phjikUoa. Km lunb.i iTticuii

    BOhUT U. t l L U U ) , bapsrlaUatfist.

    New Grocery. A Clean New Stock of

    G i w i e s AND

    Provisions IN T H E

    G r a h a m B l o c k

    Give Us Your Trade I We will uw jou well.

    Prices low as t h e low-est .

    Ynur P u r o n a g e Renpectfully Solicited,

    A. S . M O U N T



    at , S .

    Lowe l l j i c l i ,

    m n | (



    PROSPECTING MACHINE (amviia for u - w i l n i r abr ro

    otb r have l1irL

    SELF SLEIKIHG. Unll Jrur* l0 tloif *

    OMlkvtr. "LiJjj CTA!.0GUE FRCE, r ' I

    Looais fi u m , 4 y T I F F I N , O H I O .

    t l T W r l l o Of h a t w o r k

    row with la do with wall aanchlue.

    At-t. UllDKBfl p n II.I.KUPM p u u t i m X


  • L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 7 . 1 8 8 9 .

    B u s i n e s s C a r d s .

    JL. W. TODNO. PhynlrUn ml , fron "* i - i . ' -PHYSICIANS.

    IOUNO. PhyMniwu .> 010oo orer Yettr 4 I viU'" tore.

    OC. MoDANNKLU M O., rhyrtcito asd . Uuirron. Offlc Dtldce 8L

    MC.UREKNE M. II. Phjnriewn nar Sur- geon. Ottlcr nojr aod ulaw Bulldxri Hani"air a ii-wialtr. Uppoflitv Koreil mill.

    JOHN OILKS Jt CO., Qrocerioa ano PrOfU iou. Orockarr. 4c. C, rfeCAKTV, WhoWsaleand KetalMirocer. / . Bank Block

    MYRON H, W A L K E R ,

    A T T O R N E Y A N D S O U C I T O U

    O v e r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l B a n k , Canal Strtrl. Telrphone No. WT.

    O K A N U R A P 1 I I 8 , " I C H

    141011 BVUT. *IIT B. DITU

    H U N T & D A V I S .

    A b s t r a c t s of T i t l e , R e a l E s t a t e ,

    Loan and General Insurance Agonls.



    TateDiD, C l a p p e r t o o & H i n e

    COUNSELORS AT LAW. Ow.cia: G R A N D R A P I D S ,

    75 Lyon SI. Court Block. M I C H . Special Attention to I'rohatr

    titau- Collcctioui.

    D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , R*ldnt Veterinary Sorfeon,

    ' Uraduate of Ontario Veterlnanr ColleK*. Toron-lo Canada, profeMifonally

    AtUndi to all SiitMSi of H o n n asd Cittle Hospital for Lame and lileaed HonM. Calls

    will recelr* prompt attention Dlgbt or day. OI-FICE AT HEKKIN-S LITER! IIARN.

    s. P. HICKS, A t t o r u o y , L o a n s Co l IecMoi i i*and

    I i i H u r a n c e .

    MONEY to LOAN on REAL ESTATE SECURITY In iiim* of JiOO and upward* al cuttvnt

    mien. o m c * OVER CLARK A WINEOAH S.

    LOWELL. ^ M 1(111

    H E N R Y N . S T O N E ,

    I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

    Office with Bowne, Combs & Striker,

    L O W E L L , M I C H .

    POIICIM Written at, Ihe. Lowet Pilcea.

    R . H R R B E L R T ,


    Fine Sui t s ,OveFcoais and T : . u s e r s

    Flrit Door Wetl of Fzprri* Ofllre.


    Salary or Cnmmlulon I'ald weekly; steady work; reliable loci; ouidt free; no iitrrience ueedeil Write for lerma and teillmonlaU. (lie fr to tills paper.) (IIwfl)

    J . B. NELLIS A CO., Nanerymen. IHJCII KSTKIl, S. V.

    Mothers Always Use Peck ham's Group Bemedy for Children's Throat nnd LUIIK Trmililf-. Cout'lis. I olds, Whoop I UK COUK'II. Croup, j l . ld ul ouco to Its timely use. Conliiins no opiates, thereby oliviallni: the (lan.'eniiis eileots. often resiiltiiiic. wlien emmh :iu\iures prepared fur iidnlis me L'i\.'ii chil-dren. I'lesssnl. sfe. eerlalu. ludorscu by physlelau>. Keep ini t Imnd.

    Peckham's Croup Remedy for Chil-dren. Prepared only by Ur. 11. C. I'eckhnm. Freeport. Mleli. All DruugUts.

    8 0 D o s e s 2 8 C e n t s .


    C L A R K & W I N E G A R


    Y E I T E R & L O O K


    OCIiCAITU Vmi should rt-.l TMeCm-O C r C / t / f f CAO'l l>AII.V NnW.1 IX

    POINT lo"''''! ' ' ' rrally ihr cbapOl ll I

    curih O.ie cfm mram pmr-Ikillvnoihlniumil vmi p'nd It Th'n you euy tr-'k.-ii mean a gttat dcrfl. accutding ) U Invnl |l. A ihlng 1* hc'.p If ll cnaulinle. and U worth mildi. Tim DAILY NMVSKIIU' ' graph (lom ihr whol ;1Io your brain I'nlutp Itinciii-Hani wording "rdrr rc.i. y .u bui one cni a day. Thal'jwliy ll'l ibcip- bcrauie ii I'nden Kttai "rvli e lor an Iniipnifi. fain prv'f

    Ifsmmttrlf drculailon ! m I' .J over . mi'iliun a "l -and il o-i> hy mall j nt .. In i mil i, four i.innih. fi.w.- ..

    Prof. Loisette's


    In .|>IU of adallr.ll imllaii .r. uln. i r ^ tl Ih"...}, An.1 ptAClicAl nwiluoliu tn i d s s t e / S tei3i anduolAMl .apwiorilr ana pouu.anl] ol bl.lulling), Pn.l. l/'iMiiinVArl i.f N'rar Pcrt upinkKMof imipfa In all parta of tb* glnlie nh.i ba\. rxl-oalljr tiudl-d bUSnun br wrreomiiteM*. " Hut h i . Hj.lrm 1. u^lytilu irl.l'i txilnl ";( n r t r r v . i r j . ; thalnni/ UaJccut 1*Itarn-if 'till ff^lni/.tHlHd-KtinilrrUiofyrid.-l-e. FUR I'M I-siua. Tnn HIKI rr*lmier box. | (38yf)


    It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consump-tion, told by phyaiclaiiH that she was in-curable und could live only a short time; she weighed hss than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping |>aper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a suiuple: it helped her. she bought a lurge bottle, it helped ht-r more, bought unother and grew better la^t. coniinuedits use and isnow strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. 11. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery at Hunt & Hunter's Drug Store.

    EUPEPSY. This la what you ought to have, in

    "J ig

    daily, and mourning liccause tliey Hnd

    you OUL fact, you must havo it, to fully enjov life. Thousands are searching for it

    It not. Thousands upon thonsands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope ihat they may attain this boon. A n d y s t i t m a y be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used aceordlng to directions and the use presisted In, wilt bring Good Digestion and ou-t the demon Dyspepsia and In-stall instead Eupepsy. Wo recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $100 per bottle by Hunt

    Hunter, Druggists.

    Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint. Hood's Saniaparilla purities tho blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh.



    nv SUP'T W. I). CUZHE, IONIA.

    To just what extent the moral and social training of the home should become co-extensive with that of tho school boa long been ducuued and never satisfactorily decided.

    The mother must show the infant child that it is wrong to tell a falsehood and Ihat it IH not |)olito to talk im-properly to others, eic. When he has Krown older tho same lessons are taught him in school. The school, as I look upoti It. is nearly what might be called an enhirgement of an intelligent funiily, I'lie hnppy school is a happy fhtnlly where numeroiis social customs will lie luerved us u natural outcome of tbe

    golden Mile. Il a echool has a carpli as or rude teacher, t'le pupils will probab'y luck the iiesire to olbei ve certain of Iho cominon rules of society, tlood maunerH, however, come from or are the product of a true heurl. .Simply telling is not enough to cuilre children In act gentle manly on the street. The Idea munt lake deeiier root and euter tne very heart. 'Ihe model teacher assists ma-tenally in accomplishing this result.

