Love Contract

Post on 18-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Love Contract

His Past - choiseunghyun daragon gdragon kwonjiyong topbom sandara - Asianfanfics

*Knock Knock*

A gentle tap on the door was heard when a young man in his late twenties was busy typing on his laptop in his room.

"Come in!"

The man said without taking his eyes off the laptop in front of him.

"Ahmm...not even bothering to greet your own mother nowadays son!"

An elegant-looking lady in her late forties smiled and walked towards her son, before leaning against his table.

"Oh Omma...I didn’t see you...what’s up?"

The man smiled sheepishly and gave his attention immediately, putting off his work at once.

"Well...I wanted to remind you on your father's 50th birthday party that will be held in two weeks time..."

The lady reminded as she looked at her son.

" had told me like a month ago...I had already keep that in mind..."

Her son chuckled as he pointed to the side of his head.

"Rascal...are you implying that Omma is old and naggy?"

The lady pretended to frown as she pinched the cheeks of her son.

"No...I wouldn’t looked so young...people would have thought that you are my elder sister rather than my mother..."

The man smiled as he stood up and threw his arms around his mother. To be honest, a lot of people really did comment about how young his parents were, considering the fact that their son was already turning 30 next year.

"You and your sweet will be better if you use it on other girls rather than your I assume we will be seeing our future daughter-in-law on your Appa's party?"

The lady said before she looked at her son hopefully.

"What future daughter-in-law?"

The man asked in confusion.

"Hey hey Kwon Jiyong, don’t try to trick your omma told us that time you had a girlfriend when your appa wanted to introduce some girls to you the other time?"

Mrs Kwon said, trying to trigger his memories.

It then drawn to Jiyong that indeed he had lied to his parents the other day in order to escape from the matchmaking session his father was trying to get him to go.

"Oh...I think I assure that I will bring the woman I loved the most to meet you guys on that day..."

Jiyong forced out a smile and sat down on his chair, trying to avoid his mother's gaze.

"Alright...that’s good to hear...and...your appa gonna invite Kim’s too...I think Taeyeon and Donghae will be there as well...after isn’t too nice to leave them out since we had known each other for so long...but then..of course if it is bothering you...we can know..."

Mrs Kwon added on as she looked at her son thoughtfully.

These two names tugged his heart instantly.

"Omma...its fine with had already been so long..."

Jiyong muttered as he continued to stare at his laptop.

"Jiyong...I hope you are telling the truth have to accept the fact that Taeyeon had moved on with Donghae...and I hope you have too..."

His mother said seriously.

"Omma...I already did...didn’t I say I will bring my girlfriend on that day...and you better don’t let her know about all this..she is going to get so jealous..."

Jiyong tried to crack a joke before laughing heartily.

"Okie okie...I won’t zip my mouth...anyway...I shall get going...don’t stay up too late..."

Mrs Kwon laughed as well before she patted her son's shoulder.

"Yes Mum! You too! Have an early night!"

Jiyong greeted before his mother walked out of his room.



Where can Jiyong find a girl to POSE as his 'girlfriend' !!?? LOL

Page 2 of 22Jiyong’s smile faded as soon as his mother stepped out of his room.

Switching off his laptop, he climbed up to his bed wearily.

He seriously didn’t have any mood to continue doing his work after the mention of his ex-lover, Kim Teayeon and his best pal ever since his high school, Lee DongHae.

He lied on his bed, staring at the ceiling as memories started to flow back to him instantly.

Thinking back, he and Teayeon had known each other ever since they were toddlers. Their parents were good friends and both basically grew up in the presence of one another. As everyone expected, both started dating as soon as they reached their teenage years. Everyone would have thought of them as the perfect couple and they thought they were one too.

Everything started to change as soon as Jiyong started to work in his father’s company. Being a workaholic, he spent most of his days in the office, leaving hardly any time for the girlfriend of his.

He had taken it for granted that Taeyeon wouldn’t mind since they had been together for so long. He thought that she would understand his situation.

Never did he expect that Taeyeon, just like any other girls who seek companion of their boyfriend too. She needed him to be there when she was feeling low. She needed him to be with her when she was feeling helpless. However, he was never once with her whenever she needed him badly. Gradually, his role as a boyfriend was replaced by his best pal Donghae who started to get closer to Taeyeon as the days went by.

No words could describe the pain he was feeling when the two decided to come clean with him one day. Up rage with what they had done, he couldn’t accept them at first. He hated the two of them for betraying him. Having punched the guy and chided the girl, he came to realize that he was the one at fault. He was the one who caused them to fall for each other indirectly.

By the time he came around with things, Taeyeon and Donghae had already walked down the aisle. As much as he couldn’t bear to let go of the woman he loved the most, he could only wished happiness for them silently inside his heart.

His heart still ached in pain whenever he sees Taeyeon with Donghae. He is still very much in love with her up till now, even though he knew he shouldn’t.

But then, who could throw away the relationship they had shared with each other for more than 10 years?

Jiyong wiped the tears that had fallen down from the corner of his eyes unknowingly. He may seem tough on the outside, but down, deep down within him, he had a vulnerable side too. He will feel lonely occasionally and needed someone to be with him. However, he couldn’t get into another relationship as long as the knot inside him remained untied.

It had been hard for him to act strong in front of his parents all this while. He had to pretend that he had long forgotten the incident when he hardly did.

It was bad enough when he had to face the two of them two weeks later. To make matter worst, he still has to find a girlfriend in two weeks time as what he had promised his parents.

Not wanting to think any further, he shook the frustration out of his head. His eyelid become heavier and he stumbled into his dreamland shortly.

Unknown to him, his tears rolled down from the sides of his eyes slowly, wetting his pillow.

Page 3 of 22It was close to 6 in the evening. People could be seen scrambling out of the office building hurriedly, waiting to rush for dates with their loved one.

Jiyong sat alone in the office, staring out at his full length windows, as if deep in thoughts.

"Maybe I can just say she is away for a business trip!"

He thought silently. He was still pondering on the issue of how he was going to bring his "virtual" girlfriend to meet his parents.

However, he gave up the idea quickly as soon as he thought of how disappointed they are going to be if that really happened. They had been pinning their hopes on his marriage ever since he gotten together with Taeyeon. He had already let them down once and he certainly didn’t wish that there is a second time.

Turning his chair around, he put his head onto the table in frustration, swivelling his handphone on it repeatedly.

"Maybe..I can just find someone to pose as my girlfriend!"

He brightened up with his idea immediately. However, he sighed as soon as he thought of who was going to do the job.

Scrolling through his contacts on his handphone, he hoped to a suitable candidates among his friends. However, most of them in his list were either married or already have a stable boyfriend. It didn’t seem too right for him to carry out his sudden request.

Just as he was racking his brains, the ringing tone and vibration of his handphone startled him.

Looking at name appearing on the screen, he broke into a smile before he pressed the answered key.


Jiyong walked into the pub slowly. Scanning through the human crowd, he finally saw the one who dated him here.

"’s so hard to date our Young Master Kwon nowadays!"

Seunghyun nudged his arms as soon as Jiyong reached the counter, standing in front of him.

"Come on dear, you know who he is! I bet he must be too busy handling different women each day!"

Bom, Seunghyun girlfriend, said before chuckling loudly.

"Is that how you guys welcome me?"

Jiyong blushed a little at their teasing before he broke into a wide grin finally.

The couple were the owner of the pub, and they had been friends with Jiyong ever since they were in high school. They are like a big brother and big sister to Jiyong.

"Alright alright! Our little Jiyong is still so shy as before! So are you?"

Seunghyun chuckled as well before pulling a seat out for him.

" is still the same...but I wouldn’t say so for my parents is rushing me again..."

He said restlessly.

"Well...just bring them a girlfriend are not young anymore too..."

Seunghyun said before he signalled his waiter to prepare some drinks for them.

"I wish it was that easy..."

He rolled his eyes at him before he slumped back onto the seat.

"Come on Jiyong! You are a prince charming! Every girls dying to get into your pants man.. Don’t try to say you cannot find!"

Bom noona exclaimed as she looked at him.

"Come on honey! It isn’t the first day you know him! He must still be in love with that woman..."

Seunghyun added on before he looked at him as well.

"Please...just drop that subject...I need you guys to help me...I promised my parents that I will bring a girlfriend to them on my dad's 50th birthday two weeks later..."

Jiyong said as he took a sip at the drink which arrived a few seconds earlier.

"That’s easy...just find any girl to pose for you...."

Seunghyun suggested easily.

"I had thought of that too...but the problem is...who is going to do the job..."

Jiyong muttered.

"Hmm...just pick any of your girl-friends..."

Bom proposed helpfully.

"There is no suitable one...most of them are already married..."

He shook his head before saying.

"Erm....maybe you can help me...Bom noona..."

Jiyong suggested cheekily as he pointed to her.

"Hey hey....are you treating me as dead here..."

Seunghyun spoke out hurriedly as he pulled his girlfriend close to him.

He was a big male chauvinist and certainly couldn’t stand any guys close to his girl, not even if they were merely acting.

"Sorry Jiyong...."

Bom shrugged her shoulders before she smiled at him helplessly.

"Is that how you help your dongseng..."

Jiyong frowned as he stared at his friend next.

" most I try to find you some girls..."

He offered.

"You better honour your promise....Bom my witness..."

Jiyong replied.


Bom agreed straight away.


"Hey Jiyong, play us a song! It had been a while since we last heard you!"

Bom urged after a while.

" skills had gone rusty already..."

Jiyong shook his head shyly.

"Don’t try to bluff know yourself...come on..."

Seunghyun added on as he dragged Jiyong to the stage.



Any ideas which BB or GD songs that Jiyong can sing? Must be sad songs..

Where is DARA? Will Jiyong able to get a GIRL?

Page 4 of 22Jiyong bowed shyly to the crowd, before settling down in front of the piano. He opened the cover slowly and rested his fingers on the familiar keys before he started playing while he sings.

The winter had passedAnd the spring has comeWe have witheredAnd our hearts are bruised from longing

(I’m singing my blues)Used to the blue tears, blue sorrow(I’m singing my blues)The love that I have sent away with the floating clouds, oh oh

Memories started to flow back to him instantly in the midst of his songs, especially those he once shared with Taeyeon. She was the main source of happiness for him in the past, and so the pain of losing her was so great that he couldn’t handle when it first happened. To make matter worst, his girl left for his best buddy, the one whom he had trusted so wholeheartedly before.

The once noisy crowd went into a piece of silence as soon as he sang the chorus. Each and every single words brought out his misses and longing for the woman he loved the most.

The melody of the song was so beautiful yet heart-wrenching.

Dara stepped into the pub just when Jiyong reached the chorus.

Captivated by the melody and voice, she tried to make her way through the crowd, wanting to see who the person was on the stage.

However, she gave up finally when it was totally impossible to move in front with all the people crowding there.

She only managed to find some space at a corner far away from the stage. Standing there, she enjoyed herself with the rest of his performance.

Although Dara couldn’t see how he looked like, she could feel his pain just by listening to him. After all, she had gone through the pain of losing someone dear to her in the past.


The crowd roared and cheered loudly when Jiyong finished his last verse. Thanking the people bashfully, Jiyong scrambled down the stage hurriedly.

Dara started to scan through the people, trying find the familiar person who asked to meet him here.

Finally, her eyes set at the guy near the counter and walked towards him.

"Aww...what took you so long! I thought you get lost again!"

Seunghyun frowned at his god sister as soon as he saw her. This scatterbrain had always made him worry for her.

"Come on Oppa! It’s not as if I am a baby! Right Bom unnie?"

Dara chuckled as she sat down beside them.

"Yeah...I had told him to stop worrying..."

Bom agreed as she nodded her head.

"Please! You had just returned from Canada after so many years...I am just afraid that you will lose your way here....and what happened to the handphone of yours?"

Seunghyun chided her slightly as he had been trying to reach her for the past few hours.

"Oops...I think I left it at home..."

Dara said cheekily as she stuck out her tongue.

"See what I mean!"

Seunghyun rolled his eyes at her, before shaking his head leading all to laugh heartily.


"Right! Oppa...who was the guy on stage just now? Is he your new pianist?"

Dara asked after a while of their chatting.

"You reminded me! I haven introduce you guys yet.... Jiyong.....come over here..."

Seunghyun snapped his fingers at Jiyong, who was busy dedicating song at the machine.

Dara turned her head curiously, turning into the direction where Seunghyun was looking.

Page 5 of 22" my god-sis Sandara...and Dara...this is Kwon buddy whom I had always talked to you about..."

Seunghyun did an introduction on the two, as soon as Jiyong walked over to the counter.

Once their eyes met each other, both widened in surprised.

“It’s you?”

The two said in unison.

“You knew each other?”

