Love is Blind: Will There Be Cake?

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Love is Blind: Will There Be Cake?

Welcome back to my Knight in Shining Armour Challenge!

Last time we met the three people living in the house, Charlotte, Arnold and Annabelle. Arnold fell in love with Charlie Tang, despite the fact the entire challenge is based around Annabelle falling in love. I also realised the last chapter-type-thing was really short. So is this one. I've noted that due to the nature of the challenge, you'll get really small updates instead of one large chapter – it is a short challenge, after all.

Anyway, on with the show.

Charlotte could barely contain her excitement as the early hours turned into dawn.

In fact, she was so excited, she started to smustle.

With a yawn, Annabelle ignored the early-morning smustle music, and seized her breakfast from the mini-fridge.

Today was a big day.

Eventually, the sun rose.

“What a beautiful day for a beautiful occasion.”

The chairs were laid out, the arch was ready, beautiful flowers had been placed.

The groom was hidden away preparing. And the bride?

Well, there wasn't one. Annabelle stood on her tiny balcony, watching her step-brother's wedding being prepared.

A wedding between Arnold and Charlie.

“Everyone forgot I was the damsel.”

The day before, when Annabelle had been busy studying cooking in her room, Arnold had proposed to Charlie.

Yes, in his pyjamas.

Charlie was thrilled and said yes immediately.

Despite the fact Arnold was wearing slob pyjamas.

Annabelle watched from her balcony, uninvited to the wedding taking place below.

Within minutes, Annabelle had turned her back on the wedding and headed inside, while Charlie and Arnold sealed their vows with a kiss.

Everyone was happy for the new couple. Would anyone applaud Annabelle when she eventually got married? No. Because the wedding would be held in secret.

But no one was thinking about Annabelle, down at the wedding.

“I'm so happy you came to the wedding, relationship boost for you all!”

After that, the party began.

“Will there be cake? I'm starving!” Michelle Tse said, cheerfully.

The old woman walking past brought a hand up to her eyes, “I'll look for some.”

It's not a party until somebody cries.

“How dare you make one of the clones cry!” Jason Menon was yelling at Kennedy Cox.

Seriously, there are like three guys with the same face template at the wedding, and two guys with the same suit. Complicated.

“Hello! I'll find your damsel a date!”

No. Go away. I have to find the Prince Charming.

Back inside, it's clear that no one is really happy at the party.

“Mum – I can call you Mum, right? - everyone's angry!”

“Don't call me Mother!”

Upstairs, a fitness hobby leader has found himself into the tower. Although I have no idea how he got there.

Instead of throwing him out, I let him and Annabelle talk for a bit.

His name turned out to be Kennedy, and he was the third Kennedy to walk on the lot that day.

So the pair of them had a laugh for a bit.

Kennedy looks a lot like Goopy.

“So I'm a damsel in distress, right?”

“Unimpressed face.”

Despite the fact they should get along romantically, Kennedy refuses Annabelle's advances.


“I don't date boys.”

“But I'm not a boy.”

“But everything about you screams male at me.”

“Dude, I'm wearing lipstick!” Annabelle laughed, “That's not the only reason why I'm a girl, but...”

“Just no.”

After talking for a bit more, though, he finally gave in to her advances.

Hooray! We're getting somewhere!

“Perhaps one day you can rescue me from this tower.”

“Maybe...when I'm not out inviting people to my secret gym.”

“Good enough, I suppose.”

And with that, Annabelle leaned in for a kiss.

“No! No premarital kissing!”

“Okay, okay. Wow, you're a drama queen sometimes.”

“I am never getting out of here, am I?”

After that, Kennedy left, and Charlie got stuck in the wall.

“Arnold, Arnold, time out. . . help me rescue my arm.”

Shortly after Charlie was rescued from the wall, Annabelle started writing in a blank book she found in her tower.

Dear Diary,I've met him. The man I am hoping will become my prince. Of course he would be a fitness-freak and a bit over-dramatic. He also thinks I'm a boy and a bit forward. But nonetheless, he is the one I want.

More details soon, I promise. Also, do I really look that much like a boy?!

Annabelle x

Following that, Annabelle went to bed, before the wedding fun had ended, even before the sun has gone down.

Annabelle is so groovy, she sleeps in her hat.

And here ends another short episode of Love is Blind! We finish with the adorable couple.

Will Kennedy truly be Annabelle's knight in shining armour? Will he manage to visit again when everyone isn't distracted by wedding cake? Will there be more clones running around the house?

Thanks for reading!