    There seems to bu a gre.it tendeney on tho part of some to introduce children into real society very early. Some parents desire their children to appear bright ond forward, and, in carrying out their design, fall into that very serious error of suppoflng that society small-talk Is symixilical of brilliant intellect. The habit of being sitisfled with the chaff of personal intercourse doubtless paves the way to cheating them out of the real substance that should lie enjoyed by them in later years.

    Thut which causes considerable trouble in grades below the high school is the birthday party. Every child, us far as I know, has a birthday ond not a few celebrate them with parties. There aro live chances in seven that it falls on a school day. These red-letter days should be made pleasant nnd memonblo when it is not inconsistent with school dutie-: The had result coming from these little parties (and in a degree the same is true of the parties and socials of older people), is that a day or two before are tilled with the excitement of anticipa-tion. and that a day or two after are required for the children lo regain their accustomed vitality.

    We find nothing more hurtful to success in grammar and high school study thon the dissipation attending even the moderate use of tobacco. I t is too much to ask the great army of Michigan teachers to judiciously an-tagonize this habit so hurtful to pupils. Wo believe twenty per cent, of the boys In grammar and high schools daily usetobocco. Kind and conscien-tious teachers can lower it to five per cent. The twin of this habit is that of loitenng on the streets evenings. Nine of every ten boys that waste time on the streets evealngs are the poorest scholars. The studies In the schools are generally adapted to the ability of the good average student. In most cases who are Interfered with by social are not even the average stndents. The conclusion is evident. Those that can the less afford to suffer these interrup-tions meet most of them.

    Ever since higher education for young |>eople became common, but more esuecially within tho past few years, every town and city has developed critics who have made It their constant duly to complain of tho excessive requirements of the schools. Not alone has his criticism been applied lo thu grades in which the tender age of the pupil has made some of il seem just, but it li! and colleges, inwhich the arrived ut some degrve of menial ami physical maturity. Not infreqnently nave consrienlious teachers, superin-tendents and school coiniuiltees asked if these criticisms have any real founda-tion. Alt of us know what intelligent luvestigution has shown in most cases lias thu curriculum been considered too Heavy t No ! Various oilier causes, how-eer, have been discovered. The courses iiuvu been laid down for the good m average student. It is expected thut he shall devote to this courte of study uearly ihe whole of his time, not taken for proper recreation and sleep.

    Now, what ure sonle of the real causes that have led people to complain t The tirst may be illustrated by citing you to a young man of frail constitution und bright mind. Ue worries under close application and finally goes east with his parents. On returning ho finds his class advanced, but, determined not to drop back, lie summons his weakened forces to do more than the regular course would have demanded. Health gives away ; the schools aro censured. Another puuil has rushod ifirough the grades much more ranidly than others. We see him solving the very obeli act problems in algebra ond the intricate practical problems of physics s t an ago that renders the woik too deep for him. He sluggers un'der tho load, the schools aro censured. Then there comes the army of girls. who. after tho studies of school are finished, are expected to devote from one lo three hours to the piano, und that other perliaps smaller army of boys, who hove to peddle papers aud work in stores. These either find the work too hard and break down

    it, or resort to the less honorable of slighting lessons, which bring

    untold trouble In the near future. The cause of the indifferent success of

    the above : s quite different from that which causes the bud record of those who consider school aa an incidental employment, while the lightest fiction together with card and dancing parlies seem to them to bo the chief aim in life. I have no intention, in this paper, of entering into a discussion of the morality of such disposal of time, 1 intend simply to touch the subject as it pertains lo school questions. In some instances wo notice these pupils inclined to an oxcessive use of slang. In many of their most serious expressions it becomes dilllcult to choose Kngl'sh anpropriate lo the subject in hand. They must resort to circumlocution und ellipsis. How often aro they compelled to leave nubile thoughts unexpressed for lack of the appropriate vehicle of language. How often we see Ihem silent when some topic of the day Is under discunsion. Such pupils may know how lo pose in the latest Bohemian steps, but they ualurally know but little of celebrated authors. Do they come lo realiee what real life ia? Ths school curriculum nnd thu precepts of their Instructors being conildereu by them incidental rather limn otherwise, the schools ore not able to counloract their erroneous impres-sions.

    ( 7 b be cnulinuetl.)

    has been urged against high' schools ; students have

    DESERVING CONFIDENCE. Il is 'mile suiprising to notice the nu-

    merous reports of remarkable cases of nervous diseases cured, such as head-ache, fits, nervous prastratinns, heart affections. St. Vitus' Dance, insunity and prolonged Hleepltssnoss,. by Dr. Mile's Rcstcrutlve Nervine. This new and improved brain nnd nerve food, and medicine, is everywhere gaining a re-murkublo repuiatlon for curing tho worst of these diseases, as well as the injurious effects of worry, nervous irri tation. menial and physical overwork. Yeiier & Look the druggists, will give away trial bottles of this wonderful remedy. It podiUvely contains no opium or morphine.

    In Latin the meaning of Salve is "Hai l , Qod Save You'M used as a

    rt; greeting when tho scourged the cities ot Europe, promptly using safe and reliable reme-dies we can save ourselves from many plnguing discomforta, itchings and irritations from all causes, insect bites, plant poisonings, catarrh, inflamed and sore eyes, salt rheum, boils, ulcerations, piles, felons, soft corns, tettcf. chapping, chafing, ring-worm, bums, scalds ohil-bluins, frost bites, cuts and bruiaca which ore rapidly and penuanenlly cured by Cole's CurboliBalve, the only infallible healing preparation ever devised. Small boxes 2-i cents; Large boxes 00 cents. Sold by all druggists.


    Relative to Vehicles for the convey' ance of Goods, Merchandise or other

    SEC. 1No person, or persons, shall use, or cause to bo used In, or keep on tho streets of Ihe Village of Lowell, any drav or other vehicle for the carnage of goods, merchandise, or other property, without first having obtained a license therefor, from the Prenidint or Common Council, but such license shall not ex-tend beyond the fiist day of May of the ensuing year.

    Si:c. 2No person shall be entitled to such licenMi unless he is at the time a resident of said village, and the remov-al from said village of a person holding a license for the purptwe aforesaid, shall render such license forfeited;

    me aforesaid, shal upon

    conviction of any person or persons holding such license, for a violation of any provhnon of this ordinance, the President or Comnum Council may de-clare the license of such |ierson or per-sons forfeited.

    HEC a.Any person or iiereons apply-ing lor a llcenfe as a public carrier of goods, wares, or merchandlM1. shall, be-tore such license bo issued for the alore-suid purpose, pay into the villago treus ury the sum of five dollars. The for-teiture of any such license shall in no case entitle the licenoe to return of a n ; portion of such license money.

    Sko. 4.If the owner of any vehicle used for the purpose of transporting goods, merchandise, or other property, who may have received a license, shall sell or dispose or such vehicle before the expiration of such license, such licensed owner shall, within ten doys after such sale, reiiort the same to the President or Recorder, who are hereby authonxed lo trnnsfer such license to the purchaser of such vehicle.

    SEC. 5Tho i r m or other tire around tho wheels of every cart, dray or wagon, or other wheeled vehicle designed lo carry twenty five hundred pounds or more ut a load, shall not be leas than three inches in width and no person, whether licensed under provisions of this ordinance, or unlicensed, shall flraw, transport or convey, or cause to be drawn, transported or conveyed over, along or upon any graded, graveled or paved street, within the village limits, any cart, dray, wagon or other wheeled vehicle loaded with any material what-ever, in excess of twenty-five hundred pounds, unless the tire of such cart, dray, wagon or other vehicle shall have been made to oontorm to the requiro-menta of this section.