Seunghyun and Bom asked in surprise at the same time.

“ doesn’t really counts....”

Jiyong muttered shyly.



“Opps, I am so sorry! Did I hurt you?”

Jiyong apologized to the lady he just knocked into, where she happened to bump into him when both turned around the corner on the street.

“Nope, I was at fault too!”

Dara said before she smiled sweetly at him.

At the first glance, she reminded him of Taeyeon instantly, as both shared the same petite size, big shiny eyes as well as the same sweet smile.

“Hello Sir! It’s there anything on the face? Why do you keep on staring at me?”

Dara waved her hands in front of him after a while when she felt him staring at her, before asking curiously.

Jiyong avoided her eyes immediately as he moved a little backward, blushing profusely after her words.


Jiyong stuttered badly as his face blushed further.

Chuckling at how shy this guy could be, Dara walked away amusingly after a quick goodbye.

* End of flashback*


"It’s such a coincidence!"

Seunghyun chuckled after hearing their story.

"And Dara...he was the one who played on stage just now...its awesome isn’t he?"

Bom added on as she looked at Dara, before turning to smile at Jiyong.

" played very such a nice song...."

Dara exclaimed in surprise as she praised Jiyong, overwhelmed by his talent.

"No...It’s just some random music I made up with..."

Jiyong shook his head and flushed a little with her commend, before rubbing his neck shyly.

" are blushing again...Dara..have you seen such a shy guy?"

Seunghyun teased as he patted Jiyong's shoulders.

"Yeah...this guy here had always been so shy with women...especially pretty ones...."

Bom added on and teased their old friend further.

Jiyong nudged his elbow on Seunghyun's chest, before rolling his eyes at Bom, as if telling them to shut up.

Dara broke into a smile at the sight of three of them. In fact, she had already noticed how shy he was on their first encounter.


“Oh yes! Why didn’t I think of that! Jiyong...I found someone to help you!”

Seunghyun exclaimed suddenly in the midst of their chatting, before turning his head to Jiyong.

"Right! We should have thought of that!"

Bom caught his meaning immediately and nodded her head in agreement.

Dara looked at the two in confusion, as a big question mark surfaced in her head.

“ Jiyong’s girlfriend!”

Seunghyun added on, before patting his sister on her shoulders.

Page 6 of 22Jiyong and Dara almost spat out their drinks at the same time after his words, looking at each other in embarrassment before turning their eyes at the culprit.

"Hey hey...don’t get me wrong...I mean posing only..."

Seunghyun quickly explained, after being stared by them.

Upon hearing him, Jiyong muttered a soft "oh" while Dara continued to look at them in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

Dara asked as she knitted her eyebrow at her brother.

"Well...Jiyong promised to bring a girlfriend home on his dad’s birthday party two weeks later..."

Seunghyun explained.

"And then?"

Dara probed, still not getting his meaning.

" put it simply...Jiyong needs you to pose as his girlfriend!"

Bom added on, in hope of giving her a clearer picture.

"Oh...pose as his girlfriend....WHAT….. YOU MEAN ME?"

Dara said nonchalantly at first, but her eyes widened and exclaimed after she got their meaning.

"Yes you! You are the most suitable candidate here!"

Seunghyun nodded as he pointed at his sister.

"But why me? Bom unnie can also do the job...after all.. she and Jiyong are more familiar with each other...they will look more natural together..."

Dara suggested.

“Come on should know she is attached to me already....”

Seunghyun said before he frowned at his younger sister.

" want me to sacrifice myself then? What kind of brother are you!"

Dara said sarcastically before rolling her eyes at Seunghyun.

“No Dara...don’t get me wrong... it’s just that you are single and available at the I think you will be able to play the role

better....and I am not pushing you to any random guy out there...Jiyong is my buddy....”

Seunghyun explained hurriedly to appease his little sister.

“I can’t should know how bad I am at lying....I will surely let the cats out of the bag sooner or later..."

Dara said as she avoided their eyes, taking a sip of her drink.

“ don’t have to worry anything about that...Bom and I will train you guys to look like a real couple during this period... don’t forget we still have two weeks to go...”

Seunghyun encouraged hopefully.

"I still think I am not up to the know how clumsy I am when it comes to big isn’t too nice to bring home someone like are not going to please your parents...”

Dara continued to cook up excuses, as she looked at Jiyong apologetically.

“Come on just have to show your face at the party with Jiyong...that’s all...right Jiyong? Say something...don’t you need her help badly?”

Bom added on as she turned her attention to Jiyong who had been keeping quiet.

“It’s alright if she is not comfortable with the idea...I am sure I can think of some other way...erm...excuse me...I am going for the washroom...”

Jiyong forced out a smile before walking away quickly. He seriously needed to get away from them for a moment. It had been embarrassing enough for him just now, when she refused to help him. He couldn’t blame her though. Who would agree to this ridiculous request out of a sudden when she barely knows him?


Sorry, short updates again...all chapter will be short be aware LOL ><

bomb me with lots of comments so i might update everyday!!

Page 7 of 22"Jiyong...."

Seunghyun and Bom called out at the same time, as soon as he walked off from his seat.

However, Jiyong pretended not to hear them, before making his way faster.

"Dara...couldn’t you just lend him a helping hand....look how dejected he is now..."

Seunghyun shook his head as he chided his sister slightly, after Jiyong was totally out of their sight.

"Oppa...Its not that I don’t want to help him...its just that I might spoil the entire know I am bad at lying and pretending...."

Dara pouted as she tried to defend herself, feeling a little guilty after seeing Jiyong's despondent face just now.

" are thinking too just need to go home with Jiyong and show your pretty face to his parents.. as simple as that...."

Bom chuckled at Dara's worries, before pushing her head a little playfully.

"I guess it wont take his life even if he did not manage to get a girl home right...I don’t think his parents will be killing him over this small matter..."

Dara replied casually as she took a sip of her drink.

"It is easy for you to say that don’t know his past...this poor guy used to have a girlfriend whom he had dated for more than 10 years...but in the end....she chose to leave him for his best him an excuse saying that he had neglected her over the years...Jiyong had not be able to get into another relationship since his heart is still thinking of her up till today...his parents had been very worried for him and had been trying hard to introduce girls to order to stop them....Jiyong had no other alternative but to lie to them that he had a girlfriend already...but then...they wanted him to show them on this coming party...if he didn’t.. I bet his parents are going to get so disappointed with him..."

Seunghyun explained.

" must be so hurting to know his girlfriend dating his best buddy..."

Dara frowned as she replied.

"Indeed it was....I heard that they had gotten married heard the song just now right.. it was composed on the day of their marriage..."

Bom added on.

"No wonder...the song is just so heart wrenching..."

Dara muttered softly.

"Jiyong was well-known for his filial he had been racking his brain trying to get a girl home in hope of doing his parents proud..."

Seunghyun continued the conversation.

Cupping her chin in both her hands rested on the table, Dara went deep in thoughts. She felt so sorry for him suddenly, after hearing his past. She couldn’t believe that a man could be so faithful towards a woman, even if she left him for some other man.


"Jiyong.....good news...Dara agree to help you...."

Seunghyun said happily as soon as Jiyong sat back onto his seat.

"You do...?"

Jiyong asked cautiously as he looked at Dara in surprise.

Dara nodded her head, before giving him the sweetest smile.

*** Flashback ***

"Oppa...Ara, I think I will help him..."

Dara said after a while of silence. She felt that he deserved her help, especially after knowing how sentimental he was. None of her boyfriend was this loyal towards relationships in the past and she couldn’t help but to admire his faithfulness towards the woman he loved.

"Really....I know it are my greatest sis.."

Seunghyun cheered loudly, before ruffling her hair in delight.

His action made Dara broke into a wide smile.

"Jiyong is going to get so happy once he knows..."

Bom added on and she chuckled as well.

*** End of flashback ***

"Thank you so much...."

Jiyong smiled gratefully, as a dimple appeared on his right cheek.

He felt so light suddenly, as if a heavy burden had been removed from him instantly.


"Okie...let me draw up a contract..."

Seunghyun said after a while of silence.


Jiyong and Dara said in unison.

"Hmm...I shall call it a love there... rules and regulations will be drawn up...just to protect both of your rights..."

Seunghyun suggested thoughtfully.

"Is there a need to...?"

Jiyong lifted one of his eyebrow and asked doubtfully.

"Of will be fairer to both of you in this way..."

Seunghyun said before he took some paper from one of his waiter.


Dara definitely AGREE!!!

What should i put inside the Contract? hmmm

Thanks for comments.. Pls subcribe and upvote tooo....

Page 8 of 22"Finally done....”

Seunghyun announced proudly after a while, before passing the paper to them.

The Jiyong and Dara took over and read the content curiously at the same time.



Person Involved: Kwon Jiyong & Park Sandara

Validity Of Contract: Two weeks starting from now

Trainers Provided: Choi Seunghyun & Park Bom

Ultimate Aim

Make the duo a perfect couple to attend the upcoming function

Conditions Applied

1) Holding of hands is compulsory during training dates

2) Cuddling of each other is necessary when advised

3) Kissing of one another is not obligated unless under forced circumstances

Breach of Contract: Strictly not allowed for both parties

After the mentioned period, this contract will be null automatically


"So, any problem with that? If you guys have no objection, please go ahead and sign on it..."

Seunghyun broke the silence at last, when the Jiyong and Dara were still busy reading the words on the paper.

“Oppa...It’s only acting...what are these conditions for...”

Dara shook her head unbelievingly, blushing at the thoughts of holding hands with a man she barely knew.

“’s not as if we will be doing any of the above. I just need her to be her presence at the party.....”

Jiyong added on shyly before he took a quick glance at Dara who avoided his gaze quickly.

"Come on guys! We have to give it the best shot even if it is only acting! Do you think your parents will be convincing if you were to bring Dara to meet them in this manner? You guys totally looked as if you are strangers!”

Seunghyun exclaimed as he looked at the pair.

“Yeah....Seunghyun is guys need some touching up to fool the crowd...”

Bom nodded in agreement.

“Alright alright! Enough saying! Just put down your names down.... Jiyong....why aren’t your hands moving...don’t tell me you are scared of being cheated... too..."

Seunghyun chuckled as he looked at the both who were pondering.

"Nah...There is nothing to lose on my’s me who needs her help...but don’t have to sign if you don’t wish to....I mean you can drop out anytime if you find the plan uncomfortable..."

Jiyong looked at Dara thoughtfully.

"Hey hey Jiyong...don’t try to act cool here...don’t come crying for me when she decided to quit on you within these two weeks....that’s why I put in the breach of contract...."

Seunghyun chided him slightly.

" I such a person....I won’t quit on him since I had already agree to help...anyway... here you go..."

Dara said before she put her name on the paper.

After her, Jiyong did the same before he shoved back the paper to Seunghyun, who signed as the witness.


"So what am I supposed to do now?"

Dara asked after some time.

"Okie...let Teacher Choi start the 1st lesson....hmm.. well...we will touch on getting to know you better..."

Seunghyun announced proudly.

The two looked at each other blankly, before turning their attention to Seunghyun again.

"Oh gosh! Don’t tell me you guys had never dated before... You two looked as if you this is your first love..."

Seunghyun chuckled at the two, and stopped as soon as he received glaring stares from them.

"Hey honey....stop teasing them already...well...just let each other know more about yourself...for example... where you guys are staying...your likes & dislikes...your hobbies...and anything you can think of...."

Bom suggested helpfully.

The two nodded and started their lesson, beginning with their personal particulars.


"Alright....testing time..."

Seunghyun clapped his hands for their attention after some time.

"Yup...1st question....Jiyong....when did your girlfriend went to Canada?"

Bom looked at the question she was holding in her hands, before looking at Jiyong.

"Huh...did she...did you Dara...aww...we didn’t touch on this..."

Jiyong muttered as he scratched his head in confusion, after Dara nodded her head.

"Let’s jump to Dara next....erm...well...this question should be easy...when is your boyfriend's birthday?"

Seunghyun looked at Dara as he asked.

"Err....I think...18...erm...should be Sep 18...."

Dara made a wild guess after looking at Jiyong, who was busy hinting to her with his fingers.

"My guys are going to get exposed immediately.."

Seunghyun shook his head before looking at the two.


Having no alternative, the Jiyong and Dara could only practise harder.

It was a little awkward at first, but then, things started to improve when the two began to open more to each other as the time went by.


"We shall call it a day....the lesson will resume tomorrow....lets go home now...Bommie..."

Seunghyun said just after the clock struck one in the morning.

Bom nodded as she stood up with Seunghyun tiredly.

"Oppa...aren’t you sending me back?"

Dara asked as she stood up as well.

