Look Inside For: The President’s Letter 2018 Seminar Topic ... · The University of Toledo...

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Transcript of Look Inside For: The President’s Letter 2018 Seminar Topic ... · The University of Toledo...

Look Inside For:

The President’s Letter

2018 Seminar Topic Information

Grant and Awards Information

Rapid City FMR New Faculty


To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false


To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch,

or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is

to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don’t know how many of you have ever gone home at night and, after being asked by a loved

one how your day was, responded with, “I don’t feel like I fixed anyone today.” That may or

may not be true, but we do feel the pressure to definitively fix every one of our patients on a daily

basis. And if we aren’t able to make a diagnosis for them that day, or if the day is filled with

conversations about chronic disease management or patient counseling sessions, are we success-

ful? Some days don’t have that instant gratification and fulfillment. I contend that listening in-

tently to our patients, answering questions to the best of our ability, meeting them where they are,

and delivering high quality compassionate care is a simple definition of what success to us as

family docs might look like. Cont. on page 5

The SDAFP is pleased to announce that Dr. Joe Tollison, Senior Advisor to the

President of the ABFM will be in attendance at the Winter Seminar.

He will be available all day Thursday and Friday to answer your questions and concerns

regarding MOC and the ABFM Board Exam.

I know many of you have concerns about the changes that have happened within family

medicine and other specialties. This will give you a chance to voice your concerns to

someone who can really listen and facilitate change.

If you want to voice your concerns please come and visit with Dr. Joe Tollison, ABFM.

ABFM Dr. Tollison to Attend 2018 SDAFP Winter Seminar

Family Medicine Residency

(SFFMR), to a graduating

resident, or previous gradu-

ate, who exemplifies the

interests and spirit that Dr.

Earl Kemp brought to the

program as Director for 31


The SFFMR was truly

pleased to present this award

to Dr. Honke, and we learned

later from him that he forward

the monetary award to the

organization, Our Home, Inc.,

that is a group home based

between Parkston and Huron,

for teenagers that are in vari-

ous stages of trouble with

alcohol, drugs, physical and

sexual abuse, etc. and has

been a valuable and unique

teaching opportunity for stu-

dents and residents as well as

providing significant benefits

to the kids who are placed

there. Thanks for paying it

forward Dr. Honke!

Earl Kemp Award Winner Dr. Richard Honke

The Sioux Falls Family Medi-

cine Residency was proud to

present to Dr. Richard

Honke, the 2017 Earl Kemp

Scholarship Award. This

award was presented in con-

junction with the SDAFP’s

Octoberfest celebration at the

Sioux Falls Country Club.

All of Dr. Honke’s partners

from Parkston were present,

along with his entire family!

This award is presented, by

the faculty of the Sioux Falls

President’s Message

Page 2 SDAFP News President

Scott Boyens, MD

Sioux Falls

President Elect

Andrew Ellsworth, MD


Vice Presidents

Lisa Brown, MD


Sarah Reiffenberger, MD


Jeremy Beireis, MD

Sioux Falls



Dan Reiffenberger, MD


Resident Members

Anne Grady Healy, MD

Joy McClure, MD

Student Members

Erik Fuller Manke

Teresa Mallett


Aaron Shives, MD


Susan Anderson MD


Alternate Delegate

Mary Beecher, MD


Past President

Victoria Walker, MD


Executive Director

Carletta Hauck



Thursday February 1st. We would like

to have around 20 physicians join us for

the days events.

We will be joining the first year medical

students who will be in Pierre that day

to meet with the Governor, Lt. Gover-

nor and other state officials. We will

then host lunch for the students and

legislators to help build relationships

and share ideas.

Physicians will arrive in Pierre on

The SDAFP, through a grant from

the AAFP Washington office, is

going to host the 2018 SDAFP

Advocacy Day in Pierre on

Wednesday Evening and have supper

at 7:00 PM to discuss this years legisla-

tive issues regarding primary care

heath topics in SD. In the morning we

will meet students and state officials

at the visitors center at 8:00 AM and

the physicians will host lunch for the

legislators and students from 11:30-


The SDAFP will provide physicians a

room on Wednesday Evening in Pierre

and a small stipend for gas.

SDAFP Advocacy Day

Highlight on a Speaker

Louis Kuritzky, MD has given over 1,300 presentations to pro-

fessional societies; he has written 150 publications and has au-

thored a number of books and other publications. This will be

the third time the SDAFP has invited Dr. Kuritzky to provide lec-

tures for our meeting. His lecture reviews always receive high

marks and we are delighted to have him back this year.

He will be doing three lectures: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Last

Year (TIWINKLY); Comprehensive Management of Heart Fail-

ure; and Risk Reduction in Atrial Fibrillation: The Novel Antico-

agulants. He travels from Florida where he is an Assistant Pro-

fessor Emeritus at the Community Health and Family Medicine

Family Medicine Residency in Gainesville, Florida. Welcome

back Dr. Kuritzky!

