London bridge

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of London bridge

  1. 1. The London Bridge By: Allison, Lilly, and Emily
  2. 2. London Bridge
    • The London Bridge was built over the River Thames in 1831.
    • The bridge us now located on Lake Havsu, Arizona.
  3. 3. History of the Bridge
    • The London Bridge is an arch bridge.
  4. 4. The London Bridge
    • There are 10,276 bricks in the London Bridge.
    • The London Bridge was moved to Arizona because Robert P. McColluch bought it.
  5. 5. Working on the ELA
    • Our Bridge is called ELA. This stands for Emily Lilly And Allison.
    • Our bridge is atrussbridge. We were working hard on our bridge.
  6. 6. References
    • www.6london.comLondon Travel Guide
    • 7.
    • 8. What you need whenyou need it
    • 9.
    • 10. Ask.... Answers
    • 11.
    • 12. S smoot