"It’s your BOYFRIEND's job now...he had the responsibility to fetch you...and Jiyong..I will hand my sister to you for these two weeks...make sure you take good care of her ara..."

Seunghyun said as he pushed Dara to him slightly.

Looking at each other, both could only blushed slightly at his words.

"Erm...sorry to trouble you then, Jiyong..."

Dara forced a smile awkwardly before she looked at him.

Just before he could replied Seunghyun interrupted him.

"Hey hey...what did you just call him Dara?"

He frowned before he looked at his sister.

"Jiyong...isn’t that his name?"

Dara asked in surprise, and Jiyong looked at him in surprise too.

"I don’t think a couple deep in love will call each other so politely... please use terms like honey, dear, sweetheart, darling or even baby....anything except your sounded so formal..."

Seunghyun explained.

"’s quite true also..."

Bom agree as she smiled at the two.

"Huh...but that is so mushy..."

Jiyong and Dara blurted out at the same time.

"Whatever...but then...during the guys are not allowed to call each other your names except those terms I mentioned earlier on..."

Seunghyun insisted before he walked away with his girlfriend.


Contract Done !!! ... LOL

What should they calll each other? I think Honey and Darling too common.. any ideas?

Page 9 of 22The next day, Jiyong went to the pub after his work, waiting for his second lesson to be conducted.

“Where’s Bom and Dara?”

Jiyong asked curiously and looked around the pub, when he didn’t catch the sight of Bom and Dara.

“What kind of boyfriend are you? Didn’t you know that your girlfriend had gone shopping with mine?”

Seunghyun teased as he passed a drink to him.

“Come on, we are just acting....don’t sound as if we are really together....”

Jiyong frowned and shook his head disapprovingly, before taking a sip of his drink.

“Hello...can you be more serious...even if you guys are only got to play your role well..."

Seunghyun said seriously.

Jiyong looked at him blankly before he shrugged his shoulders.

“Anyway....I guess you had come empty-handed huh?”

Seunghyun probed as he looked at his hands.

“ are not expecting any present from me...are you....”

Jiyong put up his hands playfully in front of him before chuckling.

“Stop’s not funny...”

Seunghyun rolled his eyes before he shoved his hands away.

“Not me...I really pity Dara for agreeing to help don’t even have a stalk of flower for her on your very first date....”

Seunghyun added on as he shook his head.

“Come I had said....we are only....”

Jiyong tried to explain once again, but was cut off by his friend.

“Ah...ah...don't keep giving yourself that got to put yourself into the scenario to play your role well...anyway enough saying....lets go and get something for your well as mine....”

Seunghyun announced as he wiped his hands with the towel on the table.

Before Jiyong could even protest, his buddy had already dragged him out of the pub.


The two walked to the next street, and stopped in front of the florist store.

“Come in, pick something for Dara...”

Seunghyun said to Jiyong, as soon as they stepped inside the shop.

“Huh...I don’t...”

Just as Jiyong wanted to say he doesn’t know anything about flowers, his buddy had already scurried in front, busy choosing his present for Bom.

Jiyong could only walk around the store on his own, exploring the different kind of flowers that came into his sight.

“Hey, finished choosing?”

Seunghyun asked as he stood beside him after some time, with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his arms.

“You are not expecting me to carry this is so girlish..."

Jiyong frowned as he looked at the flowers his buddy was holding in his arms.

“ are such a boring guy...I wonder who will like you....anyway...if you are not going to choose...I will help you take this...miss...."

Seunghyun threatened and called out to the store owner, before he pulled up a stalk of white chrysanthemum from the pail.

“Are you crazy...that is for praying to the dead...forget it...I will choose myself....”

Jiyong stopped the lady anxiously as he hit his friend hardly on his chest, before moving on to the roses section.


“Aww....never thought a blockhead like you can choose such beautiful flowers....”

Seunghyun teased Jiyong as they were walking back to the pub.

“Stop your crap....can you please hurry up...people are staring at us....”

Jiyong blushed shyly as he looked at the people who were staring at the flowers he was holding in his hands.

“Hey hey...don’t walk so fast....wait for me...”

Seunghyun laughed at his friend in amusement, before running a little to catch up with him.


“Why are you so’s perfectly normal for us to carry things like this...”

Seunghyun said to Jiyong, as soon as they stepped into the pub.

“You still is all your fault that I am being stared as if I am a weirdo...”

Jiyong chied before he rolled his eyes at his friend, as if blaming him for the loss of his face on the street just now.

Bom and Dara were already in the pub by the time the guys were back.

As soon as Jiyong saw Dara, he hid the flowers behind his back immediately.

“Dear...where have you guys been...?”

Bom asked when the guys came over to their seats.

“Getting something for it honey?”

Seunghyun grinned as he passed the bouquet of flowers to his girlfriend.

“'s so pretty....thank you dear...”

Bom smiled as she gave a peck on his cheek lovingly.

"Bom unnie...don’t forget there are still people around..."

Dara teased as she looked at the couple in front of her.

Bom shrugged her shoulders before smiling bashfully.

“You don’t talk so’s going to be your turn soon...”

Seunghyun said as he pushed Jiyong in front of him.

Not knowing what he meant by that, Dara stuck out her tongue at him playfully.


“Come on Jiyong...quick....we are running late for our next lesson....”

Seunghyun urged when Jiyong still stood rooted to the ground without doing anything after a while.

He then pushed out Jiyong's hands which were holding the bouquet of flowers behind his back.

The three pairs of eyes fell on Jiyong instantly before they stopped on the bouquet of flowers in his hands, causing him to flush badly with their stares.

"’s for you..."

Jiyong muttered bashfully as he shoved the bouquet of flowers in front of her in fluster.

“For me....?”

Dara’s eyes widened in surprise as her face reddened instantly with his words. After all, it came just too sudden for her to handle.

“’s so sweet of you did you know Dara likes pink roses...did you hint to him dear...?"

Bom exclaimed as she looked at Seunghyun.

"No...This guy picked himself...maybe it is what we call fate..."

He teased as he patted Jiyong's shoulders.

"Stop your nonsense...”

Jiyong muttered as he stared at Seunghyun.

"Dara...aren’t you going to accept the flowers...his hands is going to break off anytime...”

Seunghyun chuckled as he pointed to Jiyong's hands, leading Bom to laugh as well.

"Opps..sorry...thank you Jiyong..."

She smiled awkwardly before she took over the flowers from him.

"No more names you remember..."

Seunghyun reminded as he looked at his sister.

"Oppa...please...we’re only acting..."

Dara protested immediately.

"I know you guys will play dirty...lucky I forced you to sign the must listen to the trainers... thank you who?"

Seunghyun insisted.

Dara passed a quick glance at Jiyong, who was rubbing his neck uneasily, blushing as well.

"Come on Dara...don’t be you say..its only’s just for fun...thank you who?"

Bom joined in and teased her further.

"Thank you...Ji Oppa..."

Dara muttered so softly that one could hardly hear and flushed badly.

"Didn’t you say we are running late...let’s go..."

Dara added on before she scurried in front of them hurriedly.

"Aww...look how shy your girlfriend is...still standing here for what...go after her..."

Seunghyun chuckled as he hit Jiyong lightly on his arm, before he pushed him in front.


Author Note:

Just finished watching MAMA so happy GD wons 4 awards so i going to updates my stories now..yeah!

Thanks for all the comments and suggestion..

Baby Boy i love it but dont match his shy character!!??.. Thinking settle with Ji Oppa more manly.. Any objection? or Jiyongie/Yongie more cute?

I like Baby Girl for Dara but might settle for others like Princess coz Jiyong might think a bit mushy hahaha..

Please vote between Princess or Baby Girl..... i will use in upcoming chapters... :)

Page 10 of 22"Erm...sorry about that..."

Jiyong said softly and scratched his head shyly, as he walked beside Dara along the streets.

Seunghyun and Bom were walking behind the duo, enjoying looking at the "newly formed couple" whom they had created.

"Nah.. its okie...I should be the one feeling bad that you had to spend on this...I bet is my Oppa's idea again don’t have to listen to him in future..."

Dara smiled bashfully, before she pointed to the flowers in her hands.

"No...don’t put this to’s just a little token... I should be the one thanking you for agreeing to do me this great favor..."

Jiyong replied and returned her smile.


"Hey hey....had you guys forgotten that your training had already started....what happened to your hands..."

Seunghyun and Bom went up to the Jiyong and Dara after a while, before he lifted his interlocked hands with his girlfriend.

"Oppa...surely there is not a need for us to do this right...after all...we are only acting...and some more the show to his parents is just going to be a few hours...."

Dara protested immediately and looked at Seunghyun.

"Yeah one will be able to tell that we are a fake one..."

Jiyong added on in agreement.

"Come guys looked so polite and shy with one another...with one would have guessed that you are not a couple....I bet your parents will see through you immediately too..."

Seunghyun exclaimed as he looked at the two.

"Yeah...dear is guys still need some practises... come on...just give your doesn’t hurt anyone."

Bom said helpfully, before she placed Dara's hand into Jiyong's.

Dara's heart skipped a beat as soon as she touched Jiyong's hands. After all, it had been a long time since she was last held by a guy.

Jiyong was no better. His heart was thumping so fast that he almost stopped breathing at that instant.

"Alright...let’s go...the movie is starting..."

Seunghyun announced in content before he led his girlfriend to walk in front of them.

The duo avoided each other's gaze awkwardly when they accidentally met occasionally. Holding their hands stiffly, they continued the rest of their journey in silence.


"What movie are we catching?"

Dara asked just when they were about to enter into the theatre.


Seunghyun pointed to the advertisement, after he passed the tickets to the usher.

" know that I dread horror movie.. aish you still choose this...are you picking on me..."

Dara pouted as she looked at Seunghyun with her puppy eyes.

Her look was so innocent and cute at this moment, and Jiyong couldn’t help but to chuckle at the sight of her.

"Don’t be such a scaredy cat...look...even your boyfriend is laughing at you..."

Seunghyun teased as he winked at Jiyong.

"Hey...don’t put words into my mouth...I didn’t say that..."

Jiyong shook his head and waved his hands playfully.


"Hey...why aren’t we seating in the same row..."

Jiyong asked after they sat on the fifth row, while Seunghyun and Bom sat a row in front of them.

"Come it your wish to be a light bulb..."

Seunghyun retorted to him sarcastically, before passing him a packet of popcorn, together with a cup of coke.

Jiyong rolled his eyes at him before he took over the snacks.

"Where’s mine?"

Dara looked at Seunghyun, asking for her food item.

"Share with your see any couple eating two sets...aish"

Seunghyun knocked her head lightly before he pointed to Jiyong.


Dara folded her arms as she sat back onto her seat.



Dara smiled sheepishly as she whispered to Jiyong, when her hands accidentally touched his for the umpteen time when taking the popcorn during the movie.

Jiyong shook his head as he smiled shyly.

It was not long when the movie reached its climax. The scene was much more horrendous than what Dara had initially imagined. Even Jiyong was a little taken aback by the sound effect.

What made the surrounding even creepier was the lack of people watching the movie at this time.

Curling herself in her seat, Dara closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands whenever the ghostly figure appeared.

Jiyong glanced at her occasionally in the dark, and his urge to protect her surged whenever he saw her terrified face.

"Are you very scared?"

Jiyong couldn’t control himself and asked softly after some time.

Dara nodded as she looked at him weakly.

Just then, one shrieking scream coming from the big screen echoed the entire theatre, making Dara shivered even further.

"You can move closer if you don’t mind...."

Jiyong whispered as he took up the handle that were separating their seats.

Nodding earnestly, she nudged closer to him quickly. It definitely felt better to have someone beside you at this moment, when the whole row is empty.

Unknowingly, Dara started to hug his arms after some time, hiding her face on his shoulders occasionally whenever she was scared stiff.


Short update.. bet u gals miss this so much~~~

Comments welcome!!.... more more more pls!

Page 11 of 22Time flew in a wink.

It had been over a week since the Jiyong and Dara started their trainings.

From the initial awkward atmosphere between the two, their relationship had moved to a new edge over the days.

The duo had definitely grown much closer together now, after opening themselves to each other with Seunghyun and Bom's constant pushing.

They seemed to have so much to talk each time they met, so much so that one would have thought that they had dated each other for years.

Jiyong was not a man who will open himself so readily to a girl within such a short period of time. However, Dara managed to convince him.

Maybe it was because of the similarities she shared with Taeyeon that made him so comfortable with her. Each and every actions of her simply reminded him of Taeyeon, so much so that he couldn’t control but to drawn himself to her.


It was a Saturday afternoon.

The four had arranged to meet in the theme park, to enjoy a day of relaxing activities that were awaiting for them.

Dara was walking to and fro impatiently in front of the entrance, waiting for arrival of Jiyong.