    SlO. 6Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions or re-quirements of this ordmance, on con-viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less three dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and cost of prosecu-tion, or by imi'isionment in the jail of the county of Kent, for a of not less than five days, nor more than ninety days, a t the diHcrelion of the court before whom the offender shall have been brought, and in case such court or magistrate shall only impose a fine and costs, tbe offender may be sen-tenced to imprisonment in the common jail of the county of Kent, nntil the payment of such fine and costs, for a period of not less than five days nor nmro than nipety


    Friends are scarce, but if you are suffer-ing with that awful disease.scrofulo.you will find Sulphur Btllors will cure you as It did me, after suffering eight years and after paying out hundreds of dollars lo doctors ana druggists. - Jeanne t te H mscom. Troy, N. Y.


    Over 60 people were forced to leave their home yesterday lo call for a free trial imckuge of Lane's Family Medicine. If your blood is bod, your liver and kid-neys out of order. If you are constipated and have headache and an unsightly complexion, dont fail lo call on any druvrgiat to-day for a free sample of this grand remedy'. The ladies praise it. Everyone likos it. Lurge size package 50 cents.


    Should be used by the young woman, she who suffers from any disease pecu-liar lo her sex, and a t change of life Is a powerlul tonic, benefits all who use it. Write the Bradfield Reg. Co., At-lanta. Go., for particulars. Sold by all druggists.


    . C. A. Johnson, of Toledo, had every symptom of heart diHea.se, ness of breath, could not lie on left side, cough, pains in chest, etc.. yet af ter be-ing given up to die, was cured by Dr. Miles new cure. Sold by Yeilor & Look.

    Everything in the latest and nobbiest styles of pantings and suitings at Smith's. The most fastidious cannot tail lo be suited.

    The Lonrell Woolen Mill*.

    Persons in want of all wool goods such as Shirting and Dress flannels, Red flannel, sheeting, double or single width. Yarns, Ladies Fancy Mills, Stockings and Socks in all sizes, can gel them at the Lowell Woolen Mills a t Rock Bottom Prices. We also make heavy winter shirts and cut and make pants to order only |4.00 per pair. Call and see these g o o d a . HE N R Y F . CLARK.

    Lowell Woolen Mills.

    Lowell Markets.

    Borley $0 75-85 Com, 40 Wheat, white, 76 Wheat, red, 70 Oats 20 Rye 80 Buckwheat 40-45 Butter 10 Eggs 18 Potatoes, 20 Apples, 1)0-60

    Teadisra' Ksamlnallon.

    Examination of teachers for the pub-lic schools of Kent County for the Fall of 1880 will be held as follows;


    Amr 11 R"ckford. Aug - l j 0 r a n d Rap,,!,.


    August 80 at Grand Rapids. Sept. 27 Oct. 25 " " " Nov. 20 Applicants for first and second grades

    must attend Aug. 1st. By ordir of tho County Board of

    School Examinrni, ECOKNE A . CARPENTER,

    4m4 Secretary.

    Prof. Lolaelte'a Ing greater luterest country, and penom wli memory ahunld neiid for advertised lo another col

    Hyateni la Creat-or In all parta of llm

    ihlng to liopnire their l.li pro(|>ectui free as

    Children Cry for Pitcher 's Castori.i.

    When n a h r was l ick, wn gave her Castorla.

    When Abo waa a Child, i h e crlcd f o r Caatorla,

    When t h e became Mis*, ahe c lung lo Castorla,

    When tho had Children, ahe iraTothwn Castorla.

    N 0 Z

    tsrsxsx1 bMSh/ given tbst by an

    the county of Kent, made

    OTIOK TO CREDITORS. Slate of Michigan, county of

    .. made on Norember, A' D. 1189. i x months wore allosrod for creditors to pre-

    sent their clslina against the estate of ROBtBT 0. BOHTWICK,

    late of tald county deceased, and UM all cradltors of said deceased are required to pre-sent their claims to said Probate court, at the Prohate office. In the dty of Grand Rapids, for examination aod allowance on or before the S7lh day of May, next, and that such claims will be hesrd beforu said court on Tuesday. Hie said tTth day of May next, st Urn o'clock in the forenoon of that day.

    Dated November S7th. A. D. '.?I3 CVROS E. PERKINS,

    i!l w 4 Judge o." Probate,


    POWDER A b B o l u t o l y P u r e .

    This powder never vanes. A Marvel of pur-ity, strength and whlle*omene*s. More eron-omleal than the ordlnsry kinds, snd cannot he sold la ooinpelltli-i with Ihe multitude of low leal, short weight alum or phoaphate powders, sold nly In osna. Royal Uaklng Powder Co, 106 Wall Bl., N. Y. 19Ol

    PROBATE ORDER- Stale of Michigan. Oouu-1 ly of Kent, ss. At a aesaion of the lYobate Court for aald County of Kent, held al the Pro-bale Offlce In the City of Grand 11 iplds. on the Mlh day of November. In the Tear una ihoutand. eight hundred and eighty nine.

    Present Cyrus E. Perkins. Judgj of Probate. In the matter of the estate of

    BCOTT L. FISHEB, deceased.

    Augustus W. Wtekes, admlnittralor, with the will annexed, ol said estate, having rvodtn-d to thla court hi) final admlnislraUon account,

    It is ordered Ihat KRIDAT, TBS I a m DAT o r DXCXMBXS. NEXT,

    at ten o'clock In the forenoon, al tald I'rohate Offlce. be appointed for examining and allowing said account.

    And Itis Further Ordered. Thai a copy of this order be published three auccesslye weeks pre-vious to said day of hearing, in the Lowell Jour-nal, a newtpaper printed and circulating In tald county of Kent. CYRUS E. PERKINS,

    (A true copy.) ADou>n II. MASOX, Register.

    Judge of Piobate. J w3.

    1)ROBATE ORDERState of Michigan, county of Ktint,aa. At a seolon of the Probate Court for the county of Kent, held at the Probate Of-fice. in the City -of Grand Raplda, on thu I5lh dry of November in tbe yeai onn Ihoutand eight hundred snd eighty nine.

    Present Cyrus E Perkins Judge of Probate In the matter of the estate ot

    ISAAC FILKIN8, deceased.

    On reading and filing tbe petition, duly veri-fled, of Robert Hunter, Jr., administntor of sold estate praving this court for license and author-ity to mongsge certain real estate of said de-ceased Uie rein described for tbe reasons and purposes therein mentioned.

    It Is ordnred, that KHIDAT, TH* ISTU OAT o r DEC SAGA s t i r ,

    at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said Probate Offlce, bo appointed for hearimf tald petition and that all persona inlerestvd In tald estate appear before said court, at said Um cause why license should not Administntor to mortgage for In said peUUon.

    And K Is Kurthec order ous H . Aua newtpaper printed and circulating In tald County of Kent. CYRUS E. PEEK INS,

    Judge of Probaf ( w3)

    ad R Is Further Ordered, That a copy of this 'r be published three successive weeks prari. to said day of hearing.in the LOWELL Josnf.

    (A true copy.) AO O L T B B. HABOH, Register .

    VfORTOAOE SALE.-Calvin E. Smith and Ida iTl M. Smith, his wife, executed to Richard L. Dawson a mortgags containing a power of salv, dated August 14th. 1883. and recorded in Uie of-fice of the Register of Deeds of Kent County. Michigan, al5 o'clock P. M.. September HI. IWJ, in llberllOof Mortgages, page H. Said Mortgagee assigned said mortgsgB beptember ltt, ifei, to Msgdalena iiyder. Tne aMigument waa I ed Sep'ember 1883, at the offlce of said ler in Libert? of Mortgages on Assignee ' July 12th. was recorded aforesaid, in Liber IU of Mongstfes, on psgetli

    Said inoitgage provides for the payment of an allornev fee of twentv-flve dollars in case of fi>recloaure. No tuit st taw or in < qui'y lias been instliuied to recover the debt now reiniUaing se-... t b l j r e o f

    . claim-One Hun-


    door, o? Ctmri

    . .fty-two cents r.Si); and in addlilon tberetu the turn of

    Tweol)-Uve Dollars ss an attorney fee for fore-

    NoUce it hereby given that by virtus of sold power of tale audln accordance with Ihe statute in such case made and provided, will be foreclosed by a sale o therein described at Public AurUon est bidder at the front (souili) do Block (so called) on Lyoo si reel, iu Grand Rspldt, io aald county of Court Blocs being ths plaoe of holding the Cir-cuit Court for the county of Kent) on Thursday, the 9th day of January. A. D. IWW. at 10 o'clock iu tho forenoon of iliatday.

