Love today isn’t what you had in mind for your life, it’s ... · Keystone Heights, FL 32656...

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4004 State Road 21 S

Keystone Heights, FL 32656



A Note from our Associate Pastor

Phone: 352-473-3829

Fax: 352-4730710

Making Christ the Keystone of Our Lives



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A Ministry that Reaches Real Needs

Please take a moment to read about one of the most

vital ministries of our church. It is called The Love

Fund . This is not funded nor included in our budget

that provides for the total ministries of the church, it is

funded by the generosity of folks who put money in the

little “Love Fund” boxes. These boxes are located in all

three of our worship centers: the Fellowship Hall for

8:00 A.M traditional worship; the Multiple Ministry

Center for 9:15 A.M. contemporary worship; and our

Sanctuary for 11:00 A.M. traditional worship.

We get no “credit” that meets our tithes and offerings

which the IRS allows. This Love Fund is strictly an

“above and beyond” the giving which is our primary

budget, that provides for all the local, state, and world

outreach of our church.

The Love Fund is administered by our Pastor when needs that are

brought to the church that are carefully examined and meet the Pastor’s

approval and by me when needed in cases when our Pastor can not be


I could write a series of books on the power of the Love Fund to reach

and share the Love of God to folks who have no other place to turn for

help. Here’s a few examples how God uses our Love Fund: A woman

who needs a bus ticket to get to her Mother’s funeral; A man who is try-

ing to keep his family together who has lost his job and needs a battery to

have transportation to get to the interviews for a possible new job; A

woman who is the sole provider for four of her grandchildren whose

washing machine won’t work and is doing a mountain of clothes, sheets,

etc. in the kitchen sink; a mother who has a sick child that needs to see a

doctor and no insurance and no money for the visit or the medica-

tions...the list goes on and on!

If each of us as we came to worship each Sunday would put $1.00 in

the Love Fund Box the Love Fund would become the answer to

many needs.

Thanks for listening! And get your $1.00 ready to help others who have

no other place to get help!

Thank you church for your generous support that allows KUMC to be the

hands and heart of our Lord!

Joyfully and Gratefully, your Associate Pastor, Tom





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September 2018

We’re all familiar with the law of the harvest. You reap what you sow. We know

that verse well; we can say it forwards and backwards.

And sometimes that’s the problem. Sometimes we want to say it — and live it —

backwards. We want permission to sow after we reap, not before.

It’s revealed in our words and attitudes: I’ll get serious about generosity when I

have more money. I’ll give 100% to my job when I have a job worth 100% of my

effort. I’ll change when my spouse changes. I’ll start showing gratitude when my

life gets better.

There’s no trick to side-stepping the process. The order never changes: you reap

what you sow, after you sow.

But it’s not too late to reap a different harvest. If the harvest you’re experiencing

today isn’t what you had in mind for your life, it’s not too late to change.

Paul was talking about money in today’s verse, but it applies to every area of our

lives…“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows

generously will also reap generously.” (2 Corinthians 9:16)

What if you decided today to sow generously everywhere you go? What if you

chose to pour yourself into your job, even now, while you consider yourself

underpaid? What if you chose to sow forgiveness for others, even if you’re pretty

sure that you’re right and they’re wrong? What if you chose to sow obedience,

even before blessings come your way? Can you imagine what might happen


See you on Sunday,

Pastor Jeff

We are counting our blessings as we begin a new school year & a new season

in the KidMin area (Children & Family Ministry). Back in the spring the Trus-

tees approved a plan to open up a wall between two rooms upstairs in the

MMC (a huge thank you to the Trustees) for the children to have a Worship

& Teaching space to call their own. It took a village to bring this project to

fruition, with lots of prayer and God leading the way we are now meeting in

this “new” space. A big “THANK YOU” to Josh, Michelle, Evie, Aleah & lit-

tle Maggie Hallberg for all of their time taking down the wall and making

this vision a reality and to the Hallberg ladies and Rachael Bush for joining

me for a painting party to help make our new space a little more fun. We

certainly couldn’t have prepared this space with out the help of Ted Stanley, Mike Britton and

Noah who had to wrestle a big couch and loveseat out of one of the rooms to create a Wor-

ship space for our kids. “Thank You” to Andrew Koehler who not only moved many, many chairs

to another location but also helped move items into our new space. God is on the move and we

are so grateful!!