Seunghyun and Bom had long went into the park, busy enjoying those thrilling rides.

"Sorry Baby girl, I am late...."

Jiyong smiled apologetically at Dara, and panted a little with his running.

He had given her the nickname, after Seunghyun insisted that they were not allowed to call each other by their names. So Jiyong decide to call Dara, Baby girl…

"It’s not is very late..."

Dara folded her arms as she pointed to her watch. It had passed more than half an hour from the time they had agree to meet.

"Sorry...I was held up by some clients just now...didn’t I told you to join Seunghyun and Bom first?"

Jiyong asked curiously as he looked at her.

"I don’t wish to be such a big light bulb..."

She explained. In fact, she knew she wouldn’t enjoy herself without his companion.

"Alright alright...I know it is all my fault...will this make up to you?"

Jiyong pulled out a tiny santokki plush toy from his pocket, before holding it in front of her.

"’s so cute...."

Her eyes brightened up immediately with her newly present, after taking it from him.

"Come on! Let’s go inside...."

Jiyong announced after a while and grabbed her hands before they run into the park.

As she glanced at their interlocking hands along the way, a smile was formed on her face instantly for some reason, still unknown to her.


"Let’s take that!"

Jiyong stopped behind a line of people, before he pointed to the roller coaster.

"Huh...can we skip that?"

Dara pouted as she pleaded at him with her puppy eyes.

"Why..oh...I guess someone is scare hmm..."

Jiyong chuckled as he pinched her cheeks gently.

"It’s not funny..."

Dara pouted at him before she rolled her eyes.

"Okie..okie...but let’s give it a try alright baby girl....come on...don’t worry..I am just beside you..."

Jiyong persuaded as he looked at her encouragingly.

Slowly, she nodded her head after hearing his words. His presence beside her certainly made her forget everything she feared.


"See...told you there is nothing to be scared about..."

Jiyong smirked proudly after they came down from the ride.

Indeed, it was a lot better than what Dara had initially imagined.

" win..."

Holding hands walking side by side, she stuck out her tongue playfully at him.

Before he knew it, Dara wriggled out of his grab and ran away from him.

"Hey you...stop...wait for me..."

Jiyong shouted, before chasing after her hurriedly.



Dara said right after she knocked onto someone along the way.

"Hey you...look where you are going..."

A voice cursed loudly at her.

As their eyes met, it was the man she feared to meet again.

It was her ex-boyfriend, Lee Minho whom she had dated in Canada during her school days.

This man was a big flirt, unknown to her at that time.

"’s came back to Seoul too..."

Minho smirked as he looked at her.


She muttered softly and avoided his gaze.

"Darling...who is this woman?"

A woman dressed skimpily beside him asked, before scanning Dara from head to toe rudely.

"Oh...just one of the girls I dated in the past..."

Minho chuckled impolitely as he explained.

"She...oh had such a good taste..."

The woman sneered sarcastically before the two broke into laughter.

Dara could only stood there helplessly, as she lowered her head in humiliation in front of the two.

"Honey...don’t say that...she had her good points too.. just that...well...she can get a little boring at times..."

Minho pretended to defend Dara at first, but then put her down further later on, leading his current girlfriend to mock loudly at her.

Dara bit her lips in frustration, as tears were about to well up in her eyes.

"Anyway... did you come here guys came with you isn’t it...or you can’t find anyone else after me..."

Minho added on as he smirked at her, before pulling his girlfriend close to him, as if showing off to her.

Dara could only swallowed back the hurt she was feeling and started to walk away from the two.


Standing behind the three, Jiyong could no longer curb back the anger that was rising in him.

He didn’t know the two person, but then, they seemed to be so mean with their words.

Storming up angrily, he decided to give them a little lesson for bullying his baby girl like this.

"Baby are here! I had been trying to find you! Hmm...are they your friends?"

Jiyong asked and slipped his hands of her waist, before looking at Minho as well as the woman beside him.

Even though Dara was a little taken aback by his sudden action, she forced out a smile and cuddle close to him before nodding her head slowly. He was her only support now, the only person who could helped her preserve the little dignity left in front of her ex-boyfriend.

" Lee classmate back in Canada..."

Dara introduced as she pointed to Minho.

Jiyong nodded before giving him a fake smile.

However, Minho ignored him rudely and looked sideway. He was just having his fun mocking at his ex-girlfriend and didn’t like anyone to hinder his way.

"Shall we make a move first? We are running late for our next appointment!"

Jiyong smiled as he looked at Dara sweetly.

Dara nodded obediently and cling his arms, before bidding goodbye to the two who looked as though they were on fire.

"Don’t get so smug! I will see how long you will last! You will be getting rid of her soon! I don’t believe you can stand being with a woman who you can’t even touch a bit!"

Minho threw out his words harshly, as soon as the two turned their backs.

During their dating in the past, Dara would always pushed Minho away whenever he wanted to get intimate with her.

Jiyong looked at Dara after his words, and his princess avoided his gaze immediately, obviously hurt by the insult.

"Oh...thanks for being so concern about us....but I don’t think I will ever let her go...coz I simply love the way she is..."

Jiyong turned his face sideway and said proudly, before leading Dara away.

Along the way, Dara couldn’t help but to feel deeply touched by his words.


Thanks for all the comments and suggestion...

We will go for Baby Girl since all my beloved reader prefer Baby Girl more (even myself LOL)

Please continue reading and comment welcome!!

Page 12 of 22"Hey...don’t get so isn’t worth to spoil your day because of a jerk like him.."

Jiyong tried to cheer Dara who looked so unhappily along their way.

"I am fine...and thanks for your help just now..."

Dara forced out a smile at him before saying.

"Don’t lie to are not okie...come on... you can tell me if there is something bothering you..."

Jiyong added on as he looked at her in concern.

"Actually what he had said just now wasn’t wrong....I am really a bad girlfriend..."

Dara muttered sadly. In fact, her few boyfriend in the past left her after they couldn’t get what they wanted from her.

"Baby girl...don’t take his words to heart...I can see you are a perfect is he who doesn’t match you... just forget everything okie...come on...let’s take this..."

Jiyong defended before shifting her attention to the huge ferris wheel in front of them.


"Hey...wait for me...I will be back soon..."

Jiyong said after queuing in the line for some time.

Before Dara could ask further, he was already out of sight.

He came back just in time and seemed to have something hiding behind his back secretly.

However, Dara didn’t pay much notice, as she was thinking of what had happened just now.

Entering their cabin, they sat on the opposite sides.

The ferris wheel started to move upwards slowly inch by inch.

Dara looked outside and observed the glamorous view quietly, still deeply affected by Minho's words just now.

"Nah...for you...."

Jiyong took out a candy from behind, trying to cheer her up.

"Candy did you know I like this..."

Dara's eyes lighted up immediately at the candy. Since young, she had a sweet tooth and one of her favourite sweet will be candy floss.

Watching Dara, Jiyong couldn’t help but to smile at the sight of her nibbling the sweet. She is just like a child, and a simple gesture like this can cheered her up so quickly.

" come you are eating all by yourself...I want some too.."

Jiyong nudged her before he asked playfully.

"No way...I am finishing it up soon.."

Dara shook her head firmly.

"Please baby girl...."

Jiyong pleaded as he eyed at her candy floss greedily.

"Hmm...okie...since you had done me a great favor today... I shall reward you...come your mouth..."

She said and pulled a mouthful of the candy, before placing it into his mouth.

The candy dissolved sweetly inside him instantly, so does his heart, unknown to him.


"So...hope that you have fun today....let me know once you are safely inside your room..."

Jiyong said sweetly to Dara and placed his hands on the steering wheel.

The two had just finished their hearty dinner with Seunghyun and Bom, before Jiyong sent his Dara back home.

"Yeah...I did...and thanks for your help just now..."

Dara smiled before she released the seat belt from her.

"Not a problem...they ought to be taught a lesson... and don’t think so much.. sleep well..."

Jiyong returned her smile before saying.

"You too.."

Dara replied her last piece before getting down the car.


Looking down through the windows as soon as she reached her room, she smiled when she saw Jiyong was still downstairs.

Her handphone vibrated at the same time, and she beamed further when she saw the name appearing on the screen.

"Jiyongie calling"

These words flicked a few more times on the handphone before she finally pressed the answered key.


Jiyong asked as soon as the line was engaged.

"Yup..I just reached my room.."

She nodded and said happily.

"Alright...have a good rest baby girl.. you had a long day.."

Jiyong repeated as he switched on the ignition of his car.

"You carefully..."

Dara reminded in concern before the two ended the call.


Wiping her hair with the towel in her hands, Dara sat down on the chair after a long refreshing bathe.

Her eyes stopped at the tiny plush toy Jiyong gave to her earlier on.

She grinned happily when she took it up from the desk.

Holding the toy on her hands preciously, her mind drifted to what Jiyong had said to Minho today.

"I don’t think I will ever let her go.. coz I simply love the way she is.."

She smiled and her face flushed a little with that thought. She began to wonder if Jiyong meant what he said just now.

However, she frowned the very next minute the moment she remembered the love contract. He might be just playing his role as her fake boyfriend.

But then, the way he said seemed to be like coming from the bottom of his heart. He looked so serious back then. Furthermore, the way he had been treating her this while seemed to have exceeded their acting.

Not wanting to think any further, she climbed up her bed wearily with the plush toy in her hands, before she drifted off to her sleep a while later.


A few days later, the duo met for dinner once again in their favourite restaurant.

After calling the bill, Jiyong threw his arms over Dara's shoulders, before making their way out of the eating place.

They were about to knock into someone who was at the entrance. Luckily, they managed to stop their step in time.


Jiyong muttered as soon as his eyes set on the lady in front of them.

Quickly, he released his hands from Dara instantly.

Page 13 of 22"Jiyong...."

Taeyeon forced out an awkward smile and muttered as soon as her eyes met his.

It had been a long time since they last seen each other after their break-up.

Dara then shifted her gaze from Jiyong to the lady in front of them as soon as she felt his hand withdrawing from her.

At the first glance, she was surprise to find the lady sharing a similar outlook as her. Both of them were short and petite in size, and they had those big sparkling eyes which stood out from their flawless skin, not to mention the smile which warmed up people's heart instantly just at the look of them.

Who is she?

Dara couldn’t help but to wonder when she saw the two looking at each other in silence.


"I didn’t expect to meet you here..."

Taeyeon broke the deafening silence at last.

"Me too...and how have you been all this while?"

Jiyong asked and stared deep into her hazel brown eyes. He was still very much concern over her, even though he no longer played a part in her life now.

"Life had been good for me...."

Taeyeon nodded before smiling blissfully.

The wound in Jiyong hurt further the moment he saw how contented she was at the moment. She seemed to be much happier with Donghae now, rather than when she was still with him. He knew that he should be happy for the two of them, but then, his heart was feeling so pain at the moment that he could hardly breathe.

Seeing how Jiyong was looking at Taeyeon, Dara knew that she must be someone important to Jiyong.

It then drawn to her that she might be the one that Seunghyun and Bom had been talking about the other day, the one who left Jiyong for his buddy.


"I guess life had been good for you too right...gotton yourself a girlfriend?"

Taeyeon asked about Dara after a while, before looking at him.

"She...she is just a friend..."

Jiyong stuttered as he avoided her eyes quickly.

Dara passed a quick glance at Jiyong in hurt, before smiling at Taeyeon awkwardly.

"Aww.. your term of friend is so wide...anyway...aren’t you going to introduce us?"

Taeyeon chuckled with a hint of sarcasm in her tone. She thought Jiyong was still so shy with girls. He used to address her as friend too when they first gotton together in the past.

"She is Dara...and this is Taeyeon, my childhood friend..."

Jiyong did a brief introduction on the two girls, before they shook their hands.

"Anyway, I got to run Jiyong....I suppose you will be bringing her to the party this sat right...we will talk again then..and had been nice meeting you..."

Taeyeon smiled as she bided the two goodbye hurriedly.


The Jiyong and Dara walked in silence on the streets after Taeyeon left.

Jiyong was in front, and she tagged along behind slowly.

He seemed to have so much on his mind now, and the sorrow in his eyes were back again.

It made Dara dread to even talk to him now, with the look on his face.

As for Dara, her mind kept on thinking of what Jiyong had said just now.

"She...she is just a friend....."

This sentence kept on ringing in her head.

So all along, she was only his friend.

But then, he didn’t deny when the waiter addressed her as his girlfriend just now, or any other time before this.

Why did he change so suddenly after meeting Taeyeon?

Maybe it was what their relationship was supposed to be in the first place. She was the one who had complicated things.

They were only two strangers who were put together to play a show. Their only connection was the love contract between them, the one where their relationship will ceased as soon as the party on Saturday was over.