SDAFP Awards and Grants

Page 3 SDAFP News

If you want to

attend the SDAFP

Advocacy Day

please contact

Carletta by calling

605-882-3583 or


Geese at State Capitol

The SDAFP has received several awards and grants this year.

For the third year in a row we were awarded the FamMedPAC Chairman’s Award. This award is given to the state

that contributes the hightest percent of giving to the FamMedPAC at Club George level or above. SD has won the

award all three years that it has been given out.

The SDAFP also received two grants from the AAFP Family Medicine Philanthropic Consortium. The funding for

these awards come from the AAFP Dues Check Off. I hope you will all remember to contribute to this as 60 % comes

back to chapters in the form of grants.

The first grant that we received funding for was: Support for On Call With a Prairie Doc. We received $7,000 dollars

and the SDAFP/SDFFM will also provide $3,000 to support family medicine physicians and topics for the long running

PBS show hosted by Dr. Richard Holm. We will also be able to link the show and certain shorter clips to our website

and our facebook page.

The second grant we received funding for was Medical Students Advocacy Day and Service Learning Projects. We

received $2,500 and the SDAFP/SDFFM will provide the additional funding for this project. This year it will be in con-

junction with the 2018 SDAFP Advocacy Day that we received a separate grant award in the amount of $5,000 from the

AAFP Government Relations team in Washington, DC. They provide funding on a competitive basis for small and

mid sized chapters of the AAFP. (See story below)

New Faculty at The Rapid City Family Medicine Residency

Peter Ostler, MD Faculty Team Leader Dr. Peter Ostler earned his medical degree at The University of Toledo College of Medicine in Toledo, OH in 2014 and completed his resi-dency training at the Rapid City Regional Hos-pital Family Medicine Residency Program in 2017. Dr. Ostler is board certified in Family Medicine. Kyle Adams, DO Faculty Team Leader Dr. Kyle Adams earned his medical degree at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, MO in 2014 and completed his resi-dency training at the Rapid City Regional Hos-

pital Family Medicine Residency Program in 2017. Dr. Adams is board certified in Family Medicine.

It’s not unusual for older adults to be plagued with multiple chronic condi-tions and as a result, preventive care for contagious diseases doesn’t al-ways get addressed during doctor’s visits. Certainly this held true for busy physicians in the Sioux Falls, SD Family Medicine Residency Program (FMRP). “We all know it’s important for seniors,” conceded second-year resident Matt Cabrera Svendsen, MD. “But the temptation is to go into the clinic and bury ourselves in the immediate work. We forget to look at the broader scope of things we can do beyond addressing the immediate medical issue.”

So when the invitation to apply for a 2016-17 Senior Immunization Award came from the American Academy of Fam-ily Physicians (AAFP) Foundation, he recognized an opportunity to satisfy residency requirements for completing a Quality Improvement (QI) project while also highlighting preventive flu and pneumonia vaccinations for Sioux Falls’ patients ages 65 and older. The announcement also piqued the interest of classmates Anne Healy, MD and Abigail Reynolds, MD.; they soon joined forces to lead the project. For complete overview of this project go to http://sdafp.org/cme

The 2016-2017 Senior Immunization Award granted to Sioux Falls Family Medicine Residency Program

Page 4 SDAFP News

The USD Sanford School of Medicine is honored to receive the 2017 Spencer Foreman Award for Out-standing Community Service presented by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The school accepted the award at the national AAMC meeting in Boston on November 5, 2017 in front of a large audience with representatives from all of America’s 147 allopathic medical schools.

This award is considered by many to be the top award that a medical school can receive. Special thanks to the people, communities and health care leaders of South Dakota for your commitment and support of medical student education at SSOM. This is truly an award for the entire State.

Top Medical School in the Nation for Community Service!!

News About Dues

In February of 2007 when the decision was made for the SDAFP to move the position of the executive

director back to a full time the board and the membership approved a $35 dues increase. $20 of that

was implemented for the 2008 dues cycle raising dues to $200; $15 was on a delayed implementation

until the board deemed it necessary.

We have been very fortunate in the fact that for 10 years we were able to hold off on implementing

this extra amount. The decision was made to increase the 2018 dues rate by $15 for several reasons.

The cost of increase to our annual meeting, the directors salary which increases at the rate of 3% a

year and the variety of cost of living increases have left us just a little short of our annual needed


To date we still have over $75,000 in reserves that is in an investment account that we can easily ac-

cess. This year we will most likely have to tap into that reserve to continue to provide funding for

several projects. To maintain our financial stability over the next several years we will be voting on a

dues increase of $35 in January at the 2018 SDAFP Winter Seminar during the Annual Membership

Meeting on Thursday January 25, at noon. That will bring our 2019 dues to $250, we will still be well

below the average chapter dues for AAFP Chapters. You can email your vote to carletta@sdafp.org

Please contact Carletta at the chapter office with any questions or concerns.