5th Grade Tweens meet each Wednesday evening at 5:45pm to

continue with their Bible/Book Study “Shaken” by Tim Tebow.

Last spring the Tweens composed a letter to Tim Tebow letting

him know how his book is impacting their lives and what they are

learning from God and him. In response, Tim Tebow made a video

message to our Tweens; we will be sharing this video with our

church family in the near future.

News from The KidMin Ministry


will be arriving on Sunday, October

7th at 12:30pm, we need your help

unloading them and setting up our

Pumpkin Patch.

the Anglican ministry. This he declared he could not do, so

he entered a non-conformist seminary where he received

his higher education.

At the age of twenty seven he became the pastor of the

Castle Hill Congregational Church in Northhampton. He

was asked to teach at the nonconformist theological school

in Northhampton, but because of his frail health he hesi-

tated. He finally agreed and he was soon the director of

the school. Here he helped train pastors for nonconformist

churches. He was the primary teacher and taught He-

brew, Greek, mathematics, philosophy, Bible and theolo-

gy. As a result, he became responsible for the training of

a large number of preachers. Soon he became known as a

brilliant scholar and teacher. After serving here for 22

years his health failed and he came down with tuberculo-

sis. His friends wanted him to go to Lisbon, Portugal

where they thought the climate would be better for him,

but he could not afford the fare and the funds he would

need to live there. A priest of the Church of England who

admired him raised the funds needed and he went to Por-

tugal where he lived for about two years before death

overcame him. His influence crossed denominational bar-


Doddridge was considered as one of the very best writers

in the 18th century, along side such men as Charles Wes-

ley and Isaac Watts. It was Watts who became

Doddridge’s model. He wrote over 400 hymns, but very

few of them are still in use. In 1905 the Methododist Hym-

nal had 23 of his hymns. In1935 it only had 8, and today

there is only this one.

Did you notice the difference in the dates that Doddridge

lived and the dates that the writer of the music lived?

None of Doddridge’s hymns were published during his life

time. He wrote them to emphasize his sermons and they

were sung after he preached. The leader would sing a line

and then the congregation would sing it back. This was an

old way of teaching congregations to sing new hymns and

was called “lining.”

The hymn appeared first without a refrain. It was not un-

til about 1854 that the refrain was added and it was pro-

vided with its present tune. The tune we sing it to today

was arranged by Edward Rimbault from a popular song

titled “Happy Land.” He is probably responsible for the

Dr. Tom Gensel

O Happy Day Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751

Music, Edward Rimbault, 1816-1876

Philip Doddridge was born June 26,

1702,in London, England. Kenneth Os-

bek states that he was the youngest of

twenty children. Of these nineteen, the

first eighteen were still born and the

eighteenth one, Philip, was so weak at

birth they thought at first that he too

was still born.All his life he had a very

weak constitution. He was quite young

when both his father, who was an oil

merchant and his mother died. They

were both very pious and members of the

Non Conformists. That is, they were

members of an evangelistic congregation

that did not belong to the established

church, the Church of England.

His mother was his first teacher. She

taught him the Bible using Dutch tiles

that decorated the wall in the living

room. At the death of his parents some

kind friends took over his care and edu-

cation, but because of their poverty they

could not provide advanced education for

him even though he showed great intelli-

gence. The Duchess of Bedford learned of

him and offered to pay for his education

at either Oxford or Cambridge, but on

the condition that on graduation he enter

Grief Share Begins September 9th

Grief reaches into every feeling.

Sessions will begin Sunday, September 9

and continue each Sunday through

December 9, 3:00 till 4:30pm in Room 8

of the MMC.