"So after the function, we will not be together anymore..."

She thought silently.


A few days later, the duo were in the cinema, catching the latest comedy in town.

Laughter could be heard echoing the entire theatre, when the movie reached its centre part.

Dara too was laughing her heart out, so much so that her tears had already started to form at the corner of her eyes.

However, Jiyong sat in his seat remaining silence. His eyes were on the screen, but sadly to say, his heart wasn’t.

Dara bit her lips in disappointment the moment she took a quick glance at him. She no longer have any mood to continue laughing, after seeing the state he was in.

It had already been a few days since they met Taeyeon and ever since then, Jiyong always seemed to be deep in thoughts whenever he was with her.

It seemed like his heart was still holding on to someone he couldn’t bear to let go.

The one she knew also.


The two walked out of the theatre slowly after the movie ended, enjoying the moonlight under the sky.

"So...are we going home now?"

Dara broke the silence and looked at him.

However, Jiyong seemed to be miles away, even though he is just right beside her.


Dara tried again.

Still, there wasn’t any response from him.

Dara then nudged him a little in displeasure.


Jiyong spoke up finally as he forced out a smile at her.


Dara avoided his eyes and shook her head. Actually, she wanted to ask what was on his mind lately. However, it seemed too obvious to her. She then swallowed back her words as she dreaded the answer from him.


Dara fastened the seatbelt as soon as she sat inside his car.

Just before Jiyong switched on the ignition, his handphone rang.


Dara turned to Jiyong as soon as she heard the name.

His face seemed to brighten a little instantly after hearing her voice.

"What...your gastric is acting up again...are you okie then...I'll be right there..."

It made her heart sank further when she saw how worried Jiyong was when he heard she was feeling unwell. Just one call from her and she is able to make him fall head over heel with.


"Sorry Baby girl...I can’t send you home..."

Jiyong turned to Dara after ending his call.

"I heard along now..."

Dara forced out a smile, even though her heart was hurting from his words.

"I am sorry...I will get you a cab..."

Jiyong added on as he jumped out of his car hurriedly.

However, as if luck wasn’t on his side, there wasn’t a single cab in soul.

Cursing loudly, he turned his head left and right anxiously searching for one, as he looked at his watch from time to time.

Seeing his action further, it made her heart ached more badly.


" go ahead first...I can cope alone..."

Dara came down from his car after some time.

It was no use keeping him with her now, when his mind was all on Taeyeon.

" be okie on your own? I will get going then... call me when you get home..."

Jiyong reminded before he got into his car quickly.

Not even bidding a goodbye, he drove off shortly.

Looking at his car until it was no longer in sight, Dara's tears fell unknowingly.

Page 14 of 22"Sandara Park! Why are you crying for? Why should you care if he is going to meet her! He is not your anyone in the first place!"

Dara chided herself harshly and wiped off the tears that was dripping down her cheeks after Jiyong left her.

She wanted to be nonchalant about him going to meet her, but then, her heart proved her wrong when it was still hurting from the fact that he left her for Taeyeon.

It was as if heaven was crying with her. It started to drizzle gently after a while. Within minutes, the rain turned into a storm and it poured down heavily.

Running to the nearest shelter, Dara was already half drenched by then.

"Ah choo!"

She sneezed as she pulled her damp jacket around her, freezing a little when the wind blew across her.

Popping out her head once in a while, she wanted to catch sight if any cab happened to pass by the way.

However, none seemed to be in sight today.

It was closed to midnight when she finally see an empty cab coming along the way after a long wait.

Running out happily, she put out her hands to hail the cab hurriedly.

Unfortunately, a couple rushed out before her and shoved her slightly away, before hopping into the car shamelessly.

"How could they!"

Dara pouted as she went back to the shelter again.

It was even harder for her to catch one when the midnight movie ended 15 minutes later and row and row of people started to scramble out of the theatre slowly.


Ringing the doorbell anxiously, Jiyong waited in front of the door.

He had went to the nearest convenience store to get her usual medicine for Taeyeon before rushing to her house.

He knew how bad her condition was. She could hardly speak properly when she called him just now. It was one of her old ailment since she was a kid.

"Taeyeon.. How are you?"

Jiyong asked in concern as soon as the door was opened.

"Still hurting a little...."

Taeyeon forced out a smile weakly as she held on to her abdomen, before leading him into the room.

After helping her to the sofa, Jiyong went into the kitchen to take a water for her, before feeding her with the medicine.

"Feeling better?"

Jiyong asked after she rested on the sofa for a while.

"Yeah...much better...the pain almost kill me just now..."

She nodded her head before she replied.

"You must have skipped your dinner again..."

Jiyong frowned as he looked at the documents that were scattered all over the dining table.

"Well...I can’t seem to hide anything from you...I was rushing for a project.."

She smiled sheepishly while she said.

"You better take care of yourself.. you don't you cannot afford to be starve.."

Jiyong reminded before he chuckled slightly.

"Yeah.. I will...anyway...I am really thankful for your help just parents are out of town and Donghea went overseas for a business trip too.. I couldn't get anyone except sorry to have disrupted your evening..."

Taeyeon explained before she looked at him apologetically.

"Nah...Don’t be so polite with me...I wasn't doing anything important...just finished watching a movie..."

Jiyong rested himself back onto the sofa before he said casually.

"Movie...with Dara.. I she angry with me for calling you here..?"

Taeyeon asked and looked at him worriedly.

"Angry? Why should she?"

Jiyong knitted his eyebrow in confusion.

"No girls will allow their boyfriend to care for other woman like this Jiyong...especially if we did have a past together..."

Taeyeon added on.

"Well...she didn't say anything...she even ask me to rush here..."

Jiyong replied honestly.

"She is really big-hearted got yourself a great girl Jiyong...I can see she is the right one for you...but then... I still think she will better explain to her... woman tends to be more sensitive”

Taeyeon suggested helpfully.

Her words lead him into deep thinking.


It almost took Dara two hours before she reached home.

She was already drenched from head to toes by the time she stepped into the house.

Slumping down the chair in her room wearily, her eyes stopped at the tiny plush toy he gave to her that time.

She began to wonder was he still with Taeyeon at the moment? If yes, what are they doing now? What will they be chatting about? Will there be any chance if their love will rekindle anytime?"

Her tears dropped once again the moment she thought of that.

Taking out her handphone from her bag, she was hoping to receive some sort of concern from him. However, there wasn't even a single miss call or message from his side.

She was pondering whether she should call him. After all, he did remind her to give him a call as soon as she reached home.

Dreading who will pick up his call, her hands pressed the dial key finally.

Unfortunately, no one answered the phone, and the line was cut dead after some time.

Biting her lips in disappointment, she went to create a message before pressing the send key.


"Nah...I am okie...don’t be so naggy...Donghea.."

Taeyeon giggled as she spoke to the other person on the phone.

It was Donghea, who had called her after knowing that his wife was feeling unwell.

Jiyong sat on the other side of the sofa, looking at Taeyeon who was talking and laughing sweetly on the line.

She looked so blissful at the moment, so much so that one could feel her love for Donghea.

Surprisingly, Jiyong no longer feel hurt in his heart. Instead, he felt a moment of relief. He had decided that it was time to let her go.

Taeyeon had already moved on with Donghae to another stage of their life, and so should he.

He should no longer looked back in the past, where it would only hurt him further.

After all, it was already enough for him to know that they are happily together with one another.

Giving her a last smile, he went off her house silently.


Sitting in his car tiredly, his eyes stopped at the handphone that was left on the passenger seat.

"Oh right....have that Baby girl reach home?"

He muttered softly as he pressed his phone.

"Hey...just want to tell you I had reached...and hope that Taeyeon is fine...give my regards to her.."

Her message read.

He had an urge to call her now, just to make sure she is safely at home.

But then, he held back his decision when he looked at his watch.

After all, it was already two in the morning.


Thanks for all the comments..

All hate Jiyong right now... how can you leave you baby girl!! What Dara going to do now!!??

10comments , 10subcribe, 10 upvote.. I'll post next chapters!! >< (Just joking but if really hit I'll post as promise)

New Story: Modern Day Love Please Suport too !!! Comments welcome !!

Other On-Going stories: My Baby Daddy // Falling For Him // Last Sunrise Together

Page 15 of 22"The number you had just dial is currently not available. Please try again later."

Jiyong slumped his handphone onto his desk restlessly, after trying to call Dara for the umpteen time today.

Swivelling his chair to face the full length window in his office, he wondered where his baby girl had gone to.

He had been trying to reach her since morning, but then, her mobile had been switched off completely.


Stirring a little on the bed, Dara opened her eyes slowly.

Sitting up weakly, she gave a few sneezes before pulling the blanket closer to her.

Taking a tissue to blow her nose, she threw into the dustbin next to her bed after use. The bin had already been half filled by her used tissues which she had been using throughout the night.

Her head was heavy and her body was shivering in cold, even though the sun was shining brightly outside.

She must have been caught down by a bad flu from the state she was in at the moment.

Knowing she could hardly move in any condition, she fell back onto her bed drowsily after a while.

There was nothing better than to have a good sleep in a condition like this.


"Hey bro? Did you see Dara?"

Jiyong asked as soon as saw Seunghyun, once he entered into the pub after his work.

"Why? Cannot find her? What kind of boyfriend are you...."

Seunghyun teased as he patted his chest playfully.

"I am know where she is? I had been trying to call her..."

Jiyong said seriously before he took a seat on one of the bench.

"I received a call from Aunty Park just now...she told me that Dara was caught with a high fever and heavy flu...she is resting at home...."

Seunghyun replied as he passed a drink to Jiyong.

"She is sick? Why so suddenly? She is still fine when I see her yesterday!"

Jiyong asked curiously before he took a sip of his drink.

"I was just about to ask come she is so sick under your care...I heard that she is caught in the storm last night...she is totally drenched when she returned yesterday...didn't you send her back?"

Seunghyun probed in surprise. It was not like Jiyong who wouldn't send her back after their meetings.

At the mention of that, it was then he realized that she might had been caught by the storm last night, after he left her in front of the cinema alone.

"Well...I had something urgent last night and couldn't send her back..."

Jiyong explained guilty.

"You left her alone in the heavy rain...what is so important..."

Seunghyun exclaimed unbelievingly.

" wasn't raining when I leave her there...well... Taeyeon called me last night...she needed my help to buy her medicine as her gastric is acting up again..."

Jiyong explained.

"Oh...its wonder you can leave Dara all alone on the streets in the heavy rain heartlessly...poor Dara..."

Seunghyun chided sarcastically.

"I told you I didn't know it rained so heavily...I wouldn't leave her there if I knew..."

Jiyong retorted.

"Don’t say I didn't remind you...Taeyeon got a husband better stop thinking anything beyond your relationship with her now..."

Seunghyun said seriously.

"What are you talking about...I wouldn't think of anything like that...anyway..I am going now...."

Jiyong said before he stood up from his seat.

"So soon...where are you going..."

Seunghyun asked in surprise.

"Playing my role as a boyfriend now...shouldn't I visit my baby girl who is sick in bed?"

Jiyong chuckled as he cracked a joke.

"That’s sounds really should...and you better take good care of your girl huh...boyfriend..."

Seunghyun laughed as well before bidding him goodbye.


"’s time for your medicine..."

Her servant woke her up, shaking her gently.


Dara muttered and sat up with the help of her.

"Missy...your friend is downstairs...he wanted to see you..."

The servant added on after Dara gulped down her pills.

"Who is it?"

Dara probed in surprise as she held her head weakly.

"It’s a guy....I had never seen him before...."

She replied politely.

Stepping down the bed, she pushed her curtain a little sideway.

Jiyong was leaning against his car, staring in front.

"Erm...tell him to go back....just say I am asleep..."

Dara said firmly.

She had decided to keep a distance away from him now, in case her feeling started to get deeper for him as the days went by. After all, their relationship will be over once their contract ended. It is better to get prepared now.

"Yes, Missy!"

The servant nodded her head before going out of the room.


"Sorry Sir...our missy is asleep..."

Dara's servant did what she was told and informed Jiyong, who was still waiting downstairs.

" she...."

Jiyong muttered and lifted his head, only to see the lights on the 2nd floor being switched off instantly.

" your missy alright?"

Jiyong added on and asked in concern.

"Yes.. she is...but her flu is pretty bad..."

The servant replied honestly.

"I you mind helping me to pass her these?"

Jiyong said before he popped his head into his car and took out a big paper bag to her.

Inside contained at least 10 bottles of herbal drinks, ranging from the sweet honey to the bitter herbal. He had specially went to a Chinese physician earlier on to buy these for her. He had wanted to buy only a few, but then, he ended up purchasing so many as he seriously didn’t know which one Dara would prefer.