    The prein'tes deecribed In tald mortgage are as folloHa; Ail of thst cenain pUceor par-cel of lami ailuate iu the town of Aigoms. Kent

    r, Michigan, dencribed sa followa: Ths half iMi of the South East fourth (Ui of

    Uie North West fourth (Ml of sec ion Tw,

    M n ' (11) West.

    , containing Twenty (>) acres more i tewn Nine (9) North, Range Eluv


    ited. Lowell. Knot Co.. Mich., October 9,1889. ^ u - HK-'KB-8. P. HICES, Ally, for Assignee. (i4wi3)

    C h a n c e r y S a l e . In parsuasce and by virtue of a decree of tht

    Circuit Court for the County of Kent, in Chan-cery, made and enteral oo the 11th day of Oo-tober A. H. . s "9, In a certain ct log wherein Charles A. Provin DeCou are Complainants and A ner, Levi 8. Provin, Margaret James W. Ransom Commsn I-aw A

    a L. Skinner arc Defendants. it hereby given that on Baturday the

    ~ at 10 o'clock In day ot January \, D, IW0, 1 irenoon of tald day. I. Uie

    Adolphus L, Skinner are Defi Notice

    i S S ^ ! t " c o ~ ttommiaTloreriTn' "ami To'r said County of Kent, In Ihe Bute of Michigan, thall sell at Public Auction lo the highest bidder, at tbe south front door of the Court House of aald County, to-wlt:

    Court Block (to called) in the city of Rapids, in tald County, ail of that certal or iiarael of land situated and being in Uie d< ty of Kent and State of Michigan, aud more llm .

    Rapids, {n tald County, ail of that certain ^lece

    , jnd more par-ticularly known and described as beisg, lota one. two, Ihree, four, flve, six. seven,eight, nine. eleven, twelva, thirteen, fourteen, Dflesn,

    Sweet Addition lo the City of Grand Rapids, according to the recorded plat thereof be the same mora or lass. DWIGHT 0088,

    Circuit Court Commissioner. Kant County, Michigan.

    BUTTERFIELD A KEENEY. BollclUirs forComplainant.

    Dated, Orand Rapids^ Mkh.tNov. SO A, D., IM9.

    f p O o t t o n . R o o t C O M P O U N D imposed of Cotton Root. Tansy snd nnyroyal-a rocunt discovery by an ll'1. vW'"-. u*ueamfiiuii me it

    .... rafe. Effectual. Prioe f L by mill, valrtl. l adles, ask yonr dnurglst for Cook's l.otton Root Compound aad take no ubstitate, Oi ino.ose 2 aumps for iiesisd partlculsn Ad. il I iiss I'D Nil LILY COMPANY. No'a FlaW Illock. 131 Woodward are.. Detroit, Mioh. t W Sold in Lowell by W. 8. Wine^ar. Drugglat

    Here's a State of Things! W e h a d s u p p o s e d t h e t i m e s w e r e g o i n g t o b e b r i g h t - L -

    . e r a n d w e h a v e l o a d e d u p w i t h t h e

    L A K G E S T S T O C K O F


    Jewelry and Silverware, EVER SHOWN IN THIS TOWN AND

    N O W W E M U S T S E L L I T O r k e e p i t a n d w e w o n ' t d o t h a t ; s o ca l l a n d s e e u s a n d

    B E P R E P A R E D T O B E

    Astonished at the Prices we are Giving/, V YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THAT

    a o c x D OOOIDS a - r v E s ^ t i s f a o t i o i s t A n d t h a t w e c a n s u i t t h e m o s t f a s t i d i o u s .

    A . D . O L I V E R .


    PROBATE of KI Court for bate Offlce,

    State of Michigan,oounly as. At a seaaion of t h e Probata county of Kent , he ld s t the Pro-

    . i the oily of Grand Rapids , on the d a y of November, in the yea r one thousand bt h u n d r e d and eighty-nine.

    it. Cyrus E. Perkins , J u d g e o t Probate , m a i l e r of t h e e s t a t e of

    MICHAEL DELANEY. deceased .

    An Ins t rument in wri t ing purpor t ing t o be the las t will a n d t e s t amen t of said deceased , hav ing been filed in this cou r t fo r p roba te ,

    I t Is o rdered , that Monday, t h e Olh d a y of J a n -u a r y next , a t ten o'clock In Ihe forenoon, at sa id P r o b i t e Offlce. b r amio in ted fo r prov-lug said ins t rument .

    i t i s l u n h t r t/ be published is to said day of

    . That a copy of this succes Ive weeks pre-

    . . ^ g. In iheLowELLjora NAL. a uewspaper printed aud dreulaliug Iu tald County of Kent.

    CYRUS E. PERKINS. A true copy Judge of Probate.

    Adolph B. Mason, Register. 19*3.

    PROBATE ORDER-Stale of Michigan. Coun-1 ty of Kent. a. At a teealon of b.- Protiate Court for the Countv of Kent, held at the Probate Offlce. in the City of Grand Rapidn, on the 77th day of Novembo , In tbe year one thousand eight hundred and eighty nlue.

    Present. Cyrus E. Perkins, Judge of Probate, lo the Matter ot the Eatatu of

    JOHN FILK1N8, dscvased.

    An inslniment In last will and titaiiient been filed in this Court

    It is Ordered, thut Moxnav. TUE SID DAT OR

    at ten o'clock in Ilia forenoon, at said Probate said In*

    nrM'^VSdXwated0 ha' ourt for Probate.

    It Is To Your Advantage! To buy your goods where you can get the best for ths least money.

    FuFniture Retailed A T

    Wholesale Priees, "V/e Manufacture Our Own Goods and Give Cuslomers the Beneflt of It.

    Our Furniture Will Astonish You! i -


    e, be appointed for pi And it is Further Ordered,

    order be publiahed three HI vi iua to said day of hearing.


    Jf. ItA full line of Cofflns. CaskeU, Shrouds, etc aiwitys on hand. LOWELL. MICH.

    a n e w s ^ r printed and cl

    ccertsive weeks p in tbe Lowell Joi

    Judgeof A son. Register.

    of this

    Jmu sold


    C h a u c e r ) ' S a l e .

    STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Oreult Court Uie County of KentIn Chancery. GEOSQE A. SWER Ann EDWIN F. SWEET, Executors of the last will and testa-ment of SlDNET BWETT.Deceased. Com-

    a R. SUQH. LTHAI. D. FokLSrr, A. JOUSSOK. Admin i s t ra t r ix of


    ice of a decree made io this cause on the secod day of July, 1889. I ahall sell st public aucUon, at the south front door of the courthouse, town: Court Block, ao called, on Lyon Street, in the City of Grand Ilaplds, in said County, on Ihe aevanlli da}' of Deuemtwr. 1889, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, all Uial certain piece or ircei of bud situated in ths township of Ada, County of Kent and Slate ot Michigan, described as follows, to wit.

    The weal half 14] of Uie north east quarter ' section thirty-ave 1S5) town seven 17) of range ten [101 west, containing eighty

    a ofland, bo the same mora or less. October . IW).

    ALFRED WOLCOTT, Circuit Court Comtnitsioner.

    EDWIN P. SWEET, Kent County, Mloh. Complainants Solicitor. (KIwT)

    VTOTICI OF COMMISSIONERS ON CLAIMS 1 > SUM of Mlchlgso, County of Kent, ts. Pro-bate Court for said Count),

    Estate ot JOHN J. CAMPBELL

    deceased. We the undersigned having been appointed by

    tbe Hon. Judge of Hrobato of aald ' '.Oommisaionerson Claims in the matter

    and six months from the 9th day D. 188#. having been allowed by

    of Probate to all persons having ; tald Estate, in which to pi-Ment us for examination aad adjustment

    ly Given, That we will meet oo day of Decrmber.A. D. 18M,aad

    . r . ..'"jf ty A>>"1' A- D- '9. at two p clock P. M. of each dar. al thaalor* of David M. Bkidmore in the township of Bowne, in said county, to receive and examine such claims.