For more information contact Juanita Hall at 352-473-

3951 or you can register online at

September Birthdays Marian Sikes 1

Val Matthews 1

Patty Shackleford-Kendall 1

Bob Redman 2

Nick Jones 3

Timothy David Leonard 3

Jack McSwain 3

Anthony McSweeney 3

Patrick Donnell 4

Luke Dennis 5

Phillip Grimaldo 5

Liz Mattox 5

Valerie Eddins 7

Hank Kyle 7

Marlene Mizell 7

Skylar Barber 8

Janice Goetzman 8

Hezekiah Knapp 8

Kathy Barrow 9

Chance Clemons 9

Linda Stanley 9

Johnny Cox 11

Kathleen Monroe 11

Ida Otto 11

Christopher Rathbun 11

Joey Knapp 12

Matthew Snowberger 12

Lester Freeman 14

LaLonnie Vann 14

Sylvia Tysinger 15

Mary Addington 16

Katherine Brown 16

Nathan Richards 17

Brandy Ramos 18

Nolin Robertson 18

Scott Huston 20

Huntley Redfearn 20

Faith Church 21

Colin Kehoe 21

Bob King 21

Tom Kirby 21

Jon Acree 22

Dorothy Denton 22

Ryan Krahn 22

Judy Miller 22

Leslie Taylor 22

Christopher Wyatt Jones 23

Kaylin Tate 23

Vince Vergara 23

Kailey Chaney 24

Barbara Detwiler 24

September Anniversaries

Dr. Tom & Mary Gensel 01 63 years

Jay & Leslie Taylor 01 32 years

Josh & Michelle Hallberg 02 12 years

Paul & Kathie Monroe 02

John & Marian Sikes 11 59 years

Alan & Suzie Bischoff 20 3 years

Don & Florence Mackay 21 67 years

SHOEBOX Updated Needs

Ken & Martha Zipperer 21 61 years

Chip & Joyce Wester 27 49 years

Kevin & Shirley Campbell 30 29 years

Brandon Nicholas 25

Jenean Platt 25

Anthony Joseph Sansone 25

John Daugharty 26

Olivia Horne 26

Mary Redfearn 26

Emily Grace Vergara 26

Donna Houghton 27

Heather Koehler 27

Emberlynn McCabe 27

Theresa Albrecht 28

Kyan Grubbs 28

Linise Ray Wesley 28

Richard Gartee 29

Cliff Shank 29

Pastor Jeff Tate 29

Edith Wolfe 29

Lori Carmichael 30

We had a great PACKING PARTY in July. The

kids, youth and adults really enjoyed packing

almost 200 boxes.

In September the circles of the United Method-

ist Women will be packing boxes as part of

their meetings.

The UMW and the UMM have been great sup-

porters of this ministry. Loads of thanks go out

to them!

After the UMW Circles meet we will have an-

other Packing Party for anyone that would like

to join us. The date is to be determined.

We are still in need of various items. We are so

blessed to have such generous members who

support us.

There are several things we are in need of:

Coloring Books

Girls toys (Jacks, jump ropes, YoYo’s, etc.)

Girls clothes

Flip Flops

Boys Socks

Note pads

Solar calculator

Small games

Small soft balls


Thank you for all your wonderful donations.

We are so blessed to be able to bless these children

around the world.

Thrift Shop News

Boy and Cub Scout News

The Thrift Store is

looking more like a

“Department Store”

one of our custom-

ers has reported

back to us!

We are blessed by

so many of your do-

nations and our sales prove it! We are able to help

so many with your donations either by the clothing

that we provide to help clothe the family that just

lost their home and the dishes and pots and pans

they may need too.

We have so many clothing donations that Barbara

Carroll and myself have held a “Fill-a-Bag” sale

last month and carrying forward into this month.

Parents have certainly appreciated it as they have

cleaned closets and refilled closets with “barely used

clothes and shoes.

The money we generate in sales every week goes to

help many other groups in our Church and a certain

percentage we are saving each month to go towards

the purchasing of a new bigger building for our


Now that we have a couple of “Men” to help us, we

ask that you please drop off your donations Tues-

day’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s between 9am—


Thank you again for your continued support!

