Looking back at your preliminary task, what

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to

full product?

Continuity and editingFrom the prelim task I learnt many new things as well as perfecting old skills that we had learnt when we began the prelim task. For example, when we first started our prelim task it was essential for us to achieve continuity in that 30 second clip. This made us focus more and be very critical in the work that we were producing so that the continuity is perfect and there was no places in our opening sequence which looked and/or seemed out of place. Due to the fact that our opening sequence was much longer than the prelim task we had more obstacles in our way which made us shoot many scenes over and over again in order for us to have enough footage so that continuity wouldn't be as big of an issue. We also learnt from our prelim task that not every single camera shot is going to work in the way which we wanted to. For example , when we were cutting these Two shots together it was slightly hard but because of the experience we gained from the prelim task we were able to filter our all the different footages that didn’t work within this part of the sequence and edit it so it looked as if the main character, Michelle, was continually walking, without anyone noticing that it two completely different clips. We were very careful not to cross the 180 degree line in order to ensure that the continuity of our video stayed intact. From doing the prelim task this was one the same issues we faced , making the footage look as one whole continuous montage and because of the practice we had at the beginning from cutting scenes from one the other made the process of editing for our opening sequence much easier and less strenuous as we knew what we were expecting and planned before hand how we were going to achieve continuity so that our film could look the best it could be.

Sound and Music Sound played a major role in our film as it was used to emphasise and enhance the mood of each scene. Though there was no music in the prelim task we still had to look at our prelim task and try and understand what music could be used to emphasise the scenes within the prelim task even more. So when we went to go edit our film we had to do the same process as before, thinking of what music would work right within our thriller film. We knew that the music could not be the same as it would be in the prelim task as they are completely about two different thing so we had to be very focused and concise with the music that we were going to create. Due to the fact that their was no music in the prelim task didn’t give us any experience with creating music of this scale to fit with the kind of story that we were trying to convey for our film and also for the length of our opening sequence. When we finally created music that we liked and that fitted with our themes of the film the process gradually became easier because we knew how to edit things much better than we did when completing the prelim task. This enabled us to put the music in and really play around with the music altering the places it would go through out the editing process without editing something wrong or taking out any footage that we needed. Also a perfect example of where music is used to heighten and intensify the scene is in this mid long shot where it seems as though Michelle is in her normalised settings for the day but when we see the male character dramatically appear in the window the music follows the uneasiness of the footage and has a more powerful impact on the overall scene. The music is not light hearted and fun it is more dark and eerie which follows the typical convention of music heard in popular thriller fil m

Camera shot and anglesFrom the prelim task the camera shots and angles that we used were very minimalistic and simple and made the prelim footage very basic. When coming into the process of creating our own opening sequence we knew we had to use basic shots and angles but also use a variety as different shots could connote different thoughts and feeling and meanings which could be picked up by the audience. For example, we learnt from using this point of view shot it draws focus in for the viewer on the main character which makes it more easier for them to follow the action in the scene as well as understanding thoughts and feeling of the male character and allows audience to relate more to the male character as the story begins to develop because of the fact they're trying to understand ad why he is doing what he Is doing.Also from this long shot this helped us to really establish the scene and the every day life of the female lead. Helping the audience to question the reasons why the male lead is motivated to do the things he does and acts the way that he does , as it looks to suggest that her life is very normal and showing that she does basic things that normal people of her age, for example commuting to work and commuting back home. Learning to use this shot in this way made it an effective way to draw more audiences in as more questions are being raised which draws them in to make them want to watch more.