    Dated. 80th of October A. D. 1889, DAVID M. BKIDMORE, JAMES BHANNAN, -

    (|'V4) Committl >oen.


    B U S H *

    B A R G A I N S T O R E I S P R E P A R E D T O O F F E R


    Fancy Goods, Bric-a-brac, Notions,

    Novelties and Toys. T h e y w i l l n o t b e - u n d e r s o l d b y a n y o n e a n d c a n

    Duplicate and Discount! PRICES OFFERED ELSEWHERE.

    T h e y h a v e r e c e n d y a d d e d a c o m p l e t e l i n e o f .


    MANICURE SETS, Which, on account of their store being overcrowded, they have been obliged to

    put in a separata department in the addition back of tho store. Ask t3 seo them.

    Bush's Bargain Store, Lowell, Mich.

    About Advertising.

    " Y o u c a n f o o l all t h e p e o p l e some o f t h e t i m e .

    A n d some o f t h e p e o p l e all t h e t i m e .

    B u t y o u c a n ' t f o o l all t h e p e o p l e all the time."

    Abraham Lincoln.

    ' J " H E R E ' S a g o o d d e a l o f " s o l i d h o r s e s e n s e " in t h e

    h o m e l y p r a s e o l o g y o f " H o n e s t O l d A b e " a s q u o t e d

    a b o v e , p e c u l i a r l y a p p l i c a b l e t o t h e c l o t h i n g b u s i n e s s in t h e s e

    d a y s w h e n s h o w w i n d o w s a n d n e w s p a p e r s o v e r f l o w w i t h

    a n n o u n c e m e n t s

    l i k e t h i s , a n d t h i s ,

    - T H I S S U I T



    R E D U C E D FROM


    Now f 11.88.

    a n d w e find r e f r e s h i n g o r i g i n a l i t y i n a n " a d " w h i d i o f f e r s .

    Overcoats $ 1 5 . 0 0 . Worth $ 1 5 . 0 0 .

    T h e f a c t i s t h e r e a r e t o o m a n y " o n e i d e a " m e n f n t h e

    c l o t h i n g b u s i n e s s n o w - a - d a y s , w h o b e l i e v e i n B a r n u m ' s t h e -

    o r y , t h a t " T h e A m e r i c a n p u b l i c l i k e t o b e h u m b u g g e d , " w h o

    b e l i e v e t h a t " l o w p r i c e " ' h i e a n s " c h e a p , " w h o t h i n k t h e y c a n

    " f o o l t h e p e o p l e a l l t h 6 t i m e . " W e h o p e y o u d o n ' t t a k e

    s t o c k i n t h i s m o s s - g r o w n t h e o r y .

    T h e p u r c h a s i n g p u b l i c o f t o - d a y a r e a b r a i n y , d i s c r i m i n a t e

    i n g l o t o f p o e p l e , w h o p r e f e r a f i r s t - c l a s s a r t i c l e a t a f a i r p r i c e

    r a t h e r t h a n i n f e r i o r g o o d s a t ficticiously l o w figures.

    T h e a n n a l s o f t r a d e p r o v e t h e r e i s o n l y o n e s u r e f o u a d a -

    t i o n f o r p e r m a n e n t s u c c e s s , a n d t h a t i s

    Actual Merit in Merchandise.

    G o o d C l o t h i n g S u b s t a n t i a l W o r k m a n s h i p D u r a b l e

    T r i m m i n g s S t y l e a n d F i t a r e t h e a d v e r t i s e m e n t s W h i c h

    .Make Trade, and Keep It,

    W h i c h n a t u r a l l y c a l l s t o m i n d t h e w e l l - k n o w n s t o c k o f

    Chas. Althen, w h i c h c o m b i n e s a l l t h e s e d e s i r a b l e p o i n t s .

    Cor. Streo, Train's Opera House Block.


    L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N H X U A V , N O V E M B E R 27 , 1 8 8 9 .

    B o w n e , C o m b s & S t r i k e r ,

    BANKERS, L o w e l l . - M i c h i g a n .

    Tnnsact a Cleneral Banking Dufineas and Isaue Drafts aviillable In all

    parU of the World.

    M . C . G R I S W O L D , CABHIEH.

    . L O W E L L

    B u s i n e s s M e n ' s A s s o c i a t i o n .

    R e g u l a r M e t i n g ' i F i r t t T h u r e d a y in e v e r y m o n t h , a t B . C . S m i t h ' s i t o r e . A. W , W E E K E S , P re s .


    noa, Bowne and Boston. Alec several house# and loU in tho villago of Lowell. Can ult all clusnes of customers. For further uarliculare inquire at the offlce of 8. P. HICKS, 8tf over West & Go's druy etoro

    Fni Q a l o -Soverul choice farms r o r o a i e . ^ . t ed tn Keene, Vergi

    N e w M i l k s C o w s ^ h T w r n ^ the highiyt price in cash. Drop a postal t i me and I will call a t once.

    J . 8. DANIELS, Lowell, Mich., P. 0 I!ox 870.

    Highest market prire nai.l for PelU and Furs a t tho Lowell Woolen Mills.

    (IQmS) H . F . CLARK, P r o p .

    G H A S . J . C H U R C H & SON,

    B A N K E R S ,

    L y o n B l o c k , L o w e l l , M i c h .

    A Genera l B a n k i n g B u t i n e a C o n d u c t e d .

    z s o ^ j / r a aixidL c o x - x a c c n o i T s .

    Drafts Bold on all Porclcn Cauntries.


    Bring Ihat wood I

    Smoke "Dafa Bosa" cigar.

    Mrs. Blchards ia very much worse.

    Old papers five centa a doren a t this office.

    New Goods, new styles and low prices at Mrs. Hiler's.

    Thanksgiving services al the JJ. E. church to-morrow.

    Hohreiner has an immense slock of elegant robes. Cheap.

    Retsof Rock Bait, the best for stock, for sale by Fisher & Co.

    Mrs. Noble Burnett, of St. Johns, is visiting at L. W. AldrichV.

    Extra inducttnenis offewd by the Star Clothing Houee, Qrand Rapids.

    Hies Jennie Cattermole of St Johns. Tisitod Matlio Perrln laat week.

    Rev. Chas. OltfHeld, of Cedar Springs, waa in town a little while Monday.

    Sliced Cream Candies. The finest. S5c per lb. For Thanksgiving. At Rick-ert's.

    For rentA 7 room houso. with good well and cistern under cover. Apply to 8. Walte.

    Mrs. HUer h is jus t received her new winter goods and will be pleased to show them to you.

    Mr. and Mrs. Deloe E. Waters, of Grand Rapids, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. B. C. Smith. * C. J . Church, of Greenville, senior member of tbe banking firm of C. J . Church Son, Is in town.

    Frank Robinson, of Moss Point, Miss., is snendlng Thanksgiving with his fa th-er, Win. Robinson, and slater, Sirs. Mina Jones.

    Twenty dollars for an extra ttood suit of clothes mado to fit you. What do you think of that? Smith the tailor is making them.

    C. M. Devendorf returned. Saturday, from a aix weeks visit with his son Fred, in Chicago. Mrs Dovendorf will stay some time yet.

    DewittC. Beadle, who was m business here a few years ago. died last Tuesdio. s i tbe residence of bis father in Sara nao. of Bright's disease of the kidneys, from which he had suffered for over three years. He was hurled Thursday.

    JA man (55 years old) 1 in r

    Smoke "Dai's Boss" cigar. Job Printing at this offlce. Lowest


    Sfrs. A. J. Brock, of Ypailanti, is vis-1 iting ai F. King's,

    1 R. D. Stocking has 10 nnd 12 gauge loaded shells for sale.

    You can get Ihe llnpst worsted pants for | 0 at B. C. Smith's.

    When in Grand Rnpids don't forget lo call ai the Star Clothing House.

    Best French Creams. 20c. jier pound at The Fair. (Bush's.)

