Looking back at your preliminary task

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Looking back at your preliminary task

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I’ve learnt a huge amount from the Preliminary task all the way through to my final film. When I used the camera it was my first time filming so I wasn’t entirely sure what technical movements to use. Having filmed with the camera abled me to learn skills and to get more of a understanding of what I need to focus on whilst filming. Throughout the task when I was filming I carefully listen to what was needed and what should be included, I believe from the task and to my final film I had more confidents and used more technical skills as by that time I knew all the camera angles.

Things I found hard throughout the task was not having good skill with the different camera angles. Due to not having that much of an understanding I didn’t know how to make the clip flow for an example to my panning shot to an over shoulder shot. Before the editing of the clip I did some practising in my own time to get the best outcome from it. This led to my clip flowing as I’d done it in my own time, so overall with the clip looking back on it I’m rather happy with the results. In the end it also helped me with the actual editing from the task all the way through to editing my final film. I’ve learnt massively from it and having the task brought me hope to my final film being that much better.

Things I found easier about the preliminary task was directing my actors, I pictured exactly what I wanted throughout the clip it was just the case of just getting the right camera angle’s. Also in the task we had to write a script for the first time, from having skills from other subjects I found it alright putting one together. The only difference was having to include the camera angles such as ‘CU, MS, LS’, at first I wasn’t sure how they’d look with were I was wanting them to go. I took a chance and by the end of it all the angles, directions looked okay. By the end of the task this overall help with my final film as I knew exactly how to structure a script and include the ‘dialogue, camera angles and show which actor was talking’.

This is the script which I used for the preliminary task.


For the task I didn’t take in to consideration very much with what props I was to use, in the end I didn’t use any props. I didn’t have much time to go into detail about making the clip easier to understand due to being on a time schedule. Some ideas after I had done the task came together, which would of made the clip more interesting. Example being, when ( Girl 1 ) was walking away from ( Girl 2 ) I could have had her holding school books so it look like she was going home from school. Also with ( Girl 2 ) walking through the classroom, I could have had people working on the computers which could of represented they were studying. However in my final film, I was very specific with props and I knew exactly what I wanted to be included. Watching my film back I overall had props in every scene, it made a huge difference, with the babysitter holding a bag, book and laptop it was obvious she was about to study. Also the props I used, suggested the type of genre my movie was about.

Story Line The story line to my preliminary task was very simple and easy to follow, it didn’t take me long to think of a plan for it. I made it simple to understand due to it then being easy to film and as it was my first time making my own storyline their was no point of it being complicated. When it came to making my storyline for my final film, it took me a few days to decide what I wanted to have. As my final film was much longer and needed to be a clear I had it so I made four different ideas and chose the one I thought would turn out the best. Both storylines also both had completely different genres which made it that much harder I believe when I was making my script for my final film. With the task and having to make my own storyline, I think it helped a lot and gave me more confidents to succeeding with a better one for my final idea.