Lost & found in translation handouts

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Lost & found in translation handouts


Lim Siew Lian ( sllim@kdu.edu.my) KDU University College





Implicit Meaning

Concentration: Vocabulary-Building

1.Cards all face down.2.Take turns to open

2 cards at a time. 3. If they match, you

keep the pair and open 2 more cards.

4. If not, turn over the cards and the next person will take his / her turn.

b. Jim Scrivener - Role-PlaysIn Groups of 3

1.Ambassador / Tourist A -monolingual

2. Ambassador / Local B -monolingual

3. Interpreter to mediate - bilingual

Jalan-Jalan – Group Activity

Act out the walking style on your card.

Your group must guess the word in Malay and English

Collect the matching card at the end of the path.

Translate the sentences from Malay to English.

Amir Muhammad’s “The Break-Up”

To the front of Wati who is now in Bukit Tunku, whom I hope is well.

Wati,I think our relationship should end here. My love

for you was so real but I have been clapping with one hand. You were so mean to me at your becoming-day party, just because you were with your rich friends while I’m from a difficult family. I never knew there was a prawn behind the rock all this while: you were using me to make your ex- jealous! How my liver hurt when you showed your true self. I guess what they say is true: hornbills with hornbills, sparrows with sparrows.

Reproduced with kind permission of the author ( Source: Amir Muhd’s ROJAK)

Getaran Jiwa – P. Ramlee

Getaran jiwaMelanda hatikuTersusun nadaIrama dan lagu

Walau hanya sederhanaTetapi tak mengapa

Moga dapat membangkitkanSedarlah kamu wahai insan

.Tak mungkin hilang

Irama dan laguBagaikan kembangSentiasa bermadu

Andai dipisahLagu dan irama

Lemah tiada berjiwaHampa


Mereka pulang ke rumahwaktu subuh hari

dengan pakaian robek basahmenghampiri api tungku

lengan mereka penuh calarkaki mereka penuh lukatapi di kening mereka

tidak kelihatan rasa kecewa

Sehari semalamanmereka mengharungi banjir

berendam antara bangkai ternakandan serpihan kulit tumbuhan

kerbau balar si buyungmasih belum ditemui.

Mereka dilahirkan dalam bencanatidak ada keluhan dan kutukankini mereka berjenaka di dapursambil menggulung rokok daun


At dawn they returned hometheir soaky clothes torn

and approached the stovetheir limbs marked by scratches

their legs full of woundsbut on their brows

there was not a sign of despair

The whole day and night just passed

they had to brave the horrendous flood

in the water all the timebetween bloated carcassesand tiny chips of tree barksdesperately looking for their

son'salbino buffalo that was never


They were born amidst hardshipand grew up without a sigh or a

complaintnow they are in the kitchen,

makingjokes while rolling their cigarette


-Latiff Mohidin

Translation is …natural and necessary ..in offices, banks, factories, shops and airports – translation is going on all the time. Why not inside the classroom? ( DUFF,1989/1996, p.6)

Learners translate...in class for peers, signs and notices, instructions & letters for friends etc.

Translation activities can develop...accuracy, clarity & flexibility ( Duff 1998:7)

From The Place Of Translation In Language Teaching - Radmila Popovic

When we translate, we should know: • what we are writing or speaking about,• where the language occurs and• to whom it is addressed

if context is the what, where and to whom, then register is the how.

Duff’s Translation (1989/1996):

Criteria – for translation activities

1. - language is used for a purpose,2. - they create a desire for communication,3. - they encourage students to be creative

and contribute their ideas,4. - students are focused on what they are

saying, rather than how they are saying it,5. - students work independently of the

teacher6. - students determine what they want to

say or write.(after Nolasco, Arthur 1995:59)