    One HxlO franie with every down cab. inets.at |2.50,at Philley's.

    Rev. J . T. Hustea railed on many of his friends one day last week.

    For Rent CheapA new house. 5 rooms Eni|uire ill Bergin's Grocery.

    Bert Itelrd and Geo, Washington An-gell came down Sunday to see the girls.

    Mr. M H. Walker is in town and will spend Thanksgiving with friends here.

    Bert Aldrich. of Portland, la making his uncle. L. W. Aldrich. a short visit.

    Sliced Cream Candies. Tho finest. 880 p'-r lb For Thanksgiving. At Kick-ert's.

    Iloberlson & Son's stock of winter goods are here before the blizzards Pre|>are ye.

    Ten Nights in the Bar Room al Train's Opera House to-morrow night. Reserv-ed seals at The Fair.

    First quality goods ut less than third uality orlctH. at tho Star Clothing ouse. Grand Rapids,

    Mrs. R. Vandyke is spending the week in loma. Rudolph will go up to-morrow, to eat turkey.

    Miss Howard, one of the teachers in the Lake Odessa school, came over with Jessie Gardner to spend Sunday.

    Miss Mary Cdchren has recover*d from her severe attack of material fever, and has taken her old position al Smith's.

    Professor Daniel Myers, principal of the Ada school, and wife, apent part of last week visiting a t N. C. Runsford's.

    C. W. Merriman went to Saranac last Thursday to attend the funeral of D. C. Beadle, for whom he worked several years.

    The young ladiee of the M. E. Church gave a very pleasant "co'iversational" at Miss Maude Mitchell's last Wednes-day night.

    The Star Clothing House, of Grand Rapids, will pay your fare 10 the city with each (10 purchase. Seo their adv.

    B. C. Smith, the tailor, will be " a t horns" to his cuslomers right along, and will continue to make pants to order from $4 upwards.

    Mr. Philley has made a change and se-cured a first class artist at his gallery and will give you the best work for the money. Call and see.

    Tne W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. M N. Hine. Friday at 2:30 P. M Sub-ject: "Searching the scripture's" A full attendance is desired. SBC.


    man bou( five feet six inches

    by ban u

    height, with 4roB m j moiutacne; had on when last m n a brown suit of clothes, black der-

    aupposed to b in lbe vicinity Lowell. The man Is Insane and any-

    .one knowing where be can be found yvlll confer a favor by informing

    JoaBFii McKxrJ Hastings, lllcb.

    In the December HARPER. Rev. I*. R. flaweis, U. A., will discuss the use and progress of the oratorio as a significant factor in the evolution of music nnd drama. Uo predicts the rise of "The Sacred Musical Drama of the future, which, besays, " isabout to mark a ne" eclectic art epoon, foreehsdowed bv Wagner's 'Pant fa l , ' and Rubinsteins proposal toflramatUeoratorlally the Old Testament." The article is entitled "Ora lorio and Drama: A New Departure.

    I h e C . L. S.O. meets at Mrs. M. C. Barber's. Monday evening. Dec 2. Pro ftram 'or the evening as follows;

    QuotationsMoney. Table talk (5 min ) on the New States,

    by Uobrrt Barber. T ible talk (5 min.) Expodtion of 1802.

    br Mrs. Dr. Brooks. Article'Life of the Romans,' by

    Mm. J . Kopf. Tht" leeson"Politlos wh'ch made nnd

    unmade Rome," conducted by S. P. Hicks.

    We had the excitement of a double runaway Monday. Sol Carr's horse, which waa bitched in front of

    FIRE I

    The Shopa of Ihe Mleb. Cutler Co. llurned WilhConlenta.

    Monday night, at about 11:30. a moet dlsaslerous tire broke out In the shops of the Michigan Cutler Co.. and the two large shops were entirely consumed, to. gelher wilh most of thel contents. The shops were full of cutters. Irons, trim-mings. paints and varnishes, nnd the toss will be at least *10,010. with insur-ance lo Hie amount of (12,450. placed as follows: With 8, P. Hicks. (2,750, in the CommerciMl Union.ofLondon.d.OOO.

    I in the Phoenix, of Brooklin, nnd (1,200, in the Underwriters, of New York; wilh 11. N. Stone. (1,000. in the Rochester (iernmn; and with Allien Jackson. (3-500, in the New Haninshire, (1.000, in Ihe Ohio and (2,000 in the Westches-ter

    Tbe loss Is particularly disasterous now, on account of this being the

    um. The factory was running fiiirtltnn and turning out finished cut-lers at the rate of twenty-five a dav, and gave employment to forty hands. While they will undoubtedly rebuild, they cannot get ready in time to ' do anything this season. The factory had a capacity of 8.000 finished cutters and the annual output was about (00, 000.

    The fire caught in the east end of the north building where the varnishing room was located and spread with in-credlble swiftness, although it seem-ed to those first on the ground that a little water would have stopped it. The ware house, which was situated about 200 feet east of the shops.was saved, but it required a great effort to save it.

    The small nwelllng iust east of the south shop was entirely consumed. It waa unoccupied and belonged lo E. R. Huxley.

    After the fire was nearly out the old hand engine from over town arrived and took a position between the fire and the river, but as they had brought no hose wilh them it was uselesi,. as usual.

    Mr F. / t ing, of the Midi. Cutter Co.. arrived home on the 11:50 train in time to see the sho|ie go up in smoke.

    The train due here ut 11:50 was held two hours on account of ths fire, the lo-comotive did good service in the mean-while. saving cars. It took three burn-ing cars away from near the buildings. They were extinguished at the depot by the R R. handa.



    Metbodial Itsma. Sister James Ball is improving in

    Oliver has the largest line of clocks ever shown in this town, and expects lo get rid of them all by Jan. Ist because he is selling them so cheap.

    Dr. I. B. Malcolm writes from Sacra-mento, Cal.. that he is much belter than when he left home. Fred Is with Iiim. They like the country very much.

    Mrs. Squires, of Lone Rock. Wis., is spending the winter with her daughter. Sirs. O. F. Kellogg. Sirs. Squires formerly resided here but has been away fifteen years.

    The "Pie and Cheese" Social at Mrs. D. G. Look's was not the success, finan-cially. that they had hoped. The rain and the opera were the causes which kept the people at home.

    Invitations are out for tho marring'-, to.mght, of Quiucy Fisher and Mabel Aldrich, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Sirs. L. W. Aldrich. They have our best wishes.

    Mr and Sirs. W. 8. Coleman, of Gd. Rapids, made Will's motherMrs. M. N. Hinea short visit Tuesday. It WHS her birthday and the children gave her a very pleasant surprise parly.

    Charles Dudley Warner thinks tho world, in many respects, has been grow-ing younger ever since the Christian ert. This view, with special reference tn Christitas, bo will set forth in tho December Harper.

    LOSTEnglish setter puppy; colors blue with black ears and black SIXK on back, tan ticks on legs, white star on forehead; strap with ring on around his ne CLOVER CO.

    H X J I S T T isssowj;

    * Ksn w -Uotroit. i l lch.


    Sc H U I S T T B R

    And he always has on hand a


    MensJoiilhsMs&Chililreiis CLOTHING,

    Gents Furnishing Goods of All Descriptions, \ Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises, Robes and

    Horse Blankets and is

    A. R. HENDRIX,


    Steam & Hot Water Heaters Steam Fitting ami P u m p Repair ing,

    ARTIFICIAL STONE WALKS. FLAGGING, ETC Any pers ms lolriidlni; in lay walks, curbi toni-s . o r any-

    thing of m a t sor t , will Ond ii t o i he i r luturest t o g e t my pr iaas

    t y A H I work at lowest Living Rates, nnd Sat-isfaction guanint'-ed. t u

    at T I E O L I D P l E L J I A . B L J E ., ,


    BOOTS -SS SHOES. W e carry the Largest and Best Stock in town, comprising

    everything in the line of foot-wear.





    Berger Steel Roofing and Gal vanized Have Troughing.