"Yes sure! Good night sir!"

The servant smiled politely and took it from him, before bidding goodbye.


OK... Jiyong deserve a cold shoulder.. Bet all agree!!??? Right! LOL

Thanks for all comments, subcribes and upvote!! Appreciate :)

New Story : Modern Day Love pls pls pls support too...

Other on-going stories: My Baby Daddy // Falling For Him // Last Sunrise Together

Page 16 of 22Dara took a peek through the window, only to catch sight of Jiyong who just jumped back into his car.

Even though she wanted to see him so badly, she thought that it was best for her to keep a distance away by now, just in case she fell deeper for him as the day went by. After all, everything was going to end in a few days time.

"Come in!"

Dara answered when the knock broke her thoughts.

"Missy...your friend passed you these.."

The servant said after she walked to Dara.

Taking over the bag curiously, she took a look inside immediately after her servant left her.

One by one, she placed the bottles on her desk, accumulating a total of 12.

On each and every bottle, there was a note written by Jiyong, telling her what the drink tasted like and a brief description of what ailment it was supposed to treat.

A gush of warmness rushed up instantly to her, after scanning through a few.

She began to wonder on what earth did he knew that she was sick with fever and flu. She did not even contacted him for the whole day.

However, upon second thoughts, she realised that it must be Seunghyun who leaked out the secret.

That silly guy must have tasted all the drinks himself, so that he knew exactly which one was bitter or sweet.

She couldn’t help but to feel deeply touch by what Jiyong had done, as no guy actually did this for her before.

Looking at the handphone on her table side, she had an urge to call him now.

She wanted him to know that she was feeling awful with her bad flu so that he could comfort her. She wanted him to feed her with her medicine, so that it would not taste as bitter as it was now. Most importantly, she wanted to know if he would be as anxious for her as he was when he heard that Teayeon was unwell last night.

However, her heart sank when she reminded herself that their relationship was nothing more then just a contract. He couldn't possibly be caring for her like a real boyfriend, not to mention that his heart had already be occupied by another person.

Sighing loudly, she was about to turn her back from the windows when she saw a familiar car parked right outside her house. Taking

a closer look, she was even more surprised to know that the car belonged to Jiyong.


Jiyong leaned outside his car, rubbing his hands occasionally from the cold wind blowing against him.

He had no mood to return home, without seeing Dara personally.

Even though he knew that she would be fine under her servant's care, his mind was still constantly on her. Part of him was pinning to see her again while the other part was still worried for her. After all, it was him who landed her into this state.


"Why are you still here?"

Dara broke the dead silence after opening the gate. She could no longer hold back her urge to see him, especially after what he had done for her.

"I thought you slept already..."

Jiyong said in surprise as his face lifted up upon seeing her.

"I first..."

Dara muttered faintly and pulled her jacket closer to her.

"Hey...are you looked so pale...."

Jiyong added on in concern and held her hands, before touching her face gently.

It was an action so used to him that he had forgotten that they were just acting.

She looked so vulnerable to him now, so weak that made his heart ached at the sight of her.

Was it guilty or was it the fact that he felt pain for her?

He didn’t know himself.

"I am fine..."

Dara blushed at his intimate action and backed off a few steps backwards. Not the fact that she minded his action, but the fact that she was going to fall deeper if he continued to show such concern to her.

Jiyong remained silent and rubbed his neck uneasily, upon seeing her reaction.

He found her a little cold to him today, for a reason he didn’t know.

" better go back now...and...we better don’t meet these few days..."

Dara said after a while of silence.


Jiyong exclaimed in surprise after her words.

"Well..I...I just don’t want to get you should know the function is just around the concern..."

Dara avoided his eyes as she stuttered.

"My body is strong don’t have to worry..."

He explained quickly.

"Erm....I need to rest’s really very late now...go back..."

She added on coldly and turned her back swiftly, trying to leave his sight.

"Baby girl...take care of yourself...."

Jiyong reminded softly as he grabbed her hands just in time before she stepped away.

Nodding her head without looking at him, she wriggled out of his hands and closed the gate.


Thank you for all the comments, upvote and subcribing..

I won't let Jiyong get away so fast!... Agree? LOL

Sorry for the short chapter.. ><

Page 17 of 22Pressing the ending call button once again, Jiyong threw his handphone onto the desk in frustration.

He had been trying to get hold of his baby girl ever since he last met her in the night two days ago. However, all his calls were either diverted to her voice mails or left unanswered. Worst of all, she did not even bother to return any of his call even though he had called her like endless times.

He had tried to send her messages too, and the replies he got from her were short and cold, as if they hardly knew each other.

He wondered what had caused the sudden change in his baby girl. They were still fine when they went for their last movie the other day. Everything started to change only after she had gotton sick.

"Maybe she was angry with him for making her sick."

He thought silently.


"Hey...your phone is ringing..."

Bom nudged Dara, when the two were enjoying their shopping spree.

"It’s okie...nothing important..."

Dara forced out a smile and threw her handphone back into her bag after taking a look at her caller ID.

"Who’s that?"

Bom asked in surprise as Dara seldom would ignored her calls.

"Just a friend..."

Dara tried to reply nonchalantly.

Seeing her reaction, it made Bom even more suspicious. Slipping her hand into her bag quickly, she took out her phone before Dara could stopped her.

"It’s Jiyong..."

Bom stopped her foot and exclaimed after looking at the screen, before turning to face her.

Dara remained silence at her words and continued walking.

" guys had a tiff?"

Bom asked in concern as she walked beside her.

"No...Why would we..."

Dara shook her head and muttered.

"Then why did you ignore his call...aren’t you guys getting on very well?"

Bom probed further.

" should know it’s all for the sake of the contract..and somemore it is going to end in two days time...and so are our "fake" relationship..."

Dara replied wearily.

" I sensing some unhappiness here...tell me honestly Dara....are you feeling something real for my shy friend?"

Bom smiled as she put her hands over Dara's shoulders playfully.

"No...of course not...crazy...we are just acting..."

Dara blushed as she denied immediately.

"Oh really...?"

Bom asked and looked at her eyes.

"Of course.."

Dara muttered and avoided her gaze quickly, before she walked faster.

"Dara...have you forgotten you are bad at lying..."

Bom chuckled at the sight of her and caught up with her shortly.

Dara could only remained silence and flushed further. She knew that the more she tried to explain, the more she would complicate matters.

"Come on Dara...there is nothing shy about liking him... I mean he is so eligible...eight out of ten women will like him if you ask anyone out on the streets..."

Bom joked as she tried to ease her awkwardness.

"Anyway...are you planning to let him know?"

Bom asked earnestly.

"No way..."

Dara exclaimed and shook her head firmly.

"But guys looked so suited with one another... and maybe...he might have feelings for you too..."

Bom encouraged helpfully.

"It can’t be...I know his heart is still occupied with someone..."

Dara muttered sadly.

"You mean Taeyeon...erm...maybe he had forgotten about her already.."

Bom added on.

"You know it is impossible...he was so worried the other day when she got sick...anyway...just forget about the whole thing..."

Dara replied.


" Dara very busy recently...?"

Jiyong asked as he took a sip of his drink at the counter.

"I don’t think so...why....?"

Seunghyun shook his head and replied.

"Well...I don’t know how to say...but it seemed like she is trying to avoid me..."

Jiyong explained.

"Avoid you...for what...aren’t you guys getting on very well...?"

Seunghyun probed.

"I can’t say it also...I thought we are.. but then...she didn’t pick up any of my calls these two days...when I visit her that time she was sick...she even say we better don’t meet again until the function you think she is angry with me for getting her sick...?"

Jiyong asked worriedly.

"That is not like Dara...she isn’t so petty...."

Seunghyun analyzed.

" she seeing someone now that she find it awkward to act with me...?"

Jiyong came out with another reason.

"Hmmm...That might be a possibility...I heard from Aunty Park that some boy is chasing her hot on her heels recently..."

Seunghyun touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Really...who is you know him...have they gotton together...when did it happen....?"

Jiyong exclaimed anxiously and shot out all his worries at the same time after hearing Seunghyun's words.

"Come on question at a time... hey wait wait...why are you so anxious...."

Seunghyun teased him.

"Well...I am just concern..."

Jiyong blushed a little as he tried to avoid his eyes.

"Only concern...or are you minding the fact that you have a rival now....come on Jiyong...we had been friends for so long..tell me...are you feeling something for my sis...?"

Seunghyun probed further.

Not nodding his head nor denying, he continued to sip his drink.

"Aww Jiyong...I take it as a yes then...go for it...Dara is a nice girl...."

Seunghyun cheered as he chuckled.

"Don’t be so ridiculous...I don’t even know how she feels.."

Jiyong muttered softly.


Dara was about to walk into the pub when she saw the familiar back view.

The pub was not open for the day yet and thus, she could see Jiyong clearly at one glance.

"What do you think of Dara then...?"

Dara could heard Seunghyun asking Jiyong at the counter as soon as she opened the door.

Hiding herself behind it quickly, she tried to listen to what Jiyong was going to say next.

"Well...she reminded me so much of Taeyeon..."

Jiyong replied.


I can hear lot of complaining now.... hahaha

Sorry to make GD a jerk....

Happy to know you gals like and enjoy this story so much.

I really love reading all your comments!! More comment and upvote I'll try to upate before Xmas!

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year in advance.. Hengsho!!

Page 18 of 22Dara's heart sank to the bottom as soon as she heard his words. So all along, he had been treating her as a substitute of Taeyeon. No wonder he could get along with her so well, although they only knew each other like just two weeks ago. Even Seunghyun and Bom were surprise by their sudden closeness within such a short period of time.

No wishing to hear him further, she closed the door gently and walked away sadly.


"Ouch! What’s that for!"

Jiyong complained after receiving a hard slap from Seunghyun on his arms.

"It’s on behalf of Dara for you! How dare you treat my sister as a substitute of Taeyeon! It’s so unfair to her!"

Seunghyun chided as he looked at him seriously.

"Come on! I didn’t! I am just saying my first impression of her. They looked so much alike after all!

Jiyong quickly explained.

"They might resemble each other, but bear in mind that they are two different people!

Seunghyun added on.

"Of course I know that! Their characters are poles apart. Dara tends to be more introverted as compared to the outgoing Taeyeon. However, she will brighten up with every little things you do and that made you feel as though you had done something great. She is rather timid when encountered with problems that just made people want to protect her..."

Jiyong analyzed and said dreamily. He grinned when he thought of the time he cheered her up with the little plush toy and candy floss, not forgetting the time when he helped her to get back at Donghae as well.

"That sounds a little better.. at least you seemed to know Dara well enough...and yup.. that scatterbrain seriously need someone who can take good care of her.."

Seunghyun nodded in agreement.

"She does definitely...she needed someone whom she can depend on..."

Jiyong chuckled as he thought of how muddle-head Dara could get at times. Luckily he was with her whenever she needed him by her side.

"I know you can fulfill the role Jiyong..."

Seunghyun hinted. After all, he knew Jiyong too well. He was a guy who liked to protect the weak and Dara seem to suit him well.


"Dara...why are you still here...I thought I told you to go in first..."

Bom asked in surprise after she met Dara near the car park.

"Well...I think I will give it a miss today...I am tired..."

Dara came out with an excuse as she smiled wearily.

"Well...just go in for a drink...I will get your brother to send you home later..."

Bom offered.


Before Dara could protest any further, Bom had already dragged her into the pub.



Jiyong greeted and looked at Dara in surprise as soon as she and Bom joined the two guys at the counter. After all, he was not expecting her sudden visit to the pub today.

Dara forced out a smile before she took a seat awkwardly beside him, much to Bom's insistence.

After the couple left them alone, the duo fell into greater silence.

"Erm...are you very busy recently..?"

Jiyong decided to break the silence after a while.

"Yea...I am..."

Dara muttered uneasily.

"I see...anyway...I am sorry for landing you sick that time...I should have sent you back home instead of leaving you there..."

Jiyong said apologetically.

"It’s not your fault...I health had been weak since young..."

Dara shook her head before she replied.

"Well...ahem...the function is on this Saturday.."

Jiyong cleared his throat and announced when they fell into another silence. It seemed like they had nothing much to talk about recently, ever since she tried to avoid him.

"I know...don’t worry...I will be there as what I had promised...."

Dara replied coldly.

"Erm...I am just reminding in case you had forgotton... anyway Dara...we are still friend after that day right?"

Jiyong asked hopefully.

" might be hard...."

Dara muttered softly.

Jiyong looked at her immediately as if he didn’t hear her words.

"I...I will be returning to Canada right after the function..."

Dara replied, without looking at him.

After that, both of them remain silent and in a deep thought..

What will happen after the contract end.


** D-Day **

Dara sat in front of her dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror.

