Love your work...

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Love your Work…

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”

I love the functioning, culture and mechanism of the corporate world. I often listen to the

experiences of my friends who are located in different parts of the country.

“Employees are the greatest assets of the organization” but these few questions puts a big

question mark on this sentence. Why employees consider their office work as a different work

from their own work? Why an invigilator (leader or manager) is needed to observe employees

at the workplace? Why employees are not loyal to their employers and Why office work is a

stress instead of fun?

Here it becomes important to mention that I am also an employee and not a Boss. So I am not

writing my opinions on behalf of the bosses or against employees.

Today we are living in a scenario where employees often changes their jobs (in 6-7 months

also). The days are gone when an employee remains with the same company for 20 years and

this must be the biggest reason for the lack of attachment, lack of oneness and lack of

seriousness about the work.

It’s true that a company gets a lot from its Human Capital but it is also true that an employee

also gets much from the company and bosses. Salary, Self-Development, Lots of learning and

an identity to live in this competitive world are all that a company give to its employees.

As per my opinion if we are spending our precious 8-9 hours at a place (office). Why these

hours should be spent without heart? Really this time should be spent with full dedication,

pleasure, happiness and most important with love towards work.

“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

Why need to be supervised? Why to depend upon others to do good work? Why stress at

workplace? Remember… “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress,

Working hard for something we love is called passion.”

Yes… it’s not only about the employees, employers also have some obligations towards its

most valued stakeholders. An employer can’t become free by just paying salary at the end of

every month. They should also create an atmosphere of Fun, Frolics and Professionalism.

Autocratic Leadership may ruin everything. Motivation, opportunities, appreciation and

recognition are the employee happiness cultivator.

“Train people well enough so they can leave.

Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”

Thus the contribution of Employers, Leaders and Employees can revolutionize the functioning

of this corporate world and terms like organizational politics, organizational conflicts and

workplace stress will surely lose their existence. No strict policies and punishments will be

needed to maintain discipline at the workplace. Everyone will be self-disciplined and self-

Managed. Hope these days will come soon…