    Selling Them Cheaper i

    Than they were ever sold in Lowell before. He is not offering the Earth for a Song, but is offering goods that are full value for the


    M A R K S .


    i stock a full l ius of the U u w t Improved

    GASOLINE STOVES, A Spoclalty i

    H e a v y H a r d w a r e .

    WE M ' T KEEP Q U I E T A N Y L O N G E R . H E A l t V E ! H E A R Y E


    H E A l t Y E :

    ! OUR GOAL IS TRADE, And wo are Itotind lo

    GET TF1ERE AND STAY T H E R E If there such IliiiiK a*

    E N E F I T IN

    ARGAINS p \ ; E V " ' " 6 R 1 RICES * ALUES V

    To bring trade our way we havo sleeked up l i b the besl stock of

    Boots, Shoes, Rul )ber Goods And Heavy Socks,

    We haye ever hud in our store.

    Never Say Freeze as Long as Our Stock Holds Out. Yours for Comfoil in Footwear.


  • I . O W E I . I , . l O U U N A L ; W K O N K H D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 7 . 1 8 8 0 .

    e ALLAX'S 0



    S; T h r a o K o o d a C o n l a l n l l i c L m v or

    K r c d l i a o f t h e F l u o T r u e ,

    Use thorn for a plaisant emoko and gpooi ly r e l i e f f o r INFLUENZA ASJTE



    ALL BRONCHIAL DISEASES; t h e y n r . ' f r e e

    from adulteration, as notliing Is tuwd In their manufactum but tho BES r OF TOBACCO a n d FRESH PINE NIELLCS



    HUMPHREYS Ua. H u a r H u n ' s r a c i n r j i an-M-lruilflcali) an I

    carefullr preoarcd pKacrlpllima: u i s l for nmiiy n a n U p r l i w o r t c t l r e w f l l n u c a . a n d fm ule. K M y alnlr Spc-elflc I> a ipcotel OUW Inr Ilia II1M.C uauml.

    Thmn sporlhra cure n llliuut (IrUKitln*. nunr-nit or redudnt Iho yairiii. and aro In f a r ! hikI j I f t i u B w a t l a i n , l ifccuiaaitcI^Jni. . . .-J

    E C I F I C S 11 r n

    m r . or Dora, or Weak E j r . ,.{(1 t a r r h . InMurnia. Cold lo ihr Hnad , o

    ( J o a i h , Violent Cuuglu. .AO

    ^ c r o f a l n , ttiUr.vJ (ibada.KiTriiinit .a N e n e r a l lif Idlllv.l 'lirMcal U c-aknir." l l roDair . and Scouhr Seqt t lona. . J lea H l c k n e a a , Hkfcnaatrom Hiding

    W C . S W ^ W Y A ' S '

    v v i % W i, \ 4 V* 0 v VJ-V.V U V . S V \ u i s . ^

    U j D M P a n r t f f V E t E M S i B T SPECIFirs -H i ; a e 4 k | r a l l o m i m a f H o n e n a d C a t -J * . A Cqranllin?aiUT ropy or Dr. I lumphr r ja '

    FpaAfcpo 0 a u - lloraH, I


    r.Bull's Cough Syrup tTiuih'ior 2 3 "

    I bdd . i 5/A .


    Ak for'

    Sec for voursclf l iow Tilan-

    kc t s wear and o thc i makes tear .

    r/fffOet-from rotir ilcnlcr fico, the 54 ilmk. ll lias lia'iiisoinc pii'lurc^ nnd valilalile iilCiriiiiitinn ai.uiil IIOIK-?.

    Two or Ilirci- iloljur* f^r a St. Horse Blanket will make your horse iimlli uiuie and i-at lu,s< lo keep warm.

    5 A Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable 5/A Electric 5/A Extra Test

    30 other My I os nl prices in mil fTcry-body. If you can't get llicm Irom jout dealer, write 119.

    5/A ^ O R S t

    BLANKETS ARE THE ST^^mEST. HON*. TCNUINC WITHOOTTHC S-A LAB*. L Man if I IIY V.-y I'Ulbd.i who rnako ill- tainons Uont" Hr.uid Uaker UUuki'U

    D e b l h Inrnlunlarr Dlachargi*. 1

    IT Kec;uuil Weak

    lU.K Ued

    r> spaam. hi. I h e r l n . L'lceraled SoreTbiii'a It.mi" cigar.

    Fishpr A Oi, have rec t i fy pnrchft'eil a r.ir load "f f i n k .Ni'l in cjiuoks pi-t as it 'oni

    Brown's Compound Blood Purifier and Tonic is sold by Veiu-r & Look, drug-grnts. | 1 tier battle.

    A man who has practiced medicine for -10 yearn ought to know gull from sugar; read what he rays:

    TOLEDO, 0 . J a n . 1 0 . 1 8 8 7 . Messrs. F. J . Cheney K c u - e u f larrb that cmnot lie cured with liuli'g t 'atlirrli 1 'ure TiLen iiiti-rnally. F .1. CtlKVKV ."t Co . Pni|H . Toledo, 0. o r Sold by all diuggiats, 76c.

    Smoke "Dai 's Boga" clg-ir.

    EH.ERTS DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS are a Issm loMilfer. rs from Hick-lieadHchea. hour Siomach. Torpid Liver ami InibgeMion. Sitgar-coateil, pleas ant to ntke and wurrauted tugolliiuugh by daylight.

    ETT.F.TTT's EXTRACT O F T A R & W I L D CLTF.HMV Is a eate. tellable und pleasant remeily fur Cough. Colds. Broncbttts. AMhnia. HIUI all Ihronl Irintliles; w ill le lieve and U-m 111 ci>nsuinpiion. Try it ai.d in- convmceil. Every Is.ttle war-runted; p ruv no>uld by nil diugRlhts. Pr.pnreil by theEiumei l Proprietary Co.. t.ldcu-g". HI.

    Motheni w ill find. Dr. WlnchfU'g Teetlimg Syrup JIIKI the metroy worms und remove tbetti Irom the syatein. Safe | leagant and effective.

    HAPPY HOME BLOOD PURIFIER is the Peoples Popnlnr Medicine lor pur-ifying the bimsl: iirevetiting or curlii|i DyspepBia. Ihlliousness. Heudache. boils und all Fu< era und Malarial Disea-SH

    Price 50c. nnd one dollar per bottle.

    UNCLE SAM'S t ONDITION I'OW-DKK will cure Dlsteni|s-r, Coughs. Colds. Fevera and moet of the diw-anes lo which Hoises, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs Htul Poultry uie guhjeet. Sold by all drujigists.

    UNCLE SAM'S NERVE & BONE LINIMENT will relieveSpra ns.Biu * Neuralgia and lUieuuiatlstu. Bold by all druggists.

    T r f ^ n i * *0 the motl a 'ejani form HE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE

    or nu F I G S O F - C A L I F O R N I A ,

    Combined wi th the mcdic iual v i r tues of p l a n t s k n o w n to be most beneficial to the h i tman sys tem, forming a n nKreeable and effoctivo l axa t i ve to perma-nent ly cure H a b i t u a l Consti-pa t ion . and t he m a n y ills de-pend ing on a weak or inactive condit ion of the

    K'ONEYS, LIVER ANO BOWELS. ll i thenoM e i f r l l en i remei'v I n o n lo


    When ont it r.ilioni o r Connipaied wi THAT-

    P U R E B L O O D , R E F R I I H I N Q C L C C P , I C A L T H n n d T R I N O T H


    E v e r y one is u s i n g it and all a re de l ighted with it.

    AiK TOUR DIlKXagT fOW m r s r s t X T T * O X * X * X O - 8



    WUISVIUE. xr HEW YORK, * f

    forxf jurT ij'Cfi'ni# m ibt

    niinl Siair- anJ

    ' n r . ' ^ i i T M K paiMti

    c*KO. ilia |*nlaii#hrrt of ili rW-KKliic

    I nuM Mftita. a i d . *.!. KogUnd. t r t M * .

    Citnuaa/. an.! all oih^r CMinin^ Tbairipan* afc noagualatl aoJ tbair faoiHUaa ar* uaaur-MMM

    l ra* inn and p*i#r .f bciaoiido Aiaanaaa. HI lirnadaai. Vork

    Uaadbook about paiauu 9&ilad traa.