The day had finally arrived, the day where their contract will formally end at 12 am sharp tonight.

Everything will be over by then, every single memory she once shared with him.

Nothing will be the same tomorrow, for she will be in Canada by the time, to the place without his existence, without him in her life anymore.

"Brace yourself up Dara! You should be glad that the acting will be over tonight!"

Dara convinced herself in the mirror, bringing her fingers to both sides of her mouth, trying to create a smile for herself.

However, she seemed to be moodier the more she tried to force herself to smile.

Pulling out the cosmetic in her make-up box slowly, she started to doll herself up.

No matter how worst she could be feeling right now, she had to give the best shot tonight, in front of his parents for she had promised to help him.


Jiyong sat at the back of his car, looking outside the windows quietly.

He was on his way to pick up Dara, his baby girl for only tonight.

"I will be returning to Canada right after the function..."

Dara 's words kept on ringing inside his mind.

He felt so lost after hearing her in the pub that night, so helpless that he didn’t know what he should do.

Was it love that he felt for her?

Or was it just a habit to him?

He seriously did not know what he was feeling for her.

He was scare to enter into another relationship after Taeyeon, for he feared to be hurt again.

He certainly did not wish them to end up the same as what he did with Taeyeon, where all his efforts and feelings came to a naught after so many years. The pain was simply beyond description.

However, what he knew was that he did not want her to leave him, to leave his side.

It just seemed like his life will not be the same without her in it.


Merry Christmas to all my chingus!!!

Please continue to read, comments and upvote!

New subscribers welcome! Pls do support my other stories!

Page 19 of 22" looked so different...!"

Jiyong muttered in surprise as soon as he stepped out of his car and looked at Dara who was waiting at the door.

Throughout these times with her, it was the first time she was so formally dressed, and she looked extremely stunning that she took his breathe away.

There she stood wearing a white gown, where her curves were beautifully presented. The whiteness of the gown brought out her elegance, making her flawless skin even fairer under the mild evening sunlight. Her hair were magnificently curled into simple waves that made her look a little more feminine than usual.

" I look very bad?"

Dara asked cautiously after seeing Jiyong's surprised look.

'No...not at looked gorgeous!"

Jiyong shook his head and said shyly.

Dara blushed a little at his comment before she sat into the car, after Jiyong held the door for her.


Inside the car, none of them spoke a word.

The duo looked so deep in thoughts as if they were thinking of something serious.

"Are you nervous?"

Jiyong asked after a while of silence.

"A little..."

Dara nodded her head honestly and looked at him.

"Don’t worry...I'll be right beside you..."

Jiyong smiled assuring at her, before taking her hands in his.

As much as Dara wanted to retreat from him, she didn’t release his hands.


Jiyong led Dara into the grand ball room, as soon as both stepped down the car.

A lot of guests had already arrived, as the room was almost filled up with crowds.

Guiding her to the two folks standing near the stage, Jiyong placed his hands on her delicate waist as soon as they stopped in front of them.

"Dad, Mum! Meet Dara!"

Jiyong smiled and introduce proudly his so-called girlfriend to his parents.

"Anyeong, Uncle and Auntie Kwon! Nice to meet you!"

Dara greeted politely as she smiled at the two of them.

"Nice to meet you, young lady!"

Mr Kwon chuckled as she shook hands with Dara.

"Very nice to see you dear!"

Mrs Kwon added on as she scanned her from head to toes contentedly.

"How come you didn’t tell us you have such a pretty nice girlfriend, rascal!"

Mrs Kwon commented before she turned to look at Jiyong who shrugged his shoulders playfully.

"You flatter me, Auntie Kwon!"

Dara shook her head bashfully before she replied.

"You are too modest Dara! She is right! No wonder our son refuse to accept any girls we introduced him!"

Mr Kwon pointed to Jiyong before he laughed heartily.

"Well...I told you I only have eyes for her..."

Jiyong smirked proudly before he held her closer to him.

Dara's heart skipped a beat as soon as she heard him. She wished that he was telling the truth. However, her hopes were dashed when she remembered that it was nothing but an act to please his parents.

"Okie okie! We all can see that! So I guess it’s time to discuss your marriage?"

Mrs Kwon smiled as she looked at Dara, before turning to Jiyong.

"Marriage?’s still too early to talk about this thing..."

Jiyong exclaimed before he looked at Dara in embarrassment.

Dara could only remained silence as she blushed at the topic.

"It’s not early Jiyong! It’s about time! We are dying to carry our grandchild!"

Mr Kwon added on.

Upon hearing that, Dara could only flushed further.

"Anyway...we will talk about this later....I'll bring Dara to get some bites.."

Jiyong ended the topic hurriedly before dragging her away.


"Sorry about that.."

Jiyong said apologetically when they reached a corner.

"It’s okie.."

Dara smiled as she shook her head.

"I'll get you some food...wait for me alright..."

Jiyong returned her smile and let go of her hands, before making his way to the eating table.

*A few hours later*

" look like a kitten..."

Jiyong chuckled when he turned to Dara, where the side of her mouth was stained with some fudge from the cakes they were having.

Putting down his plate on the table, he took a napkin and cleaned it for her gently.

As he was concentrating on her face, Dara stared at him.

Her heart ached when she thought that everything was going to be over by now.

"Jiyong...I am leaving now..."

Dara backed a few steps away from him, before running to the exit quickly.

Not caring even though Jiyong was calling out for her, Dara dashed out of the ballroom as quickly as she could.

Her mind couldn’t think of anything else at the moment.

The more she wanted to forget Jiyong, forget about all the memories they once shared with each other, the more the recollections between them came back to haunt her.

She thought that she had mentally prepared herself for this day to arrive, but apparently, her heart ached more than she could imagine when she thought of the day where Jiyong wouldn’t be in her life again.


Jiyong stood at the ground dumbfounded, as Dara took him off guard with her sudden departure.

"Where was she going?"

This question kept on ringing in his mind.

The clock on the tower struck 12 at this moment, which broke his thoughts instantly.

It was then he realised that the love contract between the two of them had officially ended now.

They will no longer be labelled as a couple, and most importantly, Dara wouldn’t going to appear in his life anymore after today.

"Son, where is Dara rushing off to?"

Mrs Kwon came up to Jiyong after seeing Dara running to the exit earlier on.


Jiyong muttered softly.

"Left...why didn’t you send her’s your duty to make sure she is safely back to her house... after her now..."

Mrs Kwon urged her son who was still rooted to the ground.

" her?"

Jiyong repeated her words slowly.

It seemed as if his mother's words had enlightened him suddenly.

Nodding earnestly, Jiyong made his way out of the ballroom.


Bet I heard lot of you shouting 'Pabo Jiyong' ..shouldnt have let go Dara!! LOL

Last update of the year..See you gals next year! Happy New Year 2014!

Page 20 of 22

Dara stood in front of the huge ferries wheel, looking at its magnificent view which was moving upwards slowly.

The theme park was still opened at this hour, as it was a Saturday night.

Smiling a little at the few couples who sat inside the cabins, her mind flashed back to the time when the two of them took the ferris wheel, where Jiyong tried to cheer her up with the candy floss he had gotton for her secretly.

She felt so loved at that time, so filled with happiness as if she had gone back to her first love.


Looking out of his car windows anxiously, Jiyong turned his head left and right repeatedly, trying his luck to catch sight of Dara on the streets.

His mother's words earlier on seemed to struck him, and he couldn’t help but to chide himself for not holding back her much earlier.

He should have known what he was feeling for her long ago, just that he refused to accept the fact that he had fallen for her, for he still couldn’t convince himself to cross the barrier inside his heart until now.

He knew how much he needed her, when she said that she was leaving his life for good.

"Pick up the call, baby girl!"

Jiyong muttered anxiously as one of his hands pressed the call button, as the other was busy on the steering wheel.

A ringing tone could be heard instantly, and he turned to take a glance at the back seat.


He cursed and pulled out his ear piece as soon as he saw her handphone lying at the corner of the left seat behind.

She must had dropped it accidentally when he fetched her just now.


His car halted quickly in front of her house.

Jumping down his car, he pressed the doorbell repeatedly.

"Yes Sir?"

Dara's servant greeted as soon as she opened the door.

"Is you missy back?"

He asked, panting a little from his rushing.

"Missy came back for her belongings just now. She is on her way to the airport!"

The servant replied.

Thanking her quickly, Jiyong went back to his car and dashed to the airport.


Jiyong stepped into the airport within 15 minutes, panting heavily from his running as sweat flowed down the sides of his face profusely.

Ignoring the stares he was getting from the passer-by, he rushed ahead, scanning at the departure notice.

There were two more hours before her flight to Canada will take off.

Turing around frantically, he started to search for any signs of her. He combed every possible area, but he still couldn’t catch sight of her after half an hour.

Jumping back into his car, he was nearly on the verge of breaking down.

"Think Kwon Jiyong! Where could she be!"

He hit on the steering wheel hardly as he scratched his head in frustration.

"Daddy, I want candy floss!"

Jiyong could vaguely heard a daughter saying to his father as they just walked past his car.

"There isn’t any store selling here...daddy will bring you to the theme park tomorrow okie?"

The father replied and coaxed his five years old daughter.

"Theme park...right.. Why didn’t I think of that!"

Jiyong said excitedly as he switched on his car ignition immediately.


When Jiyong finally spotted the one he had been looking for, his heart nearly stopped beating for that second.

Grinning to himself at the angelic figure in front of him, he lowered his body a little and rested his hands on his thighs, panting heavily.

Sprinting towards her at the fastest speed shortly, he grabbed hold of her hands and turned her around.


Dara gasped in surprised as soon as she came in contact with Jay.

"I...I finally found you..."

Jiyong muttered in relief as he pulled her into his embrace.

"Why are you here...?"

Dara asked curiously, while he was still hugging her tightly.

"Don’t leave...stay with me...will you?"

Jiyong looked into her eyes and asked, after he released her from him.

"What are you talking about Jiyong....our contract is already over..."

Dara shook her head and reminded him.

"I know it had....but I wish to renew our contract...for indefinitely...can I?"

He walked up nearer to her and asked sincerely.

"Jiyong...I had fun with you throughout these days... but we all know that this day will come to an end sooner or just happen to be today..."

Dara said honestly.

"I don’t want it to end like this...."

Jiyong replied sadly.

"Jiyong...all we had is just a contract...a contract drawn up by Seunghyun oppa to act in front of your remembered?"

Dara asked as she avoided his gaze.

"Yes, we did have a contract.. It shouldn’t involve any feelings in the first place...but I about you?"

Jiyong confessed as he continued to stare into her eyes.

Dara bit her and remained silence.

"I did Dara...and I believe you feel the same as me...whatever I say regarding you comes from the bottom of my heart...including the words I told my parents just now...I only have eyes for you..."

Jiyong added on after Dara's silence.

"Don’t say anymore’s just an infatuation...I know it is hard on you to see Taeyeon with her husband just now... I know you wanted someone to keep you accompany now...but trust will get over soon..."

Dara replied as tears started to cascade at the corner of her eyes, when she thought that he just wanted someone as a substitute of Taeyeon.

"I know myself Dara...I know what I am feeling for you..."

Jiyong insisted firmly and held her hands.

"Stop lying Jiyong...I overheard your words with Seunghyun oppa the other day in the pub...I know you are close to me because I reminded you of Taeyeon...I know you still can’t get over her...I can see it in your eyes when she fell sick that day..."

Dara muttered as she wriggled out of his hold.

"You did...then you should have heard the latter should have heard that I mentioned that it was just my first impression of should have heard that I know you two are different should have also heard that I mentioned that you and her character are world apart....”

Jiyong replied, without hesitation.

“I...I didn’t hear that...”

Dara muttered in surprise.

“So I guess you assume then...I can relate what I say to Seunhyun that day...I told him that...Dara tends to be more introverted as compared to the outgoing Taeyeon. However, she will brighten up with every little thing you do and that made you feel as though you had done something great. She is rather timid when encountered with problems that just made people want to protect her..."

Jiyong repeated all the words without fail.

'I want to be the one who protect you baby girl' Jiyong added.

It was then Dara came to realize that she had somehow misunderstood him all these days.

“Do you believe me now?”

Jiyong asked after his words.

“It doesn’t matter deserve someone better than heard what Minho said to you that won’t feel happy with me...”

Dara replied despondently when she thought of what Minho said that time.

“Dara..I know I will be long as I am with you...he is just a jerk...I am not anyway like me...what I want is just you....your heart...your feeling...nothing else....”

Jiyong said frankly.

Dara could no longer hold back her feeling for him by this time, and she fell into his chest, sobbing hardly.

“Jiyong...I thought everything is going to end today..”

Dara muttered between her sobs.