President’s Message Continued From Page 2

Quite a bit is happening on both the state and national levels this year, and all of this political activity has been quite the eye-opener for me. Having the opportunity to witness a lot of policy and advo-cacy work happening has also been inspiring. We in South Dakota can do more to advocate for our-selves and our patients, and we do have a voice. Recently, Canton’s own Dr. Dan Heinemann was reappointed to the AAFP Delegation to the AMA, and our Executive Director, Carletta Hauck, was selected to serve on the AAFP Commission on Quality and Practice, so please congratulate them. As your state chapter president this year, I attended a few national AAFP meetings which in-clude FMX, the Annual Chapter Leader Forum, and the State Legislative Conference, and partici-pated in discussions with other state chapter leaders, as well as our own state leaders, on various topics that affect us all on a daily basis. There is a definite movement and momentum to nudge pri-mary care and its innovations to the forefront in the delivery of health care in our country, and the AAFP is leading the charge nationally. October was an active month for us here in SD. Over an early October weekend the SDAFP Board of directors met for a strategic planning session and laid out some goals and action items for the next few years. We as a board set goals to increase our visibility at the national level by sending a slate of representatives to the National Conference of Constituency Leaders and to make a con-certed effort to work toward crafting relevant resolutions that could be considered for adoption at the Annual Meeting. The idea of producing some quality CME programming is also being discussed. A couple of weeks later we hosted our 3

rd annual Oktoberfest social event and welcomed the newly

elected AAFP President Dr. Mike Munger to Sioux Falls. For the past 3 years we have been fortu-nate to have the AAFP president attend, and we have only Carletta to thank for this. Dr. Munger did a great job of laying out a few of the hot topics at the national level and again revealed that the AAFP has a “seat at the table” for most important medical discussions. Administrative burden, graduate medical education/workforce development, EHR, and MACRA top the list for this year’s fo-cus, but the list is much longer. That night we also had the privilege to honor Dr. Richard Honke II, from Parkston, SD, as the Earl Kemp Award winner for this year. Following this fun evening of fel-lowship, Dr. Dike Drummond led an insightful session on physician wellness Saturday morning that was relevant, informative, and impactful for those in attendance. As stated above, one of the meetings I attended was the State Legislative Conference in Dallas, TX. This conference focuses on networking as well as lifting up issues individual states are contending with, or working on legislatively, in their home states. Issues that seem to be ripe for us to talk more about here in South Dakota include increasing our primary care investment from both the payor side, as well as the system side, decreasing administrative burden and streamlining prior authorization, and adding a direct primary care delivery option. Interestingly, North and South Dakota are the only states that do not have a direct primary care physician offering this service. I do have some contacts for this and may look at how this model may work in a smaller state like South Dakota with our land-scape dominated by health systems. And finally, as you enjoy this holiday season, don’t forget to register for the upcoming SDAFP Win-ter Seminar in Deadwood. We would love to see many new faces in attendance as this meeting continues to improve and grow. I am excited to tell you that one of the nights of entertainment will feature Mogen’s Heroes, a very entertaining band from Sioux Falls that has been playing this area of the country for many years. And to top it all off, they will be inducted into the South Dakota Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in April. So it should be a fun evening for us and our families. My hope for you is that as you gather your families and friends together to celebrate this beautiful holiday season you take time to remember how fortunate we are as family physicians to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the many patients and families we interact with on a daily basis. Thanks for all that you do. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Scott Boyens

Page 5 SDAFP News

Criteria for Selection: 1. Nominee must be an active member of the SDAFP, holding this membership for at least 15

years. 2. Nominee must be and have been actively engaged as a family physician in South Dakota, a ma-

jority of which time must have been in active practice. 3. Nominee must be certified and hold a current recertification certificate from the American

Board of Family Practice. 4. Nominee must be of good moral quality and standing, and hold an unrestricted license to prac-

tice medicine in South Dakota. 5. Nominee must be an active member of at least one hospital staff. Other criteria for selection may include: Medical Student and/or Resident Teaching; Publications;

Clinical research; Other medical society activities; Community service; Public service; Religious activities; Family activities; Philanthropy

2017 Oktoberfest and Physician Wellness Event

Over 100 people attended the third annual SDAFP Oktoberfest Event in Sioux Falls on October 21,

2017. A big Thank You to Dr. Susan Anderson and her husband Matt for allowing us to use their

membership to host the event at The Country Club of Sioux Falls. We were pleased to welcome

AAFP Board President Dr. Mike Munger to our event. He gave a brief update on issues at the na-

tional level regarding the AAFP.