Linda Stanley

Our Troop and Pack look forward to an exciting year of camping and adventures in 2018-19!

The middle of August our Cub Scout Pack visited Wings of Dreams Air and Space Museum at Keystone

Airport. The Museum features a Space Shuttle Flight Simulator and a huge Crew Transport Vehicle used by

the astronauts.

Our Scouts camp once per month. They meet on Monday night (6:45pm start time for Boy Scouts, 7pm for

Cub Scouts. Sign up your boy at

Thank you for supporting KUMC Scouts!

Healing Prayer Ministry

Hi all. I thought about writing this article after Pastor Jeff's Aug 12th sermon on listening. Lis-tening during prayer for God's answer revealed to us, however He wishes. It seems that for many people about 95% of their prayer life is asking and 4% praise, love and thanksgiving. Probably 1% listening. As we look at this, we can see that this is terribly out of balance. Per-haps, this should be like 30% asking, 50% praise, love and thanksgiving, and 20% listening during prayer. Just my idea. Since there are no hard and fast rules about this, we all need to work out what we are doing during our prayer time and whether we should be changing. But, what about this listening idea. Generally, lots of people are not good at listening - at all. Many times when we are having a conversation with someone, we are not really listening to them, we are concentrating on what we are go-ing to say in reply. Maybe, we are not even tuned in to the conversation, but thinking about the long drive home or what's for dinner. I guess we could say that listening is an art form. It is also something that can be learned if we are not presently very good at it. For start-ers, consider looking the other person in the eye, concentrate on what they are saying; just be respectful of the other person. You never

know, this person you are talking with could be reaching out for help, may want a prayer, or search-ing for a way to learn more about Jesus Christ and salvation. Oh, and remembering names can be diffi-cult, too. More attention needed! As for listening for God's voice: it could be a gentle whisper, a distant voice, a dream or a sudden idea. Some people get God's answer in a Bible verse or two. I don't hear God very well because I don't take the time to "be still and know that I am God". Since sometimes I fall short of listening well, I write things down when I can. Sandy is better at it, especially during healing prayer or just letting someone talk about their concerns. At other times, she can be thinking about, well, dinner. So, let us work more on our listening skills. Most importantly, of course, is finding a way to spend more time with the Lord and listening for His voice - however He chooses to speak to us. Take the time to just be still and focus on God, our Lord and invite the Holy Spirit in. You will love the results! Healing prayer is by appointment. Call Jim or Sandy at 352-475-5211 or Ann White at 352-473-2842. God bless everyone, Jim and Sandy Wolfe

Luncheon Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The September Prime Timers luncheon will be held on

Tuesday, September the 11th at 12:00 in the KUMC

multi-ministry building. The committee will be

providing the meat (baked ham), dessert and drinks

and asks that you bring a covered dish (vegetable or

salad). There will be no charge but a donation basket

will be set out to help defray our cost and provide a love offering for our entertain-

ment. Our entertainment will be provided by the musical group “One Eyed Cat”.

Childcare will be provided.

Peru Mission Trip

Family Ties

Family Ties class begins September 16!

Join this exciting group led by Josh and Michelle Hallberg in a new study, “Cherish” with DVD leader, Gary Thomas.

Discover what it really means “to love and to cherish” your spouse. Gary Thomas of-fers practical advice to build fulfilling marriages. The 6 week study begins Sunday, September 16 at 5:30pm with a delicious potluck followed by an exhilarating study.

Childcare is provided. ALL ARE WELCOME

Peru Mission Trip!

July 12-23, 2019

Several years ago a group of our members

accompanied the Chiappini’s to Marleni’s

home country of Peru.

There are plans being made to go again. If

you have an interest and would like to

learn more about being a part of the mis-

sion team, we will have an informational

meeting on Sunday, September 16 at


Space is limited.

Join this group seeking God’s design for

Families to live in our unstable world.