    1 laving closed out three large stocks, and

    prices a t least F O R T Y 1'ER C E N T below the

    manufacturers first cost, we arc determined to

    push them off at once at prices lower than ever

    mentioned by any Clothing House in the state.


    For Men's and Boys' wear, and

    FurnisbiDgs, Hals and Caps.

    A N R L i U l O A N T . L i l N EL O F

    Gold and Silver Watelies, W l N l S f C H t t /

    CLOCKS and SILVERWARE. Sptcial Atiemioo Givtn lo Repiiring.

    H. A. SHE1RMAN.

    A s an inducement to out oi town t rade we

    make the following offer:

    " T O A N Y O N E B U Y I N G T E N D O L L A R S

    W O H T H U F G O O D S F R O M U S B E T W E E N

    N O W A N D J A N . ist, W E


    O N E - H A L F their fare to the city. T o anyone

    b u y i n g T W E N T Y D O L L A R S worth or more

    we will return the W H O L E - A M O U N T O F

    'I H E I R F A R K to and from ihe City.

    Star Clothing House, 34 TO 42 CANAL ST.,

    G r a n d R a p i d s , Mich.


    q ^ i j ^ ^ ^ 5; s


    I N C O M B I N A T I O N V I T H " n* hrigkUtl cj I'.t tUUrtn't magatiw," says the Springfield Republican.

    Street conversation as heard between A. and B. in Lowell:

    A-Have you seen McPherson of late? B -Yes. I was in there only yesterday. Found

    them busy as nailers. A - W h y is it they are always so busy? BThat is very easily explained. If you go

    there for whar, you want you are sure ro find it (good to), and only costs you about half what you would pay elsewhere for it.

    A - I hear they have a big line of Holiday Goods on exhibition.

    B - Big Line! I guess they have. The store is crammed from floor to ceiline with tho choicest of Nic Nacs and useful articles and I never bBfore saw tham as low as they have them marked.

    AI guess those that buy b3fore looking ov-er McPherson's stock and getting his prices will get left.

    B ~I know they will.

    B E S T C O U G H M E D I C I N E . R c c o m m c n d c d by Physicians. C u r e s w h e r e all

    else fails. Pleasant and agrecahfc. to the taste. Chil-t ake it without objection. Sold by all druggis ts .

    L E A N ' S

    Business CollGge I E S T A B L I S H E D 7 Y E A R S . )

    o h e p i r d - H a r t m a n B u i l d i n g , - F n u a l a i n t .


    ISSThftTluX HIVES i s

    B o o k - K e e p i n g , S h o r t - H a n d , T e l e e n p h y , P e n -m a t u l i i p a n d B u s i n e s s f o r m s ,

    J . U . J-KA Nr, snr t ' t i i s i ipu .

    Wood Wanted! A T T H I S O F F I U K . T O A i ' l - L V O X S U I I .

    M l i l l - T t O . V .

    SWM masem s

    f a n Y O v / M G P C O f U E , - ' O L O T M B O P C O ' B O S T O N . M A l l


    5 ) 2 4 0 A > c ^


    IF SUBSCRIBED FOR. AT THIS OFFICE N f t \ / P M R f R C T D C C ro new suaxweifii ro wide awaw

    l l I I WHOIAKlADVANWtlflHinmiAL DfCfnBER. I H L u - ornR mm DtUMiRnwiG

    FOR T H E Y O U N G E R Y O U N G FOLKS. . -1 - -u-1 , , r . offer* combination ratci with

    THE JOUBNAL -BABVlj^Mnljicentiayoii). Forbibj ar.J nun-.nu in theiriMery. $ 1 . 2 5 O u i i l . t m r. MKN ANO W O J I I N ( J t a y e n ) . l o r y o u n p t M i t -a i l t i* . L .RTO

    TITC PANIV ($I a yei:). l or SunCjy and wetkdajf u-adinp. 1 . 5 0 n^od b|1 pnlarf to lllia ^Btcr, whtre apctliuriia uf t h e n iiiacailnra nmy bo aocn.

    h f e f e b i s h s s i s f i l s f e

    N USE


    sA>: Ir-. It. HII I wi-rkiiianalilp.


    1 P r . ^ r e c r Fir. .


    O ^ R A I L ^ . A i K P O M T H I M ; )|

    A N D A C C E P T N O O T H E R .


    O R . E L M S L I E & C O . , s o n f i t WASIIISOTOX AVENUE.

    f o r n T (if Opiva-H Ai-nim. Kaal f a R l n a w , MIt'll 1 .n Mr E iii-lli* .t O-i urn n i; ni .uinv u i r^itnlar Krivlmt^il IIII.VICIHII". Hy rxplalnlMIl l l i r l r l r uiiln In iMnl l , tw i rvu in l a l HK I t l inmra Ttw taiurw* i.f l i v | . lui-m *111 nm in a n y a a r luu-r'i-iv M-tih i M r bu.liifa-* AliMllitc r rTrcr In alt c a w . Cl ia - f .

    iniBtrraln AilitrvB; l a Ei.aaLU & O i , KMI haginaw. 31 I l iUan OiHro hmsM I ' l o l l s , in . |.> 4 anil 7 i o N p m. , i r rck daya only. llo.>mB 1. J and P t i n * MM

    N. U Cuimilt i i l lon and adr lce f n * .

    A - GREAT SUCCESS I Our Great Sales of Suits and Overcoats.

    A N D O U R C U S T O M E R S A R E P L E A S E D 1 T o say t h a t we a re p leased , d o e s not half e x p r e s s it. N e v e r in t h e His tory of Ihe Clo th ing B u s i n e s s in Lowell have such Ba rga ins been o f f e r ed . We h a v e a l ready Sold More Clo th ing m O c t o b e r and N o v e m b e r t h a n we sola last v e a r in O c t o b e r . N o v e m b e r a n d D e c e m b e r . I he i m m p n s e we ar Offering is What Has Thribbled our sales. YOU HAVE THREE DAYS MORE. UNTIL DECEMBER FIRST T H E PRICES HERETOFORE QUOTED HOLDCOOD. Save Money while ihe oppor tun i ty is o f fe red . You t a k e no c h a n c e s . A sav ing of f r o m $1.50 to $7- on e a c h Su i t g u a r a n t e e d or m o n e y r e f u n d e d .

    DRY GOODS DEP'T! In this Department our business h a s been immense d u r i n g the fall months and to inakc our sales still more satfsfactory

    .e will offer special bargains that will be a happy surprise to every purchaser of Dry Goods.

    BOOTS AND SHOES! Our Roots and Shoes arc going with a rush. T h e assortment ol Men's, Boys', Ladies' and Misses is still good. January

    ist must see the entire stuck closed. W e shall not s top at cost price to accomplish our object.


    T H U S Full S t a n d a r d Dress Style pr in ts , per yd . 5c

    All linen c r a s h , pe r yd 5c

    Good unb l eached cot ton f lannel , per yd . 5 c

    Beaut i ful plaid C i n h a m s d r e s s s tyle, " 6 c

    Good plaid a n d s t r ipe shi r t ing " 6 c

    Extra wide 1 2 ^ c sh i r t ings r educed to 10c

    Fine scar lc t all wool $1.50 qua l i t y fo r $ 1 . 1 3 Fine J e r s e y kni t w h i t s a n d n a t u r a l

    wools, regular price $ 1.25 -OO Fine scar le t all wool, w o r t h $1 .25 , ' .OO

    U N D E R W E A R . Fine scar le t all wool , f o r m e r pr ice $ 1, 8 3 c

    11 C a m e l hair, r e g u l a r price, ba rga in a t 8 3 c

    " c o m b e d w h i l e M e r i n o , worth 50c , a t 3 3 c


    BCS* T h e y Must be Sold and Our Prices W i l l Do It! Come a n d Get a Cyclopedia Free with Every $ 2 0 Wor th of Goods P u r c h a s e d Within 3 m o n t h s F r o m Any o r AH of O u r Di f fe ren t Depa r tmen t s .


    %F. Z L X E x r d s o i G h . ,