Longstone Primary School home learning grid: Level (P5 ...

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Transcript of Longstone Primary School home learning grid: Level (P5 ...

Longstone Primary School home learning grid: Level (P5) week 7

Writing Reading Number

Last week, you created your characters. Now, you are going to start planning your story. Before we break a story down and concentrate on the main bits. First, let’s start planning what your story will be about. (Parts of a story.)

You might change bits and take things out – that’s okay. This is the planning stage so make as many edits as you like. Remember the writing process, we are at the beginning so don’t expect to produce your best work straight away.

Use the planning sheet provided to generate and organise all your ideas. You will use this plan to help write your story. (Example of a pupil using Story Mountain to plan a story.)

Continue to read your book. You can either read a book you have at home, read one on Epic or Oxford Owl. Aim to read 4 chapters a week then complete 1 task from your reading grid.

https://www.getepic.com/educators?share=15207476880&utm_source=t2t&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=rsa_teacher_app __________________________________ I have registered the class on Oxford Owl. Click on the link below, look for ‘My class login’ and enter the details below.

Username: Longstonep5 Password: Longstonep5 https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Bizarre Laws Read the short text and answer the questions about the strange laws in the UK over the years.

This week, you are going to problem solve using your times tables knowledge. Read the question and underline any key information. Different strategies to try: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/arithmetic-home/multiply-divide/multistep-word-problems/v/multiplication-word-problem-example-1 (video explaining how to solve multiplication word problems using visuals.) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z36tyrd/articles/zwghk2p(Video explaining how to multiply in your head.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUZMLvzpsXY (Video explain how to multiply using the column method.) choose your challenge! Use the answer sheets to self-assess your work.

If you are finding it tricky to come up with ideas, you could magpie some ideas from the story ‘Mission Possible.’ Click on the link below to listen:

https://soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/mission/s-qMLb31YjpM7 You could change the characters, setting or main events.

Disney music comprehension. Elsa – Show Yourself! Read and listen to the song lyrics. Answer the accompanying questions. If you have an iPhone, you can hold your camera over the barcode to watch the video of the song. If you have another device, you can download QR reader for free or click on the link to listen to it on YouTube.

Spelling Talking & Listening Maths/Numeracy

Complete one activity from the spelling grid to practise your spelling words.

Spelling list 1 – e words.

Spelling list 2 – first 12 words from column 3. Extension Go to www.spellingcity.com/ and play the games using your spelling words.

Fractions of an amount.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4DL4UleRuI (video explaining how to find a fraction of an amount.) Choose your challenge from below!

Complete the extra task!

Something fun! Problem to solve! IDL Theme/Project

Build your own den using items around the house.

Lots of you have been super busy cooking and baking your favourite foods. Look out for our Longstone cookbook coming soon on Twitter, full of all your delicious recipes. Inspired by this, I would like you to research the Michelin star system.

You could pretend to be an inspector and allocate your mum or dad stars depending on how much you enjoy the meal. The next night, maybe your mum or dad could award your meal stars! You could watch Ratatouille for some inspiration:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuyUKdJccgM You could create a menu with the meals you’ve had and how many stars they have been allocated. One night, you could

order your favourite things of the menu and pretend you are in a fancy restaurant!

Can you make beans on toast Michelin star worthy?

(Example of beans on toast by Robyn, age 10, called 5 Way. Cheesy beanos: baked beans on fried bread croutons with melted parmesan crust, a baked bean puree, crushed bean croquette, beans on toast roulade and a bean juice foam with a burnt toast crumb.) How posh! Email me your posh beans on toast and I will post them on twitter!

Religious & Moral Education Modern Languages Expressive Arts

Option 1 Home is where the art is! Each week, the National Galleries of Scotland is posting a piece of art with lots of activities you can do at home. Look at Iain Stewarts photograph and have a go at some of the tasks. They look fun! https://www.nationalgalleries.org/art-and-artists/features/home-where-art-is/week-seven Option 2 Meet me in the middle-symmetry self-portraits. Ask your family for old photographs or take and print new ones. Cut the portraits in half (make sure you have permission) and draw the other side as symmetrical as you can.

Option 3 As It is Mental Health Awareness week and the theme is kindness, create your own poster/ artwork displaying what kindness means to you.

Health & Wellbeing Sciences/Technologies Questions

Play the Wabulous Sporting Pursuit game with your family. Perform the activity which corresponds to the colour that you land on. Blue (strength activity), Orange (coordination activity), Red (Cardio activity), Purple (Power activity) and Green (mindful activity).

Mental Health Awareness

Helping others is good for your own mental health and wellbeing. It can reduce stress and improve your emotional wellbeing. Doing good, does you good! Mental Health Awareness week runs from Monday 18th-24th of May and the theme is Kindness. Click the link below for more information:

Who dunnnit?

You are a detective! Have a look at the fingerprint activity and see if you can solve the crime.

• Learn how to take a fingerprint.

• Learn about fingerprint patterns.

• Learn about fingerprint characteristics.

• Try and solve the crime with your fingerprint knowledge!

Fact The case of Harry Jackson is renowned as being the first criminal trial in the UK in which an individual was convicted based on fingerprint evidence.

Email me at: admin@longstone.edin.sch.uk

https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week Random acts of kindness you could do this week: Call a friend. Tell a family member how much you love and appreciate them. Help with a household chore at home. Arrange to watch a film at the same time as a friend and video call. Send someone a joke to cheer them up. Spend time playing with your pet. I have included a diary template to keep a record of when you are kind to others and when others are kind to you!


Last week, you created characters for a story. Below is an example of a character from a well-known story, focusing on

appearance and personality.


Characters – if you haven’t created your characters for your story, use the template below to create some. Could you have a

good and bad character?

Writing – now you have created some characters, you are now going to plan your story using the Story Mountain template.

Story Mountain help. Think about the points below when planning your story.

Writing – example.

I have included the structure of a story below. The story is called ‘Mission Possible.’ Listen to the story here:


You can use the structure below for your own story or magpie some ideas.

Writing – plan your story (print A3 if you can.)

Mild option

Writing – plan your story (print A3 if you can.)

Hot option

Reading – Bizarre Laws

Spicy option

Reading – Frozen.

Hot option


Multiplication square

Number – Multiplication word problems

Mild option

Number – multiplication word problems

Spicy option

Number – Multiplication word problems

Hot option

Maths – fraction of an amount

Help sheet


Mild, Spicy and Hot


Extra fraction task

Health and Wellbeing

Game attached as separate document.

Health and Wellbeing

Kindness diary

Science/ Technologies

Who dunnit?