Dr. Dike Drummond was the speaker for the Physician Wellness Event the following day spon-

sored by the SDAFP/ SDFFM. Over thirty people attended the morning session that focused on

physician burn out. The session helped the learners to not only recognize burnout in themselves,

but in their colleagues as well. It also provided helpful ideas to prevent burnout and relieve stress.

Thanks to the following Oktoberfest sponsors: Midwest Dairy; SD Beef Check Off; Sanford Heart

and Vascular; Sanford Recruiters and Compass Financial who provided books for all the at-

tendees at the Physicians Wellness Session.

2018 SDAFP Family Doctor Of the Year Request for Nominations

Page 6 SDAFP News

Page 7 SDAFP News

2018 SDAFP Winter Seminar Schedule of Events

Wed 1/24/18

4:00 - 7:00 PM Board Meeting

5:00 - 8:00 FARM Faculty Training Jason Kemnitz, EdD

7:00 - 8:00 Committee Meetings Education/ Legislative

Early Registration 7:00-8:00 PM Social in registration area

Thursday 1/25/18

6:15 - 7:00 AM Registration/ Breakfast Registered Attendees

7:00 – 8:00 AM Improving the Diagnosis and Management of Opioid-Induced

Constipation to Optimize Outcomes of Patients With Chronic

Pain Bryan Cryer, MD

8:00 - 8:35 Vaccine Updates Anne Healy, MD

8:35 - 8:55 Break

8:55 - 9:40 Sanford Heart lecture Naveen Rajpurohit, MD

9:40 - 10:40 Finding Truth in the Failed Theories of Heart Disease Jim Painter, MD

10:40 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 11:45 Pilot Exams Any Physician Can Do Kevin Bjordahl, MD

11:45-12:45 Annual Membership Meeting

12:45 - 4:00 Womens’s Health KSA Dan and Sarah Reiffenberger, MD

5:00 PM Attendees Pick up supper in Exhibit Room

5:15 - 6:15 Lawful Prescribing and Prevention of Diversion William Van Hoose

6:15 - 7:15 5 TIWINKLY

Things I Wish I Knew Last Year Louis Kuritzky, MD

7:15 – 9:00 Exhibitors Social

Fri 1/26/18 6:00 - 7:00 Registration/ Breakfast Registered Attendees

7:00 - 8:00 AM Sarcopenia and Aging: Dietary and Exercise Countermeasures Robert Wolf PhD

8:00 - 8:45 Comprehensive Management of Heart Failure Louis Kuritzky, MD

8:45 - 9:15 BREAK

9:15 - 10:00 Emergency Management of Large Vessel Ischemic Stroke Divyajot Sandhu, MD

10:00 - 10:45 Risk Reduction in Atrial Fibrillation:

The Novel Anticoagulants Louis Kuritzky, MD

10:45 - 11:30 Subarachnoid Hemorrahage and Vasospasm:

Why We Do What We Do Divyajot Sandhu, MD

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch TBD

12:30-2:30 Joint Injection Workshop Clark Duchene, MD

6:00-8:00 PM President’s Reception/Installation of Officers Featuring Mogan’s Heroes

SAT 1/27/18 6:30-7:15 Breakfast for REGISTERED ATTENDEES

7:30 – 8:15 AM Hospice/ Polst Jon McAreavey, MD

8:15--9:15 Beyond the Diagnosis: Managing Multiple Sclerosis in Primary

Care Scott Newsome, DO

9:15 – 10:00 Concussions Update Jason Knudson, MD

10:00 – 10:15 BREAK

10:15 - 11:15 Opioid Dependence Speaker TBD

11:15 - 12:00 Native American Reservation Care:

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Cindi Pochop, MD Dale Vizcarra, MD

12:15 - 4:00 Heart Failure KSA Peter Ostler, MD Kyle Adams, MD

If you are thinking about leaving the family home this year– think again.

We are the most family friendly conference you will attend! We have all

sorts of events designed just for your spouse and your children even

while you are busy learning! We will have a breakfast pool party on

Thursday Morning so all the children can get re-acquainted. Then on

Thursday Afternoon we will have a very talented Markie Scholz tell us a

story with her puppets! The kids will have time to catch a nap before that

evenings social which will have lots of surprises!

The entertainment for this years President’s Reception is

Mogen’s Heroes! It was announced in October of 2017 that

this area band will be one of the eight bands that will be in-

ducted into the South Dakota Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in


You don’t want to miss the fun– see you there!

2018 SDAFP Winter Seminar– What’s In It For Families?


3912 Golf Course Road

Watertown, SD 57201

You can contact the office at carletta@sdafp.org (605)882-3583