“Hush now baby are making my heart ache with your crying....I am supposed to make you smile...not cry... and one more thing...I still prefer your old way of addressing me as your baby boy...”

Jiyong stroked her silky hair and kissed her forehead lovingly, before muttering gently.

His words lead his baby girl to chuckle a little, as he wiped off her tears with his thumbs.


Looking at each under lovingly under the magnificent ferries wheel, both smiled at one another while they interlocked their hands, swaying in between them.

“Erm....can I kiss you baby girl?”

Jiyong asked shyly and rubbed his neck uneasily when they gazed at each other. He was not an outspoken guy, and he would ask for her permission before he proceeded to touch her.

Blushing badly with his sudden request, Dara lowered her head bashfully before nodding slightly.

Lifting her chin a little, their lips touched gently as both closed their eyes, savouring the taste of each other.

Their lips were as sweet as chocolate, maybe from the taste of the cakes they had earlier on.

*Two years later*

"Aww....Baby Hyunnie is so cute..."

Dara squeaked in delight as soon as she saw the baby who was lying inside the infant tram.

The little one giggled the moment Dara touched his tiny hands gently.

It was Seunghyun and Bom's son who had just turned one today.

To share their happiness, the two organized this party to welcome the new born, as well as to catch up with their families and friends.

They together with Jiyong and Dara had gotton married on the same day two years back and Bom conceived shortly after her marriage.


"Call Aunt Dara....cutie...."

Dara continued to play with her nephew, as she tickled on the baby's flawless cheek.

Hyunnie kicked his tiny legs a little in the air, before laughing heartily, as if greeting her.

"Jiyong.... Dara seemed to be very interested in my son...when is it your turn to give my son a younger cousin?"

Seunghyun hinted Jiyong, who was sitting beside Dara before he passed two packet of drinks to them.

"Yeah...our Hyunnie had already turned one..."

Bom added on and looked at Dara, before turning her attention to Jiyong.

"Well...there is no guys should know I am not really into kids....they can be quite loud at times..."

Jiyong chuckled and shook his head a little at the thoughts of having his own children. He was a man who couldn’t stand loud noises and it certainly scared him off with the cries of babies.

"Don’t be so negative...they can be angels at times..."

Bom said happily as she carried Hyunnie up from his tram.

"Anyway.. we are happy as what we are now...right baby..?"

Jiyong replied as he nudged a little at Dara's elbow.

Forcing a small smile, Dara remained silent as she continued to play with the little one.

Actually, she loved kids very much and would like to start a family with him ever since they had gotton married. However, it seemed like Jiyong had been putting off this idea strongly, just like what he had said earlier on.

And right now, she could only envied Seunghyun and Bom silently in her heart, who looked so blissful with their son.


Dara washed her mouth at the basin in the bathroom. She had threw up again, the second time in the day.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed silently.


"Congratulation Mrs Kwon! You are one month pregnant!"

The words kept on ringing in her mind after she went to the clinic last week.

By right, she should be feeling happy over the news.

However, she couldn’t as she knew how much Jiyong disliked children.

" looked so pale...did you throw up again?"

Bom asked worriedly as soon as she came into the bathroom, when Dara had been in it for some time.

"Yeah...maybe it’s something I took just now..."

Dara replied as she cooked up with some random excuse.


Bom asked suspiciously as she looked at her, not convincing with her answer.

"Yeah....why should I lie to you..."

Dara avoided her eyes and forced out a smile.

" should know you can’t lie...tell me honestly.. are you....expecting?"

Bom asked seriously. She had somehow guessed as she had exactly the same symptoms when she was expecting Hyunnie.

" can it be..."

Dara denied immediately.

"Dara...I am not any can let me know..."

Bom insisted.

Not able to hide from her anymore, Dara nodded her head slightly.

"Really...thats so great...have you told Jiyong?"

Bom exclaimed as she grabbed her hands excitedly.

Dara shook her head as she leaned against the basin.

"But why....he would be so glad to know that he is going to be a father soon..."

Bom asked in surprise.

"I...I am thinking of taking it away..."

Dara muttered softly.

"What? Why? I thought you adore kids....I can see how much you doted my Hyunnie..."

Bom widened her eyes and almost yelled after hearing her words.

"I do...but not heard what he said just now... I had tested him a lot of times too...he really doesn’t want any children..."

Dara replied sadly.

"But..but you can try to talk to him...maybe he will change his mind.. you never know’s his child after all....don’t do anything rash..."

Bom suggested hopefully and held her hands.

"I...really don’t know what to just came at the wrong time..."

Dara shook her head as she bit her lips.

" can be really got to consider’s your flesh and blood..."

Bom tried to talk her around once again.

"I...I will think about it...but you got to promise me not to let anyone know...including Seunghyun Oppa..."

Dara reminded her seriously.

"I will but you got to promise me to consider it really carefully... all I can say is no words can describe the feeling of being a mother..."

Bom added on.

Thinking of what Bom had said, Dara fell into deeper thoughts.


Decide to spilt the epilogue to 2 part..but promise you won't have to wait to too long for part 2.

Thanks for those who subcribe to "Our Love Hatred" and chapter 1 is up..

Please do subcribe and comments! Hope to see you all there :)

Page 22 of 22"Ahh... Jiyong...what kind of uncle are haven carry my son ever since he stepped into this world..."

Seunghyun complained after the girls left them at the bench, before he carried his son up from the tram.

"Spare know I can’t handle kids..."

Jiyong shook his head as he surrendered his hands in the air.

"Come doesn’t hurt....I am sure Hyunnie wanted his uncle to carry him too...right son...nah...carry him..."

Seunghyun added on and asked his new born, before pushing Hyunnie to Jiyong gently.

"I can’t...bro...I don’t want to hurt him...he look so fragile..."

Jiyong said anxiously but Seunghyun had already rested Hyunnie onto his laps.

"Jiyong...hold him...he is going to fall off..."

Seunghyun teased him as he pulled his hands to support the little one.

"Bro...take him back...I don’t know how to carry him..."

Jiyong was still shouting for help anxiously and tried to carried the baby in his arms awkwardly.

"Don’t worry will get use to it after a few more tries..."

Seunghyun chuckled and took a sip at his drink, before looking at Jiyong amusingly.

Luckily, little Hyunnie was in a happy mood today.

He giggled a little and looked at Jiyong with his shiny bright eyes when Jiyong lifted him up on his legs.

He laughed further when Jiyong started to swing him in the air after some time.

Feeling a little exhausted after a while of playing, Hyunnie almost fell to sleep when Jiyong rested him in his arms.

Circling his small hand onto one of Jiyong's finger, he drifted off to his dreamland.

Jiyong smiled a little when he placed the baby back into the tram gently.

Maybe having a kid isn’t as bad as what he had thought.


"Why are you so quiet?"

Jiyong asked Dara when they were inside their car, on their way home after the celebration.

"Nothing...just thinking of little Hyunnie..."

Dara smiled at the thought of her nephew.

"Hadn’t you had enough playing with him just now?"

Jiyong chuckled as he took her hands when his car stopped at the red lights.

"Well...he is just so adorable that I simply can’t resist...don’t you think so?"

Dara added on and smiled sweetly further.

"Well...he is when he didn’t cry or throw any tantrums..."

Jiyong replied.

"Are you really that scare of kids?"

Dara asked and turned to him.

" be honest...I am...I just surrender when I thought of having to take care of them..."

Jiyong nodded his head and released her hands as soon as the lights turned green.

Upon hearing his answer, Dara made a decision in her heart silently.


*A few weeks later*

Dara was in the bathroom taking her shower when her phone rang.

Jiyong, who was sitting near the bedside, helped her to answer her call when he heard that the water was still running inside the bathroom.

"Hello, is that Mrs Kwon?"

A female voice asked as soon as the line was engaged.

"Erm...she is not around at the moment.. I am her husband... Is there anything I can help?"

Jiyong asked politely.

"I am calling from Seoul hospital...can you please inform Mrs Kwon to come for her check-up which is scheduled at 1pm tomorrow? She did not turn up for the last two appointments..."

The lady said and passed him the message.

"Check-up? For?"

Jiyong asked curiously. He didn’t know of any check-up that Dara had went recently.

"’s just a routine scanning of the foetus development..."

The lady replied.

" wife is pregnant?"

Jiyong exclaimed unbelievingly.

"Yes...Mrs Kwon is onto her 6th week of pregnancy...the foetus is still very unstable at this please get her to come for the check-up..."

The lady added on and reminded.

"O...okie...I...I will let her know.. thanks..."

Jiyong muttered as he pressed the end call button shortly.


"Did my phone ring just now?"

Dara asked as soon as she came out of the bathroom. She had vaguely heard the ringing tone earlier on.

"Why didn’t you tell me!"

Jiyong asked seriously as he walked towards her.

"Tell you what?"

Dara replied curiously as she looked at him.

"I just received a call from the hospital...why did you keep something so grave from me..."

Jiyong said, chiding her a little from his tone.

" know about’s not important now...I am not planning to keep it anyway.."

Dara muttered as she made her way to the dressing table.

"You mean you are taking it away...?"

Jiyong asked questioningly.


Dara nodded before she started to comb her hair.

"Dara...why are you making decision all by yourself... you didn’t even discuss with me...."

Jiyong exclaimed as he turned her to him.

"Jiyong...I know what you want...I know you don’t like to have don’t worry....everything will be fine after the operation..."

Dara forced a smile as she looked at him.

"Dara...I didn’t say I don’t want my own child...I forbid you to take away our’s the token of our can you just take it away like this..."

Jiyong said seriously as he held her hands.

"I thought you don’t want any children..?"

Dara asked in surprise.

"Well...I admit I am not planning any kids in our life at this moment...but since it is god's will that the little one will be joining us...let it be..."

Jiyong said honestly.

"You don’t have to force yourself Jiyong....I know you are not mentally prepared to become a father now...we can always have one when you think it’s time...but if you don’t want any...I am fine with that also..."

Dara replied sadly, even though her heart was yearning to have her own kids.

"Baby...don’t always think for wanted to keep this child doesn’t you? I wouldn’t know how much you adore kids if Seunghyun didn’t remind me on Hyunnie's can always let me know if you want a child with me..."

Jiyong touched her cheeks gently and said.

"It doesn’t matter Jiyong...I am fine with any decision from you..."

Dara replied.

Hearing her words, it made Jiyong's heart ached even further.

"You are so silly baby girl...of course I want my own child..."

Jiyong pulled her into his embrace before giving a peck on her forehead.

"Really...I can keep it...?"

Dara's eyes brightened a little after his words.

"Of course you can...and one more thing...I forbid you to keep anything from me in it big or small matter you clear?"

Jiyong reminded seriously. If he didn’t get the call today, the consequences will be dire.

Nodding her head, Dara smiled happily.


*Eight months later*

"Dara...your daughter is so adorable...she looked so much like you..."

Bom exclaimed as she looked at the new born, who was lying inside the small container beside the hospital ward.

"Really...I haven had a good look at her yet.."

Dara said wearily as she sat up with the help of Bom.

"Right Dara...I am sure she will grow up to be as pretty as you...I better book her now for my Hyunnie.."

Seunghyun chuckled as he carried his son up onto the bed, who was turning two this year.

"I am fine with have to ask the busy daddy over there though..."

Dara laughed as well before pointing to Jiyong who was busy playing with his new born daughter.

A nurse came in to feed the baby at this time, but Jiyong insisted on feeding on his own.

He carried the infant carefully from the container, before feeding her with the milk.

"Didn’t he use to say he can’t handle kid?"

Seunghyun asked curiously.

"I don’t know also...but then.. he seemed more excited than me when his precious daughter is born...he is like even busier then me although I am the one giving birth...I don’t even have any chance to see the little one.."

Dara shook her head and complained, before leading all to chuckle.


*Three years later*

"Omma...I want this..."

Little JiEun swayed Dara's hands and pointed to the big teddy bear placed neatly on the rack.

"No already got tons at home..."

Dara shook her head firmly before saying.

"Appa...I want..."

The clever girl shifted her attention to Jiyong immediately, knowing how much her appa doted on her.

Scooping her off the ground, Jiyong smiled at her daughter lovingly.

"You want this? Appa will buy it for you..."

Jiyong asked and pointed to the huge plush toy.

"Yay! Appa is the best.."

JiEun cheered and smooched a wet kiss on his cheeks at once.

" are spoiling your daughter again..."

Dara frowned as she shook her head disapprovingly.

"Come on Dara is not an everyday thing...and don’t you think our precious deserve a reward for being so good today?"

Jiyong said and coaxed his wife quickly, with their daughter nodding earnestly.

"I really surrender to you two.."

Dara chuckled a little, leading the two to laugh as well.

-- THE END --